Rising Tensions

A tall and majestic man sat on a throne as he listened to a series of reports. Each herald or adviser spoke about a string of surprise attacks by the Ashfur rats that had killed or injured a large portion of several cities. After a few beastkins made their reports, the man stopped the next speaker by raising his hand and standing.

"The Ashfur rats could never be trusted, but they stayed hidden in their nest and did the jobs they were hired to do", the man started to speak to everyone in the room, "They showed their true nature a few days ago, and we must respond. As we speak our best trackers are currently tracking down the culprits, and although it's well known that how crafty the rats are, we hounds will hunt them down to the last one. Let everyone know it's time to go and let loose the hounds of battle."

The dog beastkins in the room began to chant, "Proudmaw, Proudmaw, Proudmaw!"

The four chiefs landed at the edge of a forest where the Crimson Fire foxes made home. The forest started on flat lands but climbed up a mountain that was an active volcano, and the perfect location for the foxes to absorb fire Qi.

"Chief Ironclaw, I normally wouldn't asked this, but can you visit the Yak clan to see if we can get a copy of the images they have and send them to Daoist Wei?", Jaeger Bloodclaw asked, "I would go, but they wouldn't trust me very much if I arrived with my pack."

Chief Ironclaw let out a rare laugh, "Yes, I believe you are correct. I will go and speak with them then."

"I suppose Chief Crimson that we both do not need to go see the dogs", Bloodclaw remarked.

"I'm glad we agree on this", Crimson replied, "Everytime I have to be around Proudmaw, I feel ill."

"I see", the wolf said, "I will go visit them then, but I suggest you prepare your defenses. If and when the rabbits find their stone, I believe our two clans will be their first targets."

The fox had a realization and expression of understanding appeared on her face, "I will do so, please make sure to contact me if something big happens at the least."

She turned, and her and the other fox elders led their mounts into the forest.

Razortalon said, "I must quickly leave as well, I need to contact all the bird clans. I will get the word out as fast as possible."

"Just be careful my friend", Ironclaw responded, "Especially around the Golden Spurs chickens, but probably around the Bright eye Peacocks as well. The Yaks were related to the oxen and were affected by the stone, so it wouldn't surprise me if the rooster stone works the same way."

"That makes sense", Razortalon said before he morphed into his true body, a large golden eagle. He screeched and took off, and a few minutes layers, all his elders also followed after him. After resting and eating, the wolves and bears were airborne again and traveled for half a day before Ironclaw saluted Bloodclaw, "I will contact you with news soon, peace until the next meeting."

"Peace until the next meeting, brother", Bloodclaw replied as the the two groups started to separate and head in different directions.

Wei Huoran just stepped out of his meditation room, grinning as he inspected himself. He had just finished his breakthrough to the late stage of the Golden Core realm.

'Congratulations', Quanliyuan said.

'Thank you', Huoran responded, 'I should thank you as well, if you hadn't blocked the technique of the princess, I might have handed everything over to her.'

'Hmph', Quanliyuan snorted in disdain, 'How could a little girl like her hope to penetrate my defenses, she would have to train a few millions years before she stood a chance.'

Huoran laughed as he activated his tablet, "Secretary Su."

"Yes, Boss Wei", A voice replied.

"I have finished my breakthrough", Huoran remarked, "I still need to consolidate my foundation, as well as study new things. Please cancel meetings I had for the next five days, and don't allow anything to disturbed me unless it's an emergency."

"Congratulations, Boss Wei", she said, "I will do as you say."

"Thank you", Huoran said as he ended the call, 'Now old friend, I'm ready to receive the next level of knowledge.'

Huoran sat back down on his meditation mat and closed his eyes as Quanliyuan started to transfer the unlocked memories to him.

The three Grand lord merchants and their associates were in a meeting with the human and merfolk administration, commerce, and entertainment ministers and their staff.

"Ministers of Sun & Moon island, it's our pleasure to make your acquaintance", Merchant Kang bowed and opened the discussion on their side.

"It's our honor to receive you today", Minister Ye bowed in return.

"We would like to discuss several orders of business", Merchant Shen said next", I wonder if the Ministry would find this favorable?"

A pleasant sounding voice answered his inquiry as Minister Cai replied, "I believe that we should be able to find common ground, but if we don't, I can only apologize."

Merchant Gong slightly frowned at Cai's response, "What do you mean by this, Minister?"

"That we have rules and regulations that must be met", Cai told the three merchants, "And we take it very seriously, should you feel the temptation to circumvent our rules, I'm afraid any agreements that happened today with be voided, and your business will be asked to leave."

"I think this shouldn't be an issue for us", Kang interrupted, "There should be some leeway for us, yes?"

"If that is the attitude you possess now", Minister Song suddenly spoke up, "Then I'm afraid this will be a very short meeting."

Gong looked at the ministers in disbelief before turning to the merfolk ministers, "Isn't the purpose of business to make money? Are the three of you in agreement with the others?"

Kang knew that Gong was upset and trying to create conflict to take advantage, so he stayed quiet for now.

Minister Tuflin, the Minister of commerce on the merfolk side spoke, "Grand Lord Merchants, please remember that while one of purpose is to make money, the other purpose given to us by Daoist Wei and his master is to support the progress of the island."

The three merchants suddenly looked embarrassed when they remember who watched over this island.

Gong bowed his head, "I seem to have forgotten myself, I pray the ministers will forgive me."

"There is nothing to forgive", Ye replied, "While we share some common goals, we diverge in others, we all have our own path to travel."

Shen, wanting to get the meeting back on track, spoke, "Shall propose our first plan then?"

The six ministers nodded in agreement as Shen began, "We were thinking about providing a transportation service.."

"Excuse my rudeness, merchant Shen", Song interrupted, "Any opportunities that happen outside the island are only your business and we will not interfere or participate in any way."

The three merchants were angered when Song first spoke out of turn, but after hearing what he said, they no longer held onto that anger.

Kang smiled as he said, "So you won't do anything?"

"As long as it's outside the array formation, we will not do anything", Song affirmed, "That being said, within five hundred kilometers of the formation, all guests will receive our protection, so keep that in mind."

Ye also mentioned, "Please making sure you are bringing guests that can stay. If you take all their coin, they won't be able to stay here."

Shen nodded, "we would never do such a thing to ruin our reputation or yours."

Cai asked, "Since the first proposal isn't of our concern, what is the second item?"

Gong sat back and lit his pipe, "We wish to open a store or two in Market Square."

"This will be complicated ", Song said.

"It shouldn't be too complicated", Gong said frowning, "We reach a deal, open a store, and enjoy the profits."

Minister Kaza, the merfolk Commerce Minister, replied to Gong, "I'm afraid it isn't that easy."

Kang felt a headache coming and kneaded his temples with his hands, "Is this part of the rules you mentioned before?"

Minister Lin, the merfolk Administration Minister, replied, "Exactly, as per Daoist Wei, all land and buildings built here are owned by his master and only residents can earn their own building with the knowledge that should the business fail, the building returns to the master."

The merchants listened to the explanation with contemplating expressions, but inside their were joyful. What a novel idea, only the strong could think of such an idea.

"How do we open and operate a business then?", Shen inquired.

"You will have to enter a contract with the owner of the building", Ye responded, "You will pay rent at regular intervals and fees to the city."

"What is this rent you speak of?", Kang questioned the minister.

"It's a procedure in which a person temporarily allows another to use a service, item, or location for compensation", Song explained, "The terms and conditions of the agreement must be recognized by both sides and a penalty is usually issued if this agreement is broken."

Just when the three merchants thought they couldn't be surprised anymore, this concept open new avenues never thought possible.

"And the fees?", Kang asked curiously.

"Each building is supplied with Qi and spiritual water", Ye informed them, "Of course, if you wish to not receive this service, that can be arranged. I don't believe you will be very popular if you choose this option though."

"You can control such things?", Shen asked.

"Do not underestimate Boss Wei and his master", Ye retorted, "I think we covered the basics of renting a building, let's talk about the employees. I suppose you will bring your own personnel to staff your businesses, which is acceptable. But employers have certain responsibilities here, and employees are entitled to certain rights. You will be required to provide us with the contracts you have with your workers, and if it doesn't meet the minimum requirements commensurate of their realm, then you will not be allowed to open your business here."

"There seem to be many regulations here,ministers", Shen remarked.

"We did mention that before, Grand lord merchants", Cai said, "Also depending on what type of business you intend to open, there will more regulations."

Shen furrowed his brow before asking, "For instance?"

"For instance, if you plan on importing products here, they will be inspected", Cai continued, "And their rating and information must be known by the customer before purchase, though the customers have the right to waive this. If you plan on selling beasts or items that could cause damage, they have to be identifiable and unable to harm the customers or employees. If you plan on opening brothels, please remember that slavery is banned here, and if it's found out that you brought slaves here, they will be taken in custody, released from their contract, and you will receive a violation of the Better Business Bureau. Also, the employees you hire for your brothels are required a yearly health examination and equal pay whether you hire male or female escorts."

"We have heard a few things about this bureau in relation to this", Gong replied.

"Excellent", Ye responded, "Since you are not citizens of our island, you will not be subjected to our taxes, but you are not eligible for our discounts either. Also, all businesses are subject to inspection to ensure compliance of all regulations, and inspectors can schedule an inspection or perform a no notice inspection. No notice inspections won't usually happen unless customers have reported to the bureau of possible violations."

"This is a lot to think about, ministers", Kang said.

"We understand", Minister Teg, the merfolk minister of entertainment, replied, "We shall take our leave at this time then. If you ultimately decide to continue to open a business, contact us again. If not, we will still enjoy a drink together sometime before you go."