Chapter 31

The software industry is buzzing with envy over White Software's success. Despite the economic challenges of the year, Apple and White Software continue to thrive, creating frustration among their competitors. The success of microcomputers, perceived by some as nothing more than glorified game consoles, baffles and irritates traditional IT giants. William White's shameless marketing strategies and detailed manuals for seemingly simple software contribute to the animosity.

In the midst of industry rivalry, William White receives a call from Joe, who claims to be helping him out. While Joe criticizes the disdainful attitude of industry veterans towards microcomputers, William White remains nonchalant. The two share a casual conversation, with William White acknowledging the help but not taking the whole situation too seriously.

Joe, who considers himself the new industry leader, is keen on grabbing the limelight. He plays a role in defending William White against the criticism from industry competitors. Despite his gruff exterior, Joe is a valuable ally, and William White doesn't mind owing him a favor.

Larry Ellison, feeling threatened by William White's success, expresses his frustration and engages in verbal sparring. However, William White remains unfazed, redirecting the conversation to his upcoming movie whenever questions about the software industry arise.

The traditional IT giants attempt to discredit microcomputers and belittle William White's achievements. However, William White's strategic moves and clever responses leave his critics frustrated and without much ground to stand on.

While rumors circulate about the size and value of White Software, the core staff remains dedicated to the company. The equity incentives offered by the company have become more appealing as its value increases. The team's dedication is evident, and they are confident in the company's potential for growth.

White Software's unique business model, charging for software sets instead of traditional licensing, puzzles the software industry. The company's unorthodox approach, coupled with William White's visionary plans, sets it apart in the competitive landscape.

As for Hollywood, the journey has been challenging. Major studios, such as Paramount and Fox, are not easily swayed, with Fox expressing no interest in cooperation. Only Lianyi shows some interest but demands a high box office share, leaving William White dissatisfied.

Despite the obstacles in Hollywood and industry rivalries, William White remains confident in his ventures, whether in software or filmmaking. His unorthodox methods and refusal to conform to industry norms continue to set him apart in both worlds.