Moving on Up

Wei Huoran was sitting in his mediation chamber with his eyes closed, but he didn't seem to be at peace. Inside the simulation space, he was systematically arranging runes into arrays. When everything was in place he would test it only to find a fatal flaw in the design.

'This design requires too much power and the materials can't handle to load. This one is not powerful enough to establish a space for living beings. This one does everything I need to, but it is too many runes and arrays and can't fit onto the item I need it too', Huoran was having trouble find the right balance, 'Let's try this…next, let's try that…next, how about this?, no'.

Huoran opened his eyes, "There is something missing, either I need better materials, or more efficient array formations."

Quanliyan said, 'Perhaps the answer will come when we advance to the Golden Core stage, think about the other artifacts you have refined: Qphones, flying boats, hover bikes, refrigerators. You created most of those during the Qi Gathering stage, but with every minor realm change and the major realm changes, you gained more rune knowledge and upgraded those artifacts with the new knowledge.'

'Perhaps your right, I've been working on this in my spare time for two years now and I'm so close', Huoran lamented, 'a little extra time and breaking through would probably help.'

'I have felt it recently', Quanliyan said, 'It won't be long before you break through. I'm still amazed at your progress, from mortal to late stage Foundation Establishment cultivator so quickly. I know this island has provided a lot of resources but it still must be a record.'

Huoran contemplated Quanliyan's words, 'I've been so busy I never thought about it, I guess I'm seventeen years old now.'

'Exactly, even in first rate organizations, I don't believe I've heard of anyone that young reaching your level before', Quanliyan told him, 'Don't be surprised if some organizations start approaching you to speak with your 'master' to arrange your marriage or send assassins to kill you.'

'Well, I'll deal with that when it happens', Huoran answered.

Finishing his meditation and rune practice, he walked to the kitchen. Gathering a few ingredients, he made noodle dish, beef skewers, and dumpling soup. He ate as he put his tablet into holographic mode, and started watching the reports from the different departments. While a handful of people had advanced to mid Qi Gathering stage most were still in the early stages. Only children who were of age yet were still mortal.

'After I breakthrough to Golden Core, I'll take a month to see if I can craft secret realm artifacts and portals. If it hasn't happened by then, I'll take my next trip to recruit future citizens. I think once all that's done, I'll just relax a bit, play some games, and work on some things.' Huoran thought.

For the next three weeks, he carved out vaults close the spirit vein to place resources inside.

'Most of the ore found around this vein is of higher quality or on the verge of transforming into a new type of ore. Logic states that storing this here should cause the same reaction', he theorized.

He also took time to build a entertainment system (consisting of a docking station for Qphones). He started drawing up the plans for the winery, brewery, and distillery with the plan being to have a realm dedicated to each facility. Taking a break before deciding his next project, he sat in his chair drinking a tall glass of spiritual sweet tea. As he was enjoying the moment, a sensation like lightning ran through his body and he knew it was time.

Wei Huoran ran to his cave door and touched the array next to it. Sometime ago, when he was studying runes and array formations, he had decided to study the array at the door. Although there was a large portion on it that he could barely comprehend, what he did understand left him sweating. The array at the door was supposed to keep the door locked, and hide it from prying eyes. Obviously, Quanliyan was the reason he was able to detect its location, but he still isn't sure to this day how he walked in. No only doesn't array keep the door locked but in the event someone still enters, high level illusion and killing arrays are supposed to activate. Considering how high level these arrays are, Huoran predicted not many people could walk away with their life. But this time Huoran fully activated the array, including the one that was meant to hide auras from everybody.

He quickly made his way down and sat down in his meditation room. He lit some incense, calmed his mood, and began to focus on his breakthrough. Unlike the Body Perfecting stage which cleansed impurities from the body, Qi Gathering stage that strengthens his meridians and Dantain, Foundation Establishment stage which solidified his mind, body, and energy as the foundation of his power, this breakthrough felt different. The three main dantians were the main focal point and in his mind space, a large solid foundation was under him. Three cores of energy were spinning around each other and as the breakthrough continued, they increased in speed but inched closer to each other. The rotation became faster and eventually the distance between the three was gone. Just as Huoran became worried that they would damage each other an odd thing happened. The cores started to merge and when the three crossed paths, a golden light would be seen. He watched as the cores merged into one, turning into a golden core. Power raced through his body and the area around him was constantly absorbing Qi. Huoran would hold high quality spirit coins to ensure he had enough Qi to complete the breakthrough. The golden core now large enough to sit on the huge foundation finished the merger, and continued to spin at high speeds. The quantity of Qi in his body had expanded by leaps and bounds and the quality was improved by a great amount.

'Congratulations Xiao Ran, you are probably the youngest Golden Core stage cultivator in history', Quanliyan delivered his praises.

'Thank you, it's been almost a day and a half, let me wash up, change robes, and get used to the new realm.', Huoran replied.

Wei Huoran deactivated his arrays and headed out to town. Although the resident couldn't feel his level, they could tell it had majorly improved since a few days ago and scores of people congratulated him. Walking into a cafe, he ordered coffee and sat down. Minister Ren walked up to his table and bowed, "Congratulations on your advancement, Boss Wei."

"Thank you, it's surprising to see you out of the office, did they run out of coffee?" Huoran asked.

Laughing, Minister Ren shook his head, "No, it's just during lunch time I like to come down here and hear the words of the people."

"That's a fine habit, Minister Ren", Houran said, "Since your here, I believe to have good news that you can tell the others. Now that I broke through, our own secret realms should be available soon. Everyone that requires more space should start packing to get ready to move."

"This is very good news, Boss Wei, I'll be sure pass this on to everyone", Ren responded.

"Very well, now that I stretched my legs, it's time to return home. My best wishes to you and your family", Huoran bowed and returned home.

'Alright Quanliyan, I'm ready for the new information', Huoran said in his mind.

'I shall now begin', Quanliyan replied.

Huoran sat there as new plants, beasts, arrays, rune combinations, phenomenons, and more poured into his mind. His mind quickly memorized the information and organized it for later use. Many hours later the transmission finished and Huoran took a deep breath.

'Let me clean up, eat, and rest before I start. It will be another few weeks of simulations to master all this new information", he said before getting up to wash.

What should have been the next few weeks turned into two months as Huoran ran every simulation of the new information but also ran it again using the old information, finding many ways to improve his products. Even though the people were waiting for this new 'secret realm' artifact, the arrival of improved products and new products made them happy. Qphones could do more things, cars could drive longer, and many appliances were more energy efficient. He also created computers that used at home, better QR pods, QTVs, and heating and cooling units. He even offered discounts to those who recycled their old units. Of course the main goal of a secret realm artifact was the last project. Using the new array formations and combinations, he combined spacial, temporal, and elemental forces with the materials he had previously left infusing with Qi near the spiritual vein. In his simulation space, he spent hundreds of hours until one day he had a breakthrough. Activating the device allowed him to transport a simulated frog into the artifact, which promptly died. At first he was frustrated because he knew this arrangement should have worked when he heard Quanliyan speak, 'Pardon me Xiao Ran but I think you have forgotten something. The frog will die even if this artifact is working correctly because there is nothing inside. No air, water, land, nothing, how do you plan on it surviving?'

Huoran rubbed his temples when he hears this, 'You're right old friend, I got so wrapped up I forgot the basics, thank you.'

Huoran reset the simulation but this time he had the artifact simulate a ten mile island on water inside. He activated the artifact and using the portal linked to the artifact the frog entered. He watched as the frog continue to live this time until it died again, this time from dehydration. Relieved, he stopped the simulation and took his revised blueprints to his personal workshop. He had three parts of the artifact: a bowling size crystal sphere, a two meter tall portal, and a set of array flags and plates. Buy the materials needed it took three attempts before he refined the artifact correctly in simulation space. After refining it three times in a row without any issues he took the materials and created the real product.

Taking out his tablet he went the ministers tab and wrote in the chat, 'I've accomplished what I needed to. But before it is ready, I need to take a trip, so while I'm out, I'll recruit new residents.'

Receiving positive messages back, he packed for the trip and went to the beach. Summoning his improved boat, Chaos Theory, he activated the systems and left the island.