
Sunlight warmly tickles my face and I open my eyes to blink against the dazzling rays.

The first thing that I can see is the familiar ceiling of my room. 

I turn to my right where my desk is, the paintings and drawings of Chiye are still taped on the wall. Everything is the same, from the things, the feelings and to the smell. 

I'm back.

I feel strangely exhausted and tired. My mind is still a little fuzzy as if I just woke up from a very long dream. 

With a jolt I'm sitting straight up on my bed and look around for my phone. It's next to my pillow, just like always.

The display shows that five days since traversing to the other realm have passed. Today is the spring festival.

I'm nervously counting the dialling noises as I wait for Chiye to pick up my phone call.

My heart beats fast, awaiting the all so familiar voice greeting me on the other side of the phone.

The beeping stops and rustling replaces the sound.



It's her voice.

"Chiye? Are you okay?" My voice trembles slightly.

"Yes, I'm getting ready right now." Her voice sounds the same as well, just faintly stressed.

"For the spring festival?" 

"Of course." She laughs and I calm down a bit. More rustling from her background.

"Can I come over now?" I got my composure back.

"Your grandmother is already waiting here for you." She chuckles. "And of course I'm also waiting to see you." She adds that with an affectionate tone.

My lips form a smile. "I'll be right on my way."

It wasn't a dream.

Everything really happened and somehow we ended up back together in the earthly realm.

The storm, Ninako and Kyouta's situation, my time with Airi, the paths of the gods, Ryousuke's sacrifice, the trial and the gates to heaven. 

My confession and Chiye's reply. 

Everything happened. 

I don't know why we are back here just like that after Airi told me that this would be impossible, but for whatever reason this opportunity arose, I will make the most out of it.

Energetically I'm jumping out of my bed to get ready myself. A wave of happiness and incredible relief washes over me.

Maybe, maybe the heavens showed mercy with us at the end after all and allowed us to reunite like this. 

Under the vibrant colours of the floral decoration the lively spring festival unfolds. The air is filled with the sweet fragrance of blooming flowers, and lanterns sway gently in the warm breeze. Crowds gather around the main street following the majestic procession. Laughter and chatter blend harmoniously with the music, creating a lively symphony of celebration. ​​The crowd cheers and claps, adding to the infectious energy of the celebration.

It feels like the people here are cheering for me. 

As if this festival indicates the successful return of my unbelievable journey. As if the spring festival not only welcomes the beginning of the new season, but also welcomes Chiye's and my new journey together after all this divine turmoil. It's a fantastic way to come to a conclusion and I'm overjoyed that I managed to bring Chiye back for the festival, just as hoped. 

My steps feel lightweight as I'm navigating through the crowds.

I keep my pace just a few steps ahead of the procession itself. The stairs ascending to the temple now feel effortlessly easy and I can feel my heartbeat getting more excited, eagerly anticipating Chiye on the stage just beyond the second gate at the top.

As I continue to push through the masses of curious spectators and visitors the beautifully decorated stage gets more and more visible. I position myself just in front of the centre, just like in the past. The curtains are still closed, but I know that Chiye is just right behind the white fabric adorned with lavish embroideries.

The procession comes to its final part as the music stops, but I'm not turning around, still fixating the stage. The crowds now surrounds the front of the stage entirely, however I remain steadfast in my position.

Despite the countless visitors, the temple grounds fall silent, everyone awaiting the highlight of the spring festival - the dance ritual. 

The ringing of bells echo and the curtain opens and under the soft glow of the sun and the lingering fragrance of cherry blossoms, Chiye, adorned in an elegant attire, takes the centre of the stage in a kneeling position. For a brief second our eyes meet as she elegantly gets up, it feels like she knows exactly where I am between all these people. And in this very split second the same heartwarming affection is reflecting in her brown eyes. At this moment my heartbeat stops, overwhelmed by the sight before me. The happiness I'm feeling is almost making me dizzy.

The gentle melody of a flute begins to play accompanied by the bells setting the stage for Chiye's graceful performance. Chiye is dazzling. Her movements are deliberate, each step carrying the weight of tradition and reverence. Her long sleeves sway like flower petals in the breeze as she begins a slow and measured dance, paying homage to the spirits and the divine. The hem of her vibrant garment brushes the ground with each elegant turn, symbolising a connection to the earth and nature.

The onlookers, bathed in the warm glow of the sun watch in hushed admiration, appreciating the artistry and significance of the ritual.

I also observe her in awe, knowling the dancing routine all too well, all the steps that will follow, the graceful movements of her arms and the way her attire has to sway. 

As she twirls, her steps follow a pattern reminiscent of the changing seasons. The dance unfolds like a visual poem, expressing gratitude for the blossoming beauty of spring and the promise of renewal. The bells attached to Chiye's costume chime softly, adding a musical layer to the ritual.

In her hands, Chiye holds a ceremonial fan, its delicate movements tracing patterns in the air. The fan becomes an extension of her emotions, conveying a sense of joy, reverence, and humility. The intricate choreography of the dance reflects the deep spiritual connection between the shrine maiden and the divine.

As the dance progresses, Chiye's expression remains serene, her eyes reflecting a profound understanding of the sacred moment. During the entire procedure she is more than just herself, she is the shrine maiden of this temple, representing the human primary caretaker of our sacred traditions. Chiye is exactly where she is supposed to be. Not wandering around at the gates to heaven or any other celestial realm, but just here doing what she's the best at.

With the final notes of the music, Chiye concludes the dance, bowing respectfully to signify the end of the ceremony. She mastered the rituals flawlessly.

The crowd erupts into applause, acknowledging not only the beauty of the performance but also the spiritual significance it holds for the community. Chiye, embodying the essence of the shrine maiden, has woven a tapestry of tradition and grace, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts of those who witnessed the sacred dance. 

I couldn't be any happier. As she gracefully bows down again her eyes give me a quick glance and I smile brightly. She steps back and the curtain closes.

The cheering ebbs and gives way to the more festive music that now plays at the temple grounds. The crowds begin to move towards the numerous stalls that offer different treats or traditional games, however my legs move to the main building of the temple.

I have to push my way through the crowds now, but knowing who is awaiting me at the end is reward enough. 

Between the endless stream of people her presence catches my attention immediately. 

She suddenly turns around and we lock our eyes, as if she noticed that I discovered her.

Now it feels like I'm floating, easily and undisturbed by the bypassers. 

Chiye stands surrounded by the other temple servants, guiding her to the inner rooms of the temple to help her get changed. However, she stops their movement and stands by the stairs smiling at me lovingly. Her eyes are shimmering, filled with adoration as she doesn't break eye contact with me.

I arrive at the bottom of the stairs and stop. 

The festival's lively atmosphere seems to hush into a gentle murmur, blending into a mere background noise. Time seems to stand still. The air is charged with a quiet anticipation, and the only sound is the soft rustle of Chiye's robes, the distant hum of the festival lingering in the background and my heartbeat. Everything around us fades away and at this very moment it's only her and me.

Chiye descends the stairs until she is only one step above me, making us meet at eye-level. 

Gently she wraps her arms around me, holding me tightly. 

"I was supposed to come and find you." She speaks with her lips right next to my left ear and it sends shivers down my back. 

I carefully return her hug, trying to avoid making more creases into her dress. 

"You can do that next time." I chuckle and she laughs. 

"I will do that everytime in the future." She softly runs her fingers through my hair. 

"And I will wait for you each time."

"Thank you for bringing me back here."

I pat her back. "I would always do that again."

She loosens her arms around me and looks me in the eyes curiously. "Why do you think we are both back here again?"

I smile at her. "I really don't know, but I'm endlessly grateful for that." Maybe Airi was able to pull some strings to change whatever the gate that we went through, triggered.

She returns my smile. "That goes without saying." She takes my hands into hers. "I'm grateful for the extra time we got." 

"Yes, me too. We should use that extra time for you to catch up on all the events that happened here while you were away." From the corner of my eye I can see her mother approaching us, breaking the spell that put us into our own little world.

She nods and smiles brightly. "I'm looking forward to the long story time."

While the festivities proceed outside the building, we three retreat to a quiet room inside after Chiye gets changed.

Both Chiye and her mother sit in front of me.

I begin to retell the recent incidents and roughly what happened in the heavenly realm in a nonchalant way. Somehow the journey now feels so distant, even though we spent quite a while in the other realm. 

Chiye and her mother quietly listen to my words without interrupting me once for a question or anything. And for the first time I'm revealing that I had always seen the red threads of fate of the people around me which in turn connected me undoubtedly to Airi.

So I conclude the retelling of my memories on how I woke up back at home, despite anticipating something entirely else. I leave out the details of sacrificing my lifetime for Chiye's return, indicating my inevitable and immediate death alongside losing the ability to feel love towards her in any other following lifetime.

Though, to some extent they must have figured it out, putting the puzzle pieces together. Since both of them have a tremendous amount of profound knowledge on certain topics, especially those in regard to the heavens and the divine realm. Nevertheless, none of them say anything after my conclusion, letting my words sink in.

Chiye's mother then takes my hand and looks at me deeply.

Tears are shimmering in the corners of her eyes. 

"No words are enough for how grateful I am for what you did for my daughter." Gracefully she bows down in front of me gently touching her forehead on the back of my hands, not as the head priestess of the temple but as a mother, whose only child was taken away from the divine spirits that she honours.

"You don't have to thank me for that. It was my own selfish wish." I gently pull her upwards again. My reason and motivation aren't as honourable as one might think. In the end it was simply just me who couldn't accept her fate and forced my way to sabotage the course of destiny. 

"I'll be forever grateful to you. You've been through so much, experienced the most astonishing things and even defied the heavens themselves. It is truly unbelievable and I'm lucky that it is my daughter for whom you did all that." She looks up at me and smiles fondly.

I shake my head. "I wouldn't have been able to do that without the guidance and support by all the others involved." My thoughts wander to Airi. Hopefully, she is back in the lunar kingdom, enjoying the view of the celestial blossoms in the silvery light of the moon. Surrounded by her loved ones, finally reunited after all those millenia. 

Ryousuke also comes into my mind and I decide to visit the river with Chiye at some point to honour his sacrifice. 

Chiye's mother wipes her tears away and stands up. "I should get going and take care of the festival outside before I won't be able to stop my tears. Please take your time and I will see you later again." She leaves the room after looking at her daughter lovingly.

Chiye turns to me with a concerned expression. "I don't even know what to say. That was way more than just a journey, it was a full on adventure with so many obstacles and difficulties." She gestures wildly with her hands. "Your time in the in-between realm sounds so phenomenal, I'm really at loss for words, how can I ever make it up to you?"

I laugh and she looks at me bewildered. "That's not funny! You've basically been through hell and not heaven."

I grab her hands and hold them down gently. "I'd go through hell all over again if it's for you. And the promise is more than enough to bring me peace of mind. All you have to do is be happy and pursue what your heart really wants free from all restraints and doubts."

A single tear trickles down her cheeks and I tenderly wipe it away. 

"I'm already so happy, how can that be any more than that?" She sniffles.

I chuckle. "There is still a lot to do and to experience. I'm pretty sure we will never run out of things to feel even happier."

She smiles at me brightly, leans forward and kisses me. "Then what should we do first as a couple?" Her cheeks and ears are blushing.

I blink a few times, surprised but delighted. "Did you just basically ask me out to be your boyfriend?"

Her smile turns into a mischievous grin. "What if I did?"

I laugh out loud for a moment. I didn't expect that, but her newfound confidence and boldness is amusing. I lean forward as well, stopping just right in front of her so that I can feel her warmth without actually touching her. Chiye doesn't back away, but instead observes me with an anticipating smile.

"I'd be most honoured to be your boyfriend and to be able to call you my girlfriend." I kiss her left cheek. "And as such." I kiss her right cheek. "My dear girlfriend." I hover just right before her lips. "I'd suggest that we enjoy our first spring festival as a couple together." I peck her on her lips and she laughs. 

"I'm looking forward to all of our firsts together." She looks at me affectionately.

"Me too." My voice is full of adoration for her and my heart is warm.

This moment feels so blissful and for a brief moment I'm doubting my own words. How can any other moment ever bring so much joy? However, I dismiss this disbelief immediately. 

Countless new memories await us from this point forward and we've only started to wholly indulge in this second chance that we've gotten. 

As the sun begins to set, the festival takes on a magical quality. Paper lanterns illuminate the surroundings, creating a warm and enchanting ambiance. Fireworks burst overhead, painting the night sky with brilliant colours, and the crowd watches in awe as the sparkling lights reflect in our eyes. In the midst of the crowds we find my grandmother and officially announce our relationship. She only laughs at us, patting us on the shoulder and congratulates us for finally being a couple. "I was afraid to never witness this moment during my lifetime." She laughs out loud and I feel a bit of guilt welling up inside me. 

But I guess it's better late than never and this thought gives me comfort. 

Walking around with Chiye while holding each other's hands is something I haven't anticipated. I wanted to see her dance the ritual for the spring festival, however I didn't think that we would be a couple by then. I wasn't enthusiastic about what Chiye could possibly reply to my confession. My happiness is immeasurable.

The lanterns that illuminate the temple grounds and the warm breeze filled with floral scents match perfectly with the feeling of holding Chiye by my side.

This blissful feeling still carries on as the time passes and accompanies me ceaselessly as I continue my everyday activities.

During an especially warm and sunny spring day we visit the riverbank of Ryousuke. 

As we sit by the calm glistening water, I tell Chiye about more details and memories of what happened before. "How did you even meet at first?" She asks and I feel a little bit embarrassed. 

Nevertheless, I tell her about our first encounter in the city and how he intentionally came off strong and overbearing. I also somewhat reluctantly disclose my own reaction to that and how I unknowingly told a river deity to stop with his shameful act in order to protect Airi from him. 

Chiye listens to me with big curious eyes, attentively listening to my every word and asking questions. She is genuinely interested and invested to know about my adventure while she was away. But I'm also having fun sharing those memories with her just like I wanted. 

"Do you think he was reborn already?" Chiye looks at the shimmering water in front of us.

"Probably? In one way or another he doubtlessly listens to us right now." I follow her gaze and feel a wave of gratitude and respect. 

If it wasn't for him, then we wouldn't have been able to deliver the key evidence in Airi's case. Even for Tsuki-Okami the arrow that struck him was crucial to verify her speculation.

Ryousuke was also the one who led us to the path of doubting Airi's situation in general. He was the one who made us think about possible other explanations as to why she had to go through her punishment.

"I hope that he does, because I will never stop being grateful to him." I stand up while grabbing a flat stone. "So you better be listening, Ryousuke!" With a strong swing I flick the stone across the water and the ripples quiver on the surface making waves.

I wait for a moment and observe the water for a reaction, but nothing happens. 

Chiye then stands up as well. "I'll always stay grateful to you as well, so, thank you Ryousuke!" She too flicks a stone across the water surface and we both watch the waves unfold.

At some point we also meet up with Ninako and Kyouta. Naturally, Chiye has a lot to say to her best friend, feeling guilty for leaving her when she needed her the most. 

We decided beforehand to not tell them about the entire incident, since it would just cause unnecessary confusion and doubts. Leaving them in the unknown about the divine realm that really is still ongoing and alive during our present time is for the better. 

In the end, knowing or not knowing about it would hardly change anything. 

We are sitting in our favourite coffee shop and both Ninako and Kyouta look fine. A feeling of peace and contentment surrounds them and I'm relieved that the resolve of their situation doesn't seem to drag them down for too long. However, I wouldn't know what exactly goes through their minds and I do feel bad for not keeping up with them after they had their conclusion. I was too busy with handling the situation with Airi and forgot to be a proper friend.

"So, what is the news?" Kyouta leans forward over his coffee with excitement in his eyes. His grin is wide and he eagerly waits for an answer.

"Well." Chiye starts with an embarrassed, yet equally excited expression. "Yuu and I had a proper conversation, about everything and whatnot. And we also spoke about our feelings for each other-."

"Are you finally a couple?" Ninako interrupts Chiye by slamming her fist on the table. She looks at me almost angrily.

I'm a bit taken aback and slowly nod. "Yes, we are together." My answer comes out confident, even though I have to conceal my surprise. Ninako never had such an outburst of energy and presence before. It makes me feel even dumber, since it must have frustrated her so much for her to have this reaction. 

She falls back into her seat and happily claps into her hands. "I'm so happy for you guys!"

"Ahhhh! Finally! Congratulations!" Kyouta joins her cheering and that really doesn't help with the humiliation I'm feeling. Was it always so obvious? So incredibly and painfully obvious?

Kyouta smirks at me. "Man, you really took your sweet time."

I'm at a loss for words and Chiye pats me on my shoulder for comfort.

"Don't be like that, guys. It is just as much my fault for this late announcement as it is his." Chiye really tries hard to hide her chuckle and avoids looking at me, simply grinning towards Ninako and Kyouta. 

"Nah, that's all on him. You always reacted allergic to the topic love and relationship." Kyouta shakes his head and takes a sip from his coffee.

Ninako nods in agreement. "It was strangely weird to talk about that topic with you." 

I throw both of my hands in the air. "I give up. You've defeated me, I will accept your punishment for my stupid behaviour." 

And indeed, I would accept anything. From the very beginning my own cowardice hindered me and Chiye to move forward with our relationship, always keeping her at a certain distance and carefully not overstepping the boundaries as a friend.

They all laugh and I join their laughter. If getting scolded by our friends helps to easen up the mood, then I'm all too happy to be the scapegoat.

"You should treat us to dessert. After all these years of being with you both, that is the least you can do to heal our pained hearts that ached for your idleness." Kyouta swings his small spoon in front of my face. 

"Dessert sounds lovely!" Chiye agrees happily and finishes up her strawberry latte.

"With extra toppings!" Kyouta adds enthusiastically. 

I chuckle and make an appeasing gesture. "Yes, yes, whatever your aching hearts desire."

So after wrapping up our coffee shop visit, together we head to Happy Waffles for a very well deserved treat.

Following that meeting, I'm also meeting up with Kyouta alone, just like Chiye who spends some quality time with Ninako.

Kyouta seems content with what happened with him and Ninako. Of course he was heartbroken, but seeing the reality of all things included in a more sober way, disregarding his own feelings and wishes, made it clear to him that this was the only way possible. 

They haven't talked with each other ever since as well, which in turn gave them both some time and distance to begin to recuperate from this pain and disappointment.

"If it's with you two, then I guess seeing each other and acting all normal is really okay. It wasn't weird at all. I imagined it to be way worse." Kyouta carefully forms the spinning clay to a clean vase, adjusting the pressure accordingly. We are sitting in the back of his father's pottery shop. I watch him use his hands in an intentional way to shape the greyish clay. He really is an artisan in his craft and it's fascinating to witness the procedure of creating something with one's hands.

"I just hope that she doesn't feel uncomfortable with me being there, but I thought avoiding her wouldn't do us all any good either."

"No one expects you to interact with each other just like before too. Just do whatever you feel like is the best. I also didn't have the impression that she was forcing herself." I lean back into the wooden chair, trying to remember Ninako's demeanour during our recent meeting. I didn't perceive any negative or distinctly awkward feeling coming from her. However, I also wouldn't be the best to judge that based on the way she carries herself. Kyouta should be better at doing that.

"I'll focus on the shop for now and whatever comes will come." He grins at me and I return his smile. "That sounds like the perfect attitude." 

He continues to give the vase the finishing touches. 

"Speaking of attitude. What changed yours in regard to Chiye? Was it because of my dire situation and when we briefly talked about it?" He glances at me while leaning over his creation.

I can't really tell him that my confession was due to our own dire situation in the heavenly realm and that I'm actually not supposed to be here right now. Technically, I confessed to her before the spring festival took place, however the explicit confirmation of our relationship was during the festival. 

"Honestly, I was feeling really stupid for not realising it earlier. The fear of rejection and ultimately losing our friendship was greater than the affirmation of my feelings. But we talked during the spring festival, when she finished her dance." My heart still happily jumps on the thought of that day. "She actually asked me out before I could."

Kyouta jolts up, looks at me bewildered and starts to laugh wholeheartedly. "I knew it! You made her wait for too long."

I sigh and grin back at him. "I know! I'm doing my best to make up for it already, okay?"

He continues to laugh but his laughter ebbs away and he looks at me with a warm expression. "No, actually I think you didn't do anything wrong. There is no need to rush things if not both parties are mentally prepared to take things further. Even if it was as obvious as your relationship with each other, forcing a change to satisfy the expectations of others is always wrong and it will certainly end up bad. It's good that you took your time to clearly and properly consider everything, even if it meant for her to just wait a little longer." 

I'm a bit surprised by his sentimental words. I haven't viewed it in this way before, but he is actually correct as well. Just as much as I was a coward, I was also not ready yet to face my feelings. "Thanks man. I haven't really considered it like this. But yes, I'm glad that we came to this conclusion on our own and at our own pace." I smile at him and feel even more at peace. 

Hearing that from someone close to oneself is really disburdening. 

Certainly, I don't have to truly feel guilty for a long period of time, it's not like I committed a crime. However, the recent events just made it more clear to not waste any more time. The possibility of losing Chiye wasn't necessarily the best trigger for me, but it undoubtedly did its job. And now, more than ever, I'm not willing to go through that mortifying feeling ever again. 

Enabling Chiye to have her own future for her to seek happiness is what I want the most right now. This and showering her with all the love I have for as long as I can. 

"What do you think of this one?" Chiye looks around in the empty living room. 

This is our fourth flat viewing for today and the approaching summer heat makes every activity more exhausting. Chiye, however, doesn't seem to be bothered by the rising temperatures at all. She is still as lively and energetic as ever.

I look around, this is the biggest of the four apartments so far. I only had two apartments to choose from, but Chiye got really excited on my behalf and booked for two more. 

This one has three rooms, a kitchen and even a balcony overseeing the residential area. 

"The rooms all have a decent size." She opens the doors in the hallway. "This one is smaller, maybe you can turn it into an office." 

The apartment itself is freshly renovated and the layout of the rooms allow each room to have its own window. "But it's quite big though for you alone." She closes the doors again and comes over to me in the living room. 

I look at her and even after a few weeks neither my love nor the blissful feeling have faded. 

This mundane activity of looking for an apartment is usually connected with being exhausting and frustrating, but with Chiye together it is enjoyable.

She grabs my hand and holds it. "Do you like it?"

"It's nice, the location is good and very close to the station. The rooms all have a decent size and it's not too far from home. Just a 15 minute drive." I take another look around and Chiye accompanies me. 

"But it is really too spacious for me alone." We step outside on the balcony. 

"It is." Chiye nods in agreement as she admires the view. 

"So what if you move in with me together?" I look at her and she turns to me in surprise.

"What?" Her expression reflects her perplexion.

I chuckle and squeeze her hand softly. "Will you move in with me into this apartment?" My tone is soft, but my heart is racing.

She takes a while which in turn makes me even more nervous. This wasn't really planned, but I just blurted out what came into my mind. This question just felt right.

Her expression changes into a fond smile, her eyes glimmering with excitement and affection.

"Yes, I would love that." She jumps into my arms and I hold her tightly. We laugh together.

Happiness washes over me once again and I twirl us around as the hot sun rays make everything even more dazzling.

The season begins to change once again as we sit inside a train. "I'm so excited." Chiye looks outside the window and observes the landscape as it rushes by. 

The vibrant tapestry of autumn unfolds before our eyes, a breathtaking display of nature's artistry. The trees, once adorned in lush greenery, now burst into a kaleidoscope of warm hues. Each leaf seems to have transformed into a tiny masterpiece, painted in shades of red, orange, and gold. The summer heat still lingers in the air, making it the perfect time to visit the ocean side. I have to keep my promise from our childhood. 

The rhythmic melody of waves reaches my ears before I even catch a glimpse of the vast ocean that lies ahead. Chiye enthusiastically pulls me along and stops as the view unfolds before us. The sky stretches infinitely above, painted in shades of blue that seamlessly blend with the ocean's expanse. The sun, a radiant orb, casts a golden pathway across the water, as if inviting us to step into its warm embrace.

The salty breeze carries the essence of the sea, a scent that's both invigorating and calming. 

Seagulls dance in the sky, their calls harmonising with the soothing rhythm of the waves. The sand beneath our feet is soft and cool, a stark contrast to the sun-warmed air.

The ocean unfolds before us, a mesmerising canvas of blues and greens that stretch beyond the horizon. Waves roll in gracefully, each one carrying a whisper of stories from distant shores.

"It's prettier than I could ever have imagined it." Chiye turns to me, tears shimmering in the corners of her eyes. I laugh and gently wipe her eyes. "We are finally here." She laughs as well.

"Even the air is kind of salty." She grins and pulls me further into the beach.

"You should get used to it since we will come here more often."

I place the picnic blanket from my backpack onto the sand and as Chiye hurriedly takes off her shoes, I take my time to continue unpacking the contents of what I've brought along.


I look up and see Chiye waving at me while standing knee deep in the water. She holds up her dress with one hand and eagerly waves with the other. 

A chuckle escapes my lips and I also take off my shoes, making my way to her.

I feel the cool touch of the water as it rushes to greet me, a playful dance that leaves traces of frothy lace on the shore.

The horizon seems to stretch endlessly, a symbol of boundless possibilities and untold adventures.

"It's wonderful!" Chiye laughs brightly and I smile at her. As I get closer to her she falls into my arms. "How's the water?" I ask her while holding up the end of her dress now, since she let go to wrap her arms around my neck. 

"Salty." She kisses me on my lips. "Now it's better." She grins at me and I kiss her back as well.

"I'm glad to hear that."

She laughs and along with the ocean waves it's a sound that I could always continue to listen to.

We stay in the water until the sun begins to set, casting shades of orange and pink across the sky.

The sun dips below the waterline, casting a final burst of colours across the surface. Chiye leans against my shoulder, covered in blankets, and we watch as the stars slowly emerge, one by one, in the night sky. 

"I could stay here forever." She speaks softly. 

I turn towards her and kiss her gently on her forehead. "We'll come back here as many times as you want."

She chuckles and lifts her head. Her hair is in a loose braid that I made after we returned to our spot. Even on the dim lit beach I can see her eyes shimmering. 

"It's incredible how you always manage to make me so happy."

"I'm just trying my best to return the happiness that you give me." 

She smiles fondly and leans forward. Our lips don't touch, instead indulging in this anticipating hope. Teasing and intimately.

The symphony of the waves becomes a soothing background to our shared moment of silence, where words are unnecessary, and the ocean itself becomes our conversation.

We kiss under the shimmering starry night and the glistening ocean before us.

Living together with Chiye makes every day into a new blissful adventure. Waking up next to her, getting ready with her, preparing breakfast together and leaving our apartment to start a new day will never get boring. 

Chiye commutes to the temple in our hometown to continue with her path as the future head priestess. It took a while for her to decide on what she truly wanted, but regardless of all the options and possibilities, her heart would always turn back to the temple. 

I'm doing my best to support her with that, since this is what will give her fulfilment in her professional path. For everything else my ambition and effort are responsible. 

I already started my position at Hisaishi in their commercial department, testing the waters and getting a first impression as an employee after graduating from university.

So far, I can't really complain. The office hours are fine and my coworkers are nice. 

But I still feel the most happiness after leaving the company and making my way to pick up Chiye from the temple.

There is nothing more that I wish and need except for her in my life. It's as simple as that.

I love the 15 minute drive from her temple to our apartment, where she begins to tell me about her day. With no clear instructions or rules we start our evening routine at home as if it was the most natural thing for us. 

Usually, we decide on the spot or on our way home on what to eat for dinner. 

Even cooking together is fun as well as enjoying our food with a lively exchange, talking about everything that just comes into our minds.

I also love how we conclude the evening by cuddling on the sofa and talking the night away. Sometimes the TV is turned on, but neither of us is really paying attention. 

Chiye tends to ask me about some events that happened before, but it's quite difficult to remember them properly. It's like a dream that slowly fades into the oblivion of my consciousness. 

Sometimes I even doubt if it really happened. The blissful time that I spend with Chiye easily overshadow everything else.

Once in a while I pass by the shelf in our hallway, where three seashells are neatly placed, occupying a rack by themselves alongside a small portrait of a woman. Strangely enough, I feel somewhat familiar with the beautiful woman drawn in the portrait. However, I can't really say how and why. It's like a fog in my mind that I can't break through. 

I just know for a fact that a warm fuzzy feeling rushes through me everytime I look at it. 

Chiye also can't tell me who it is or why we display these things on the shelf. But we can't overcome ourselves to change it, since it just feels right to have them there.

So we keep them on the shelf, like a reminder of something precious that probably happened to us once. 

We also made it our tradition to visit the riverbank in our hometown after the spring festival. So, every year without doubt, we go to the river and pay our respect by flicking some stones into the water.

It's just one of the few things that we can't explain but diligently do. 

Sometimes like a reflex, my eyes wander between the fingers of people, as if I'm looking for something, but every time, there is nothing. I wanted to stop this weird habit, however, it somehow gives me comfort. So I continue to occasionally observe the fingers of the people around me and maybe someday I will actually see what I'm looking for. 

Time flies by ever so quickly and the dazzling happiness doesn't seem to ebb away in the slightest. Instead it always reaches a new peak finding its way in the smallest, even most mundane things. In the quiet simplicity of our shared moments, Chiye and I find joy everywhere. In the mundane, we find the extraordinary — a love that breathes life into the everyday, turning ordinary moments into the building blocks of a shared lifetime. Our days are painted with the colours of love and companionship, and even the simplest tasks become opportunities to deepen our connection.

Sometimes it's a piece of my favourite cake that she picked up before I arrive to drive us home. And other times it's breakfast in bed on a lazy sunday, when she is still half asleep.

When we feel like it, we will drive all the way down from the mountains to the beach and watch the sunset glimmering on the ocean's surface or navigate our way through a bustling market, exploring stalls filled with vibrant produce and handcrafted treasures.

At some point Chiye takes over the position as the head priestess of her family's temple. During the ritual she wears the most graceful robes and seeing her magnificently and elegantly performing the handover ritual as well as her official announcement, sparks a wave of pride and joy. Chiye being the head priestess is indeed the only thing that she could have ever been. It fits her like a custom made glove. And it's not because that is the only thing she ever did. It fills her with gratification and contentment to be able to continue her family tradition and to hold up the honour of the temple as high as it has always been. 

Her days are marked by rituals and spiritual guidance, and the sanctuary she tends to becomes a haven for those seeking solace. Her devotion to the divine mingles seamlessly with her devotion to our shared life.

I'm simply glad that she found something that her heart really burns for. Finding fulfilment in one's professional path isn't necessarily a matter of course. 

The same goes for Kyouta who also successfully took over the family pottery business and he seems to be as satisfied with it as ever. 

Watching the most beloved people around me finding happiness in their own way is also appeasing. 

In the quiet twilight of our lives, Chiye and I stand side by side, knowing that the essence of our love transcends the boundaries of time. It's a love that has grown old, gracefully embracing the wrinkles of age, yet retaining the timeless glow that first sparked between us.

Chiye and I traverse the seasons of life hand in hand, embracing the journey of growing old together. The echoes of laughter and the soft cadence of shared footsteps fill the spaces of our shared existence, and as the years unfold, the tapestry of our love deepens. 

It's a pleasant spring evening, countless blossoms decorate the city in different shades of colours. 

As the sun sets on the horizon of our shared existence, we find solace in the enduring love that has weathered the tests of time. Wrinkled hands find familiar warmth while walking along the riverbank. The water is glistening and the sounds of the city seem to fade into the background. 

I'm filled with gratitude for being able to enjoy this moment together with Chiye.

We sit down on a bench and watch the shimmering flow of water. 

A soft breeze mixes the scent of the flowers in the air. 

"There is nothing that I regret." Chiye turns to me, smiling, just as beautiful as always. And her eyes haven't lost even a tiny bit of my dearly beloved affectionate glimmer. 

I lean over and kiss her left cheek first. "I also don't have any regrets." I kiss her right cheek.

"There is nothing that I would have done any other way." I pause for a moment and look into her eyes. "If it means that I could always live my life by your side, then I would do it all over again."

I kiss her on her lips and she smiles fondly. "Spending my life with you is probably the only thing that I would love to do for as long as the world exists." 

A brief spark of reminiscence flickers in my mind and it feels like the words just come out naturally. "Please remember that I will always fall in love with you again and again. No matter how much time has passed or how much we might have changed. My love for you is the only constancy that you can always firmly believe and trust in."

"I will always find a way to be with you over and over again." 

The blissful happiness washes over me and we kiss. 

As I open my eyes again I'm not on the bench by the river next to Chiye anymore. 

It's dark and I can barely make something out in the void stretching endlessly before me. However, intuitively I know that I'm not alone. 

Memories come flooding back to me, overwhelmingly and intensely. 

"Airi, was that you?" My voice is the same as when I was in my mid-twenties. 

A faint light approaches me, formless and yet warm and familiar. 

"That was all I could give to you." Her melodic voice echoes in the darkness.

I smile at her, in this supposed lifetime that I lived, she was missing for most of it and I wish that I didn't forget about her. 

"That was more than enough." My voice is tender and warm.

"Are you ready?" Her voice reflects her sadness about what is going to come ahead of me.

I close my eyes and play the lifetime that I spent with Chiye on replay in my head.

The warm blissful fulfilment fills my heart with endless love and energy. Encouraging me of my upcoming destiny. It was all worth it.

"Thank you so much for giving me that time." 

"You deserved more than that."

I softly shake my head. 

"That is all that I could have wished for." 

Airi's light begins to fade, heralding my very own fate. Death awaits me alongside the inevitable oblivion of my own precious feelings. 

I open my eyes again, seeing more than just the vast darkness in front of me, but also all the moments that I could have lived with Chiye in a lifetime that was not intertwined with our divine fate. However, regret still doesn't dwell inside of me, instead it's just the same dazzling happiness that I was able to feel during this made-up scenario.

Overall peace takes over, I'm calm and ready. 

I think about where my luck and fate began and ended. And without doubt, the luckiest and most fateful thing in my life was meeting Chiye. Between all the mountains, seas and stars, as well as between heaven and earth, I was able to spend these years with her. Defying fate might not be possible, however I would still give it my all. Everything that I am, have and always be. I would give it all up to be able to spend my life with her again, even for the shortest amount of time. 

For as long as our souls prevail, I will always make Chiye my one fateful encounter and true love all over again.