Through the Fire and Flames

Ironspurs and the elders he had selected had been flying for a few days, and should be reaching their destination today. Even if he had been feeling more ambitious lately, he started to collect himself in preparation of his arrival at the island. The cultivator that oversaw this island was not someone he offend, so as they got closer, Ironspurs turned towards his elders, "Everyone should remember which Senior stays on this island, so don't cause a disturbance. No matter how much humiliation you have to endure, it's much better to live than to die."

The elders voiced their acknowledgment, and began to uses various methods to put themselves into the right mindset. Five hundred kilometers away, they heard the same verbal greeting that all first time visitors would hear, and they headed towards the entrance.

Ironspurs and the rest landed at the entrance, and immediately upon entering the gateway, they heard loud noises.

As Ironspurs became alert and started to scan the immediate area, he felt the space around him been closed off and his bloodline and essence had been suppressed.

Frightened but prudent, Ironspurs quickly repressed his fear and anger and called out, "Pardon me Senior, why am I being detained?"

A strange voice that sounded like three voices speaking in unison answered him, "It has been detected that the subject is carrying a powerful cursed object. High and possibly fatal levels of Yin energy are detected radiating from your vicinity. Stand by as Law Enforcement personnel are in route to locate and detain the source of danger, and further investigate the subject's intentions."

"I think there has been a misunderstanding", Ironspurs grew nervous and began to raise his voice, "I am not carrying a cursed object, you don't have proof, and I demand to be released immediately."

When his request was met with silence, he grew visibly upset and began to find the limits of the restriction he was trapped in. When he reached the boundary, he began to attack the walls, but since he was suppressed, his attacks were nullified.


Ironspurs continued to shout, cry, beg, and rage at the cage of nothingness for the next few hours.

Wei Huoran, Minister Xia, and Minister Zel were sitting in the control room deep underground watching a screen that displayed Ironspurs.

"Boss Wei, is it safe to leave him in there?", Xia asked.

"It's fine", Huoran replied, "I already moved the containment array formation to a safe location. Did the two of your already handle the men that followed the prisoner?"

"There were no issues with completing the task", Xia answered, "Thanks to Minister Zel, it was quickly resolved."

"I can't take credit, Boss Wei", Zel replied, "The formation was the real reason the task was done with minimal effort."

Huoran laughed as he turned his attention back to the screen. The scene displayed showed all the rooster clan members in individual cells, but it was apparently while that each one could see the clan leader, he couldn't see them, and they couldn't see each other. Several hours went by when Ironspurs looked like he resigned himself, before slumping to the floor. After a few minutes went by, the rooster chief suddenly got up, but his movements and mannerisms had changed.

Minister Zel was the first to speak, "Possession. Looks like he really does have the Stone of the Rooster on him."

'Chief Ironspurs' made his around the containment room before testing the strength of the space by performing a series of probing attacks. When nothing succeeded, the 'Chief' sat down and appeared as he was contemplating his next move. This cycle of thinking and attempting to escape happened several more time before Ironspurs stared into space with an enraged look on his face.

Suddenly, the temperature in the cell rose as the aura around Ironspurs condensed into a rough shape.

Huoran didn't want to take chances and increased the defense of the containment formation.

The blood essence around Ironspurs continued to flow at an increasing rate as a visible outline of a giant bird appeared. The longer they watched, the more the vision of the became clearer. After another hour, Ironspurs was no longer visible, and the image was in full view as the three men watched.

"Phoenix", Huoran said.

He mentally adjusted the defense of containment array formation to the maximum as the flames attacked the space. A battle of attrition commenced as the giant bird of fire continued to attack in all directions, while Huoran had moved from the control center to his cave. He stood in front of the grand array formation with his tablet in his hand and a screen in front of him. He would watch the screen, and counter the actions of Phoenix using the array. After an hour of constant attacks, Huoran felt the power behind the Phoenix weaken. It was only a slight difference at first, but after every minute, the drop off of power slid faster until eventually it disappeared.

Huoran looked at the status of the containment array, only to see that there was sixteen percent of power leftover in reserve energy. This made him nervous, so he decided to view the inside of the containment array. When he looked at the screen, he saw the body of the Chief Ironspurs. It was mostly ash, even the magical core that beastkin used as their base of power.

"Let's wait an hour", Huoran told the ministers in the chat room, "I don't want any more surprises."

A few days after their attempt assault on the wolf tribe, the Rabbit King, Zozzix Springpaw was sitting in the tent of the Horse lord, Chieftain Ambermane. The horse lord was sitting inside the tent with two others, the Greathides cow clan leader, and the Shatterbrows sheep clan leader. Togoc Greathide and Gagix Shatterbrow sat around a fire pit built in the middle of the tent, swapping the latest news with the horse and rabbit leaders.

"I don't see how you live like this, Amberhide", Togoc purposely teased the horse lord.

"It's quite the life", Ambermane retorted, "Living in one place for too long is unimaginable. I can't imagine how the rest of you stay sane living in the same boring place everyday."

Zozzix rolled his eyes listening to the two of them verbally take shots at the other's lifestyle. He picked up his cup and drank his tea in satisfaction, even if roaming the continent wasn't desirable by most factions, the treasures the horse clans would uncover during their journey highlighted the advantages of it.

"I heard some news about you, Brother Rabbit", Chief Ambermane said before finishing his tea, "I heard you added another three hundred concubines to your harem recently. Do you need some high grade ginseng? I would be willing to gift some to you."

"I appreciate the offer, my friend, but I assure you it is not needed", Zozzix replied with a friendly smile, "Perhaps one day, you will require it and be regretful that you have it as a gift."

The four leaders laughed heartily before the rabbit king continued, "While it's true that I did expand my harem, I thought you would be more curious about my recent engagement with the wolves."

"Well, not really", Ambermane remarked, "Rabbits losing to wolves is not something new, even if the rabbits spit on their ancestors to acquire poison."

"What do you mean by that Chief Ambermane?", Zozzix inquired with a strange expression.

"I spoke with some of Gorewing's subordinates a few days ago when we first set up camp here", the horse lord told the group, "Exchanging your dead to the snakes for poison, and ignoring the burial rights of your people. It won't affect me what you do, but the burden of karma will have to be paid soon enough."

The rabbit king grew quiet, rabbits were known for three main characteristics: speed, reproduction, and luck. Ambermane was correct about his last statement, but ever since he, Zozzix, had found the Stone of the Rabbit, he felt his luck was untouchable.

Ambermane spoke again, "The crows also told me that the artifacts used against you were purchased at Sun God island, though recently the senior there rename it 'Sun & Moon island'.

"Is that true Ambermane?", Togoc asked.

"According to the information I paid for, a tribe of wolves, foxes, eagles, and bears visited there recently", Ambermane said, "Many of the bird clans intend to visit and verify their claims, stories of top quality spiritual plants, magical beast meat, pills, weapons, and artifacts never seen before. I also plan on heading that way with my tribe before the snow arrives here."

"Aren't we supposed to be working together to locate the altar rooms that have appeared or the stones that are supposedly housed inside?", Gagix asked.

"What's the harm of a quick visit?", Ambermane chuckled, "You never know, many a holder of the stone will try to hide on that island. At least I should checked."

Togoc nodded and Gagix said, "Then send us an invitation before you go, and at least I will join you and bring my family with me."

Togoc snorted, "Are you trying to insinuate that I would not honor such an invitation? Brother Ambermane, I pledge to accompany you on this trip, and we can verify everything ourselves. What about you Swiftpaw?"

"I will need to return home to prepare first", Zozzix said, "But I do believe this place warrants an investigation."

Su Jing was sitting on a couch in the Golden Peony Pavilion, discussing news announced by the Lord Merchant Zuo Tao. Jing was an independent cultivator of the Zhuo region, just like the other people sitting around the table with him.

"It's still hard to believe", Jing said, "Merchant Lord Tan Xinyue is supposed to return soon and a new branch of the Golden Peony is opening somewhere called Sun & Moon island."

"The announcement said the destination is where a powerful cultivator lives, and high quality cultivation supplies and methods are sold there at very affordable prices", one of his friends said.

"By who standards?", another person at the table asked, "Ours or the merchants of the pavilion? This seems like a scheme to bankrupt us and force us to sign slave contracts."

Everything went quiet because they had been thinking the same thing.

"I will go", Su Ping said with a determined look.

"Why?", the pessimistic man asked him.

"I don't believe the Golden Peony will tarnish their reputation just to trick a few people into slavery", Ping answered, "Rewards come from opportunity, and the highest the risk, the higher the reward."

"I don't know if this is worth it", another cultivator at the table remarked.

"It is for me", Ping stated, "I've been doing missions for awhile now, and saving spirit stones for my next breakthrough. If this allows me to reach the foundation stage, it will be worth it."