
"I'm finally back in my room; oh, how I missed my soft bed."

"Do I have to call you Mother now?" Asher said while standing at the edge of the bed.

"You can call me whatever you want, Asher." Estoria offered Asher the freedom to call her by any name he preferred, accompanied by a warm, genuine smile.

"Okay, but shouldn't you change your clothes if you are going to bed?" Asher questioned, as Estoria was still dressed in her daytime attire.

"Oh, I'm not going to sleep; I was just straightening my back." Estoria clarified, explaining that she wasn't preparing for sleep, just adjusting her posture.

Asher glared but didn't say anything.

"Jane, is breakfast ready?" Estoria called her personal maid, The twin sister of Jade, the princess's personal maid.

"Yes, you can go to the dining room," Jane replied.

"Can't you just bring it here?" Estoria asked, wanting Asher to eat peacefully.

"Princess Alstroemeria is waiting for you at the table, My lady," Jane informed Estoria.

Seems like she has no other option but to go downstairs to eat.

"Let's go eat, Asher."

Asher followed Estoria, and they entered the dining room. To her surprise, all of the royal siblings and Aluxio was also there.

"Estoria, I was waiting for you. What took you so long?" Alstroemeria looked at Estoria and Asher.

"I just came back from the temple, your highness," Estoria responded.

"I told you to call me Alstroemeria," the princess reminded her friendly.

Yeah, like that's any better.

Estoria pulled out a chair for Asher to sit.

"Why is everyone here today?" Estoria looked at both of the princes because Aluxio didn't even surprise her anymore.

"We wanted to tell you this information ourselves," Darius said.

Estoria took the seat next to Asher's.

"We found your name and identity in the nobles' book. You are the daughter of the Southern Duke Isaac Stallion, one of the three most powerful families of this kingdom," Darius explains.

Estoria was surprised and breaming with joy to say the least, she was rich basically.

"Your full name is Estoria Stallion," Tyrion informed Estoria.

"Thank you for helping me, your highness. I don't know how I would ever repay you." Estoria acted like she didn't know her full name already.

"You're the one who saved me from an assassination attempt; I should be the one thanking you, Estoria," Alstroemeria said with gratitude.

"It's fine, even if you don't, the duke and father are quite close," Tyrion reassured Estoria.

"That still doesn't change the fact that we considered you a friend and wanted to help you, so it's on us, Lady Estoria," Darius said.

Estoria listened to them while watching Aluxio's pouting face.

"Oh, and I wanted to introduce Asher!" Estoria suddenly remembered.

Asher looked at her, eyes widened almost in disbelief.

"Yes, I heard about it from Sebastian," Alstroemeria responded, confirming that they were aware of the situation with the assassin and Asher.

"Why were you fighting with the assassin? You should have run out of the room," Aluxio questioned Estoria.

"And leave him with the assassin? Maybe you would, but I couldn't," Estoria defended her choice to avoid any suspicions.

"Things could have gone wrong too, you know he was an assassin!" Aluxio responded angrily.

Aluxio being angry at her for no reason caused Estoria to also become hot heated.

"But they didn't, and even if they did, it has nothing to do with you!" Estoria replied.

"Calm down, both of you," Darius intervened.

"But…" Seems like Aluxio has something more to say.

Asher tuged at Estoria's arm signaling her to stop fighting with him. Seeing that Asher still hadn't taken a single bite of his food Estoria got up.

"I'm truly sorry, your highness, but I prefer to have my breakfast in my room with Asher today."

Estoria took Asher's hand while leaving the dining room.

"I'll take the food to your room, My lady," Jane said to Estoria.

"Yes, thank you."

12:03 PM in Estoria's bedroom,

"What do you do all day here?" Asher asked her, laying down on the couch.

"Nothing much; I just move around the palace,"

"Doesn't it get boring?"

"Yeah, it can get pretty boring," Estoria admited.

"Why were you so angry earlier?" Asher asked, curiosity in his eyes.

"I don't know; I just felt like exploding when Aluxio said that I should've abandoned you and run instead," She explained, her frustration still fresh in her mind.

Asher's voice trembled a bit as he spoke, "You know... he was right, and that story isn't even true. I was the one threatening you."

Estoria's eyes softened as she replied, "But you didn't harm me or anyone."

"How do you know that?"

"I just feel like it."

"Your right; this wasn't my first failed attempt at assassination. I have never been able to take a life."

"And your boss still sent you to the palace?"

Asher's voice wavered as he continued, "He said this was my last chance if I wanted to live, but I still couldn't do it."

Determination rang in Estoria's voice as she declared, "Just you wait; I'll catch that bastard with my own hands."

Asher laughed hearty for the first time.

Asher couldn't help but chuckle at Estoria's unwavering determination. "And how will you do that? You're weaker than a bamboo stick," he asked, a touch of amusement in his voice.

Estoria responded with a determined glint in her eye, "I will, plus I have you with me now."

Asher spoke softly, his voice tinged with a hint of sadness. "You know, I may have the power to do it, but I can't."

"You will never do anything against your will again, so don't worry," Estoria reassured Asher with a warm smile.

"Is your family really that powerful? you can even speak to the prince so rudely?" Asher changed the topic.

"I don't know, but I don't think I was being rude to the princes," Estoria explained, defending her actions.

"You were lashing out on him; what are you talking about?" Asher asked, his curiosity piqued.

"Who, the redhead?" Estoria inquired, seeking clarification about the individual Asher was referring to.

"Yes, he's the second born prince of this kingdom," Asher confirmed her suspicions.

So, that A.E. stands for Aluxio Enrique.

"Well, he never told me that, so it's fine," Estoria replied.

"You should've known if you're the duke's daughter, you know," Asher commented.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you this, but I was in an accident and lost my memories, so I only remember the past few days I spent here." Estoria replied nonchalantly.

"You're telling me this now? Things like these are discussed first when making a deal," Asher responded.

"It doesn't matter; I have already adopted you." Estoria shrugged.

"I hope you're a sane person, at least," Asher remarked, breaking into a small laugh.

"Hey Asher, if you're free, could you go spy on Aluxio for me? I want to know what's he up to," Estoria asked with a mischievous twinkle in her eye.

"Good for you; I specialize in spying," Asher replied with a playful grin before slipping out to begin his espionage mission.

"I hope he doesn't get caught." Estoria whispered to herself with a hint of worry as she awaited Asher's return from his covert mission.

The following day, early morning, Estoria couldn't shake off her concern for Asher, who had not returned since the previous day. Surprisingly, there were no complaints or reports about his absence.

"I can't even call him since there are no phones here," She muttered to myself in frustration.

Estoria heard a knocking sound, and at first, She thought it might be Jane, as it was time for her breakfast to arrive. So, She called out for her to come in. However, the knocking persisted, and to her surprise, it wasn't coming from the door but from the window.


Estoria opened the window, and Asher climbed in through it.

"How did you even... It's the third floor," She began, completely bewildered.

"Don't worry about that," he replied with a yawn, as if the feat of climbing to the third-floor window was no big deal.

"Forget it, you came in at the right time. Jane is about to bring breakfast, so let's eat first," She suggested.

"Don't you want to know if I got any useful info?" Asher asked, his eyes filled with curiosity.

"No, eat first," Estoria insisted, concerned that Asher hadn't eaten properly since yesterday.

Jane arrived with food for both of them, and Asher appeared to have a heartier appetite than before.

"So, about Aluxio, don't go near him again," Asher cautioned her, his tone serious.

"Okay, fine. Chew properly before talking," Estoria responded, finding his concern somewhat amusing.

After Asher finished eating, he started sharing information about Aluxio.

"Now let me start from the beginning. Aluxio keeps talking about how he's missing you. What's your relationship with him?" Asher inquired, getting straight to the point.

"We are not even friends. He just keeps appearing out of nowhere, and now he's missing me. What a weirdo," Estoria remarked flabbergasted, deciding to keep her distance from Aluxio.

"He also said something about winning a bet because of you," Asher added.

"No, forget about it. He's not even that handsome; he's just a red flag, literally," Estoria said, dismissing the topic.

"He looks weaker than me, so you don't need him. And if he still bothers you, tell me right away," Asher said protectively.

Aww, is he worried about me? Estoria thought, feeling a strange warmth at Asher's concern for her safety.

"And what will you do?" She asked, curious to hear Asher's response.

"I will fight him, and if I win, he stays away from you." Asher said confidently.

"Okay," She said, patting his head affectionately.

But later that evening, Aluxio appeared. Speak of the devil, and here he was.

"Why are you here?" Estoria inquired, her tone far from welcoming.

"I was just out for a walk," he replied, though in such a large palace, it seemed too coincidental to encounter her by chance.

"In such a big place, you just happened to find me, huh?" She replied, her suspicion evident in her tone.

"Okay, now walk along," Estoria added, trying to dismiss him politely.

But Aluxio stayed by her side not moving an inch.

"Are you still upset about yesterday?" Aluxio inquired, his tone softer.

Estoria didn't want to go easy on him and push him off sternly.

"I'm still upset about yesterday," She replied coldly, not ready to forgive him just yet.

"I apologize; I was angry because you put yourself in danger," Aluxio said pitifully.

"What's your full name?" Estoria asked, hoping that Aluxio would be more forthcoming this time.

He still didn't reply holding back the truth.

"Your initials were A.E. on the handkerchief," She pointed out, trying to get more information from him.

As Aluxio stayed silent, Estoria decided not to press the matter any further.

"If we are done here, I'm leaving," She stated bluntly, expressing her desire to end the conversation and depart from his presence.

Estoria stood up from the ground, determined to leave the situation behind. Aluxio reached out and grabbed her arm, trying to stop her from leaving.

"What is it now?" She asked, annoyed by his persistence.

"It's Aluxio Enrique, my name..." he trailed off.

"I already know, Your Royal Highness," She replied, maintaining her aloof demeanor.

"I wasn't attempting to conceal it; I merely believed that revealing it might add unnecessary pressure," Aluxio's words spilled out in a panic, as he hurriedly clarified.

Aluxio seemed taken aback by her coldness and hurt by her previous words, but Estoria didn't want to engage with him further.

With a touch of frustration, Estoria pulled her arm free from his grasp and offered a curt bow before stating, "You can continue pondering everything on your own; there's no need to consult me. I'll take my leave now, Your Royal Highness." She turned and departed, without glancing back.

As she walked back inside, Aluxio's hurt expression replayed in her mind, and she began to question whether she had been too harsh on him. Doubt crept in as she wondered if her abrupt departure had wounded his feelings, leaving her torn between her own discomfort and the worry that she might have hurt him unnecessarily.

"Where were you? I looked for you everywhere!" Asher suddenly appeared in front of Estoria.

"You were sleeping, so I thought I should go outside for a walk in the garden. Why were you looking for me? You should get some more rest," Estoria said as they entered her bedroom.

"I'm supposed to protect you, so you can't just wander off without letting me know," Asher explained.

"Oh, and who said that?" Estoria playfully questioned.

"You're the one protecting me, obviously, I have to protect you to protect myself," Asher said proudly.

"That's a fair point," Estoria agreed.

Asher went back to his couch to sleep.

"Aren't you uncomfortable? Take the bed; I'm not going to sleep yet," Estoria suggested.

"It's fine; you can take the bed," Asher replied.

"Should I request a new room for you?"

"No, me staying with you seems more realistic for our story, and besides, I can't protect you from another room," Asher explained.

"Alright," Estoria gave in.

Asher fell back asleep, and as he drifted into dreamland, he muttered something unexpected.

"Thank you," he whispered softly.

"What was that about?" Estoria chuckled softly, watching Asher deep in slumber, and suddenly, a wave of fatigue washed over her as well.

"Let's call it an early night," She said with a sleepy yawn as she headed to bed.


When Lillia opened her eyes she found herself back at the orphanage where she had spent her childhood. She stood there, silently watching other children being adopted and leaving with their new parents.

"I wish I could go too," she whispered to herself.

She remembered how she used to wait eagerly, hoping that one day someone would come for her too.

"Your time will come, Lillia," a voice assured her.

But as she observed, she noticed the stark truth. The caretakers weren't kind; they provided just enough to keep the children alive and the people who adopted the children weren't always nice either.

"Lillia, don't make a fuss," one caretaker scolded her when she asked for more food.

Each time she saw a child's face light up as they were embraced by their new family, she clung to the hope that her turn would come soon too.

"Maybe next time," she would whisper to her stuffed animal, her only friend.

But as days turned into years, that hope began to wane.

"They don't want me," she mumbled, her voice heavy with resignation.

"Why am I always left behind?" she asked, tears welling up in her eyes.

"It's okay, Estoria. You are loved," the voice murmured like a warm embrace.

The scene mirrored the slow erosion of her optimism, as she watched herself grow older and more resigned to the idea that she might never have a family of her own.

The weight of the memories bore down on her heart, echoing the real emotions she had experienced during those lonely years at the orphanage.

"It's not your fault, Estoria," the voice said softly.

It was a stark reminder of the pain of feeling unwanted, not just by potential parents but by everyone, and the fear of a future spent in solitude.


As Asher watched Estoria, he noticed tears silently streaming down her cheeks, concerned that she might be caught in the throes of a nightmare, he gently reached out to wake her up.