
Lord Merchant Gong was sitting in his office of the Fortune's Grace, the flying ship of the Golden Peony responsible for the Wu continent. He had started at the top of the continent, and traveled region to region, introducing himself to all the first, second, and third rate sects, families, companies, and organizations of the continent. Today marked the last region of the southern portion of the continent, and he had a ship full of people of diverse backgrounds, cultivators, merchants, artisans, and more. He had ordered the crew to return to Sun & Moon island, and went to his room to prepare for dinner. He had invited all the top members that were traveling to dine with him in a few hours, but Gong had been reminiscing about this trip.

When they first crossed the sea, soldiers of the Draco empire had attacked them, but with the use of Void shields and superior speed, the flying ship avoided everything and pressed on unbothered. Gong knew he could easily defeat his attackers, but as a merchant, he didn't want to cut off any possibility of doing business with the empire in the future.

Gong remembered as they advertised their services to the different organizations. All of them were suspicious at first, but once they saw the products being sold, a flurry of activity began as everyone desperately bought as much as they could afford. Many of the passengers riding now were elders and promising inner disciples of each sect, and Gong had a headache thinking about how many times they had to suppress them for starting fights.

The Wu continent was different than the Nanying continent, the Nanying continent was primarily traditional cultivators with small numbers of body cultivators, spiritualists, and unorthodox cultivators in isolated villages. On the other hand, the Wu continent was equally split between body cultivators and spiritualists (or cultivators of the mind), with a much greater number of unorthodox cultivators, and a small isolated community of traditional cultivators.

Gong couldn't help but sigh every time unorthodox or 'demonic' cultivators tried to attack his ship, but he made his intentions well known to the crew, No Mercy! The passengers had been able to view several battles when multiple flying ships would attempt to attack, only to be quickly annihilated. He wouldn't let profit slip away from either, he would send his people down to collect all wreckage, artifacts, and storage bags of the enemy with the intention to recycle it with Sun & Moon island.

The passengers had been very impressed with the journey so far, the food, various pills, artifacts, and entertainment. Golden Peony had worked out a deal when they got permission to buy these vessels, Sun & Moon island would provide certain services and people on each ship, and passengers could register early. This would allow all qualified passengers to receive their ID card early, open a bank account, purchase certain products, and use the QR pods on the ship. The people who managed the registration and bank were citizens of Sun & Moon island who had volunteered for the duty, either to earn extra spirit stones or because they wished to explore the world. Wei Huoran had been worried about sending people out like this, so he gave each resident a set of talismans: some for offense, some for protection, and one for an emergency teleport home.

Hong looked at the clock on the wall, and saw it was almost time, so he summoned his maids to dress him before leaving for the dining room. He navigated the halls with his small entourage before arriving at the door of today's banquet. One of his men opened the door, and stepped in to hold it open while a second man entered the room.

"All welcome the host of the banquet, Geand Lord Merchant Gong", Gong heard as he entered the room.

"We welcome the Grand Lord Merchant", he heard from the guests.

Gong saw a room of standing people before slightly motioning his hand, "Please sit down, we are all friends and you were all invited."

Gong made his way to his seat escorted by his people before all of them sat in their own seats except two maids who stood behind his chair. As he sat down, the collection of invited guests also took their seats as well.

"Thank you for joining me tonight, everyone", Gong commented, "By now, most of everyone should be familiar with the meals provided with a few exceptions. Please welcome Elder Tong of the Body of Steel sect, Grandmaster Feng, Elder Zhang of the Tranquil Lotus sect, and Master Yang of the Treasure House Company."

The men and women mentioned clasped their hands, and greeted everyone in in room before Gong continued, "Gentlemen, Ladies, you are in for a treat. Our meals are prepared by chefs of Sun & Moon island, and they continue to guide my own people in the proper methods of preparing food and drink filled with the purest Qi. It also boosts your physique slightly, and has an effect to clear your mind."

A line of maids entered the room pushing serving carts, as they each walked in front of a guest, placed several plates and drinks down before bowing and leaving.

The man introduced as Master Yang spoke, "Grand Lord Merchant, you regularly eat meals now? Wouldn't it be easier to take high level pills to allow a busy person such as yourself more time for other pursuits?"

The other three new attendees eyes widen in shock at someone questioning a Grand Lord Merchant, but they failed to see the rest of the invitees restraining themselves.

"Master Yang, I'm afraid you are behind the times", Gong remarked, "I've recently learned myself that we have all been hampering our own cultivation journey. It turns out that if you properly understand yourself, you can accelerate how quickly you advance while ensuring a solid foundation. This includes not only cultivating in the traditional sense, but cultivating your mind and body as well."

Master Yang had known his mistake once he spoke the words, but he didn't predict that the Grand Lord Master would answer him, instead of admonishing him. Elders Tong and Zhang, as well as Grandmaster Feng, were temporarily shocked until they contemplated the words spoken.

One woman with an athletic body and a scorpion braid, Elder Tong summoned her courage, "Grand Lord, what do you mean by this?"

Gong smiled, "I'll be happy to discuss this, but shall we begin to dine first?"

Everyone nodded in agreement, so Gong signaled the waiting maids. They removed the covers of the platters to display a wide variety of professionally cooked and played dishes.

Hong used this opportunity to introduce the dishes, "Let me begin with the beverages, first we have Celestial Nectar, a wine strengthens your meridians and dantian. Next is something new, this is beer and it's called Immortal Ale, it's very hearty and full of vitality. This here is called Divine Elixir, and this is a very strong liquor and promotes body, mind, and energy, but don't drink too much or too fast, you won't feel good in the morning. We have several juices of the Celestial Peach, Essence Apple, and Immortal Melon fruits. This is coffee, there are several blends and even though I'm offering now, I recommend drinking it before you train. And finally, we have various excellent spiritual teas, which have some effects on comprehension, and clarity of mind. As you can see, the dishes consist of magical beast meat and spiritual plants that help promote various strengths in your body. As the host, I offer a cup to all the guests, and invite them to enjoy."

Everyone raised their cups in response, and drank, savoring the flavors. The made their request to the maids, and soon everyone was enjoying the meal.

"Grand Lord", Elder Tong said, "I wonder if I could hear more about your discovery of cultivation improvements."

"I wish I could take credit", Gong chuckled, "But the real credit belongs to the senior of Sun & Moon island and his disciple, Wei Huoran. They showed us the error of our ways. Tell me Elder Tong, what is most important in this world?"

"Strength, Grand Lord", she replied without hesitation, "Nothing can last without strength."

"You are correct, elder", Gong had expected this answer, "But we as cultivators have forgotten that there are many types of strength. Strength can be held by a single person, but it can also be found in cooperation as well. If I knew a fire technique, but was able to combine it with a water technique, would it be stronger afterwards?"

Elder Tong had seen this many times, cultivators that were able to meld two elements together were very powerful prodigies that every sect chased after.

"I see, Grand Lord", she admitted, "There is truth in your words."

"The same applies to other things as well", Gong advised, "It turns out by only focusing on the mind, body, or Dantain is another example. The people of Sun & Moon island have demonstrated how cultivating all three creates a cooperative relationship that allows them to grow quickly. I have to tell you that they have only inhabited that island for just over a decade, and we're all mortal when they arrived. By following the teachings of the senior through Wei Huoran, the earliest settlers are already Foundation Establishment cultivators, and will soon be at the Golden Core stage. The latest arrivals aren't far away from establishing a foundation, but the important fact is still that they were all mortal in the beginning."

Elder Zhang, another new member for today's dinner, decided this was the best time to join the discussion.

"So you're saying in another decade?", she purposely left her question hanging.

"It will be a frightening force", Gong replied, "Unfortunately for you, the cultivators of Nanying and beastkin of Shuo have a headstart, and made great strides in their own cities."

This caused Grnadmaster Feng to ask, "Their cities, Grand Lord?"

"Yes", Gong relied, "You see this flying ship? This was created by the artisans of Sun & Moon city. Remember what I said about strength through cooperation? The senior of Sun & Moon island allows Wei Huoran to share his knowledge, and the artisans of Nanying often go there to train, though I heard through a newly improved long distance communication technique, they will be able to learn in their own cities soon. Every here should know of Admiral Chen, correct? I also received news that on the maiden voyage of this vessel, he gave up piracy, and seeks to change his crews into a business to rival ours."

Grandmaster Feng was shocked at the first revelation, but floored when he heard the second. Was he really behind the times? When he saw this ship, he was astonished by everything, but now even more so when he learned that the source of it offered it to others.

"Grand Lord, have you found out how they are able to supply themselves with enough resources to do this", Elder Zhang inquired.

"Yes, and I'm afraid the answer is more simple than you think", Gong answered her, "In the way that every cultivator here is desperately seeking ways to climb to the next realm, they did the same in other areas as well. Spirit farming, construction, arrays, cooking, inscription, weapon refinement, alchemy, they have used new methods to push each of those paths farther down the road. Secondly, and this is important, they found the right backer to allow them to do so."

Everyone listening at the table reflected on this in embarrassment, it was true. In the past, if anything good appeared, everyone would fight over to possess it or deny others. But looking at the power of this flying ship, if they had worked together, something liked this could have been created much earlier.

"I hope everyone here can at least listen to my advise", Gong stated, "While you ride this ship, and explore everything on Sun & Moon island, think about the cooperation that had to happen to create these achievements. Perhaps by opening new paths or attempting to open paths though closed, you will usher in a new era for your people."

Soon, the banquet came to a close as Gong returned to his quarters, and his guests excitedly explored the ship.

It had been a couple days since Houran had faced off against the three beastkin that held stones, and he had used that time to return to the island. It had been decided that it was better to secure the stones alongside the other three, instead of keeping them as they traveled to battle the other holders of the stones.

Another problem had occurred as well, after Chief Bloodclaw had informed Dog nation of the passing of Commander Proudmaw, they vowed revenge against Sun & Moon island and the Bloodclaws. There was some good news, without Void eyes around, the mice and rats that had gathered had dispersed back into their own territories. They used this opportunity to hide away, and let time repair the damage to their reputation that their attack shattered.

Clan leader Shatterbrow, on the other hand, was relieved by this outcome. He knew that sooner or later Ramson would have challenged his leadership of this herd, and he wasn't sure if he would have survived. But a second benefit would surface as well, with the stone, new artifacts and inscriptions would appear to purify the bloodline of his people.

The Whitetail deer clan that had almost fallen into Tuskclaw pig tribe finally got some good news, several flocks of eagles, hawks, falcons, and raptors had arrived to reinforce them. Following the evidence provided by Chief Razortalon, the leaders of the different flocks understood the threat posed by these strange artifacts. Chief Razortalon even shared information with them about Sun & Moon island, so each leader sent a group of elders and younglings down to the island to gain experience.

Grand Lord Merxhant Kang, who captained the Treasure Trove was having the time of his life as he flew his ship over the Shuo continent. He knew things would be difficult given the current situation, but his results were very different from Gong's. He hadn't picked up many passengers, but he did almost sell out all the food and drink. Stock was getting low enough as the beastkin tribes were happy to purchase products that soon he would have to return to Sun & Moon island to restock.

When Huoran returned to Shuo Continent, there were six more stones to locate and confiscate, and after a few weeks of strategicly using the ship and the location arrays, Huoran had basically found all the other holders. The final decision came down to who to pursue first, the Tiger and Boar stones were held by royalty, making their acquisition more difficult. The Snake, Horse, and Monkey stones were held by important leaders which also complicated the operation, leaving the Cat stone. The decision turned out to be not difficult at all, so Huoran ordered Captain Zhuo towards a certain heading, and returned to his room to work.