We are the Tourist of Life

Bai Kun woke up early in the morning, and it took her a few minutes to realize where she was now.

"It's not a dream", she whispered to herself, "I'm here on Sun & Moon island to work as a 'tour guide'. What a strange name."

She took an hour to use the bath in the hotel room, eat an early meal, and walk down to the lobby to meet with her supervisor.

As she walked out of the moving platform, she heard, "Bai Kun, over here."

Bai Kun turned to see a woman walking towards her in very strange clothes.

"Senior Sister Lang Rong", Bai Kun said, "Subordinate Bai Kun greets you."

Lang Rong casually waved her hand, "There is no reason for formalities. Are you ready to learn your new profession?"

"I am Senior Sister", Bai relied.

"Let's wait here while our guests arrive", Rong told the younger woman.

"If I might be bold", Bai inquired, "What is this robe you're wearing?"

"This is called a Kimono", Rong smiled cheerfully, "It's one of the products sold here at Market Square, and I felt it would perfect for today's affair."

The two women took seats and continued to discuss the schedule for today until all the guests had arrived.

Most of the VIPs had opted to try this tour of the city suggested by the Golden Peony company as a way to familiarize themselves with the city before exploring on their own.

Lang Rong stood up and began speaking in a louder voice to get everyone's attention, "Allow me to introduce myself", Rong started off, "I am Daoist Lang Rong of the Golden Peony Company and I will be your tour guide today. This is Bao Kun, A junior of mine and she will be accompanying us to train for this position as well."

Both woman bowed the the crowd of people in front of them before Rong continued, "Today's tour will last until Midday, afterwards we will return here and you will be free to explore the city on your own. Now, at this time please follow me to our transportation. This here is a specialized flying boat named a hover bus, and it will take us around the city to see all the different places of the city."

Rong and Bao walked outside and the later was amazed when she saw a strange looking flying boat waiting for their arrival. The front had an enclosed space with a man sitting inside, while the back had many seats but no roof.

"Honor guests, I'm sure this hover bus looks very unusual but I can assure you it's very safe", Rong told the passengers, "Daoist Yao Shi, Can you have your Void Refinement Bodyguard investigate its safety? Please don't attack it or the Grand formation and Law Enforcers will react, but I believe your bodyguard can evaluate the safety of the hover bus."

Yao Shi looked at one of his followers and nodded, and the woman stepped towards the bus. She entered the open area, and began to scan the bus. After several minutes, she returned to Yao Shi's side and whispered something to him.

"I must compliment the ability of the Golden Peony Company", Yao Shi flattered Lang Rong, "It is how you say, and I'm impressed that the trading company could create such a high quality vessel."

"I will let me bosses know of your approval", Lang Rong replied, "Unfortunately, this is a product made by the locals of the island that we had the opportunity to purchase from them."

All the guests murmured in surprise before Rong spoke again, "Now that all doubts of the hover bus should be dispelled, please board and find a seat."

Rong and Bai stood by the doors of the bus as the passengers entered and sat down in their assigned seating. Bai had been doing her best to remember everything Rong had done up to this point, and entered behind Rong when all the guests were loaded onto the bus. Rong held a small artifact in her hand and used it to notify the driver that it was time to depart.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Market Square", Rong began her narration, "We are now leaving the Sunset Nimbus Resort, one of the most luxurious hotels on the island."

The bus made its way through traffic as it headed towards the center of Market Square.

"On your left is Spirit Crystal Lake, one of the most beautiful sights of Market Square", Rong narrated, "It is the site of many great locations to include The Spirit Crystal Lounge, The Golden Dragon, the Spirit Crystals Falls, and the performance hall for many of Sun & Moon island's famous artists and entertainers."

As Rong mentioned the locations, light screens would appear before the visitors, displaying images of restaurant rooms next to falls or at the bottom of the lake. Videos of past performances on the lake surface also played alongside the images.

"Miss Rong, do the locals practice Body Cultivation?", a large muscular man asked.

"Daoist Jiang Da", Rong responded, "It is my understanding that they do, but most of the customers you will find at the restaurants will be beastkin from the Shou Continent."

Jiang Da and Fan Chao looked at each other upon hearing this but the rest of the audience was very impressed so far as the hover bus continued on.

"Welcome to Market Square, this is the fountain in the center of the city and many of the most famous businesses are here", Rong recited her memorized lines, "The first we will point out is the Cinema, a building full of theaters to show movies. Movies are just like the videos you saw earlier of the performances but movies generally last two hours on average. The movies will often depict the story of characters and the adventures they set off on. It might sound strange but if you find you have a few hours and don't know what you want to do, go watch a movie at the cinema."

Everyone watched the images that displayed to better understand what this cinema was. As the bus made its way around, the images changed, "Next is the cultivation center. They have mediation facilities, techniques, methods, and more to buy or sell."

"You mean they buy or sell anything?", a young woman asked.

"Daoist Lang Lei", Rong identified the woman, "As long as it's something they don't have yet, they will buy it. They will not sell unorthodox styles and techniques I should mention. When I went through training, I was told the reason they buy unorthodox products is to find weaknesses in the methods and find easier ways to identify unorthodox cultivators."

This caused several of the VIPs to nod their heads, and Rong decided to change to the next business, "One of the most famous businesses is next, the Market Square QR pod cafe. The QR pod is an artifact created by Daoist Wei Huoran and it has changed how cultivators train. You can think of it as a soul secret realm where you can fight, train, or cultivate while sitting inside the artifact."

"Miss tour guide, do you mean this artifact can separate your soul from your body?", a cheerful and sweet voice asked.

"No, I don't believe so, Daoist Mo Bao", Rong answered, "It's called a virtual secret realm, and even though it might feel like your soul is separated, it is not and no damage will happen to the user of the artifact."

"What could one do inside this 'virtual' secret realm, I wonder", Mo Bao asked.

"Excellent question", Rong took the opportunity to explain, "You can fight monsters, other players, or yourself, you can fight as a team or by yourself. You can play both board and card games, compete in races using these odd transportation artifacts, or even experience life as a different race or cultivator. I heard there was even a game that tested your fears, and if you are able to overcome it, your mind powers are strengthened."

Mo Bao frowned upon hearing this and glanced at Zhan Xue as the tour continued.

The bus visited the hot springs resort, aquarium, shopping center, and lastly, the Golden Peony Trading company branch before returning to their hotel.

"I hope everyone enjoyed the tour, and please remember that we showed the most well known locations but if you explore around, you will find many enjoyable places to visit. Thank you for patronage, and be careful when exiting the bus."

A confident young man yelled out, "What's the chance of taking you out to have a drink or watch the lake?"

"I'm sorry, Young Master Wan Kang", Rong apologetically smiled, "Our Grand Lord Merchants here on the island have forbid employees from fraternizing with customers."

Wan Kang was a little upset when she first responded, but when she mentioned the grand lords, he quickly gave up in his pursuit, "That's unfortunate Daoist Rong, I'll take my leave now."

It was several days later and Wei Huoran was arriving at Market Square Bistro. When he left his vehicle, he saw Zeng Meirong waiting for him near the front door. He placed his car into his storage ring and walked over to greet her.

"Good evening, Meirong", Huoran greeted her, "You look very beautiful today."

Meirong face lit up because she had put a lot of thought into what to wear today.

"Good evening Huoran", she replied, "You also look handsome today."

After an awkward moment, Huoran opened the front door, "I have heard good things about this place, but I've been so busy. I look forward to seeing if the rumors are true."

They were seen by the hostess, who took them to their reserved room, but along the way, Huoran noticed that the room was larger than he thought, and there seem to be quite a few people inside already. When the hostess opened the room, the two walked through and immediately Huoran heard, "Happy Birthday!"

Huoran rolled his eyes at Meirong and saw all the ministers, top artisans, and secretaries sitting at the tables laughing.

"Why didn't you let anyone know it was your birthday, brat", Minister Ye asked in a joking manner.

"It's just a birthday", Huoran retorted, "I've had a few since I came here and never celebrated them, why would I do something different now?"

Minister Zel spoke up, "You did invite the princess though?"

The room erupted in laughter as Huoran felt embarrassed for the first time in a long time. Eventually, the food and drinks came and everyone quieted down to partake. Discussions continued on, and soon spirit wines, beers, and spirits were poured.

Huoran hated to admit it, but he was enjoying himself, and soon joined in when the cards came out and Minister Song issued a challenge of 'fight the landlord'. After many rounds, he had lost more than he won, but he was having fun. He checked the time, and decided he had enough so he clinked his glass a few times. Everyone stopped talking, and turned to look at him.

"Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to come", Huoran said, "As much fun as this has been, I can't stay here for too long. One more cheers for good luck, and I will head home."

Although a few voiced their disapproval, everyone raised their glasses before finishing their drink. Huoran bade everyone farewell, headed outside while calling for a taxi, and waited while it was enroute.

As he stood there looking at his phone, he saw a group of men walk inside the door and he recognized them. It was the eleven men who abandoned his village when he was twelve.

Then he heard the following exchange , "Hey missy, where are ya goin'?"

"Where I go has nothing to do with such lowly cultivators as yourselves", a woman's voice resembling Meirong responded, "A bunch of Body Perfecting stage cultivators think they can stop me?"

Next, Huoran felt the aura of a Foundation Establishment stage cultivator, and heard the groans of eleven men as they were suppressed.

Meirong was seen a moment later when she appeared at the door, "Huoran, good, you haven't left yet. I would have came out sooner but I was detained for a moment."

"I heard", Huoran laughed, "Couldn't happen to a better bunch of cowards. Congratulations on your advancement to Foundation Establishment stage."

"Thank you", Meirong replied before laughing, "They must have some courage to try and hit on me, why would you call them cowards? Do you know them?"

"You could say that", Huoran told Meirong the quick version of what happened to him when he was twelve.

"That's awful", Meirong exclaimed, "I should go back and teach them a harsher lesson."

"It's ok", Huoran tried to calm her down, "Even if I did something now, the people of village and my family won't return."

"Don't you wish to take revenge on them for abandoning everyone?", Meirong asked.

"For the first year after, the answer would have been yes", Huoran admitted, "But now, I just try and make life better for those in the same situation."

The taxi Huoran ordered has just arrived and parked in front of him, "I think you're the first person I've told about my past."

"Happy Birthday, Huoran", Meirong said.

Huoran climbed into the taxi, "Thank you for inviting everyone, but how about not doing that next time."

He shut the door and the car took off towards his cave.

"Ok", Meirong said as she slightly blushed.