
From now on, it will be one chapter per day, but as an incentive, here are the goals for extra chapters beyond the daily ones: 

Top 5 - 3 extra chapters. 

Top 1 - 4 extra chapters.


Daily Chapter.

Hey, I noticed that the rating from a No-Harem staff member is the most appreciated (Yash_Shah_7482). If you join in, like the other reviews, and put the bad review (Yash_Shah_7482) at the end, I'll release an extra chapter today.


"Are you saying that the Tesseract is an Infinity Stone?" Carol asked, surprised by the power of this artifact.

"The Tesseract is just a container that allows the weak to access the power of the Infinity Stone without being shattered by its power. But inside it, the Space Stone is contained. Mar-Vell used extremely pure and powerful space energy to study and create something that not even the Kree Empire possesses, the light-speed engine. But you were exposed to this energy in a completely beneficial way, and that's the origin of your powers." I explained.

Carol widened her eyes but didn't interrupt me. She continued listening.

"According to Einstein's theory of relativity, as an object with mass approaches the speed of light, its kinetic energy increases significantly. The theory predicts that as an object accelerates and approaches the speed of light, its effective mass increases." I explained and continued.

"Your body can reach extremely high speeds, Carol, and the faster you go, the stronger your attacking power will be. You can simply pass through extremely massive warships as if they were cotton, while your body is protected by space energy and remains unharmed." I concluded my explanation.

Carol looked down and absorbed everything I had said.

"Just from your explanation, I feel like I can use my power more flexibly and powerfully. Thank you, Tony," Carol lifted her head and said to me with a serious look.

"Well, want to spar?" I asked with a smile.

"Huh? If you want to take a beating, who am I to say no?" Carol said with a mischievous smile, taking a chance to hit my presumptuous face because I want her in my harem.

So, without waiting, she threw her hands back and used her power to accelerate towards me while her entire body flared up, glowing brightly.

I quickly suited up in my armor, and thrusters emerged from my shoulders, propelling me aside quickly, dodging Carol's attack.

"Cool armor." Carol said, looking surprised at my armor.

"Marry me and you get one." I said, teasing.

This time, Carol didn't get angry but smiled.

"Beat me, and I might consider it." she said, playfully, extremely confident.

She accelerated toward me again, and I never faced her attacks head-on, at most using techniques to dodge them. Carol's strength in this state was quite impressive.

"Carol, let's start ramping it up now. I won't just use martial arts from now on." I said with a smile.

Carol widened her eyes, "You weren't giving it your all before?" She asked, shocked.

"Of course not hahaha!" I said and laughed at her expression, which seemed to make her angry.

She flew at me again, but this time, I didn't dodge. I put my forearm in front of my body, and an energy shield appeared. Support structures emerged at my feet, anchoring me deeply into the ground. Carol's punch hit the shield, and neither of us budged, although the mansion shook with the impact.

Then, without wasting any time, I released the nanobots from my feet and jumped. Thrusters emerged from my sides, making me roll horizontally in the air at high speed, and a large war hammer appeared in my hands, also equipped with thrusters.

I was like a spinning top with a sledgehammer. Carol, caught off guard, before she could react, had her face struck by my hammer, sending her flying out of the mansion.

"Oops." Seeing Carol flying out of control, I was surprised and anxious, so I quickly accelerated in pursuit.

Carol was rapidly approaching the ocean while still disoriented and unable to summon her powers due to her lack of focus.

Seeing the danger, I quickly flew in her direction and caught her in a princess carry.

After Carol regained her senses, she was surprised by the situation.

"I never imagined that one day I'd get a princess carry, especially when I was falling to my death and above all that, it's from the guy who threw me to my death." Carol joked, but is still a little shaken by the experience.

"Well, life has its surprises." I smiled at her, and continued, seriously.

"Carol, you're very strong, especially in space, where few beings can survive, but you should never, at any moment, let your guard down." I said seriously, with reproach. 

I don't want her to get hurt due to arrogance, as just happened. She let her guard down when she saw that I didn't dodge, too confident in her strength.

"All right." She didn't argue, just lowered her head onto my chest. 

She was still in the princess carry.

Seeing her like that, I couldn't help but smile and kiss the top of her head. Carol became quite shy with my actions.

"Well, my princess, let's train your powers in space now. Your body is fueled by the energy coursing through it. You won't run out of air or freeze in space. It's in space where you can exert your greatest strength. Even I, don't have confidence in beating you in space." I said seriously. 

I admit I'm very strong, but Carol can bring her strength up to 500% in space, while I can only bring out a maximum of 70% of my strength.

After that, we continued training and sparring, with me always winning in the atmosphere, while Carol won 70% of the time in space.

Well... winning is a strong word. After all, none of us got injured or incapacitated, like Carol was the first time. We just decided that whoever had the advantage was the winner.