Chapter 347

Alfonso saw the expressions on the faces of the three people in front of him, and realized that he was a bit too "aggressive". Alfonso couldn't help but feel embarrassed, but not because he was too "aggressive", but because he wanted this opportunity too much. And become nervous. Nervous, this kind of emotion really hasn't been for a long time, and the desire for an opportunity, this feeling has not been in my blood for a long time.

Thinking of this, Alfonso did not continue to hide his thoughts, but took a deep breath and asked, "Hugo, I want to be a member of this band, I don't know what your decision is?"

Hugo originally thought that Alfonso needed to go back and struggle for a while. After all, this was not a simple decision, but a radical change in life. But surprisingly, Alfonso made the decision so quickly, Hugo couldn't help asking, "Are you sure?"

Neil also knew what Hugo meant, so he added, "You know, everything is uncertain in our band at the moment. Maybe one day Hugo needs to leave the band because of a certain movie, so we practice And future work are uncertain."

"Hey, Neil" Hugo smiled helplessly as he stood beside him.

Neil didn't pay any attention at all, but Pedro chuckled. The "Schindler's List" that just ended the filming is the ironclad proof that Yuguo had no way to refute, but just stood there obediently. Neil went on to say that he was not affected by Hugo. "Neither Pepe nor I have any concerns about life for the time being. We rely on street performances to make ends meet. This situation is very bad. I think you should have this. Understand."

Alfonso did not rush to express his firm determination. Instead, he asked, "I only have one question." All three of Hugo calmed down and looked over, "Do you really need a keyboard player?" You know, although I don't mind being a melody guitarist, I still want to be a keyboardist.

Neil turned his head and looked at Hugo. Hugo smiled and said, "I can go back to your previous question. I was planning to use the keyboard for the prelude."

Alfonso was stunned, and a smile was drawn from his lips, "Then I don't have any problems, I just want to know what your decision is, whether there is a place in this band that belongs to me." Make a decision. After that, Alfonso didn't hesitate anymore, his heart widened, and the boiling excitement returned to his body for a long time, and he even started to tremble slightly with excitement because of the opportunity within his reach.

Hugo did not answer immediately. Instead, he turned to look at Neil and Pedro. Pedro blinked at Hugo. The smile at the corner of his mouth was the best answer; Neal did it with Hugo. With an eye contact, Hugo can feel Neil's concerns. Alfonso has potential, but the three years of blankness left him flawed. Next, he needs to keep up with the band again. An easy task.

Hugo also thought of Neil's concerns, but Hugo believed in Joseph's judgment. Joseph said that Alfonso was a fan of music, and he even spent the night to study technology, although with age. As they grew, Alfonso also chose to give up, but Hugo recalled the light that burst into his eyes when Alfonso mentioned music when they first met. Therefore, Hugo is willing to believe in Alfonso.

So Hugo gave Neal a positive answer. Neil lowered his eyes and thought for a while, and finally raised his head, 'showing' an affirmative smile. Hugo motioned for Neil to tell Alfonso the good news. Neil didn't stop you from pushing me to stop him. He turned his head and looked at Alfonso, "Then, you are welcome to join our band. I hope our band can With your help, get on the right track"

Alfonso didn't speak, he just stood there, and his smile bloomed like this, like a sunflower blooming in the wind in March of the sun's spring, expressing the joy deep in his heart in the simplest way.

"Oh, finally I found the keyboard player. Now there are only drummers left. Our band is about to be formed." Pedro jumped excitedly, jumping and jumping around the room.

Alfonso looked at the boyish Pedro, then turned to look at Neil, "Didn't your band prepare for a long time? Why do you never even find the drummer?" Although he said he was looking for one. It's not easy to be a "color" keyboard player, but it's actually not that difficult to find a drummer.

After deciding on the keyboard player, Neal also obviously relaxed and smiled and said, "Our band can be formed, but we just want to make our favorite music. Several friends who love music gather together and enjoy the music. The happiness it brings. So it's not difficult to find a keyboard player or a drummer, but it's not so easy to find a friend who works with us."

Alfonso nodded suddenly, "Hugo mentioned this to me before, and it is the reason why I am willing to seize this opportunity." Thinking about this, Neal and Pedro thought about Hugo's departure two months before going to make a movie. Don't mind at all, that's why, they don't play the team for fame in their hearts. This is also very important for Alfonso. Although it is said that only fame can bring income, only the love from the heart can make real good music.

"Do you know any good drummers? Of course, it must be in line with the preferences of some of our freaks." Hugo said with a smile, pointing to a few of them, which made Alfonso laugh.

"No, I don't know any outstanding drummers." Alfonso shook his head. "My current news is very backward. You should be much more familiar than me. By the way, it's not about a brand new day. Has it been disbanded? Fujin is a very glamorous drummer. Didn't you try to contact him?" The dissolution of a brand new day is a relatively sensational news in the rock circle recently, although Alfonso has also heard of it. .

Neil turned his head and looked at Hugo. Hugo curled his lips helplessly, "I gave Fu Jin an invitation before, but he refused." Although he admired Fu Jin's loyalty, he stood beside him. From a standpoint, it is still inevitable to be struck.

"Hey, guys, now that our band has a rudimentary shape, shouldn't it be given a formal name? Or, start to prepare some names?" Pedro put forward one of the most important after'excited'. problem.

The name of a rock band is very important. It is almost half of the success of the band. A name that is outstanding can even reflect the strong personal style of the band. This is the first impression for the audience. Of course, it's too solemn to say this. Many bands' names may just be accidental and have no specific meaning at all. It's just that after success in the future, meaningless names are given meaning. But it is undeniable that the name of the band actually represents the style of the band to some extent.

"This is a big project. Didn't you do some filing before?" Although Alfonso has just met these partners today, he is always familiar with him because of his previous work. Pedro's "sexual" personality Lively, Hugo had already met Alfonso, so the atmosphere soon became warm.

Neal glanced at Hugo, "Someone disappeared for more than two months before, Pepe and I are not sure

Hugo immediately yelled as he sat next to him, "Hey, I'll expose the incident, you still remember it."

"What do you think of the Divine Comedy ()?" Pedro was an actionist, and immediately took a pen and paper, sat down on the sofa with his legs crossed, and made suggestions for the band's name.

&)? "Hugo studied classical literature, and naturally reacted immediately in his mind.

"Yeah, why not?" Pedro nodded, "Your name is Hugo, the name of a great writer, so poetic, and we are all from different countries, isn't it like a poem? ?

"" Hugo chanted for a long time, and then gave a negative answer, "This will make me feel like a chant choir." These words made everyone chuckle. ". Seventeen heaven (heaven. 17), how?" Hugo thought for a while, and asked, but three people were greeted with doubtful eyes. Hugo explained, "A Clockwork Orange a.) , A slang term in ."

"Stanley Kubrick (Stanlev. Alfonso was pleasantly surprised. The evil and weird movie "A Clockwork Orange" is obviously loved by many rock bands, and many of the slang words are used by the band. Use it as a name. "But, isn't this slang term used yet?"

"No, I think a British indie band has used it." Neal frowned and said uncertainly. "It seems to be an electronic rock band. I don't remember it clearly. I saw it at a music festival before~ Hugo suddenly showed a disappointed expression, Pedro also looked regretful beside him, "This is really a good name. "

&,Woolen cloth? Alfonso thought of another name, which is a kind of cow's milk in "A Clockwork Orange."

Neil frowned, "Is it right for us?"

Looking at the three people who had a lively discussion in front of him, Hugo's memories went back more than ten years ago. He was a young junior high school student, sitting with his friends in the empty classroom after school, rubbing. Frozen hands were discussing the name of their band with excitement, and the winter frost outside the window could not stop their enthusiasm, as if imagining a band's name could describe the band's bright future, and the face was full of hope.

At that time, Chen Huguo said, "How about the name Glory to death, Glory to death?" Then Su Zinan turned his head, staring at herself with wide-eyed expressions of excitement, and after a long time only said one word, "Cool." The name of their band was decided like this.

Hugo's memories overlapped with reality, and he opened his mouth and said, "Hey, guys, Glory to death (.), what do you think?"