A Day in the City (Part 3)

Tang Shihong, Tang Xing, Tang Yongrui, Tian Wencheng, and Wen Geming had checked into the bank and hotel and they heard rumors of a group battle at the QR pod cafe and came together. They were assigned a room with five pods and after enjoying bowl of 'ramen' and a beverage called 'coke' they sat down in their pods and completed the start up process.

They selected Arena Battle (Group) and heard, "Welcome to Ancient Warlords, a team game where the objective of each team is to destroy the headquarters of the enemy. Each team consists of five members and there are three paths between the sides. These paths are guarded by towers that will attack your opponents. You can leave the safety of the paths and explore the wilds at your own risk but hidden rewards might be discovered. An army of soldiers will leave the headquarters to attack the enemy camp and by defeating them you will earn gold used to buy artifacts to strengthen yourself. Should you be overwhelmed, you will have to wait thirty seconds before your returned to your camp. Would you like me to repeat the instructions?"

Everyone picked no and the voice asked, "This pod has recognized that your are part of a group, would like to queue together or queue randomly?"

The first option was selected and they all were transported to a new room. The five of them looked at each other and laughed. A big screen displayed the status, 'Searching for opponents, Stand by' for six seconds before it changed and their names were displayed on the left side of the screen and five names they didn't recognize were on the right. The music heard in the background resonated with the five of them and they could feel the tension in the air grow heavier as both teams appeared in a valley between to mountains with a river running through it. Forest blanketed the area as three paths appeared front of them.

Shihong spoke first, "I think I should take the top path as it has the heaviest forest and I'm a level four wood root."

Xing nodded his head, "Yongrui and I will go down the middle, oh combination of water and steel can take advantage of the river."

Wencheng and Geming smiled and Geming said, "We will take the lower path, we will meet you on the other side."

The group split up and began following the soldiers that were running down the path. While the soldiers looked real, they acted simple and predictable and the five of them understood that the real danger was the other team. Eventually, their soldiers met the soldiers of the other side and fights broke out. The cultivators of both sides killed the soldiers at first and almost stopped immediately when the dead soldiers disappeared in a flash of light and gold coins entered the players purse. Everyone began to understand, even though the troops were weak, you have kill them for gold. Shihong met with a cultivator from the other team, a Sword Heart disciple, and pulled out his spear. A thought occurred to him, since death in this realm would only stop him temporarily, he could be more aggressive. Using the wind step movement technique, he rush his opponent, executing the scorpion tail attack. The opponent parried the spear and countered with a thrust, stabbing ShiHong in the left shoulder. He grimaced even though he wasn't really hurt, the simulation still let the user experience some pain. He spun the spear hitting the Sword Heart disciple in the chin with the butt of his spear, dizzying him for a moment, before executing Tiger Fang with one arm, piercing the enemy in the neck.

"FIRST BLOOD!", echoed through everyone's pods, scaring the cultivators.

Bloodied by the exchange, Shihong started to retreat back to starting point to buy a potion to recover when his point of view change as an arrow hit him in the back. The match continued and both sides began to learn strategies of how to handle the soldiers, which artifacts to buy, the use of the towers, and how to adapt to different styles of weapons and attacks. Forty minutes later, due to the familiarity the three brothers and two friends had with each, their combined efforts resulted in the destruction of the opponent's headquarters. The five of them cheered and drank more coke, before entering their pods again to queue again.

Long Wen and Fang Naying were walking through the the giant shopping center amazed at all the stores and stalls. They would peruse through clothings shops and try on the robes and dresses on display. All the designs were amazing in their eyes. A set of black robes with a golden phoenix flying in the clouds, another of blue and white with blooming lotus flowers, some have butterflies, and others had peonies. The employees offered to assist them in wearing a few, so they took turns trying on their favorites.

Wen looked regretful, "I wish I would have brought more money, I'll buy a few sets for now and the next time I return, I will be prepared."

Naying agreed, "I'm still saving for a few hair accessories and some of snacks I saw when we walked around. Plus we promised to meet the others and the Cinema later, I think the said the 'movie' was called 'Stalking Tiger, Concealed Dragon'."

The girls chatted as they left the store and walked by a stall selling candied haws.

"One order for both of us please", Wen told the older woman.

The woman gathered six sticks and separated them into two bags. As she handed them over, she said, "Thank you miss, that will be four copper."

"Of course", Wen smiled as she set four coins down and picked the haws, handing one bag to Naying.

"Let's go visit that one accessory store, some of the hairpins were impressive", Naying suggested.

As they entered the store, the employee at the entrance bowed and welcomed them, "Welcome guests, would you like assistance or will you be browsing on your own."

Naying responsed, "I wish to browse", but Wen said, "please explain some of your products to me."

"Certainly, I am Han Meixiu, please come this way", Mei said, "This case holds jewelry for your wrist or ankles call bracelets or anklets. Some have minor effects engraved in them, nothing combat related I'm afraid. For instance, the bracelet will change your eye color to match one of jewels socketed in."

"That's still nice, but are there combat related artifacts like this?", Wen asked.

"Of course, if you go the Artificer's shop, you will see a few pieces like that but with combat related skills or attacks engraved. Unfortunately, their stock is limited as the best items are only available for residents only. If you have the material, you can commission an artifact be made for you using your materials at a reduced costs."

Wen was pleasantly surprised when she heard this, "That sounds promising, I'll definitely add it to my list for the next time. In the mean time, what else is here?"

"We have rings, earrings, necklaces, and hair pins", Mei told her.

Wen and Naying completed their shopping after a few more hours and walked towards the cinema afterwards.

The two girls met with the three guys outside the theater twenty minutes before the start of the show. The three of them were holding baskets filled with popcorn and carrying large bottles of Iced red tea.

"No worries ladies, we have found these delicious snacks for viewing the movie", Mao Bao said proudly.

"More like I found it", Chen Zihao snorted, "We have the entrance tiles already, they called tickets, please accept yours."

Long Wen and Fang Naying accepted to tickets and snacks before thanking the boys.

"Shall we enter the movie now? It's set to start in five minutes and we need to get our seats", Chen reminded the group.

Everyone agreed and they set off down the until they reached their theater. They found and entered their balcony , inside five rattan chairs were placed around a table.

The group sat down and enjoyed the purchased snacks and drinks, when a humongous holographic image appeared. Music followed along with the images, enhancing the mood of the scene. The characters, such as the sword master and the thief were memorable, and the action scenes were inspiring to watch. At the end of the film, many moviegoers were doing their best to hold back the tears as they left the theater.

"We need something positive to uplift our spirits", Chen suggested.

"Like what?", Wen asked.

"I heard of a event called a 'Concerts' is happening tonight near the lake. Many musicians will be performing above the lake, creating a visual and auditory experience", Chen reported.

The group requested a Taxi and and headed to the lake to meet up with everyone else.