Chapter 365

The praises from the "Hollywood Report" and the "New York Times" made "Sleepless in Seattle" occupy a good position in the first "wave" of comments.

People will never forget the harshness of the "New York Times" to Hugo Lancaster. East Coast and West Coast movies, music and other aspects belong to two different cultural circles. This also makes the news media on the East Coast a base camp in Los Angeles. The filmmakers are always more strict. Similarly, at the Oscars with Los Angeles descent in their blood, filmmakers from the East Coast are also not welcome, Martin Scorsese, Woody Ai It is difficult for these top filmmakers who are born and raised in New York to find a favorable position at the Oscars.

Therefore, this time the "New York Times" actually took a different look at "Seattle Sleepless", which obviously made people more interested in this movie. What kind of chick movie is it that can be so highly praised by the industry.

Among the first eight film reviews that came out after the premiere of "Night Sleep in Seattle", seven of them expressed praise, and only one negative review. The highest score came from the "New York Times" with a score of 95 and the lowest It comes from the fifty points of "USA Today".

It's "USA Today" again. At the beginning, this magazine was dissatisfied with the two films "Smell the Fragrance and Meet the "Women" and "Yihai Xiongfeng". "Typical Ephron-style old-style love stories, similar fire "flowers" make people dull", but I don't know whether this magazine is professionally aimed at people, or maliciously aimed at Hugo.

After the premiere, "Sleepless in Seattle" unexpectedly became the darling of movie screens in the last week of June. This was really a surprise situation that made Columbia Pictures up and down overjoyed. At this time, they began to doubt: the first week. Is the scale of the show too small, but there is no time to revise it even if you regret it.

On Friday, June 25th, the film was officially screened in 1,600 theaters across the United States! The second 'wave' of comments swept all major newspapers and media on Saturday.

The Los Angeles Times seems to have changed the direction of the wind after the Golden Globe Awards. In the past two years, the film professional journalist Nicholas McLenna has repeatedly praised Hugo, and this time, before the release of "Night Sleep in Seattle" The only two media outlets with a positive attitude, immediately after the film was released, the "Los Angeles Times" raised its eyebrows.

"'Hmm...I plan to get up from the'bed' every morning and keep breathing all day long. After a while, I...don't have to remind myself to get up from the'bed' and breathe. After a while, I... I won't recall those sweetnesses again.' This confession from Sam is so simple, so plain, without choking, without grief, just a loneliness, but it easily outlines that piece of affection. The listener can't help but let it go. Tears, Annie is so, and so are the audience in the cinema.

This is not a movie that relies on novel plots to win, but the 'precision' of the details is a height that many movies cannot achieve. In the movie, Annie's favorite movie is'Golden' Jade' League'. She and her colleagues are sitting at home watching this movie while chanting classic lines. She couldn't help tears in her eyes. In fact, this is everyone crazy for love. Portrayal of the person. Also, at the end of the story, the guard of the Empire State Building smiled and said, "That movie is my wife's favorite", this is the most beautiful, moving and warmest love words in the world.

The description of the different psychology of men and women in the movie is even more impressive. When Sam and his friends were at a gathering at home, when Sam told him a stranger "female" asked him to be on the top floor of the Empire State Building on Valentine's Day. When they met, Sam's "female" **** friend immediately thought of "golden" jade" alliance", put down the knife and fork that was eating, and recalled the classic plot with intoxication; while Sam was indifferent with his male "sexual" friend. . But when the two big men talked about 'the Twelve King Kong (the...)', they were 'excited' as they danced like children. The 'female' was watching by the side with a puzzled expression and angrily left.

In fact, this is the difference between men and 'female' people, because they are originally different creatures. Maybe, when men and women see the movie "Night Sleep in Seattle", they might have the same reaction. The women are moved by the intoxicating telepathy in the movie, but the men can't understand how they are. How can such a movie be called good-looking.

I am a man, but I must admit that this movie touched me. Not because of the love in the 'langman', but because this movie makes me willing to believe that love still exists, even if it is not so perfect in real life, but at least I am willing to believe it. Maybe I won't cry bitterly, but I will give my applause for this movie.

People come and go in life, and people who thought they would get along for a long time suddenly leave. There are too many unpredictable unknowns in life, which makes us have to stop and look at the present in a hurry. , I realized that those who once cherished have long gone and disappeared on this road of life that has never looked back. We can't change the past, but we can cherish the present and change the future, so don't forget to grab the hand of the person next to you at this time and continue walking.

The night after watching the movie, I didn't cry, I just stayed up all night. Thinking of Sam's answer when he asked the radio station, 'what is your wife's charm,' he said, 'how long is your show? '"

"How long is a movie, how short is a life." Nicholas used such a title as a footnote to his comments. If Nicholas himself was a little uncertain before the movie was released, then after watching the movie, he would Really certain: Hugo is indeed an outstanding actor, and he is walking side by side with him towards the future, who knows, maybe one day in the future, Nicholas will discover that there are so many people around him. Among friends, there is also the position of Hugo.

Roger Ebert of the "Chicago Sun" did not miss the "exquisite" color of the film. As for the film itself, he believes that "Aphron has injected a strong fifties nostalgia into this love movie. People love it." A score of 75 is not high, but for a little girl movie, it is already very good. You know, it is difficult for classic movies of the same type to exceed the 60-point pass limit.

Roger focused more on the performance of the two actors. "Lancaster's performance is extremely'fine', showing the grief and loneliness after the loss of his wife, and the crude but sincere fatherly love for his son. It is so vivid that people can see him with a different level of delicacy in any movie before; relatively speaking, Ryan's performance continues the previous routine, even one point less simply, she has many times It's a pity that you have the opportunity to show your inner delicacy and complexity, but all are swallowed up by the still sweet smile on the corner of your mouth. It is regrettable. In contrast with Lancaster, Ryan is far behind, even if it is a love story. In the movie, Lancaster still dedicated a brilliant performance of "precision", continuing the previous strong recovery momentum."

In this regard, Roger also believes that the fire 'flower' between Hugo Lancaster and Meg Ryan is very convincing and has become another important reason for the audience to enter the cinema.

Three of the four major professional magazines in the film industry are full of praise for "Seattle Sleepless", and the most serious "Variety Show" is no exception. However, compared to the other three, "Variety Show" still continues its usual rigorous style.

"For a movie, this is a simple story. The lack of connotation caused the overall quality of the movie to drop by a notch compared to'When Harry Meets Sally'; but for a love movie, this is a ' The brilliant story is enough to become a memorable masterpiece in film history.

Just like the men in the movie laughed at the "women" people watching the "Golden "Jade" League" movies and tears, and their own feelings for war movies also made the "women" feel weird. In fact, for many people, including me, I don't understand why the tear glands collapsed because of a seemingly nonsense, unrealistic late-night emotional radio program, and set off the irresistible magic switch in life. It seems that there is constant fate involved, but'Seattle Sleepless' has given us an answer.

Because this is love. Sober people have to laugh at such stupidity and stupidity, but true love is made up of countless coincidences, accidents, and inadvertents. Just like our life, you never know whether there will be a car accident at the next intersection. Similarly, you don't know if the person behind the coffee seat is your destined lover. Life and love are all made up of countless things, and they are also full of misunderstandings, accidents, misses, and so-called destiny. Perhaps this is hypocritical, but this is the fact When we are watching this movie, we are not so much watching the stories of the two protagonists, as we are watching our own past, present and future. We once believed in our intuition for a moment, but then real life reminded us that the burst of light and flint can illuminate a certain night, but it cannot illuminate the future. In many cases, intuition is just for the emptiness of our heart. And hurriedly looking for a sustenance, so we will laugh at those who abandon the bread for love, think that we have found the inner "Walter" and feel complacent, and watch Anne foolishly abandon the "Walter" and choose Sam and laugh.

But who knows that after abandoning our dreams and sustenance, we only live to live, love has become money, food and shelter, and the paleness and powerlessness of the life of the spirit makes us the walking dead and the flesh. , Then, does everything have any meaning?

"Seattle Sleepless" is like a deconstruction of a prank, showing the most incredible things in the most delicate way in front of everyone. Some people will laugh at it, some will despise it, and some will despise it, but again, Some people will praise it, some will agree with it, and some will wake up because of it. This is not only the difference between men and women, but also the difference between people.

Love is magic. Do you believe? In other words, are you willing to believe it? "