Chapter 380

"I decided to go to Las Vegas with Glory To Death tomorrow (las. vegas Liam looked at his friend and said firmly, which made Eli scared to speak.

"Liam, do you know what you are talking about?" Eli remained a little sane. He looked at Liam's firm eyes incredibly, trying to find a crazy look, but he failed. But... "None of us have obtained a driver's license, and we don't have enough funds, how do we follow them? Do you know the journey to the glory to death? Or, you just plan to go to Vegas, and then return?"

"No, I plan to follow them all the way to the east coast, and then come back together." The Glory to the Dead band stayed in San Francisco for a total of three days. In the next two days, both Liam and Eli went to the scene to watch their performance on time. After chatting, Liam also learned about the next plan of the Glory to the Dead band: They plan to walk all the way and sing, cross the United States to the east coast, and then make a circle and return to the west coast.

This was a huge impact for Liam. He never knew that life could still have such ambitious goals. Glory to Death did not deliberately arrange the band's itinerary. They all arrived in a city first, then decided to stay here for a few days, and where to go next time, just like a'barn' wandering poet, stop and go, read this all over. The style of the country, stopping in a strange city, performing on a strange street, and then returning to the west coast along a completely different way home after arriving on the east coast, and this is the end of the journey of the road tour. This made Liam envious and admired.

After tossing and turning for one night last night, Liam decided that he would also embark on this journey. The main purpose is naturally to follow the Glory to the Dead band and experience this great journey together. But at the same time, Liam Mu also hopes to find the goal of his life. He doesn't want to continue to live by. He wants to find a goal, even if it's just a small dream or an unattainable desire, he hopes to be firm towards this goal. Move forward.

Liam envied the courage of the five members to the death. He didn't long for himself to be such a brilliant existence, but he was eager to find a goal to fight for.

After getting up in the middle of the night, Liam and his mother had a long conversation all night, watching her mother's moving tears, Liam knew that he had made a correct decision. Perhaps, his youthful 'chun' can be free but without rebellion, his youthful 'chun' can be reckless but without confrontation, and he can also leave his own memories in the youth of the 'spring' that was only once in his life. After his mother nodded in agreement, Liam realized how much good time he had spent in his previous fourteen years of life.

"Eli, as long as we are willing to do it, there are actually many ways. This is not a long-distance trip to South America or Africa, but only within the United States. This is not difficult." Liam said seriously, and Eli looked at it. A friend who is always impulsive and childish is now more calm and rational than himself, which makes Eli stunned.

Liam didn't pay attention to Eli's eyes, but went on to say, "I'm going to ask Andy if he's willing to drive me with him. If he doesn't want to, then we'll just hitchhike all the way. , There is always a way." Andy Pinkman, that is Liam's biological brother.

"Do you know what you are doing?" Eli looked at his friend, the shock in his heart could not be calm for a long time. He has always played the role of reason. Eli knows exactly what he wants. Always working hard to be able to enter Harvard Law School, hoping to become a good lawyer in the future, but now, Eli is suddenly shaken, because he sees the kind of unrelenting motivation in Liam, this is himself does not come with.

Suddenly, Eli wanted to ask himself: Why do you want to be a lawyer? Eli found that he couldn't answer. He even forgot his original intention to establish this dream because he was respected? Or is it because of a good income?

However, Eli knows that his love for music has not changed. His biggest hobby is to collect all kinds of record posters, which can awaken his memory of each record. Looking at Liam in front of him, Eli asked himself: Are you heartbroken?

"Of course," Liam said firmly, he looked at his friend seriously, "I am looking for my goal in life. Some people hope to be able to do a career, but some people hope to be ordinary in the ranch. After living my life, some people hope to form a small but warm family. I don't know what I want, but at this moment, I know what I want. If I don't follow in the footsteps of glorious death to experience this I will regret this journey for the rest of my life. I don't want myself to think back to this day after ten years, and then regretfully sigh: Why didn't I go."

"Eli, sometimes life needs a little impulse." Liam said with a smile, leaving Eli speechless.

Liam stood up and began to pack his clothes. He had never been out of the'door', so he didn't know what he should prepare, but a few changes of clothes are definitely indispensable, and I heard that the East Coast The temperature difference with the west coast is very big, do you have to prepare autumn clothes? Liam looked at his wardrobe and began to think deeply.

Eli sat on the spot, thinking quietly, looking at his friend's excited back, Eli remembered the feelings of watching the glory to the death performance in the past two days, all the emotions can be condensed into the name of the band: glory to the death Death is either glory or death. This invincible and indomitable courage is admirable. Even if there are only two people in the audience, the serious attitude of playing each song seriously is even more impressive.

"Sometimes leaving means a second chance." The lyrics flashed through Eli's mind for some reason, and then he suddenly raised his head, "Liam, I want to go too."

"Are you sure?" Liam turned his head with a successful smile. In fact, he wanted Eli to go with him from the beginning, but he knew he could not force Eli, so he still had to make his own decision. Now, Eli gave the affirmative answer, and Liam naturally couldn't be more happy.

Eli smiled, "I'm not sure. I want to go because I'm not sure." Whether it's a lawyer or the dream Liam said, Eli wants to find an answer. Maybe, after this journey, nothing will change, then he will be firm in his goal of becoming a lawyer; but if something changes, maybe this is the new starting point for his life. Eli suddenly understood Liam's excitement. This was really an invitation that people couldn't refuse.

Seeing Liam's unabashed excitement, Eli also laughed heartily, "I think Andy will definitely not agree to go with you." Brothers Andy and Liam have been enemies since they were young and noisy. Raised up together, "And, isn't Andy saying that this summer vacation is good in San Diego (San.), for this matter, he has been working for half a year, do you think he will give up?"

Liam couldn't help but feel a little frustrated when he thought of this. He and Eli were both only fourteen years old and didn't get a driver's license, so things got complicated and it was really depressing.

Eli gave a sly smile, "Did you forget Samora?" Samora Kasvi () is Eli's biological brother. He was 17 years old this year. He got his driver's license last year and his parents returned him. Bought a second-hand Chevrolet pickup truck.

"Didn't Samora also agree to go to San Diego with Andy this summer?" This is why Liam didn't think of it at first. The Pinkmans and Caswells live on the same street. The children are old. Close, they are all friends who grew up together.

"Yes, but Samora has always been passionate about music, don't you remember? Last time, Samora even reluctantly gave up the right to eat'meat' for a month in order to go to the Nirvana concert." When Lai talked about her brother's embarrassment, she immediately became happy.

Liam also remembered this incident, "I remember Samora endured it for two weeks, and finally sneaked into our house to eat'meat'. But I don't remember that he was for a concert."

"Of course, my father bought the tickets for the concert. He originally asked Samora to help him wash the car, but Samora ate up all the money earned from the car wash. So there is no way, but to deduct food at home. Eli burst into laughter when he finished speaking. Samora's weight has always been the worry part of the family. He is 5 feet 9 inches (1.8 meters), but he weighs nearly 210 pounds. (Ninety-five kilograms), so the family came up with such a compensation method.

"Samora is very enthusiastic about music. I only like music under his influence." Eli did not deny this point. "In addition to food, he loves music the most. So, I I think I can convince him." Eli knows his brother very well, "Moreover, if Samora is willing to join, my mother and your mother will probably be more at ease." Eli just temporarily decided to go together. , I haven't told my family yet that if I can drag my brother into the water, the chance of success should be much higher.

"Okay, let's go find Samora." Liam can't wait to set off. The Glory to the Dead band will leave San Francisco today. They definitely can't keep up today, and tomorrow, the soonest. Liam didn't want to be dropped too far.

At this time, Eli finally couldn't restrain the excitement in his heart, and jumped directly, "I can't wait anymore."

Imagine that it is a dream to embark on a road tour across the United States to the death of glory, and now they have to follow the pace of the glory to death, embarking on this journey, just thinking about it makes people excited.