Lillia is dead

Lillia returned to the bed, contemplating the idea of eating more, but the mention of her memory loss had clearly startled the other party.

Speaking of which, Princess Alstroemeria, or was it Alstromiria? The name kept slipping her mind.

Nevertheless, it was undoubtedly the same person.

She abruptly sat up in bed, her thoughts were swirling around the hazy edges of her fragmented memory.

Lillia contemplated her situation, she was drawing parallels with the webtoon she had been reading the previous night. It appeared that she was somehow in the world of that story, possibly in the palace of the younger sister of the male lead.

Fortunately, this new life did seem to have it's advantages; Lillia considered the possibility of having a loving family and put extra emphasis on the fact that she felt more attractive. The tantalizing idea of being rich crossed her mind too.

Unfortunately, she knew almost nothing about the events of this world her knowledge of this webtoon was limited to the main characters' names and their childhood friendship, as the story had only just begun.

The sole seven chapters she read had primarily depicted heartwarming childhood memories between Darius Enrique, the crown prince, and Isabella Théodred, the Northern Duke's cherished daughter. With this scant information, she felt like an intruder in a story she barely understood.

Lillia was weeping pondering why she had to end in this particular webtoon, especially when there were many completed and more enticing stories to choose from. It was a moment of self-reflection where she questioned her own life choices.

It seemed almost ironic that life had thrown her into a recently released webtoon. Only having read seven chapters makes it even more challenging to navigate this unfamiliar world.

"Wait...does this mean I might be dead as Lillia...?"

Lillia remembered her lifelong goal of simply surviving and leading a happy and peaceful life until old age.

she was always cautious about potential dangers, from fires to disasters to ensuring she ate on time and crossed roads safely, especially with a lingering worry about truck accidents.

Yet, despite her vigilance in safeguarding her own life, it seems that the universe had a unique twist in store for Lillia. The idea that she could end up in a different world simply by staying up late while reading a webtoon has never once crossed her mind. Life had never been overly kind to Lillia, but she thought she had an understanding with life – until now.

'How could you abandon me like this, life?!' Lillia whined in bed.

Her childhood was filled with the thoughts of reaching 18 years of age, leaving the orphanage, and forging her path – a plan that had materialized exactly as she had envisioned it until now.

While she didn't have a dream job or a particular hobby, her love for reading webtoons and novels had been a constant source of enjoyment and she hoped to do something she was passionate in after leaving the orphanage – she worked multiple part-time jobs to afford a modest place as she maintained a diligent routine.

A gentle knock echoed through the room turning her attention towards the room door. The butler had returned, this time accompanied by an elderly lady.

The butler introduced the elderly lady as the doctor who has attended to her injuries and examined her condition before.

With a kind smile, the doctor lady addressed Lillia, acknowledging her memory loss and reassuring her.

"Greetings, miss, I am here for another check-up. Now, please, lie down and relax."

The doctor raised her arms into the air, her movements resembling a mystical incantation as she prepared to perform her examination.

Lillia watched the doctor's spell-like motions wondering if this was some sort of a magic spell. A nagging concern tugged at her; she was hoping that the doctor won't uncover the truth that she was concealing her memory loss.

The doctor examined her carefully but ultimately couldn't detect any physical issues.

"I can't find anything wrong, but if you don't remember anything, it must be due to shock or a trauma response. I would suggest that you take it easy for the time being," she said with a kind tone.

The butler and the doctor left, leaving Lillia alone to contemplate her life again.

Alone in the room, Lillia started to wonder what she should do now she was already bored out of her mind.

An idea popped in her mind and she quickly rolled out of the bed, her detective instincts kicked into high gear.

"It's time to uncover the secrets of this palace."

Yes, she decided to play detective.

Lillia sneaked out of the room, quietly making her way down the hall. She walked around aimlessly when she overheard some maids talking and realized that they were heading to the laundry room.

That seemed like a good place to pick up some information, so she decided to follow them discreetly.

After some thorough digging and gathering gossips, She reached a solid conclusion. It appeared that she was playing the role of the damsel in distress who had lost her memories. Furthermore, no one seemed to know her true identity. She also confirmed that Darius held the position of the crown prince in this world just like the webtoon.

With a sense of resignation and a glimmer of hope, Lillia decided to try and sleep it off, entertaining the idea that she might just wake up back in her familiar apartment.

Day two in the princess palace...

Lillia had slept to her heart's content, and it was physically impossible to eat more. She was on the point of insanity without her smartphone to keep her company.

"I'M SO BORED," she exclaimed, kicking her legs, her voice filled with frustration.

Lillia used to work out when she had some time to kill. So, she thought why not simply work out to pass the time.

She was really that bored.

"I'll start with a warm-up jog," Lillia said as she quickly changed into a suit with pants and headed outside to the garden.

"It's only been four minutes since I started jogging, and I'm dying!" Lillia gasped for air, her breath coming in short, ragged bursts as she pushed herself to keep going.

Lillia's labored breathing was the only sound that filled the garden, her footsteps sounded out softly against the path as she continued to run.

"I'll just...take a small..break."

Lillia collapsed onto the ground, her legs trembling from exhaustion as she gasped pathetically. She wiped the sweat from her eyebrows and decided to rest right there.

Lillia was lying in the middle of the garden's path, her body felt weaker than she'd expected. Her words were tinged with frustration as she lamented her lack of strength and stamina. Nausea begun to wash over her, she closed her eyes, taking slow, deep breaths to control the urge to throw up.

After regaining her composure, when she opened her eyes again, she was met with the startling sight of a handsome redhead with striking gray eyes staring at her.

His face was so close to hers that their breaths practically mingled, causing her heart to race in surprise. He seemed concerned, his gaze was locked onto her.

Who's this handsome young man?

Even in her somewhat disheveled state, she couldn't deny the fact that the stranger was quite handsome. His striking features and those mesmerizing gray eyes left an impression that was hard to ignore.

With genuine concern etched on his face, he asked, "Are you okay? Why are you lying on the ground?"

"Oh," Lillia said, startled, she attempted to push herself up. However, dizziness washed over her, and she nearly tumbled back down.

In a swift and unexpected move, the young man caught her in his arms, preventing her fall.

Wow. Estoria thought.

"I should call a doctor for you, my lady," he suggested, his eyes filled with worry.

"No need," Lillia replied weakly. "I was just feeling a little dizzy. I don't want to see a doctor for at least another year; I've had enough of that."

The young man's next request caught her off guard. "Can I carry you to your room?"

His proposal was straightforward and filled with an unexpected charm leaving Lillia momentarily speechless.

Lillia thought to herself, Are all handsome guys this straightforward? What happened to hey, hello, how are you?

Unable to resist the earnestness in his eyes, Lillia answered, "Of course — I mean, if you can, I would be thankful for the help."

With a soft smile, he lifted her into his arms, holding her in a bridal-style carry.

Carried in his arms, Lillia found herself incredibly close to this enigmatic stranger.

She could hear the rapid thumping of his heartbeat, an unusual occurrence for someone so fit. Maybe she's heavier than she appears to be, but logic told her otherwise. It's more likely that he was simply unfit for his breathing to be this haggard.

Lillia's hand brushed against his chest unconsciously, he flinched in response to her touch. A wave of self-awareness washed over her as she realized the unintended intimacy of the gesture. She quickly withdrew her hand, cheeks flushed with embarrassment, and mumbled an apology.

"I was just trying to adjusting your collar..," she hastily explained, her eyes met his face, which was also flushed like a ripe tomato.

Once they reached the destination, the young man gently placed Lillia back on her feet. "Have a good day, my lady," he said with a polite nod before making a hasty retreat.

What day? It was getting dark outside...

With a defeated expression, Lillia walked back into her bedroom, overwhelmed by the realization that she has nearly crossed a line with such a kind and handsome young man. Shame coursed through her as she replayed the awkward encounter in her mind.

"Hahahahaha..," Lillia suddenly burst into uncontrollable laughter, the absurdity of the situation finally hitting her.

Lillia quickly changed out of her sweaty and dirty clothes, feeling a sense of exhaustion wash over her. The events of the day had been exhausting, leaving her in need of some rest and relaxation.

"I should make a schedule for my workouts. I'm way too weak right now." She said getting in bed.

The idea of regaining her strength was reassuring to her, but the reality of her current weakness was unsettling. She wouldn't even be able to lift a sword, let alone defend herself if an assassin were to target her. The vulnerability of her situation began to gnaw at her, filling her with a growing sense of unease.

Lillia's mind raced with anxious thoughts.

What if an assassin did appear, sneaking in through the window with a deadly intent? How could I protect myself in such a feeble state? These worries swirled in her mind, threatening to consume her.

But then, a glimmer of reason broke through her anxiety.

Why would anyone want to harm me? She wasn't the princess; she held no significant power or influence. Perhaps she was merely overthinking things, letting her imagination run wild with fear. After all, the palace should be one of the safest places in the kingdom, right?

Lillia took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heart. There was no use dwelling on baseless fears. She needed to focus on adapting to this new life. As she closed her eyes and drifted off into a restless sleep, she still couldn't shake the lingering unease that had settled in the corners of her mind.

That very night, Lillia regreted doubting the possibility, for anything can transpire.

If she could be reincarnated within a webtoon, of all things, why wasn't this possible? Lillia was face-to-face with an intruder, an assassin, brandishing a menacing dagger to her face in her very own bedroom.