
Things will really happen in the next chapter. This one is more about explaining things, as I've seen that several people haven't seen What If.


"AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" Thor screamed hysterically with his eyes closed, then suddenly stopped when he opened his eyes. "Ah! We're in a pub," Thor said with a relieved and happy tone.

Captain Carter, who was next to Thor, looked around and said in surprise, "I know this place."

An old and soft song played in the pub.

Captain looked to the side and saw a portrait on the wall of a frail Steve Rogers, which brought a smile to her face.

Suddenly, a voice came from behind the bar counter.

"The pub facade was my idea. I read about it in your biography. I hope you like it." A friendly and polite Doctor Strange explained.

But shortly after he said that, someone who wasn't giving it much thought called him.

"Over here. Me, me. Can I get a beer?" It was the alternative Thor, the party prince, who asked with a smile.

Strange instantly pulled a beer mug from under the counter and handed it to Thor.

"Yes!" Thor said happily and placed a sentinel Ultron's head, which he was carrying from the battle he was having before being summoned by Uatu, on the counter without caring.

"Uh, who are you?" Peggy just shook her head at Thor and looked at Strange, questioning.

"Where am I?" Gamora also inquired.

"Why did you bring us here? What do you want with us?" T'Challa also asked his question. Meanwhile, Killmonger was looking at the vibranium-made Ultron sentinel head that Thor had placed on the table.

"All good questions." Strange shrugged at all the questions. It wasn't him who was going to explain.

"Send me back. Now!" Gamora demanded, crossing her arms, unhappy. At this moment, the pub lights were flashing continuously.

Suddenly, a presence revealed itself in their midst.

"It's you again!" Carter exclaimed, looking at Uatu.

"Come on. Get a new trick, man." T'Challa complained about Uatu's appearance.

Uatu looked at them and began to explain.

"You have been chosen... for a mission that is both highly dangerous and absolutely necessary for the continuation of life as you know it. At first, I scoured eternity for one true hero, and I finally found him." Uatu explained seriously. But before he could be interrupted, he continued.

"Unfortunately, he hasn't had time to grow up yet. But now I have to see the bigger picture. This mission requires a team. The perfect combination of skills and experience that alone will triumph." Uatu explained, looking into each of their eyes.

"Let me get this straight." Captain Carter took a step forward and said with an unhappy expression, "You kidnapped us from across the galaxy so we could, what?"

"Save the universe?" Gamora added, looking unhappily at Uatu.

"Mmm. Not exactly. Bit more complicated than that." Uatu shook his head, not intimidated by the looks he was receiving.

"You aren't just our best hope to save one universe." Strange finally spoke up and assisted Uatu in clarifying.

"You are my last hope to save all of them. You are the Guardians of the Multiverse." Uatu proclaimed with solemnity and power.


Swallowing sounds interrupted the solemnity of the moment.

"I know what this is. Loki put you up to this joke. Listen, I do not have time for his pranks today." Thor said with a playful smile after downing his beer.

Thor casually threw the glass mug over his shoulder without caring that it shattered as it hit the floor and walked toward the door.

"No, I wouldn't do that." Strange tried to stop him from leaving the door.

"My lady Jane needs me. So, I'll be going. Enjoy yourse- AAAAAHHHHHHHH." Thor was sucked in and started screaming while holding onto the door for dear life, trying to avoid being swallowed by the swirling energy vortex outside the door.

Quickly, he climbed back into the pub through the door and closed it.

"*Haah**Haah**Haah*" He panted rapidly against the door, hand on his chest.

Carter ignored Thor and looked at Uatu, asking, "We're in. Mind telling us what we're up against?"

"Your worlds are either under attack or soon will be by Ultron, an artificial intelligence elevated to a cosmic being thanks to an enhanced synthetic body and the power of the Infinity Stones." Uatu explained.

"Six stones of near unfathomable power. Each controlling an essential aspect of our existence. And Ultron holds all of them, and is trying to be in possession of 2 pairs." Strange completed while using illusions to show demonstrations of the Infinity Stones. 

"I have a question." A voice came out of nowhere, making everyone look at the bar counter, where a man in a technological metal suit was standing, mixing a drink.

"""Stark!""" Gamora, Carter, and Strange exclaimed in surprise at the sight of the suit.

Killmonger slightly widened his eyes upon hearing that name. He didn't know if it was the same man from his memory, but he still looked at the man in the suit with caution.

"I would have liked to be recognized just for the beauties in the room, but Strange ruined that." Tony said playfully as he picked up the drink he had prepared and poured it into the mask of the suit, emptied the glass.

Everyone looked at Tony strangely as he poured the drink into the mask. However, they didn't know that the nanobots in the suit carried the liquid to Tony's mouth. Furthermore, they hadn't seen Tony before because he had been camouflaged since his arrival.

"Stark, you mentioned you had a question." Uatu redirected the conversation to the topic at hand. They couldn't afford to waste time.

"As far as I know, the stones from one universe don't work in another universe. How can Ultron use the stones in another universe?" Tony asked as he stared at Uatu with his blue eyes of armor.

There was silence in the room. No one knew about this characteristic of the Infinity Stones except for Tony and Uatu.

"*Sigh* Normally, that would be true." Uatu sighed and stared back at Tony.

"But Ultron isn't simply teleporting from one universe to another. He's opening a hole and passing from one universe to another, and through the hole, he can draw energy from one universe and use it in another, allowing him to continue operating the stones." Uatu explained, narrowing his eyes.

Strange widened his eyes.

"Just as I exploited the connection between the Dark Dimension and Earth to use the Time Stone and create a time loop to bargain with Dormammu." Stephen said with realization.

"Yes." Uatu confirmed, nodding.

"If it's that simple, why haven't other stone bearers done this?" Tony sought clarification.

Uatu looked at Tony and replied calmly, "Doing this using all six Infinity Stones creates incursions. Extremely powerful incursions, with a high likelihood of both or more connected worlds dying, and Ultron..."

"He doesn't care if the worlds die. He just wants to destroy all life. On the contrary, incursions are good for his plans." Tony finished Uatu's sentence with narrowed eyes.

Uatu nodded again and looked at everyone in the room, and said. 

"Ultron has to be stopped."