Chapter 382

Compared to Liam and Eli, Samora is the one who knows the goods. From the song just now, you can clearly feel the strength of this band, which is absolutely exciting.

Taste the lyrics, "I am so alone, but fortunately, I shaved my head, I am not sad, maybe I will condemn all hearsayers, but I am not sure", full of references from the depths of consciousness, not only It's just lyrics, but it's a catharsis of the collapsed mood; listening to the notes, even if it's just a simple humming of "Ye Ye Ye", they are filled with the instant explosive power of blooming like a smoke "flower". 'The guitar string sound that wanders between technology and concise arrangement is even more refreshing; feel the wisps of emotion, all emotions are fluttering among the notes, the music notes are dancing on the tip of the heart, and the soul trembles Can't control it at all.

Samora's enthusiasm for music is second only to food, and music to him is equivalent to "essential" food. One is to fill the stomach and the other is to fill the brain. At this moment, the fatigue of the eight-hour long journey has been exhausted by that countless The notes were broken, he just wanted to throw himself into the music, release his pressure to his heart's content, and step on the beat to his heart's content to start the carnival.

After singing a song, Samora stood on the spot panting. His excess weight was really hard to bear. He had to sing and dance just now. He had to breathe and keep his brain cool, otherwise he suspected that he would be the next one. Will stand in place and start to ignite spontaneously.

"This is glory to death?" Samora elbowed Eli who was standing next to him. Only then did he realize that Eli had no formal restraint and seriousness, and the relaxation on his face was unprecedented. Samora laughed and teased, "You still know some music."

Eli rolled his eyes in disgrace, but Samora didn't mind at all. He put his right hand on his brother's shoulder, "What was the name of this song just now? It's really exciting."

&),. "Ilay gave a concise answer, listening to Samora's ears, but chewing it carefully.

The word "lithium" never appeared in the lyrics of this song just now, but the name of the song used such a vocabulary, which is really intriguing. Samora's soul began to tremble. He really looked forward to the band's next performance, hoping that they would continue to break their own cognition and make people shine.

Samora turned to look at the humble auditorium. Liam had already occupied the first row of the auditorium, singing and dancing with the lead singer of the band, looking very excited. Behind him, the pair The couple still sat in their positions, indifferent, while the grandparents and grandchildren were even more silent, without any reaction. Seeing such a scene, Samora couldn't help but complain about the band. They should stand on a better stage, they deserve the support of more audiences, and their music deserves better treatment.

In Samora's view, truly excellent music should be heard by more people, allowing people to feel their own experience in the world of music. This is also the real reason why Samora agreed to follow Eli and Liam to Las Vegas. He always has endless interest in underground rock bands. He is happy to discover more good music and then with his partners. We share together. The glory in front of us to death is undoubtedly the excellent band he hopes to recommend

"Good afternoon, thank you everyone for coming to watch our performance. There is still the last one left in today's performance. I hope you can like it. This song. Home (), to the wonderful sunset of Tiantian." The voice of the lead singer brought Satsuma Ra's attention was drawn back. At this time, the **** setting sun in the sky filled the city surrounded by the desert with a tragic pre-apocalyptic, but at the same time it was also breathtakingly spectacular, and all the wonder in his heart was red. It slowly settled down, and the gentle and elegant guitar strings came on the stage, making the softness in my heart warm.

Surprisingly, this is not a rock song, but a pop jazz, which completely overturned Samora's previous knowledge of the band. Of course, his knowledge of the band is just a "lithium".

This popular jazz song is as beautiful as weeping, as beautiful as a gurgling stream in the mountains, hitting pebbles between the birdsong, hitting a moving melody, the morning mist in the mountains is set against the faint golden'color' sunlight, in the clear water The beautiful pattern of "Flower" is printed and dyed between the "flowers", winding and rushing into the heart. The lead singer's singing is gentle and "fascinating", graceful and free, like a blue velvet that gently touches the heart, so beautiful that it makes people intoxicated.

In fact, this song is not a big test for the band. The real test is the performance of the lead singer, and the lead singer has withstood this test. The song "Home" is like clouds rolling in the tragic sunset, slowly'chanting' the thoughts of missing family at 6 o'clock in the evening, like a lighted lamp in the distance, illuminating On the way home, before I realized it, the warm water mist was blinded by the sight.

Samora was a little embarrassed to avoid his sight. He was not used to standing in front of the public and crying like a chick. He saw Eli standing quietly in place, as if he was in the setting sun. Ra thought of his younger brother, this was the first time he had been away from home, presumably he was also missing home at this time. Samora wanted to come forward to comfort Eli, but out of her eyes she saw the couple who had been sitting still. Slowly stood up.

I saw that the boy in the couple had only one'leg' standing up, and the other'trousers' tube was empty and'swing' with nothing. The'female' student supported her male partner on her shoulders. Standing stubbornly in front of the tattered chair inside, she became a crutch for her partner. The two stood quietly and stubbornly like this, and the strong wind behind them made the boy's empty 'pants' pipe hunting.

In the sunset, the calm face of the boy was clearly outlined, his enjoyment and comfort quietly climbed up to his eyebrows, and he could feel his inner peace at this moment. The'female' student standing next to him did not bear the burden of the burden at all. She slightly pressed her'lips', her small eyes looked at the stage motionlessly, and she let the crystal tears in her eyes. Flashing.

In an instant, the softest part of Samora's heart was hit. It was not that the couple didn't know how to appreciate music. It was precisely because they admired the band that they chose to stay in place and express their respect in their own way. At the last moment, they used this simplest way. The way conveyed my love for this performance.

It turned out that he was the outsider. The band on the stage echoed and resonated with the audience below the stage at this moment, forming a wonderful picture, and even the setting sun as the background was eclipsed. When the wind hit, Samora closed her eyes hastily, lowered her head, and wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes with her right hand: there must be sand in her eyes.

Samora suddenly felt a strong emotion. He wanted to let more people know and understand this band. He wanted more people to listen to and touch this band, not just Sharing the mood of music is also the mood of sharing memories and emotions.

Until this moment, Samora really understood Liam's impulse, because he was moved. Even though he could not tell the true meaning of this emotion, he still chose to follow; and Eli did the same, although it might It was Eli's biggest breakthrough in life so far, but Samora also believed that this would become the most rare memory in Eli's future life.

"Ilay, I want to call my friends so that more people can come over and watch their performance." Samora said her thoughts to her younger brother 'excitedly'.

"What are you talking about? Are you crazy?" Eli frowned. He thought this was too unreliable. "Couldn't those friends in your school have no arrangements for summer vacation, and they all followed us on road trips?"

Samora looked at her younger brother and suddenly laughed. Sure enough, Eli still doesn't know much about the music circle. At best, Eli can only be regarded as a pseudo-song "fan". "If you just look for it in San Francisco, even if everyone wants Come, how many people can you find, ten or twenty?"

Eli gave an expression of "I mean that", and Samora immediately explained, "In fact, every city has its own music circle. Although everyone doesn't communicate with each other very often. , But there are more or less channels of its own. I want to say that we should do some publicity for glory to death. When they arrive in every city, let more people come to watch their performances. You know, A band that is so'sweet' like them deserves more people's support, and we should let more people listen to their music."

Eli fell into thought, "I know what you mean, this feasible?"

Samora shook her head and denied Eli's thoughts, "Ilay, if we just rely on our strength, the three of us will follow the band all the way to the east coast and come back again. It will not be But can more people know about glory to death? No. Maybe, our power is limited, but at least we should do some publicity for glory to death, so that underground music circles and people who like street performances know more about glory To death, let these people join the live performance to enjoy the glorious music to death."

"Eli, whether it is feasible or not has never been the focus. Sharing your favorite music with others is part of the music." Samora said the most true thoughts in her heart. The reason why music has such a powerful charm, It's because he is a communication channel that knows no borders, no language restrictions, no ethnic restrictions, no restrictions on'sex', everyone can share their favorite music, thus building a bridge of soul.

"Since we have embarked on the journey of following glory to death, why not let more people know about them?" Samora pointed to the couple who stood there for a long time and didn't want to leave. "The audience never It depends on how many people are, but if there are more audiences who resemble them like us, and less like the old man and children, then the true charm of the stage can be exuded."

Eli looked at Samora's fingers and saw the boy standing stubbornly on one foot only, biting his lower 'lip' tightly, tears in his eyes flashing. Eli's heart began to tremble slightly. For the first time, he realized that life can be filled with so much'excitement', "Since we have already started, why not continue?"