
Sunlight warmly tickles my face and I open my eyes to blink against the dazzling rays.

The first thing that I can see is the familiar ceiling of my room. 

I turn to my right where my desk is, the paintings and drawings of Chiye are still taped on the wall. Everything is the same, from the things, the feelings and to the smell. 

I'm back.

I feel strangely exhausted and tired. My mind is still a little fuzzy as if I just woke up from a very long dream. 

With a jolt I'm sitting straight up on my bed and look around for my phone. It's next to my pillow, just like always.

The display shows that five days since traversing to the other realm have passed. Today is the spring festival.

I'm nervously counting the dialling noises as I wait for Chiye to pick up my phone call.

My heart beats fast, awaiting the all so familiar voice greeting me on the other side of the phone.

The beeping stops and rustling replaces the sound.