A Villain?

Estoria sat down on her bed. It had been a few days since they had returned, but no one had brought it up again. She had briefed them about what happened, but that was all.

Eston woke up after a day of bed rest. His memory was still hazy, and he didn't remember exactly what happened, nor did he remember taking a person's life. I don't plan on telling him either. It's probably better for him to just not know, but if he asks me, I'll have to tell him.

There is something about it that is bothering me... Where did the body or body pieces go? Did Six take them with her while escaping? That seems unlikely because they didn't seem to be on good terms, plus she didn't have the time to pick them up unless Aluxio either didn't go after her and let her escape freely, or Aluxio is the one who took care of the cleaning...

Aluxio doesn't tell me anything more about what happened after I passed out, no matter how many times I ask him.

Which leads me to my most recent worry. I'm essentially powerless without my abilities. Without these dragon powers or whatever they are, I would've perished long ago. I can only act so recklessly because I know I surpass most here in strength. Although I nearly perished despite them, it's thanks to Aluxio who administered first aid before things worsened.

I got an earful from Asher about it too. I admit that was my fault. The only thing on my mind at that time was a deep desire to kill Six. My injuries didn't matter to me at all as long as I could end her life.

Have I ever felt like that before? A desire strong enough to take over all my other thoughts is dangerous.

I seriously need to know how to control this power. I can't just go along with it anymore.

Also, no matter how much I think about it, it doesn't make sense. Why does Aluxio even like me? It's not because of my status or power. He liked me when I didn't have anything to my name. I have heard him say I'm pretty, but are looks all that matters to him? I mean, I am really pretty...

Estoria gazed at her reflection in the mirror. She had to acknowledge her appearance was captivating enough for anyone to be drawn to her.

But what if Aluxio is supposed to love me like Darius and Isabella? They are the main characters, the couple made for each other. So what if, just what if Aluxio was also set up to fall in love with Estoria?

It's definitely a possibility. It would explain why he's so stubborn about being with me after being rejected so many times. A majority of people would give up, but if you were set to love only a single person in the world, maybe you would have to be this stubborn to have them.

I should have asked Ilona these questions! Why did I black out during that time? I have so many questions for her now, like, am I a character that plays a big role in this story? The villain? The second female lead? Why am I so powerful if I am just a side NPC? From a family holding the same or more power than the royal family, we would have been some OP villains if we were to act out.

But from how things are, my family doesn't seem to have a single thought about overthrowing the throne or anything. Forget about treason, they are all besties for life. Not a single terrible thought is going through those innocent minds.

While lost in her thoughts, dinner for the evening was prepared, and she was summoned to dine with the others.

She took a seat at the dining table, specifically beside Asher, and cast a glare at the princes seated opposite.

'They have basically become a part of the family at this point. Are they even thinking of leaving at all? Can the duke kick out the royal princes from his residence? Even if it was allowed, Father wouldn't do it though.'

"What are you thinking about? You've been sitting with an empty plate for a while now," Asher asked.

"Hmm? Nothing much, just contemplating various matters. No need to fret," Estoria replied, loading her plate with the delectable fare.

"Estoria, there's something I wish to discuss with you. I've debated whether to share this, but it might aid in controlling your abilities," Ria interjected.

'So she did find out something about me.'

"You can confide in me, Mother. I'm all ears," Estoria responded without hesitation.

Ria placed her knife and fork down on the table. "The blood dragon awakened its powers by having a deep resentment towards other humans. It was written just like that in the book, that the first-ever blood dragon hated humans. That's why he created a different realm for the dragons to live separately from those humans. And that is the reason why there have been only a few blood dragons in history, since only a few of them could have such a deep resentment towards humans who were quite just like them, just weaker than them."

Estoria's heart stopped for a moment. There was a still silence in the room.

Estoria rose from her seat. "I suddenly feel exhausted. I think I'll retire early tonight." She hurriedly left.

No one understood better than Estoria.

"Deep resentment toward others..."