
Nick Fury was using a crutch to help him walk, while his eye was bandaged with a white strip circling his head.

He had lost his eye and was badly injured from the Hydra ambush.

Fury and Bucky were walking side by side through the Iron Brotherhood's base.

Passing by a room where dozens of men were training, Fury looked on with curiosity.

"They're all enhanced, just like the rumors." Fury said as he watched with curiosity as the men threw each other around while fighting, as well as other displays of super strength and agility.

Bucky just nodded and continued walking.

Fury looked at him and kept walking.

"If you want me to ally with you, you have to give me more information." Fury said as he continued to look at the people's equipment passing by and analyzing all the information in the place.

Bucky looked at him for a moment and pondered, then nodded.

"The Iron Brotherhood is a group that aims to protect the world and act as a vigilante in their spare time. We have enough power to dominate the world, but our mission is to protect it and dispense justice." Bucky explained.

"Dominate the world, huh? There's a lot you don't understand." Fury shook his head disapprovingly and continued, "If that's the case, what's stopping you from taking over the world?"

Bucky kept walking forward.

"Many of our members wondered that, but it was our leader who said no. He said he could rule the world and enforce an iron law, prevent any crime from happening, and imprison this world as he dictates its future direction. But that would be no different than a prison for the people, and he doesn't want that. So he decided not to interfere in the world's politics, let it go the way they see fit." Bucky said as they walked.

"Leader? I thought you were the leader." Fury said surprised. 

Bucky shook his head.

"We can say that if I am the leader of the Iron Brotherhood, he is the owner." Bucky looked at Fury and smiled mischievously.

Fury was startled. It seems the waters there are deeper than he thought.

"You said he doesn't want to dictate the future direction of the world, so what about the dirty politicians exposed or even killed by the Iron Brotherhood? That doesn't seem like someone not wanting to interfere." Fury said with a suspicious look.

Bucky looked back at him smiling.

"He doesn't want to intervene, but he didn't say we couldn't. As long as we don't do evil or use our powers for world domination, he gave us a free pass to help people and the world in the best way we can. So we won't just sit back while some horrible person sits in the political chair and hurts people for pure pleasure or greed." Bucky said as he entered the hangar.

"Hmm... MOTHERFUCKER!!" Fury had muttered softly in contemplation, but when he raised his head, he couldn't help but swear.

The hangar was full of ships and technology, but what shocked him was outside the hangar doors.

Outside of an energy shield, the planet Earth could be seen perfectly.

"We're in space!" Fury look surprised at Bucky, who let out a soft laugh.

"Now do you believe we can dominate the earth? We're not just enhanced, we have the technology to support us too." Bucky smiled.

Nick Fury just looked wordlessly at the gigantic hangar full of people working and lifting inhuman amounts of weight, flying ships, working. 

And all of it off the earth.





After the surprise and shock, Bucky finished the tour of the base, which was actually a huge invisible tower in the shape of an inverted pyramid orbiting the Earth.

Nick Fury was now sitting in Bucky's office as they talked.

"So Shield was infiltrated to the point where you can't tell if it's Shield or Hydra?" Fury said with a grim face behind his hands with intertwined fingers.

"Well, not that much, but it's heading in that direction, after all, Alexander Pierce, the Shield director, is also Hydra." Bucky said with a serious face.

"MotherFucker!" Fury widened his eyes and couldn't help but curse again.

And continued, "Now it makes sense. I knew there was no slip-up or I leaving evidence that I knew of Hydra's existence. The only time I said anything that could give me away was when I lightly hinted to Pierce about a possible infiltration in Shield." Fury explained angrily.

Then he composed himself and looked up.

"You said you want to put me in as the director, now I understand. But what do you gain from this? What's your plan?" Fury said as he looked at Bucky with narrowed eyes in caution.

"Don't worry. As I said, the Iron Brotherhood has been hunting Hydra for years, and we would be fine without you, but something happened when Hydra was cornered. They started using Shield as their own shield. If we want to cut off the Hydra's head once and for all, we'll have to demolish Shield, but that's their plan, if we demolish Shield, we'll become a global enemy, and that's not what we want to see." Bucky explained.

Fury pondered for a moment after hearing this.

"You said you're not afraid to take on the world?" Fury asked.

"We not." Bucky nodded, and continued, "But while we take on the world that has been deceived by Hydra to fight against us, thousands would die in the fight, and perhaps millions of innocents in the chaos. Not to mention the suffering and problems we would have to deal with in the post-war aftermath."

Fury nodded firmly, but inside he sighed with relief.

"How do I know I can trust you?" Fury asked.

Bucky smiled and didn't answer, because it was at that moment that the door to the office was opened.

A stunning red iron suit emerged from the door.

Its menacing blue eyes stared at Nick Fury and a deep, heavy voice came from the armor, saying.

"Simple, besides being the leader of Shield, we want you to become one of the leaders of the Iron Brotherhood alongside Bucky."