Chapter 405

   "This piece of yours can be picked up and eaten. If it takes longer, the taste will be old." Samora was eating her own food, and she did not forget to remind Hugo that she was in front of the food. Everything else has to stand aside.

Hugo quickly took a paper plate next to him, used a clip to lift the beef'meat' from the grill, put it on the paper plate, and then picked up a sharp beef'meat' knife. He thought it would be difficult. I cut it, but I didn't want the meat but it was very tender. The knife was just a little harder to cut the meat. The blood inside was basically absorbed by the meat, and only a little juice was left. Sure enough The heat is just right.

"The black pepper is in the box next to you. Do you need a little onion? There is also in the box. You can simply grill it and chop it up and it will taste good." Samora said happily, but Hugo looked up helplessly. After seeing it, he didn't think that eating a barbecue would have so much attention, but Samora didn't mind at all, and laughed, "Food is a kind of enjoyment. It's good to be the happiest. Of course, I must say that as long as there is food is a good thing!"

Hugo was too troublesome, so he stabbed a piece of beef'meat' directly with a knife and put it in his mouth, but the piece of'meat' was hotter than expected, but the rich aroma of beef'meat' made Hugo reluctant to bear it. Spit out the'meat' piece again, and grinned hard and took two bites. It was really tender and juicy. Before his head could react, he stretched out the thumb of his left hand and gave Samora a thumbs up.

"Well, I got up for a barbecue in the middle of the night. It was really wonderful. Unfortunately, I didn't buy wine today. I didn't have any wine or beer. It was a disappointment." Speaking without regret.

Hugo ate a piece of beef'meat', and the strong barbecue aroma immediately filled the whole mouth, and the warm stomach relieved the tight nerves. "If you eat alone, don't worry about so much. Up."

"No, no, no, you can't be afraid of trouble when you eat. Even if you are alone, you must be careful, otherwise you think we eat French food." Samora's vivid and vivid spit made Hugo immediately think of French food. It was enough to fill the stomach of the bird, and he laughed straight away.

After Samora had eaten everything left on the grill, he looked through the box next to him and found two pieces of 'chicken' wings and two pieces of 'chicken' and 'legs', and handled them directly next to him skillfully.

Looking at Samora with his concentration, Hugo felt very magical. In fact, no matter what person or thing, as long as he devotes himself to one thing, there is a beginning and an end, and he can find his own world. This is true for music, so is movies, and so is cooking.

Samora dealt with the'chicken' wings in her hand, but something suddenly came to mind in her head, and then she raised her voice and said, "Hugo, can you arrive in New York before school starts in September?" There is about half a month left. If you follow the previous speed of the Glory to the Dead band, you will definitely not be able to reach New York before September. After starting from Jacksonville, you can pass through at least six states and stop and go. It will take mid-September to reach New York.

"What's the matter? Do you have any plans?" Hugo knows it. Many of Samora and them are students. September is the start of the fall semester. Naturally, they have no way to follow along. They have to go back to school. .

Samora did not look up, as if concentrating on the'chicken' wings in her hand, but the words in her mouth did not stop, "You know, you all came all the way from San Francisco, although it took forty days to get from The arrival of the West Bank to the East Bank is too slow, but you have already made a name for yourself along the way, but now many people are willing to continue touring with the band."

The Glory to Death tour is very special. It is not like a band that has officially released an album. It is planning a tour. Each stop and every performance will be planned in advance and then carried out according to the schedule. Glory to Death This road tour is basically a wandering performance. Wherever they go, they even performed a half-hour at the door of a restaurant in a small town with more than 1,000 people. The performances left beautiful memories with the enthusiastic locals. Similarly, the band did not have an exact goal for the end of the tour.

In this way, for fans like Samora who followed all the way, this tour has more meaning. It is not only a tour, but also a journey of life, giving more road trips. Meaning.

Just like the Forrest-Gump in "Forrest Gump", he once chose to run across the United States and went back and forth two and a half times. In fact, for Forrest Gump, he has no special reason for running. Just suddenly wanted to run. But for many ordinary people, his actions are a journey in pursuit of life goals. There are even many advertisers, politicians, and idealists who have given special meanings, so many people followed Forrest Gump. Even if there is no goal, it simply follows. This makes the behavior of persevering running across the United States special.

In fact, the same is true for Glory to Death. They just want to continuously exercise and improve themselves through the tour. There is no great meaning. If there is something special, it is the band's insistence on music dreams. .

But there is a group of people who admire the gloriously deadly move across the U.S. roads. They adjusted their lives to the frequency of the band's tour, all the way across the U.S., wanting to find their goals in life, or get to continue. The courage to live, or to find a dream worth pursuing.

This kind of unintentional "insertion" of willows gave Glory to Death a group of very special fans. They may not be huge. There are only dozens of people in Yomo, but they have realized that the band is walking while walking. The "jing" **** who sings and sings to the end of the world is willing to follow with all his heart.

"Samora, I can't give you an answer, you know." Hugo said with a smile, "We talked about this topic, remember?"

"Of course." Samora nodded vigorously. In fact, the motivation to support glory to death all the way is music. This alone is enough for loyal fans of the song, and there is no need for other greater ones. Blueprint or meaning, "I'm just thinking, if you can arrive in New York before September, there will be a group of fans who really like the band's song and want to gather together and hold a small concert for the band for more people to appreciate. To your music."

"Wow, your idea will spoil us!" Hugo looked at Samora, sincerely expressing his excitement and gratitude. Along the way, Samora, Eli and Liam have loyally supported the band, and they have spared no effort to promote the band, so that the number of audiences for each performance of the band has increased steadily. They really The contribution is indispensable.

Samora did not intend to take credit for himself. He turned to look at Hugo, "You know, that's because your music is worth it." The glory to death is worthy of the three of them following along, and it deserves more people. Gathering to listen to them, there is no strength, even if the three of them yell hard, it will not help, after all, they are just ordinary people, not the propaganda staff of large record companies.

"This is our original intention to make music." Hugo "showed" a bright smile, "However, I think it's better to go with the flow. After all, we are just a band that has not been established for three months, compared to For fans of the song, the performance itself is what we should pay attention to. Just like in San Francisco at that time, all the way to New York, this mentality will not change too much."

In fact, Hugo of course enjoys the feeling that the audience responds, just like a performance on Beale Street in Memphis, the kind of 'excited' excitement that still makes people shudder even to think of it. But at the same time Hugo also knows that the most fundamental purpose of this tour of Glory to Death is to train themselves. Their strength is still insufficient. There will be fans and there will be in the future, but there is no need to'fuck' them. Too haste.

Samora looked up at Hugo in a puzzled manner. His glasses were tilted to one side because of the sweat on his cheeks, but he didn't help the frame of the glasses, and started to arrange the chicken legs in his hands and stopped. But he thought about it carefully, and soon understood. The name of the "Glory to Death" team actually explains everything, and it is a rare thing for the band to be able to keep a clear head even after cheering and applause.

"That said, even if you only rely on your own strength, your applause will still come." Although Samora has been shocked by the band many times, at this moment he again 'showed' admiring eyes.

"But anyway, I still want to thank you, Eli and Liam. Without you, we have been trying our best to shout for us. It is estimated that our tour has not gained so much." Hugo recalled, they always thanked It's also a pity that I didn't express it formally when I kept it in my heart.

Samora looked down at the chicken leg in her hand again, "At the same time, I also want to thank you for bringing us a few people an unforgettable summer. Of course, personally, I have a conversation with music lovers. 'Stream, to promote the band's performance, organize the fans to follow all the way, is also an advantage for me in addition to food. I have always had a preference for organizing events, arranging itineraries and the like, and I think I can do things It is a very happy thing to arrange it properly."

"Ha, then you should be in Maybe one day you will be the president." Hugo said with a smile.

Samora shook his head, "No, this preference is limited to what I like. I have no interest in other things, lazy." Samora wanted to point to her strong body, expressing her laziness in this way.

Hugo suppressed a smile, "Then your preference is..."

"Food." Samora said without thinking, then paused, "and music." So, in simple terms, Samora's hobby of organizing activities is useless. "I'm also thinking about it now. With my'sex', going to university is unnecessary. I feel boring when I think about it. I don't know if I can find a job that is delicious and accessible to music."

Hugo laughed loudly. The foodie in front of him is really a wonderful person, "Maybe you can go to work in a music restaurant."

Samora's eyes lit up when she heard this comment, "Wow! Great idea!"