Takin’ Care of Business

Wei Huoran was sitting in his chair at the city hall meeting room facing the seven ministers.

"Today's meeting is a review of the last few months and the path forward", Huoran spoke as he tapped his Qphone causing it to display a screen filled with achievements, "As we can see here, there are three hundred QR pods produced, one hundred for our use and two hundred for visitors. Five more cultivation evaluation artifacts have been created, once again for outsiders to use. The spirit stone Qi concentrator has been finished which leads into the next topic, it's time for our currency to be minted and paid to the people. According to Minister Liang, one hundred and thirty seven cultivators were the original members that broke through first. While we are keeping a crew together for future construction projects, most of workers have transitioned to different jobs. All the service oriented businesses have been built and the employees have been trained. Now is the time for them to start work, we will setup a transportation hub that will allow quick travel between Sun and Moon City and Market Square and the workshops."

As he spoke, different images would appear on the wall. The first image was the entrance to Market Square, in which many signs were displayed. They read 'Welcome to Market Square, Please present identification to enter. If this is your first visit, you will need to enter the registration office to register your information and receive your comprehensive pass. Businesses inside only accept Sun and Moon approved currencies, so please visit the trade exchange also located in the registration office.' The next image was of copper, silver, and gold coins, as well as, spirit stones that has been shaped into coins. Each were labeled copper, silver, gold, low quality spirit coin, mid quality spirit coin, high quality spirit coin. A conversion chart was displayed one hundred of a lower coin equaled one of a higher ranked coin. The image after was the various facilities in market square including the QR pod cafe with hundreds of pods inside and the market with a variety of products on shelves. The resort by the lake looked beautiful in the image and the restaurant were decorated meticulously to match certain themes.

Huoran continued, "There are eight days left until the end of the summer season, we have to get the words out that on the first day of the fall season, everyone must come and receive their first paycheck. From now on the residents will have to pay for the things they want. Minister Song and Ye, this will be your main priority. Also the Bank has been completed, and the employees have been trained, we have to get the word out to the public about how to pay with coin or Qphone."

Minister Song nodded his head and smiled, "Yes Boss Wei, I must say this bank facility and 'banking system' is genius."

Minister Ye added, "Also, it's very wise to start using this new system now so that when the first visitors come, we will already be familiar with it."

"Next is transportation, since the grand formation prevents people from flying, I will be working on a form of public transportation called a train. There will be multiple trains and they will run on schedule, taking passengers from city to square or city to workshops in fast and efficient manner", Huoran told the ministers as he changed to the next picture and a futuristic bullet train was displayed on the wall. With a thought the projected changed to a three dimensional image and the seven ministers were stunned as they saw it in motion. People would enter to train, it would quickly travel to destination and the people would exit.

"I should mention as well, once enough artifacts refiners are trained, we will produce carriers", Huoran changed the screen again and multiple vehicles appeared on screen, "these carriers will have certain names, this is a car and this is a bike. Bikes are meant for one or two people, and cars can carry two to six people generally. Anyone who want to buy and drive one must one have the money, but also attend a course and receive their license, otherwise the carrier will be taken and their privileges revoked."

The Ministers nodded their head in agreement.

"So Ladies and Gentlemen, this is my report for today, I must return for now because I'm leading the construction teams in the process of building the roads and rails. Also I'm building the train to have it ready for the beginning of the new season. The employees who will run the station and the train drivers have been secretly training for the last few months. While I will be on the first train on day one to oversee the operation, I don't foresee to many problems."

Huoran left after his closing remarks and returned to his home.

The next day, there was discussions everywhere as the news was released. Everyone would receive their pay due effectively the day they signed their contract. Everyone who earned their certifications also received schedules for their first day to report to work. Some of them were told their location was in Market Square but were told to meet a certain station in Sun and Moon City. Six days later a crowd formed at City Hall as all the residents waited for it to open. At the top of the hour, the doors opened and Minister Song walked out.

"Residents of Sun and Moon City, to receive your paycheck now and in the future, walk inside and to the left. Scan your Qphone on the artifact and pick one of two options, physical or virtual currency. You will receive a card no matter which choice you make. Take that card and your Qphone to the bank and register your account there. Once that is completed, you can take your money or leave it in the bank. If you pick the physical currency option, the bank will deposit your pay into your account and you can withdraw your money when you want. Every paycheck in the future will automatically by deposited into your account and you will need to physically withdraw any money you wish to. If you pick the virtual option the money will automatically deposit into your account and anytime you goto buy anything from a business, you simply scan your Qphone on an artifact and the bank will automatically pay your balance. Sorry for the long explanation, please enter and claim your pay."

The crowds organized themselves into lines as the city hall staff oversaw the process. Everything went quickly as they simply swiped their phone, chose their option and exited with their cards. Most people chose the physical currency option but a handful decided to use the virtual option.

The next day, Qin Fan, a class-3 sous chef for the Lion's Head restaurant, arrived at the train station and walked inside. He looked to the right, and saw long lines as people were lined up buying tickets for whatever this 'train' was. He looked to the left and saw a special entryway with a scanner just like at City Hall.

'I picked the virtual option yesterday, if what they said it true. I can just scan my phone on that scanner and pay for my ticket without waiting in a long line', Qin contemplated.

Qin walked over to the entryway as everyone in line watched him pull his Qphone and scan it. Immediately, a ticket popped out and Qin grabbed it and walked through.

'It worked!', Qin was excited as he made his way to the platform, leaving behind the long lines of jealous people. As he stood there, a loud voice came out of nowhere, "The train to Market Square will arrive in five minutes, stay behind the yellow line until the train comes to a complete stop. Once all departing guests have left the train, please board the train before the scheduled departure in an orderly manner."

Five minutes later, the large group of people were standing on the platform when the train came out of the tunnel, blaring it horn. Qin and the other passengers were frightened as they witnessed a large cylindrical object stop at the platform. All the doors opened with a hiss of air, as a man walked out and onto the platform.

"Ladies and Gentleman, I am Wei Huoran, and today I will be riding with you to relieve and worries you might have of riding the train. Please enter your ticket here at this stand and board the train. I hope you enjoy the ride", Huoran announced and then walked back into the train.

Qin Fan went the stand and inserted his ticket, walked through the turnstile, and entered the train. Rows of empty seats with an aisle in the middle entered his vision and he went and found a window seat. The seats were arranged in groups of four with the front and the back facing each other, and the train began to fill up. Once everyone was seated, a female voice was heard on the speakers, "Good Morning, I'm your conductor today, Chang Lui, and we are ready to go to Market Square. The trip will take approximately ten minutes and we are ready to leave. Please enjoy your trip", the speaker went silent and the train began to move forward. Ten minutes later the train slowed down and stopped, and as the doors opened, the voice returned, "We have arrived at Market Square on time, please gather you belongings and exit the train and thank you for travel with me today."

Qin Fan exited the train and walked through the station and he exited looking at all the sights. Five minutes later, he arrived at the Lion's Head restaurant and prepared for his very first day.