Origins of lefenius retold pt 1

There was once a hero named lefenius inzumichi. He piloted a giant super robot named Raxone. It was one of the most powerful robots ever created by a man named Duncan Wilcox. He used the robot to fight against the Kajiu warriors. He had good friends two. He also has a brother named connor inzumichi. They fought the Kajiu warriors for 4 years. Then he met 3 beautiful women. Kantina, Pathuma, and Summy. Connor also met 2 women. Darga and Fin. They had a good relationship and many fun memories. They had a bright future ahead for them. Until they appeared. The Zexnbus and Mirituski. Warriors from another world, another universe. The man introduced himself as xeronphile. He came seeking help to fight against a powerful foe. But it shocked kantina and pathuma because they had a secret. At fresh for a couple of months, things were going smoothly. But that's where the tragedy begins because lefenius discovered the warriors true intentions. Lefenius caught Kantina and Pathuma having sex with the warriors. Xeronphile revealed lefenius that Kantina and Pathuma came from his universe. He also revealed to the boy that they had been having sex for a very long time. Xeronphile tried to reason with lefenius, saying it's for the greater good, but lefenius was beyond furious. The boy was so enraged by the betrayal. His bloodlust was so high, and his anger was so strong that he challenged xeronphile to a dual. Xeronphile pleaded with lefenius to not fight, but lefenius was not having it and demanded xeronphile to fight him. Leaving Xeronphile, no choice but to fight lefenius. The boy got on his mech, and the fight began. Lefenius had the upper hand in the battle. Xeronphile didn't want to hurt lefenius like he already had. But something happened, and at the end of the battle, lefenius got jumped by his friends who were hypnotized. This shocked lefenius, and he ultimately had to kill his former friends. Lefenius, now more angry at his friends betrayal, tries to deliver the killing blow, but suddenly, Raxone was destroyed in an instant, and lefenius was injured. The ones who attacked lefenius were Pathuma and antia. The two women told lefenius to stop fighting xeronphile. This shocked lefenius. He was going to say something, but kantina said she's had enough of lefenius's idiotic ways. She revealed to be pregnant, but it wasn't lefenius's child. She said she wanted nothing to do with him anymore. This broke lefenius beyond repair. He stops attacking xeronphile. Xeronphile was happy that lefenius stopped fighting and understood. Xeronphile and the girls left. Lefenius was now even more furious at the girls, cursing them and cursing the day he ever met them.

Now, a year later, the boy is seen at a graveyard with an eyepatch on his left eye.

Lefenius: Damn you xeronphile.... Kantina... Summy... Pathuma... We were supposed to build a future together... And you three forsook it for a big cock! *Wipes away a tear* I can't cry like this! Don't you dare cry...! Don't... Cry...

Unable to hold back the tears, lefenius starts crying.

Lefenius: Why...? WHY?!?!

???: Lefenius~

Lefenius: Huh?! Who's there?!

An unknown voice calls out to the boy.

Lefenius: Show yourself! Now!

???: Hmhmhm~ Delicious fury and sorrow~

Lefenius: Who...?!

A mysterious and tall man is seen behind the boy. He then approaches the boy.

???: *Licks lefenius's ear*

Lefenius: Gaah! *Flinchs and turns to a tall man* Who the fuck are you?! Sick bastard!

Edburt: I am Augerbently Eckerviel Edburt. Call me Mr Edburt for short.

Lefenius: Edburt...

Edburt is revealed to be a tall man with long black hair and ice blue eyes.

Lefenius in thought: Something is telling me I should stay away from him. But I can't... I don't know why...

Lefenius: What are you doing here?

Edburt: I have come for you, little lamp~

Lefenius: What? Why me?

Edburt: Cause i'm here to give you love. The love you truly deserve.

Lefenius: Love? *Scoff* How can you a man give me the love I deserve? I find that very hard to believe because I–

Edburt: What stabbed in the back by three women?

Lefenius: *Shocked* H... How did you know about that?!

Edburt: I have my ways. Now... *Slowly approaches lefenius*

Lefenius: What are you..?

Edburt approaches lefenius. Lefenius notices a boy behind Edburt.

Lefenius in thought: Who the hell is that?!

A phone rings from lefenius's pocket.

Lefenius: My phone. *Grabs his phone and sees Edburt has disappeared* Who the hell was that guy... And that other guy... *Answers the phone* Connor?

Connor: Come to the base immediately! Something very big is here!

Lefenius: Ok!

A few minutes later, lefenius arrives to see his brother standing outside of the base.

Lefenius: Connor!

Connor: Lefenius.

Lefenius: Connor, are you okay?

A man appears behind Connor.

Lefenius: Who the hell are you?

Malak: I'm Malak. A god that has come foe you, lefenius inzumichi. And your brother, Connor inzumichi.

Lefenius: A god?

Malak: Yes.

Lefenius: Why is a "god" here in my world?

Malak: Because this planet is about to be destroyed.

Lefenius: Huh?!

Malak: That's why I'm here for the two of you.

Lefenius: There's got to be a way to stop our world from getting destroyed! We can't just–

Malak: There is no stopping it. I'm sorry.

Connor: Bullshit! If we can't stop it, then we'll go down fighting.

Malak: I like your enthusiasm, but... * Places hands on lefenius and Connor's shoulder* You don't a say anymore. Forgive me.

Lefenius: Wha?

Lefenius and Connor vanished to thin air.

Malak: Targets secured.

The brothers are seen in a room.

Lefenius: Where... are we?!

Connor: I don't know!

Boy: This place is temporary.

The brothers turn to the boy who spoke.

Connor: Who are you?

Paul: Paul Hanberry, mate.

Lefenius: Hanberry... Where are we?

Paul: We're on a ship heading to our new home.

Lefenius: What?!

Paul: Oh, look at that world over there. That's you two's world right?

Lefenius and Connor immediately rushed to the window and saw their world, the Earth. A giant hand appears above the earth, and it then slams the earth, destroying it.

Lefenius: Ah!

Connor: Noooo!!! Why!?

Paul: Another one by the dust.

Lefenius: *Falls to the floor in dispare* This... Can't be happening... Why?!

Connor: *Punchs the window* FUCK!!!!

Paul: Consider the two of you lucky.

Connor: *Glares at Paul* Lucky?!

Paul: Lucky your world's destruction was instantaneous and merciful. My world's destruction took a week.

Connor: How are you so calm about this!? You act so carelessly!

Paul: Hah. *Turns away*

Connor: Oi! I'm Talking to you!

Paul: Shut up.

Connor: What?!

A bell chimes.

Woman: Attention, prepare for briefing.

Connor: What?

The room changes to a green color. Lefenius, who was staring at the window the whole time, now looked around.

Lefenius: Huh? What's going on here?

Paul: Briefing. I don't know what the hell it's supposed to mean. It must mean information about us.

Women: Briefing complete.

The room returns to its normal color.

Lefenius: Ok... I felt touched.

Paul: First time. Get comfy for now.

4 hours later.

Lefenius: Does this place have fucking food because I'm starving!

Paul: Look. *Points to a table*

Lefenius: Hm? *Looks at the table and sees food* Ah, Finally!

Paul: Wait.

Lefenius: Huh? *Turns to Paul* Why?

Paul: Look outside.

Lefenius: * goes to the window to see a battle going on* What's going on?!

Paul: It looks like a battle going on.

Connor: And it's a battle that's gone on for quite some time now from what it looks like.

As the battle went on, a brown hair boy with blue eyes appeared in the room.

Boy: Wh... Where... WHERE THE HELL AM I NOW?!?!

Paul: Ayo.

Lefenius and Connor turn to the boy.

Lefenius and Connor: (Who the hell is this guy?!)

Boy: Who the hell are you all!?

Lefenius: Can you calm down for a second?

Atreus: *Calms down* Ah. Fine, I'm atreus.

Lefenius: Lefenius inzumichi.

Connor: Connor inzumichi. Len's older brother.

Paul: Paul Hanberry.

Connor: Can you come sit down to eat? There's food.

Atreus: Where? * turns to the food* That's... a lot of food.

Connor: Well? Let's eat.

The brothers and atreus eat some food. As they ate, lefenius as barely eating. He was eating the food, but barely because he was mentally processing what was going on, and was still thinking about last year.

Connor: Len?

Lefenius: Yeah?

Connor: You ok?

Lefenius: No... I still... feel it... Those whores...!

Connor: I know.

Atreus: You... got betrayed too?

Connor: Yeah. * Explains what happened to him and his brother* And that's how got here.

Atreus: Wow. I can relate.

Connor: So what's with you?

Atreus: Well, I once lived on Midgard. My father was a god, and so was my mother. My mother taught me how to hunt when I was older. While hunting, I saw a beautiful woman. Her name was Faltha. Everything about her was so beautiful. She talked to me whenever I came from hunting. I even got a chance to confess my feelings for her. We were good until "they" came...

Connor: Who's they?

Atreus: The Sekiruuyetei.

Connor: The hell is a Sekiruuyetei?

Atreus: A group of warriors that came from another dimension.

Lefenius: Warriors from a different dimension...? Wait a minute—

Girl: Aaah!!!

Two girls came to the room. One of them screaming.

Paul: Yo, banshee.

Ellie: *Glares at Paul* I'm not a banshee! I'm Ellie Williams!

Zoey: Uh, I am Zoey Umkimiro.

Paul: *Uncaring* Yeah, two women.

Zoey: *Turns to the boys at the table* Who are you guys?

Connor: I'm Connor inzumichi. Lefenius is my little brother. And atreus.

Zoey: Hi.

Lefenius: Anyway, this Sekiruuyetei atreus.

Atreus: Oh right. They came to my house. Zeldos was the leader.

Lefenius in thought: The guy atreus screamed.

Atreus: 2 weeks later, I discovered that faltha had been fucking Zeldos. She... left with zeldos... she lied to me...! The bastard zeldos was with this guy. His name was xeronphile.

Lefenius: What?! *Grabs Atreus*

Atreus: Woah!

Lefenius grabbing Atreus shocked everyone in the room.

Lefenius: Was he with 3 women?

Atreus: What?

Lefeniusv Was he?!

Atreus: Yeah. Two of them was pregnant.

Lefenius: Ah... *Drops atreus and storms off*

Connor: Sorry. Len! *Goes to lefenius*

Atreus: The hell is his problem?

Zoey: Atreus, right?

Atreus: Yes?

Zoey: Was he wearing a red gauntlet by any chance?

Atreus: Yes, he was.

Zoey: I knew it! That bastard!

With lefenius, who is sobbing quietly. Connor arrives.

Connor: Len...

Lefenius: It's not fair... They...

Connor: I know. Looks like we weren't xeronphile's only victims. And this Sekiruuyetei is helping him victimize people like us.

Lefenius: They all need to pay... All of them! *Clenches his fist tightly*

Connor: They will.

Later on, Connor and the rest are sleeping except for lefenius.

Lefenius: Ugh, damn... I can't even sleep now... great.

Edburt: Hehehe~ Lefenius~

Lefenius: Hm?! *Turns to see edburt* How did you get here?!

Edburt: I told you I have my ways. Now, where were we? Ah yes, this. *Hugs lefenius*

Lefenius: What are you...?

Edburt: Shh. *Caresses lefenius's hair* Relax~

Lefenius: Ah...

Edburt: I can pleasure you in so many ways that those unfaithful women couldn't~. * Strokes lefenius's hair with his fingers, then touches lefenius's crouch*

Lefenius: Agh! Wait! Stop!

Edburt: No~

Lefenius: Wai—

Edburt: * Kisses Lefenius on the lips* Mmm~

Lefenius in thought: My entire body... it feels so hot..! So hot...!

Edburt: *Starts stroking lefenius's penis after getting in lefenius's pants while still kissing him*

Lefenius: Mhpfh! Shtop...!

Edburt: *Strokes lefenius's dick more*

Lefenius: Mhfg!

Lefenius in thought: This guy... He's handjob on my cock... If this keeps going....

Edburt: *Strokes lefenius's dick faster*

Lefenius: Mnhg!

Lefenius in thought: I... I'm... Gonna explode...! I'm gonna cum! Cumming!


Lefenius: *Cums on edburt's hand*

Edburt: Mhg! *Stops kissing Lefenius and removes his hand from lefenius's dick* Ah! My, what lovely semen you have. Ah~ *Licks lefenius's semen* And a very tasty one at that~ We've just started, little sunshine~ I told you I was better than those women.

Lefenius: Hah...

Edburt: What are you going to do now?~

Lefenius: I want this to sto— *Remembers that day when the "women" betrayed him.* Grr!

Edburt: I'll tend to your every needs. I'll be loyal to you and your brother. I'll stay by your side no matter what. I won't even think twice of ever betraying you like they did.

Lefenius in thought: He's right. Why couldn't those whores be like him.

Lefenius: I'm going to fuck you.

Edburt in thought: Yes~!

Edburt: My~ So eager. I might as well enjoy this~ But first, let's go to some place without company.

Lefenius: I think there's another room, its like a bedroom. Let's go there and do it.

Lefenius and edburt went to the bedroom. Edburt removes his shirt, pants, and underwear. He gets on the bed as lefenius removes all of his clothes.

Edburt: Now... *Spreads his entrances* Breed me~

Lefenius: Ok... *Rubs his dick on edburt's entrance* I'll put it in now.

Edburt: Ah~

Lefenius: *Slowly inserting his penis* Nh... Tight!

Edburt: It's entering inside me!

Lefenius: Hah! * Fully penetrates edburt*

Edburt: GAAH!!!~

Lefenius: *Starts slowly thrusting*

Edburt: Ah... Hah~ Yes~! Keep going!~

Lefenius: Hah... Gah... Edburt... geuh... * Thrusts harder*

Edburt: Ho? Hahaha! That's right, keep pounding me with your dick! It's amazing!

A few minutes later, the boy was close to coming.

Lefenius: I'm close... I'm gonna cum again!

Edburt: Do iiiiit! Cummm!

Lefenius: Ah! Ah! A... Hayragh!!! *Cums inside*

Edburt: AH! YESSSS~!!!

Lefenius: *Falls onto edburt and panting*

Edburt: Hah. Hah. That was great, leni~

Lefenius begins to cry.

Edburt: Aw, what's the matter?

Lefenius: Thank you.

Edburt: Rest, little torch. We have all the time to ourselves. Hehehe~

Prologue end