Even Old Dogs learn New Tricks

Wei Huoran was writing a long string of runes on a giant screen, and if one could be there and observe the screen from a hundred meters away, they would see the screen was approximately five hundred meters squared. The screen was completely covered in a runes and arrays written in chalk, and soon Huoran finished the current line he was working on and stopped. A few days ago, Huoran had attempted to create an Inscription Workstation, but his efforts resulted in failure and he was at the drawing board trying to learn from his mistakes.

"Xiao Ran", Huoran heard from Quanliyuan, "This seems to be a bit much. Even if this works, it seems to be impractical to create this."

Huoran turn his head to see a beautiful woman sitting on a recliner amused at the sights.

"It seems that Master Quanliyuan hasn't decided on a form yet", Huoran mocked.

"I'm just an artifact spirit with no form", the woman replied, "Since I do not summon my avatar here very often, I might as well experience the differences."

Huoran laughed, and put the chalk down before walking back enough to view his efforts, "You are right, while I'm capable of writing higher levels of runes and arrays with this arrangement, it's not logical to build a five hundred meter tall artifact."

"What you are trying to accomplish is very difficult", Quanliyuan remarked, "Normally, I would say that it was impossible to use Grandmaster, Master, Expert, and Apprentice runes to imitate a Sage level Rune Array, but you proved me wrong."

"I call it Composite Array Formations", Huoran said as he sat down in an empty recliner, "I thought it would be enough to create the Rune and Array Workstation, but I need a more efficient way to use the space."

"It's a very interesting idea", Quanliyuan replied, "This technique has never been used before, not even on my main body."

"I just don't don't understand why inscription have to be on a 2D plane", Huoran said in frustration, "If only I could I could create 3D array formations, I could shrink this down to a reasonable size…"

Huoran stopped and grabbed his Qphone before turn deactivating it and removing the cover. The Qphone wasn't one singular crystal that was inscribed, but rather dozens of flat crystal plates that were first inscribed, and then stacked on top of each other. The idea was that the plates would lay on top of the other, and create an 'array circuit'.

Putting everything back together and reactivating his Qphone, Huoran spoke, "Was the answer in front of me the whole time?"

Quanliyuan looked over at Huoran, "Did you find a solution?"

"Yeah", Huoran responded, "I had the answer all along but failed to adapt it. I was so caught up in how inscriptions were done, that I ignored my own previous solution to the problem."

"Can you elaborate?", Quanliyuan asked.

"I believe you're familiar with electricity now so I'll get to the main point", Huoran began to explain, "When electricity runs through a wire, it creates a magnetic field. More wires or higher levels of electrical power can create multiple magnetic fields or just a larger stronger one. I always just assumed runes and arrays worked in a similar manner and that the inscription artisans worked on a 2D plane to avoid arrays from interfering with others."

"I see", Quanliyuan said, "If I remember right, the Qphone doesn't work that way."

"Exactly", Huoran nodded, "I used a technique called layering which layered multiple array plates on top of each other. Perhaps I've been working too hard, I'm not sure why it took me so long to realize I can use this to improve everything. People could have QR pod technology in their home without needing the space of a large pod. Transportation can have many more options loaded into its system. Let me confirm this is possible by building a workstation first, and then building an even better workstation after that."

"Why are you going to build two workstations when you only need one", Quanliyuan questioned him.

"The first workstation is just to get my foot in the door", Huoran stated, "I use it to create a more efficient workstation and then donate the first one to the Inscription School. That way they can use it for training, and also see examples of Composite Arrays and Layering."

"This is very advanced knowledge", Quanliyuan said, "From what I understand about inscriptions previously, the only way to create higher level inscriptions was to use better materials and writes smaller."

"That's accurate", Huoran agreed, "I will begin now to see if my idea is viable."

Huoran grabbed a one meter squared crystal plate, looked back at the large screen holding his formation, and started writing the first runes.

The Golden Peonies' three Grand Lord Merchants were at the Cultivation Center today, and two of their subordinates were watching the construction of their new shop today. Grand lord merchant Kang, Shen, and Gong were sitting in a meeting room, and as they looked around they noticed the quality of everything inside. They had heard the term 'Low Key Luxury' before, and when they compared their residence and this room, they suddenly understood what it met.

"Gentlemen", the three men turned as they heard Huoran walk into the virtual meeting room, "I apologize that I haven't been around lately. I have failed as a host, but I hope to make up for that soon."

"Daoist Wei", Gong replied, "There is nothing to forgive, we have also been overseeing our affairs as well."

The other two lords nodded in agreement, before Shen spoke up, "In fact, we heard you were busy, but still came to bother you about a possible business transaction."

"Oh", Huoran replied, "I wonder what you are interested in buying or selling?"

"We are interested in buying a flying ship", Kang answered, "We heard that you have a wonderful ship, and we are curious if it's possible to purchase a larger version of it."

"We would have build it from the ground up", Huoran said, "But we don't have a shipyard here, and just like your business, I would require you to supply as many raw material as you can. I should also say two things: first, I don't mind building a ship like mine but please realize it won't have every feature mine does, and second, what is the purpose of this vessel? Transportation? Attack?"

"Transportation of course", Gong responded, "Also, we understand if you won't divulge all your secrets, but will you at least supply enough options that we keep our passengers safe?"

"Defensive options are fine", Huoran agreed, "You will have to arrange for your own offensive weapons, and a tracking system will be installed so that a sneak attack is impossible."

"Daoist Wei", Kang said with a frown, "How could think that we would ever attack you."

Huoran looked over at Kang with an arched eyebrow, "You've never absorbed rival shops, or forced others into submission for benefits?"

Kang looked down and coughed, but didn't respond.

"That's the deal", Huoran continued, "I will draw up a variety of plans, so let's meet again in a few days."

Huoran stood up and bowed to the three men before leaving the room.

"If you told me that Daoist Wei was an old monster in a youth's body, I would believe it", Shen said to the other two, "I thought young people were brash and reckless, but he acts like an old fox."

"I'll send a message to Tan Xinyue", Kang ignored Shen's comment, "we have to let him know what materials he needs to bring before he comes back."

Admiral Chen of the Black Wolf pirates was sitting in his suite on one of the islands his armada hid on. For the last few months, he had sent multiple crews and agents to infiltrate Sun God island, and everytime, they had been denied entry. He wasn't bothered by the failures, but he decided to do something different.

Admiral Chen was known as a warlord of the sea, and had gotten used to others asking him for favors. He knew he wasn't a match for the senior on the island, so he contacted some people he knew from the Wu continent, the third continent of the trio that surrounded the sea. He was aware the cultivators and beastkin had made contact, so he decided the best way to handle the situation was to involve the people of the the Wu continent to balance out the forces. Wu was famous for three groups that held power: the warriors that focused on body cultivation, the spiritualist that focused of the mind or soul, and the unorthodox cultivators sometimes called demonic cultivators.

A knock on the door caused Admiral Chen to look up from the maps he was studying.

"Admiral Chen", a voice announced, "Your guests have arrived."

"Please escort them in", Chen replied.

The door opened and two men and two women entered, and bowed to the admiral. As they looked around they saw a room with a desk towards the back of the room. A couple of sofas with small tables in front and on the sides sat in front of the desk. The walls had bookshelves, bookcases, scroll racks, weapons, and trophies decorating them. A few windows and some artifacts kept the room well lit, and the man now standing behind the desk was wearing fine clothing and was well maintained despite being called a pirate.

"Jiang Da and Fan Chao of the Burning Fist Sect greet Admiral Chen", the first pair greeted.

"Zhan Xue and Mo Bao of the Hidden Eye sect greets Admiral Chen", the second pair also greeted.

Chen bowed, "Please sit, I appreciate your timely arrival and wish to discuss a proposition. Please enjoy some tea and fruits I recently acquired."

As Chen looked to the right he saw a man and woman, and it was easy to tell that they practiced body cultivation. Both were muscular and tanned, and the sect's uniform was designed for an active lifestyle as it didn't cover much. To the left was another man and woman, but it was a complete opposite, they wore many formal robes, and the woman wore a veil.

Both pairs of cultivators did their best to avoid looking at the other and only payed attention to the pirate.

"I have an opportunity for each of you, and I can honestly say that there is no danger to yourselves", Chen said to the group, "If you are successful, the rewards will be great, and your sects will owe you a great credit."

Zhan Xue was the first to speak, "Pardon my rudeness Admiral, but a low risk, high reward mission sounds too good to be true. What is it you aren't telling us?"

Chen smirked at the question before explaining the situation about Sun God island and the changes that had occurred.

A sweet voice was heard after the explanation, "Admiral Chen do you mean to suggest that the formation over Sun God island is open now and that great senior is accepting visitors?"

Chen looked at Mo Bao, and did his best to purge the glamour technique she has used, "Please refrain from using your techniques here miss."

"I'm very sorry admiral", Mo Bao giggled, "Sometimes I don't even realize I'm doing it."

Chen continued, "It does seem that visitors have been seen arriving and departing the island more in recent months. Unfortunately my crews caused the senior to have a bad impression of us, and even my best agents seem to be unable to enter. So let me state the mission: Enter the island, gather whatever information you can and return here. I will make it worth your time."