Chapter 333

Is Hugo worried? Of course he is worried. It's not that the other party is the famous Steven Spielberg or something, but that this is a job. Steven is Hugo's immediate boss, and the employee Hugo rants and accuses the boss. This is true. Not a wise move, especially when the boss' emotions are in a state that may explode at any time.

Hugo knows very clearly how important the opportunity of "Schindler's List" is, perhaps even more important than the audition success of "Smell the Fragrance and Meet the "Female". This is Hugo's confrontation with Tracy. This is not the only key to reversing the disadvantages. What's more important is that Hugo believes that he has learned a lot by playing the role of Amon and Goss, which will be important for his future career as an actor. A very critical turning point.

Therefore, Hugo naturally did not want to be expelled.

"Fear, of course." Hugo stopped, looked back at Steven, and said frankly, "But many times the development of things is beyond our control, such as impulse." Hugo was rather annoyed. He curled his lips, "Actually, I didn't intend to say so much at the beginning. I just wanted to tell you that the entire crew needs you, but who knows..." Hugo doesn't need to talk about the following words. Both of them have experienced everything just now. Obviously It couldn't be clearer.

Steven was a little helpless by Hugo's honesty. He shook his head, "I should fire you, you know, because even Adam wouldn't dare to speak to me like that."

Hugo did not want to know who "Adam" represented. He vaguely remembered that the current CEO or vice chairman of Universal Pictures was called Adam Ferguson (adam.), but no matter who this Adam is, Hollywood dares to treat history this way. There are really only a handful of people roaring at Steven, and Hugo is definitely not among them.

"Uh... if I tell you this, I'm too deep into the scene, so I lose control of my emotions, will this make the situation better?" Hugo rolled his eyes awkwardly and spoke in a relaxed tone Speaking of. In fact, he should be nervous at the moment, but maybe he let go completely, so he is not nervous at all.

Steven was very surprised by Hugo's answer, raised his eyebrows and said, "If I don't buy it? You will leave?"

Hugo thought carefully about Steven's answer, then shook his head firmly, "No, I think I will persuade my Jewish friends to try to intercede with you." Hugo shrugged and looked at With Steven's face full of surprise, he chuckled lightly, "Who knows, maybe it's worth trying, maybe it will succeed."

This time, Steven really "showed" a smile, and the whole person relaxed, although the stiffness and tightness of his muscles can still be seen from his standing posture, but Hugo has just left. The terrible low pressure when entering the house was slowly dissipating. Hugo knew that he succeeded, not to say that he successfully enlightened Steven, but that he succeeded in staying on the crew.

Steven just said that he has the ability to completely block Hugo. Hugo firmly believes that what Steven is saying is the truth. Compared to Tracy, Steven obviously has this ability. For a moment, Hugo thought that his career as an actress was here. So far, but now it seems that this is not the end.

"So, you have performed really well recently and shocked every one of us." Steven changed the subject. Although there was no smile on his face, his mentality was restored. The entire eyebrows, the corners of the mouth and the shoulders were completely Relaxed, even a little tired. "I also told Robin about your performance yesterday. He was not surprised at all, because you have this kind of strength."

Faced with Steven's praise, Hugo did not respond directly. Instead, he looked at Steven with a puzzled look. This is the first time Steven praised Hugo after Hugo entered the crew. Before, even if Hugo's performance was'exquisite', Steven was unwilling to make eye contact with Hugo. So, after the quarrel just now, Steven suddenly began to praise Hugo, which surprised Hugo.

Steven looked at Hugo's expression, and the corners of his mouth, which was covered by a big beard, formed a curve, "I'm serious. I'm already worried now that when Liam and you are acting against you, you are completely suppressed. what to do."

Hugo couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, but he was able to get the director's sincere praise. This is also the most direct affirmation of Hugo's work. It still made Hugo feel lighthearted. "I thought this was. I want to fire you, the previous one. That kind of compliment, you know, so I'm waiting for one. But..."

Steven's mouth was easily raised by the little humor when Hugo spoke, which made him feel a lot more happy, "I will not fire you, A'mon', this role', it's you. You are the most suitable if you win." Steven had hesitated for a while because he gave up the audition of Ralph Vannes. He still couldn't completely rest assured of Hugo's strength, but now , Hugo obviously proved himself with his actual performance.

"Huh..." Hugo made a deliberate gesture of relief, then nodded slightly, "Then I think I can say now. Thank you." Although Hugo has maintained his usual humility, he is also Gradually cultivating one's self-confidence as an actor and learning to accept compliments from others are very important self-recognition.

Steven finally understood the reason why his old friend Robin hoped that Hugo could have a conversation with him. The sunny and optimistic temperament of Hugo really made it easy to relax, which reminded Steven of the time. When meeting Hugo for the first time at Green Hill's request, Hugo's sullen, evil, and unruly aura is so strong recently that people almost forget the original Hugo, and today, Such a Hugo appeared again.

Steven knows that it seems that Hugo is too deeply into the play, and he has endured no less torment than himself. Hugo's words just now echoed in Steven's mind again, "So, you have also recently Don't you have a great time?"

Hugo curled his lips, "I'm still studying, but I know that this is the part that actors have to bear. It's like letting an actor play an autistic patient or a serial murderer. That kind of psychological pressure is something the actor must control. How? Grasping this scale and using a strong heart to meet all of this is also a required course for actors. Otherwise, I would never want to see any murderous and violent movies appear."

What Hugo did not say is that the shooting environment and process of "Schindler's List" was too special this time. The entire crew was filming at the scene of the Holocaust that year, and many of the dragon crews used were Jewish, and Survivors, this kind of real reproduction atmosphere makes it easy for people to be unable to distinguish between reality and movies. Therefore, Steven suffered an emotional breakdown, the survivors experienced an emotional breakdown, and Hugo also experienced an emotional breakdown, including Ben Kingsley, Liam Liansen and others also experienced emotional breakdowns.

Steven knew that Hugo was enlightening himself, but he also realized that he still cared too little for the actors, although he still had no way to show off to those German actors, actors in Nazi uniforms and Yan Yue's. ', but at least, he should understand these circumstances, this is his responsibility as a director. At the same time, this is also the consequence that he had to bear when he decided to shoot this film in this real way.

Steven is deeply aware that the weight of this movie is heavier and more profound than he thought, and as the helm, his fragility and collapse are the most undesirable. Thinking about it this way, Hugo's outburst just now is logical.

"Hugo, I told you not. I think this movie will definitely fail." The arc of Steven's mouth calmed down, and he said in a heavy voice.

Hugo nodded, "This is the second time." Steven said during the audition.

"So I didn't ask for more investment, because I don't want Universal to lose too badly, at least they are willing to invest in this work." Steven took a deep breath and whispered, "But I still want to put this movie The shooting was completed just to tell such a story and let people know it."

Steven recalled his first film when he was twelve years old. It was a short video that condemned the Nazis. It was shoddy, but it was the reason why he liked movies. Over the years, he has been obsessed with shooting high-cost and large-scale productions. Steven is constantly recalling his childhood dreams, such as "alien et", such as "Great White Shark", such as "Jurassic Park", But he has forgotten the reason why he started filming in the first place.

And this time, "Schindler's List" awakened his memories, just to tell a good story just to express the most important emotion in his life. That's it.

Hugo watched Steven fall into his memory, and did not interrupt, but whispered, "Many times, dreams are not for success, but for chasing it, achieving it, success and failure. It's not important, the process of chasing is." Many times people pay too much attention to the result, but ignore the process of hard work. It is like when life is at the end, what you should see when looking back at life is the highlights of those years, not yourself. The fact that it is about to reach the end is the process, not the result. Ten years of underground rock career, this may be the brightest memory of Hugo's life, and it will never fade.

Taking a long breath, Hugo felt that Steven would not be swayed in a short time, so he turned around again and walked gently towards the big 'door'.

However, just as Hugo walked to the 'door' porch, he heard Steven's voice ringing again, "Only this time."

Hugo couldn't help but was stunned, and then he reacted. Steven was saying: yelling at him, imposing accusations, this is the only thing like this. Hugo chuckled lightly, but replied in his heart, "I know there is only one chance." But there was no sound, and he continued to take his steps, leaving this quiet environment to Steven alone.