Happy Birthday to me?

"What do I do now? I'm once again realizing how dull it is to be alone without anything to entertain myself," Estoria ponders.

"Everyone got assigned a different room, including Asher. He doesn't need to protect me here; only a fool would attack the Stallions residence, the strongest force of the kingdom."

"Don't get me wrong, I'm quite introverted myself, but without my phone, I might just start enjoying being in others' company more than doing nothing by myself," Estoria expresses all to herself.

"Talking to myself seems to be the only way to keep entertained in my room. I should head outside for a change," Estoria considers for a while before opening the door to find Eston waiting outside.

Eston anxiously blabbers, "Estoria, I was just wondering if you wanted a tour of the mansion. Since you probably don't remember and can easily get lost in here, you don't have to if you don't want to—"

"Great, let's go! I was getting pretty bored by myself in my room," Estoria replies, excited to explore.

"Really? Alright, I'll show you around. Ask me anything you're curious about; I've diligently studied the entire history of the Stallions," Eston exclaims, enthusiasm evident in his voice.

We discussed a variety of topics as we strolled through the mansion.

"Why did you study the history of our family? Is it a requirement for everyone in the family?" Estoria asks Eston as we walk side by side.

"Not really. You didn't like studying, so you often ran away from home. That's why I decided to take over the heir's studies. The future heir of the Stallions has to study a lot of our family history to be eligible," Eston explains.

"So was I the supposed heir of the Stallion family?" Estoria questions, surprised.

"Yes, I didn't want to take on such a big role, so you took it from me at first. But after seeing the amount of books you would have to go through, you gave up," Eston laughs.

"So you decided to take the role instead? did you do that for me? Why?" Estoria asks genuinely confused.

"Yes, I decided to take on the role instead. I did it for you. I saw how much you struggled with the responsibilities and the extensive studies. I wanted to relieve you of that burden," Eston explains sincerely.

"Is it a common dynamic within families?" Estoria muses aloud.

"Yes, I don't know about others, but you can depend on everyone in our family. You can complain to me about anything and everything, and I would listen. If you want something, I will give it to you, no matter what. That's the kind of relationship we have, Estoria," Eston says in a tender voice.

'It feels nice to hear someone say this to me,' Estoria admits to herself.

"Oh, look. It's Father's precious office that no one can enter," Eston points out.

"Why can't we enter?" Estoria asks, examining the door similar to her rooms.

"Father has it barricaded with a mana crystal, that's why," Eston explains, attempting to open the door without success.

"Asher could probably break it then," Estoria thinks back on the barricade Asher tried to break before.

"Asher? I've tried breaking it a few times, but it's hard for even me. Does Asher know how to use his mana?" Eston inquires.

"Yes, he's pretty good at it, actually," Estoria confirms.

"Really? Father would be overjoyed to hear this. He was complaining about wanting more students of his own to teach them his techniques, but they're too hard for anyone to learn. Maybe Asher could learn them," Eston suggests.

"I'll ask him about it. He self-taught himself how to use his mana, so I think he will like it," Estoria remarks.

"Actually, I haven't seen Asher all day today. Where is he?" Eston asks.

As soon as Eston asks, Ria appears from the corner. "Eston, Estoria, I've been searching for you both. What are you doing instead of getting ready for your birthday?"

"Eston was showing me around the mansion so I don't get lost," Estoria explains awkwardly.

"Come with me for a minute," Ria drags Estoria into a room, leaving Eston outside the door.

"There he is. Told you he would be inside, but you kept looking outside," Aluxio says to Tyrion as they both discover Eston standing outside the door.

Meanwhile, inside the room...

Ria locks the door. "Have you Awakened yet?" She said and turned around. As soon as she saw Estoria, her eyes suddenly widened.

"Estoria, your eyes are glowing..." Ria says, her voice carrying a hint of fear.

Estoria doesn't reply; instead, her eyes start to glow more intensely.

"You have to get outside right now," Ria insists, taking Estoria forcefully by the arm.

"What's going on?" "Where are you taking her, Mom?" Everyone outside the room asks, a little concerned and confused, but Ria rushes outside without answering.

As they all rush outdoors, Ria yells out, "Get away from her quickly!"

Everyone takes a few steps back in a hurry, noting Estoria's strange behavior.

"What's going on here? I'm not stepping away from her until you tell me what's wrong," Aluxio insists, looking at Estoria with genuine concern.

"I'll explain, just get away from her for now!" Ria exclaims, using her powers to drag Aluxio away.

"Explain right now!" Aluxio demands, attempting to break free from Ria's powers.

They continue arguing while Estoria struggles to even stand up straight.

'I can't hear anything, my mind is all hazy. What's wrong with me?' Estoria wonders, feeling disoriented.

Estoria falls to her knees, unable to endure it any longer.

'I can feel a pain coming from my heart,' Estoria acknowledges, sensing the distress within.

The pain intensifies, feeling as if her body is getting ripped apart from the inside.

'It hurts so much.' "HURTS!" Estoria shouts in a louder voice than usual.

"Estoria!" Aluxio shouts in the distance, concern evident in his voice.

'I can't even lift my head right now. Is anyone here? Make it stop, please. The pain is unbearable,' Estoria pleads, overwhelmed by the agony.

Estoria's breath starts becoming heavy and shorter.

"My head hurts. I just want everything to stop," Estoria murmurs, expressing a deep desire for relief.

"Can't you see she's in pain? Do something!" Aluxio urgently asks Ria.

"Aluxio, calm down. I'm sure she knows what she's doing," Tyrion attempts to reassure and handle Aluxio.

"I know, but I can't do anything. She has to endure it herself," Ria explains with a sense of helplessness.

"Why can't you do anything? You have the dragon's healing powers. Help her!" Aluxio implores, desperate for assistance.

"I CAN'T! It'll be dangerous if anyone tries to interfere with her awakening!" Ria exclaims, emphasizing the potential risks.

"Awakening?" Aluxio and Tyrion ask in unison, their confusion evident.

"I'll explain everything for now. Just please stay away from her and wait," Ria requests, hoping for compliance.

"Mom, look at Estoria!" Eston exclaims.

The ground starts shaking abruptly, and Ria puts up a shield over everyone.

A black smoke starts emanating from Estoria.

"It looks like she's on fire," Tyrion observes.

"I have never seen an awakening quite like this," Ria comments, her gaze fixed on Estoria.

The sky gets darker, almost covered in black clouds.

"She should've been awakened by now. What's happening?" Ria questions, a note of concern in her voice.

Estoria looks up with such a fierce gaze that freezes everyone in their spot, as if even breathing feels wrong.

A thunderstorm begins, the ominous clouds swirling with an intensity matching Estoria's awakening. The air becomes charged with tension as crackling energy radiates from her. "Don't move, or you'll get killed," Ria warns, her voice trembling under the weight of Estoria's awakening.

Each moment feels like an eternity, the atmosphere thick with an unspoken understanding that the forces at play transcend the ordinary.

"Remove the shield," Estoria commands in an almost angry voice, her words cutting through the charged air.

Ria hesitates but eventually removes the shield.

"Don't," Eston whispers, his voice carrying a mix of concern and fear.

"It's better if we listen to her," Ria whispers back, acknowledging the gravity of the situation.

Estoria starts smiling.

"Get on your knees if you value your life," she commands, her voice carrying an eerie authority.

Everyone kneels without even thinking, except Aluxio, who hesitates.

"Are you feeling alright, Estoria?" Aluxio asks, genuine concern in his voice.

"Seems like you have no will to live," Estoria glares at him, her eyes flashing with an unsettling intensity.

Aluxio takes a step towards her, ignoring Tyrion's attempts to stop him as he pushes ahead.

"STOP!" Estoria shouts, her voice echoing.

It starts pouring heavily.

"I DON'T WANT TO HURT YOU!" Estoria shouts again, her voice carried away by the relentless rain.

"I SAID STOP, LISTEN TO ME!" Estoria pleads, but Aluxio continues walking forward. He gets close and hugs her, defying the intensity of the situation.

Estoria wraps him with her arms, tears falling down her face, a moment of relief in the tumultuous moment.

Seeing the situation calm down, everyone gets up from their knees.

"Aluxio, get away from her!" Ria urgently warns.

As Aluxio attempts to glance back at Ria, Estoria's nails sink deeply into his skin, their sharp points digging in with an unyielding force. He winces, the pain immediate and intense, rendering him unable to pull away from her embrace. The atmosphere remains charged, rain pouring around them as if the heavens themselves are weeping for the profound moment unfolding.

Ria, her eyes widening with a mix of worry and urgency, takes a step closer. "Aluxio, be careful!" she exclaims, her voice carrying a motherly concern. But Estoria's grip tightens, and her eyes, once filled with fierce determination, now reflect a hint of vulnerability.

The others, still recovering from the previous intensity, watch with a sense of helplessness, unsure of the dynamics at play. The rain, relentless in its downpour, adds a surreal quality to the scene, creating an almost otherworldly ambiance.

Ria, sensing the need to move Aluxio away from Estoria's grip, extends her powers to intervene. However, Estoria, without uttering a word, casts a glance that holds an unfathomable power. With just a look from her eyes, a subtle yet commanding force, everyone around them is pushed away, as if a barrier has been erected, enforcing a solitary space between her and Aluxio.

The onlookers stagger back, their movements halted by an unseen resistance. The rain continues to fall, now almost dancing around the constrained atmosphere, creating an ethereal backdrop to this mystifying encounter. Estoria's control over the situation becomes increasingly evident, her demeanor a perplexing blend of vulnerability and dominion.

Estoria's actions become more unnerving as she bites into Aluxio's neck, her teeth sinking deeper and deeper. Aluxio winces, his white dress shirt slowly becoming stained with his own blood. The rain continues to pour, each droplet mingling with the crimson hues on his shirt, creating a haunting tableau.

The onlookers, still held at bay by the invisible force, can only watch in shock and concern as this unexpected and distressing scene unfolds. The air is heavy with a sense of foreboding, the atmosphere thick with a mixture of rain, blood, and unspoken turmoil.

"This is bad. She's getting stronger. We have to get Aluxio away from her," Ria urgently tells everyone, a note of concern in her voice.

Despite their collective effort, everyone attempting to push closer to Estoria finds their attempts thwarted. The invisible force remains insurmountable, creating an impenetrable barrier. Aluxio's plea adds a layer of distress to the unfolding scene as Estoria continues biting into the left side of his neck, the pain evident on his face.

Suddenly, Estoria pulls her teeth out from Aluxio's neck, and with a forceful motion, she pushes Aluxio's shoulders away from her. The abruptness of the action leaves everyone momentarily stunned, the atmosphere still charged with the weight of the preceding events. Aluxio, now freed from her grasp, staggers backward, his hand instinctively reaching to cover the wound on his neck. The rain continues to fall, washing away the traces of blood that linger on the scene, as if nature itself is attempting to cleanse the unsettling aftermath.

"Go away," Estoria commands, her head down, blood dripping from her mouth. The authority in her voice is tempered by a vulnerability that adds an additional layer of complexity to the atmosphere.

With Estoria's previous commands seemingly lifted, everyone moves in, and with concerted effort, they manage to pull Aluxio away from her. The invisible force dissipates, allowing them to breach the space that was previously impassable. Aluxio, though visibly shaken, is now free from the intense grip of Estoria's awakening.

In a state of confusion and exhaustion, Aluxio gazes at Estoria's face one last time before succumbing to unconsciousness. The haunting image of her, blood-stained and enigmatic, lingers in his fading awareness.