The New Year! (2/2)

This chapter has a song right at the beginning.

The song is [Rupert Holmes - Escape (The Piña Colada Song)].

If you're going to listen, start reading the chapter while listening to it. I recommend looping it until you finish reading the chapter because the song is really good.

Enjoy, and let me know what you think!


[♫ Rupert Holmes - Escape (The Piña Colada Song) ♫]








A never-before-seen spectacle began.

Thousands of fireworks across the entirety of New York City were set off.

The sky was filled with thousands of dazzling colors.

Amidst the fireworks, various designs appeared in the sky.

"Wow! Look, it's a raccoon!"

"There's an otter too!"

"And a rabbit and a tiger with big fangs!"

"There's a sorceress and a woman with a star on her chest in a heroic pose!"

"It's beautiful, but what do these designs mean? There's also a doctor holding the hand of a nurse. Is that a cooking robot?"

"There's a businesswoman and a robot lady making cute gestures."

"There's a woman with a tiara with a horn, up to mischief. How magical! I've never seen fireworks like this before. It's so beautiful. And is that a chubby cat?"

Thousands of people in the crowd commented on these kinds of things as they looked in awe at the colorful fireworks lighting up the entire sky.

Thousands of balloons also rose into the sky in celebration, making the spectacle even more beautiful.

Meanwhile, the girls and I found a spacious spot and put the children down on the ground.

The children ran to me and hugged me together.

I hugged them tightly and affectionately in return.

"HAPPY NEW YEAR UNCLE TONY/DAD!" The children shouted together amidst the intense noise and paper rain.

"Happy New Year to you too! Now go watch the fireworks, I arranged them for you!" I said with a smile on my face.

The children then let go of the hug and started screaming "Wow!" and pointing at the fireworks as they chatted.

Then I got up and went to Pepper.

I held her face and kissed her lips for a few seconds before pulling away and smiling at her.

"Happy New Year, Peps!" I smiled at her affectionately.

Pepper hugged me tightly and said, "I love you so much! Happy New Year, Tony!"

"I love you more. And don't even try to fight, you know I hate losing." I teased her playfully.

She then let me go with a playful laugh and went to see the children and wish them a happy new year.

Then I went to Carol and kissed her for a few seconds before we separated.

"Happy New Year, Care-bear!" I teased her affectionately.

"You know I hate that nickname, right?" She lightly tapped my chest and said with a smile.

"I think I got it when you said it for the tenth time, but you know I love to annoy you, don't you?" I replied playfully.

"I don't think it's right to annoy your wife on New Year's, it's bad luck." Carol replied with amusement as I hugged her waist.

"Well, I guess I have to make you happy to make the bad luck go away." I replied with a smile.

"Well, that seems to make sense. So you better make this wife even happier from now on." She laughed and gave me a peck before going to see the children as well.

I walked over to Yao and kissed her affectionately too.

"Happy New Year, Y!" I said, caressing her face.

"Happy New Year, T! Oh, and before you start, I love you ten times more than you can say you love me!" She replied with a smile, using the nickname she gave me and almost tripping me up with what she said at the end.

"Hey, that's unfair. You can't play like that!" I rolled my eyes at her and said playfully.

"Wife's privilege. You can't argue with that." She said, playfully tapping her index finger on my chest, and went to see the children, leaving me powerless behind.

I then looked to the side where I saw Sylvie glancing at me from the corner of her eye from time to time, while also looking at the beautiful fireworks where drawings of her doing little tricks and pranks appeared in the sky.

"Hey, Sylvie!" I called her with a smile and opened my arms to wish her a happy new year.

She looked at me for a moment, shrugged, and then walked up to me with my arms open, held the sides of my face, and kissed me.

I froze at the sudden attack, and after a few seconds of kissing, I pulled back slightly, holding her waist while she had her hands on my chest.

"You know I just wanted to give you a hug and wish you a happy new year, right?" I asked, bewildered.

This time it was Sylvie who froze.

She then looked at me lightly, shrugged, and said, "Oh? Well, never mind, consider it my way of thanking you for the fireworks. I had never seen real fireworks before, let alone with me as the them." She said, stepping away from me and looking back at the fireworks.

I scratched my head, embarrassed.

"Well, that was unexpected," I said to myself and looked at Yao, who was smiling mischievously at me along with the girls as they ran their index fingers across their throats.

I read their lips from afar, and they said, "You're dead!"

I rolled my eyes at the girls' mischief. Yao had probably told them this was going to happen. So if they didn't stop Sylvie, it meant they didn't take it seriously, or Yao said something about the future to them but didn't tell me.

That was kind of a hint for me too.

So, following the hint, I looked at Sylvie and decided to lighten the mood between us.

"Hey Sylvie!!" I shouted to her, and she stopped slightly and turned to me. 

I continued, "I liked the kiss. Thank you! And happy new year!" I shouted to her with a mischievous smile.

She slowly gave me a beautiful smile before turning back and walking forward to look at the fireworks.

I wonder if she already has feelings for me. Well, she fell for Loki in a matter of hours, and mind you, Loki was just messing things up left and right. But anyway, it's not a bad thing.

I then turned to Vision and went to hug him and wish him a happy new year, but halfway there, I suddenly stopped and said in a serious tone, "It's a hug to wish a happy new year, not kiss me, or I'll dismantle you." I cautioned him carefully.

Vision looked at me funny and shook his head before stepping forward and hugging me.

"Happy New Year, Sir!" Vision said with a playful smile.

I released the hug and patted his shoulder.

"To you too, my friend." I smiled at him and then looked at Goose.

I stroked her head and smiled.

"Happy New Year, Goose!" I said.

"Meow!" Goose meowed back at me before looking at a food stall in the distance while licking her nose.

Shaking my head amused at the gluttonous cat, I turned to Friday and opened my arms.

"You too, don't kiss me, or I'll be in trouble." I said playfully, opening my arms.

"Aww, boss, I want to too!" Friday pouted and ran to hug me.

My lip twitched, helplessly. I was joking, and I didn't expect that response.

I sighed and shook my head, amused, and lovingly hugged the mischievous girl.

"Happy New Year, Friday!" I said with a smile.

"Happy New Year, boss!" Friday said excitedly, hugging me tightly.

I released the hug and smiled at her, and she smiled back at me, and then I joined the girls and the children.

The rest of New Year's Eve was a blur. We had fun and watched various shows and singers before we got tired and returned home to sleep.

The whole family had a great time, and we strengthened our bonds.

The ties that bind our hearts became stronger than ever.

The 21st century began in a much happier way than I expected.

And we all went to bed with smiles on our faces and hearts full of happiness and hope for the future.

Thank you, 1999, you were a magical year.

Welcome, year 2000!










Anonymous P.O.V

I gazed hypnotized at the distant city of New York, where the sky was beautiful and illuminated with various colors and designs.

"It's a good sight before death, isn't it? Not many have the privilege to see something so beautiful and depart in peace." the suited man who had been my partner for the past few months said, looking at the fireworks together with me.

Unlike me, who was bleeding and at death's door, sitting in the mud and having to lean on the car with my back, he and the people around him weren't as bad off.

I looked at him with my good eye and the remaining strength I had, I said coldly, "The only thing that gives me peace is knowing I'm going to meet your 17 friends whom I personally sent to hell."

He looked at me in silence for a second and smiled.

"Cut off one head and two more grow. Finish him!" He smiled coldly and turned away, while one of the henchmen pressed a gun to my head.

Then I returned my gaze to the fireworks, for it was the only warm thing on this cold night.

Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang

I heard several shots, but none were aimed at me.

The suited men surrounding me fell, and new men surrounded me.

But this time, they all wore black combat uniforms and masks.

The men then cleared the way for a man who strode through them, his boots like metal crushing the ground.

He walked up to me and squatted, looking me in the eyes.

"It seems the new year hasn't treated you well, has it..." he said with a heavy voice and finished;






New chapter in two or three days, I need to watch the series Agents of SHIELD.