When I come Around

Wei Huoran arrived back at the island after a half day of traveling, and docked his ship back in the secret chamber. He entered his cave and relaxed for half an hour before contacting his personal assistants informing them of his return. A bit tired, Huoran did something he did very rarely these days, and laid down to sleep.

Three hours later, Huoran woke up feeling refreshed and requested a meeting with the Ministers and Sages Vigol and Neridia. His first assistant, Su Mei decided to handle the first assignment, while Lui Lin took the second task. Huoran had recently updated their job title and description since their responsibilities had changed over time.

"Boss Wei, the ministers will be available in an hour", Su Mei reported after a few minutes.

"Thank you, Su Mei", Huoran replied.

After a few more minutes, Lui Lin returned, "Boss Wei, the sages said they are ready to speak with you anytime."

"I understand", Huoran responded, "Inform them that I will meet them after my first meeting. Also, I believe some visitors from the Wu continent arrived before my departure. Can you contact them, and invite them to dinner?"

Lui Lin cheerfully said, "Of course, do you have a preference on the restaurant reservation?"

"I haven't been to the Golden Dragon for awhile", Huoran commented, "Let's go with there if they have seats open."

An hour passed by, and Huoran found himself in the virtual meeting room again with the eighteen Ministers.

"Good Morning everyone, I'm sorry to interrupt your schedules today", Huoran opened the discussion.

"You didn't interrupt anything important, Daoist Wei", Minister Ye said.

Huoran nodded before speaking, "My first announcement is somewhat presumptive, but I had an opportunity and broke through to Nascent Soul during my journey."

Everyone congratulated him upon hearing this, but Minister Zel coughed before asking, "Daoist Wei, you are only twenty years of age. Even the fastest geniuses aren't able to cultivate at the speed you have. I believe we should check your condition to ensure no hidden dangers or inner demons are present. Have you felt unwell?"

"Thank you for your concern, Minister", Huoran responded, "I don't mind if you wish to investigate, but I should inform you that my master has been checking my condition over the years now. He told me that I should have an unusual physique, but can't fully identify it or all the benefits of it."

Minister Zel looked relieved, "If your master has already ensured your safety, then I will not second guess his decision."

"I understand", Huoran stated, "For my next announcement, I would like to let everyone know that my trip bore fruit. I wonder if everyone here is informed of what a secret realm really is?"

Everyone grew quiet, and it seemed no one wished to respond to his question, so Huoran continued. He gave them a simplified explanation of what Quanliyuan had told him before.

"The good news is that using new array formations, I was able to detect the presence of two unknown secret realms", Huoran briefed his audience, "Not only that but I was also able to enter them, set the beacons and absorb the realms into the life realm artifact."

Minister Song asked, "Does that mean there is bad news?"

"Depends on your perspective", Huoran countered, "Even though I did succeed in capturing these secret realms, I was unable to affect their conditions. So if the senior only allowed cultivators at the Foundation Establishment realm or lower to enter, that restriction will continue to be in place afterwards. Also, it's impossible for secret realms to exist forever, as their Qi or essence slowly dissipates back into the world. I can only speculate, but I wouldn't be surprised if areas rich in Qi or vitality are the result of a collapsed secret realm."

"It is well known that nothing last forever", Minister Song chimed in, and several ministers agreed with him.

"Does that mean that the former king's core is still there in our old homeland?", Minister Zel asked.

"I would hazard a guess that yes, it is very likely that his core became a new secret realm", Huoran said, "And I wouldn't be surprised if only his descendants were allowed to enter. I don't think this is the right time to discuss this issue, let's postpone it until later."

Minister Zel understood his message, so Huoran spoke again, "I believe the secret realms I collected belonged to a Void Refinement senior, and most likely an Ancestral magical beast. The first realm allows mortals to Golden Core cultivators to enter but there is an age limit per realm. The second realm as far as I can tell, will only allow beast and beastkin younglings to enter. I will have to leave the responsibility of exploring the realms to our Law Enforcement departments. I apologize but I have a more pressing issue to deal with."

"What issue might that be?", Minister Song inquired.

"This is my last announcement before we end today's meeting", Huoran told the audience.

He sent a mental command that caused the projector in the room to display the battle suit that was designed by the sages and him.

This is a battle suit that was created by Sage Vigol and Sage Neridia, and I perhaps had a small amount of input in the process. I believe it should be refined soon, and when it is, I will be heading north to assist the beastkin capture the nine remaining stone holders."

All the ministers raised their voices in protest upon hearing his statement, but Huoran raised his hand to silence the room.

"This is a task given to me by my master", Huoran explained, "In the meantime, more battle suits will be prepared for your people, Ministers Xia and Zel. We will likely face an attack from the Draco Empire once the other stones are found, and we must be prepared to face it."

The room felt heavy from Huoran's announcement, but he stood up and bowed, "Since we don't have much time, I need to prepare for my task. Please excuse me now."

Huoran disappeared from the virtual meeting room, and slowly the ministers left to return to their duties.

Huoran exited his cave, and made his way to the artifact refineries. He sent messages to the sages, informing them of his imminent arrival. As he reached the refineries, he saw a few younger men standing outside waiting for him.

"Did those old goats force you out here just to meet me?", Huoran remarked as he stored his hover bike, and greeted the two.

The two young men did their best not to laugh as the taller man stepped forward, "Boss Wei, welcome to the refineries."

Huoran quickly returned the greeting before responding, "Let's adjourn inside before the both of you freeze."

The three of them went inside, and Huoran dismissed them before headed to the workshop of the sages. As he entered the workshop he saw both sages looking over the battle suit, as it appeared they were studying the intricacies of the armor.

"You built it, why do you still fawn over it like a newborn calf?", Huoran broke the silence.

"It's just you, brat, why are you coming here to bother us", Vigol questioned him.

"I received a task from my master, so I'm here to collect the battle suit", Huoran replied.

The two men looked as if they wished to say something, but they held back and moved away from the armor.

"Bring it back in one piece", Neridia said as he watched Huoran store the suit in his ring.

"I will, also, I'll be sending a team down here to collect the first set of network access steles."

"They're ready", Vigol responded, "My disciple will handle the rest."

Huoran took out his Qfold, and swiped it over the computer inside the workshop.

"I know the two of you are busy", Huoran commented as he walked toward the door, "But here is something I've been working on, it should keep you busy once you are bored."

"Brat, you trying to pawn your work onto us?", Vigol accused him.

"Sage Vigol, how could you slander me like this?", Huoran acted hurt, "If you are to finish this project, not only can humans refine their bodies with greater efficiency as the beastkin do, but it could be possible to unlock the secret of using beast cores as energy."

Huoran stopped walking as he made a realization, these stones contain the essences of ancient beasts but are covered in the runes of cultivators. Huoran suddenly had the wish to punch Quanliyuan, since it was the spirit that told him that it was impossible to used beast cores as a source of power. It was most likely that the artifact spirit had the information about this topic locked in his memories still, so Huoran decided to travel to the shipyard. Upon his arrival, an older man, Fang Wutong, met him at the docks.

"Welcome Boss Wei", Fang Wutong said, "What can this old man do for you today?"

"Greeting Harbor master", Huoran responded, "I need to prepare the SwiftWind for deployment, gather the full crew, make sure if fully loaded for a season, and tomorrow it'll deploy."

Huoran handed the older man a list of resources and supplies required for the mission.

"I'm sorry this happened so quickly", Huoran added, "But the order from my master surprised me, too."

"No worries, Boss Wei", Fang Wutong smiled, "Return tomorrow and everything will be ready."

Huoran arrived at the Golden Dragon restaurant ten minutes ahead of the reservation, only to find his guests had arrived earlier and had been seated. A hostess brought him to the room, and opened the door. He thanked her, and entered, seeing three men sitting at the table.

"Fellow Daoist, I am Wei Huoran, and I apologize for making you wait", Huoran bowed.

The three stood and also bowed, as each one introduced themselves, "Elder Wang, Burning Fist sect", "Elder Zhou, Hidden Eye Sect", "Chen Zhi."

Huoran had an odd look as Chen Zhi greeted him, "I was under the impression you were called Admiral Chen of the Black Wolf pirates, was I mistaken?"

"Yes and no", Chen Zhi sighed, "I was the man you mentioned before, but after witnessing the flying ships of the Golden Peony, I realized I could no longer be that same man."

"I understand", Huoran almost sympathized with the man, "Shall we order our food then?"

Everyone agreed, and a waitress entered the room to take orders. Once they finished, she left and the men continued their conversation.

Elder Zhuo brought up a topic he was very interested in, "Daoist Wei, over the last few days we've spent here, I've noticed the the quantities of spirit herbs available here. How are you able to find so many of these precious plants?"

"Very simple Elder", Huoran replied, "my master has passed high level farming techniques to me, and I've used them to grow many of the plants and seeds that we accept in trades. I should mention that we've built an academy here that offers courses to train artisans on the same skills that my master shared with me."

Elder Wang interjected at this, "Why would you do such a thing? If one of our disciples spread our secrets to outsiders, they would be branded a traitor and punished."

"I suppose that's true, Elder", Huoran took a drink before speaking, "But my master taught me the advantages of competition and cooperation, so if you find our ways disturbing, I can only suggest you return to your sect."

Elder Zhuo burst out laughing at his rival's situation, "Daoist Wei, I applaud your master's wide vision, and I believe my sect master will also agree with your ideals."

Elder Wang grew red in embarrassment, "Daoist Wei, pardon my speech, it wasn't my intention to second guess your master's ways."

"It's good to have pride in your roots, Elder Wang", Huoran advised, "But let me share something with you. All the residents of this island including myself was a mortal less than ten years ago. So in less than a decade, I have reached Nascent Soul, and the rest of the island are Qi Gathering or Foundation Establishment realm cultivators. I will admit this could only be done with the giant shade tree that is my master. Now it seems from your tone that you disdainfully judge my master's ways and results as inferior to your own."

"No, Daoist Wei", Elder Wang conceded, "I apologize for my thoughtlessness."

"I understand that in the past, resources were limited", Huoran admitted, "As you can see, this doesn't have to continue. But if you wish to keep your sect more exclusive, that is fine. It's not my place to dictate the rules of your sect, only to sale our wares to them."

"Speaking of making purchases", Chen Zhi interrupted, "I was curious about those ships the Golden Peony now own."

Huoran took a deep breath before turning to Chen Zhi, "Whether our flying boats are available for purchase depends on certain criteria. First, can the customer afford it, Second, does the customer have our trust? I can tell you now it took time before we approved of the sale of our ships to them. So if you are really turning over a new leaf, we will be willing to do the same for you. Of course, something else I should mention is that any flying ships we sale are built so that we can track them, and safeguards are installed to prevent them from being used against us."

Chen Zhi was frustrated, but understood Huoran's message, "I believe I can show you my sincerity. I also want to apologize for the behavior of some of my crews, would it be possible to allow them to enter?"

"It is possible", Huoran assured Chen Zhu, "I will inform you now, any offenders that were violent will have their cultivations restricted until we are satisfied they will no longer a danger. Here is a our list of rules, and you should be aware of our ability to enforce them already, so please don't bring someone if you know they will still disregard them."

The rest of the evening was pleasant, and Huoran was glad to make more connections with the Wu continent. Soon he returned home, and after a night a mediation, he returned to the docks.

As Huoran approached the docks, he once again noticed Harbor master Fang talking to a woman while a mixed crew of men and women, both human and beastkin were boarding a flying ship.

"Master Fang", Huoran greeted the older man.

"Right on time, Boss Wei", Fang Wutong replied, "Let me introduce to Zhuo Li Na, Captain of the SwiftWind."

"Greetings, Captain Zhuo", Huoran bowed.

"Greetings, Daoist Wei", Captain Zhuo responded, "It's a pleasure to work with you, are you ready to leave?"

"Very", Huoran remarked, "Take care of yourself, Master Fang."

Huoran and Captain Zhuo boarded the flying ship, and took their seats.

Captain Zhuo turned towards Huoran, "Boss Wei, what are your orders?"

"Captain Zhuo, other than telling you where we need to go, this is still your ship", Huoran replied.

Captain Zhuo smiled before shouting orders to the crew, and the flying ship rose into the air.

"What's our first destination, Boss Wei?", Captain Zhuo asked.

"Bloodclaw Village", Huoran confirmed.

Captain Zhuo passed the information along to navigation, and ordered the ship to run silent.

Master Fang was watched as the floating ship disappeared from his sight, and walked back to his office.