Chapter 387

"Are you Jack Taylor?" Hugo looked at the middle-aged man in front of him quite unexpectedly, "I remember Jack should be over sixty this year, right?"

"You're talking about my father, old Jack, and I'm little Jack." Little Jack said with a smile, "Do you know my father?" Little Jack didn't expect that this young man in his twenties was not the first. I came to the town once, but from his appearance, he was not like a tourist who came to the town for the first time. When they discussed just now, they also felt that this young man seemed familiar.

Hugo recalled it carefully, and vaguely remembered that the son of old Jack-Taylor was indeed called little Jack-Taylor, but when he was still in Lanches, little Jack-Taylor seemed to go outside to study, so Not much contact.

Just as Hugo was in the memory, little Jack frowned slightly, "Sir, have I met you? I always think you are familiar." Little Jack racked his brains and tried to awaken his memory. Lanches is a small town. As a police detective, most of the residents in the town know each other. Even if they can't name them, they know their faces, so he is pretty sure that he should have met this person.

Then little Jack saw the young man'showing' a shallow smile in front of him, and his memory was awakened at the moment of asking, "Hey, you are Hugo, right? The Lancaster's. Kid!"

Hugo really didn't expect that little Jack would actually remember himself, because in his memory, he had very little contact with little Jack. After all, there was a teenage age gap between the two, even though Lancaster was still in Lanches back then. At that time, two people can't play together. But even so, Hugo nodded, "Yes."

"Boy, it's really you. No wonder I said you are so familiar." Little Jack patted Hugo's arm with excitement, then turned around and shouted at the other three people at the gas station, "This is Lancaster's home. The boy." The three cowboys also suddenly realized, raising the cowboy hats in their hands as a greeting to Hugo.

Little Jack looked back at Hugo and said with a smile, "I heard that you went to act in Los Angeles. Before Michelle also asked me to go to the theater to watch your movie, saying that your movie was praised very well by everyone. , It seems that you are also a big star now." Little Jack gushed, but didn't seem to seek Hugo's answer. He continued, "So, you come back to see Adam this time. He has improved a lot recently. Unlike in January, he coughed badly. The doctor asked him to quit smoking. But you know, it's almost impossible for them. My dad also coughs all the time, but If he was asked not to'smoke', he would immediately chase me around with a shotgun."

After a brief period of stagnation in Hugo's thoughts, as little Jack continued to move forward, he finally started to move slowly. He listened to the news in little Jack's words, but a storm was set off in his heart. '. He never knew that Adam's health was not good, because every time he called Adam, the two of them broke up unhappy. Thinking back to Adam's broken gong-like voice, could it be caused by nicotine?

"How many years have you been back here, ten years?" Little Jack still said enthusiastically, "My father came back from Cheyenne at the beginning of the year, holding your movie poster, and it made the town very lively for a while. Everyone is discussing your childhood. I thought that those memories were gone. Who knows, looking at your appearance on the poster, all the memories appeared. There was also a group of people who organized the "door" to the summer. I'm going to watch your movie. I heard it's pretty good, which makes Michelle want to watch it all the time."

There is no cinema in Lanches, so if you want to watch a movie, you have to drive to Cheyenne to watch it. Fortunately, a 15-minute drive is not far. Hugo can imagine that the simple residents of the town found that the "Mao" head kid who grew up next to him was "excited" when he actually appeared on the big screen, so they spontaneously organized to go to the cinema to show their support. The kindness and enthusiasm from the countryside makes people feel warm.

"This time you have another movie released, right? I heard that it is a romantic movie. Michelle is "excited". I plan to take her to Cheyenne for a date next week. I will go to the cinema to see it by the way. "Little Jack said eagerly, and then looked at Hugo'Lu' with a big smile, "If everyone in the town knows that you are back, it must be bustling."

Faced with little Jack's enthusiasm, Hugo really couldn't tell the fact that he planned to leave in the afternoon. But on the other hand, Hugo couldn't help being a little curious. Isn't it easy to spread gossip in such a small town? So why didn't Little Jack know that his relationship with Adam was very bad, and Adam drove Lena away and himself I fell out with Adam and went to Los Angeles, and I haven't been back in ten years...These things are the focus of gossip, but why does little Jack seem to know nothing? Especially he is a police detective in the town, this is basically a gossip station. .

Walking side by side with little Jack, Hugo stepped closer to the home in his memory. Although he hadn't returned for ten years, the surrounding scenery was so familiar. The shabby wooden cabin soon appeared. In sight, Hugo knew that it was the convenience store opened by Adam. Adam is an old carpenter and cowboy. His carpentry skills are among the best in the town. At the same time, he also runs a convenience store. It is the best business convenience store in the town. It has a long enough history and is owned by locals. It won the unanimous support of the residents of the town.

Before walking to the wooden house, Hugo hesitated and could not help but slowed down. This is not just a cowardice of nostalgia, Lancaster and Chen Hugo are about to see their father's tension before they suddenly invade, double. The pressure made Hugo feel heavy on his feet. Although he had had several conversations with Adam on the phone, he did not know how the situation would develop after the actual meeting. Obviously, the 'chaos' and 'chaos' brought about by this incident is still not over.

Little Jack noticed Hugo's hesitation. He turned around and said, "Don't worry, Adam won't say anything to you. Didn't you succeed? That's why you are only willing to come back now, right? So, There is no need to think so much." Little Jack's words made Hugo confused. What is this and what? But Little Jack obviously didn't intend to explain further. He turned his head and pointed to a corner of the convenience store's'door'. Look, Adam has already posted your movie poster, which shows that he has recognized your success, hasn't it?"

Hugo glanced over with little Jack's gesture, and saw the poster of "Seattle Sleepless at Night" posted in a very conspicuous position at a glance, which made Hugo a little stunned. Because on the phone, Adam never dared to be interested in his film work. Even if he wanted to take the initiative to mention it, Adam was still dismissive of his tone. He was reluctant to talk more. Satisfied appearance. but now…

"Jack," Hugo finally said out. Little Jack was talking from beginning to end just now, but Hugo had to raise his inner doubts, "I haven't come back in ten years, my dad. What do you say?"

"He said that you decided to become an actor, but he didn't agree, so he kicked you out of the house and was not allowed to go home until you succeeded." Little Jack said simply, "Hugo, we You all know that it's not easy for you. For this, many old people in the town stood up and condemned your father. Even if he disagrees with your desire to be a member of the actor, he shouldn't drive you out of the house. You know, you have always been a well-behaved child, and you haven't done anything wrong. At least you have always stayed away from fights, alcoholism, and drugs. Drinking these bad things..."

Hugo had no time to laugh at himself, because Lancaster was sucking. The overdose caused him to pass through. More of his thoughts were occupied by the words of little Jack: Adam actually said that he drove himself out of the house? And he also carried all the mistakes. On his shoulders, all the accusations of the residents of the town fell on him.

No wonder little Jack is not curious about Hugo not coming back for ten years, because he thinks this is the time Hugo is struggling, even if Hugo wants to come back, Adam disagrees. But the fact is that I chose to run away from home, I fell out with my father, and I didn't want to go home...

The thoughts in Hugo's head are a bit "confused". The situation he understands is in great conflict with the current situation. He can't straighten out his thoughts immediately. He needs a little time, or he needs to talk to Adam face to face. Let's talk.

But before Hugo and Little Jack could react further, when there were still two steps from the convenience store, there was an'exciting' quarrel from the convenience store, "How dare you! I told you," Hugo's choice was not wrong!" The voice was clearly Adam's rough voice. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

"You're crazy! I'm just telling the fact that Hugo shouldn't be in such a sissy movie, and John Wayne should be what Hugo is pursuing!" Another voice is very The low and hoarse level is even worse than that of Dang, some familiar, but more strange, Hugo faintly felt that this voice should have been recognized when he was a child.

"Shut up! I went to see that movie, so am I a sissy too? No, you who dare not admit that the movie is good-looking are the real sissy." Adam said angrily. 'Lie coughed, but he still gasped and yelled, "I tell you, that kid Hugo is smart that you don't understand. He will choose this movie and naturally has his own thoughts. If you don't understand, don't talk nonsense. Badao, you stupid old cowboy, don't you remember when Hugo said you speechless when he was a kid?"

There was silence in the convenience store. Only Adam's cough rang. After about two seconds, the other voice rang, and he said depressed, "Since you have so much confidence in your kid, why don't you come in person? Tell him? When the media talked nonsense before, you just watched you jump around at home and didn't have the courage to call that kid, cut it."

Adam did not answer, but was coughing violently, as if his lungs were about to be coughed out.