
The night of the same day,

Estoria entered her bedroom with no will to exist as usual.

"I'm so tired; waking up at 5 am for the past week or so is really starting to get to me. It's only 7 pm, but i can't keep my eyes open anymore."

Estoria didn't realize how quickly the time passed, but she really enjoyed chatting with them. They were so kind and welcoming, she was almost moved to tears again.

Darius said he would help Estoria find her relatives or something related to her. Could it be that she'll also have a family in this new life?

"Whatever, let's call it a night. I have to get up at 5 am again," Estoria said to herself, feeling the exhaustion creeping in.


"I really don't want to leave my cozy bed, but I have to keep up with my training, to survive." Estoria muttered to herself, summoning the determination to face another day.

With a deep sigh, Estoria forced herself to leave the comfort of her bedroom.

Estoria knew about the peculiar nature of life in the royal palace. It seemed like survival here boiled down to two primary factors: one's familial connections and the other, sheer strength.

And Estoria falls far from both of the options; that's why she had to train to become strong enough to survive now.

As she made her way through the dimly lit hallway, Estoria felt a shiver run down her spine. The palace, while grand and opulent, had its fair share of eerie and unsettling corners. But this was the perfect time for Estoria's secret training sessions. With the palace residents asleep, She can focus on her exercise without the prying eyes of others.

Estoria's heart raced as she heard the faint, almost imperceptible sounds behind her. It was a soft, cautious step, and it send shivers down her spine. She tried to convince herself that it was just her imagination, that there was no one else there with her in the hallway.

Estoria's heart pounded in her chest as she turned to face the source of the noises. In the dim moonlight, she could barely make out a shadowy figure approaching her.

Estoria quickened her pace, trying to maintain her composure as she made her way through the eerie hallway. The footsteps behind her seemed to get closer, She couldn't shake it off anymore someone was indeed following her. Estoria thought quickly, and wondered if she should call for help or keep moving in silence, hoping to reach safety before anything happened to her.

but isn't this exactly how people died in horror movies?

Estoria's heart stoped as a hand covered her mouth from behind. Panic welled up inside her, She instinctively tried to scream, but the firm grip prevented any sound from escaping her lips.

"Shh, don't scream," a hushed voice urged her. "I won't hurt you."

Fear and confusion coursed through Estoria.

Who was this person? What do they want with me?

Estoria tried to turn her head to see their face, but the hold on her was unyielding. All she could do was listen and hope that their words were genuine.

As she attempted to speak, the hand over her mouth loosened slightly, allowing her to voice her thoughts. Estoria's heart raced again.

As she managed to convey her intention of not screaming. The person behind her must have sensed her compliance because they slowly removed their hand from her mouth, allowing her to turn around and face them.

Estoria's eyes widen in surprise as she came face to face with the individual who had grabbed her in the dimly lit palace hallway.

Estoria questioned the person who had just revealed themselves to be none other than the assassin she had previously crossed paths with.

"What are you doing here? I thought we had a deal," she asked, a mixture of confusion and surprise in her voice.

"Your directions were unclear; I ended up going to the bathroom." The assassin said.

"You scared me half to death! I thought I was about to become a character in a horror story," Estoria replied, now with a mixture of irritation and relief in her tone.

"So what, are you back to harm the princess?" Estoria asked.

"No, let's put that aside. There's nothing to gain from harming the princess at this point. Please, lend me your assistance." The assassin pleaded.

"Why should I assist you? What's in it for me?" Estoria striked.

"If you haven't already realized, I'm a highly skilled assassin," they stated confidently.

"Indeed, I can clearly see that," Estoria responded sarcastically.

"Please, assist me in finding a secure hiding spot. It doesn't matter where, as long as it's safe. If I don't go into hiding, they'll come after me due to my mission's failure."

"You couldn't carry out your mission to eliminate the princess, and now your employer wants you eliminated. And after all that you're seeking my protection?" Estoria chocked her eyebrows.

"Yes, that's precisely why I'm proposing a deal with you." The assassin said.

"I'm not entirely sure why I'd need an assassin, but I suppose having some assistance is better than nothing." Estoria shrugged.

Actually she was seeking protection until she could defend myself, so this arrangement worked for her. She was considering keeping him as her bodyguard; he likely possessed some combat skills. She just needed to iron out some details, Estoria pondered, acknowledging the potential benefits of the partnership.

"How much longer do you need to decide? I'm quite hungry," the assassin complained.

"Alright, it's a deal. I'll provide you with protection, but in return, you must promise to protect me as well," Estoria agreed, sealing their arrangement.

Estoria actually held no power in this situation, and ultimately the assassin was the one safeguarding both of them. In the end, She was merely using them to ensure her own safety.

"Deal. Now, can I please have something to eat? It's been three days since I've had a meal!" the assassin pleaded, their hunger apparent.

"Why haven't you eaten anything?" She inquired, curious about the reason for their prolonged hunger.

"I wasn't intentionally starving myself; I simply didn't have access to any food. I've been on the run without any money," they explained.

Estoria was beginning to feel bad for the assassin.

In any case, no one should go hungry, so they headed straight to the kitchen!

"Welcome to the kitchen; now eat until you're completely satisfied!" Estoria exclaimed.

"Um, I hate to admit it, but I don't actually know how to cook anything, my lady," they confessed, a touch embarrassed.

"What other skills do you possess besides killing?" Estoria asked, curious to learn more about their useless abilities.

As she observed the assassin more closely, they seemed smaller and more vulnerable than Estoria had initially perceived.

"Hey, could you please take off your mask and hood?" She requested, wanting to see the person behind the assassin's facade.

"Okay." As he removed his mask and hood, it became evident that it was just a boy.

"Child, How old are you??" Estoria exclaimed in surprise, her concern growing as she realized the gravity of the situation.

"I may look young, but I'm almost 13 years old," he asserted, defending his age with a touch of pride.

Now it made sense to her; his boss likely recruited him from some abandoned place and trained him as an assassin, only to use him and dispose of him later.

"It's perfectly fine to be a child; in fact, being an adult isn't something to necessarily be proud of," Estoria reassured him, trying to alleviate any concerns he might have had about his age.

"Fine, believe what you will," he replied, his tone tinged with resignation.

Estoria opened the fridge, determined to find something to prepare for the hungry child.

"What's your name?" She asked, wanting to establish a connection with the young person she was now responsible for.

"I don't have a name; everyone used to refer to me by a number," he explained, revealing the dehumanizing circumstances he had endured.

"What number were you then?" She asked, curious about the specific details of his past.

"Number 7..," he replied.

"Number 7 isn't going to cut it; can I give you a name?" Estoria proposed, wanting to grant him a sense of identity and belonging.

"Very well, then. Since I serve a new master, I'll change my name and identity too," he agreed, embracing the opportunity for a fresh start.

"Alright, it's settled. Starting today, you're Asher," she declared, bestowing upon him a new name and a sense of individuality.

"Asher?" Asher mumbled in thought.

"Yes, Asher. It's a name that carries strength and a fresh beginning," Estoria explained, hoping he would find it suitable.

Asher nodded obediently.

With the ingredients on hand, Estoria decided to make porridge, considering that he hadn't eaten in days and it would be gentle on his empty stomach.

"Please, take a seat; I'll prepare some porridge for you," she offered, wanting to ensure he had a warm meal after his days of hunger.

"Okay," he replied, taking a seat as he waited for the comforting meal to be prepared.

6:20 AM...

He took a cautious bite of the porridge, his hunger and anticipation evident in his expression.

"Is it to your liking?" Estoria asked, eager to ensure that he found the porridge satisfactory.

"Hmm," Asher mumbled as he continued to enjoy the porridge she had prepared for him.

"I'm glad you like it," she said with a warm smile, patting Asher's head affectionately.

Observing Asher's condition, it became clear that he needed a bath. Additionally, she decided to ask the maid for breakfast in her bedroom today, considering the circumstances.

Estoria suddenly realized and noticed the daylight streaming in, expressing a sense of concern, exclaiming, "Wait, what time is it? It's already bright outside, oh no!"

"Why did you have a target to kill?" Asher asked her, his eyes filled with curiosity.

"I'm not an assassin, but I did have a target for today," she replied.

"Really? Who were you going to kill?" Asher asked, his interest piqued as he sought more information about her intended target.

"I was going to train with my sword for a whole minute today! That was my target for today," Estoria confessed, realizing how trivial it probably sounded compared to his past missions.

"I'm not even sure if I should be surprised right now," Asher replied with a mixture of amusement and bemusement.

"Let's head back to my room before the others wakes up," Estoria suggested with a sigh.

"Alright, I'll wrap this up quickly," Asher agreed, hastening to finish his meal.

Asher finished all the porridge, and they safely returned to Estoria's bedroom without anyone noticing. However, she knew that concealing a child in her room for an extended period would be challenging without anyone noticing.

"Asher, I'm going to lay out a plan now, so please follow along and act as innocently as you can," Estoria instructed, preparing to strategize how to keep their situation hidden.

"Okay," Asher responded, ready to listen and cooperate with the plan.

7 AM, the perfect time for a breakout,Estoria contemplated creating a loud noise to divert the staff's attention.

She swiftly opened her bedroom door, and in a sudden burst of volume, she let out a piercing scream, then promptly closed the door, hoping to draw the attention of the staff.

After a while...

"It's been a whole minute, but no one came. The security in this palace is seriously playing with everyone's life here," Estoria said from her spot on the cold floor, emphasizing the lack of response to her scream.

"What are you even doing lying on the floor?" Asher asked, clearly puzzled by her behavior.

"Nothing at all; I just have a deep affection for the floor," Estoria retorted, playing along with the sarcasm to keep their ruse going.