To the bedroom

"Not here," Eston said, and as soon as he finished his words, they were teleported straight to Eston's bedroom.

Tyrion was standing near the doorway inside the room, with Eston currently holding on to him like a scared cat.

"I'll fall like this, let me go," Eston tried to touch the floor but his legs were grabbed and pulled back to Tyrion's waist.

"I'll take you to the bed, just hold on to me," Tyrion said as he tightened his grip on Eston's back.

"I can walk too, just let me down. This is too much for me," Eston said, his arms wrapped around Tyrion's neck.

Tyrion had no intentions of letting Eston down. He was holding on to him like his life depended on that hold, while Eston was embarrassed to be held like this but then Tyrion started walking, he instantly became scared and aroused by the rubbing.

"Stop! Stop! I can't! Let me down!" Eston started to struggle with all his might at the moment.

"We are almost there, Eston," Tyrion hurriedly started speed walking, afraid Eston would fall on the floor. He put his hand behind his head, but Eston became even more agitated by the quick steps.

"You'll fall like this. Wait, wait, I'll let you do—" Tyrion couldn't finish his words before they fell hard on the floor.

Tyrion fell on top of Eston; he could feel his hand throbbing with the pain of hitting the cold floor and being crushed under Eston's head. But his whole body fell on top of him, meaning Eston's whole body was just like his hand right now.

Tyrion immediately lifted his head and asked, "Are you okay, Eston?"

Eston had his eyes shut from the pain; he slowly opened them hearing Tyrion. His eyes were glistened with tears; he bit his tongue accidentally when they fell. His mouth tasted like blood, which was sipping out from the corner of his lips. He felt like a weak young lady crying over something like this so he resisted his tears from falling.

Tyrion saw a glimpse of that face and instantly lighted a pink orb in the air to see clearly.

"There's blood coming out of your mouth..." Tyrion unconsciously opened Eston's mouth with his fingers under the soft pink glow. He looked incredibly dazzling in Tyrion's eyes; he couldn't resist even if he wanted to anymore.

Eston's mouth was preyed open by Tyrion's fingers when a tongue entered his mouth. He winced in pain from the cut on his tongue; the tears in his eyes started to fall onto his cheeks.

Tyrion kissed Eston aggressively; he had him pinned down to the floor as he pressed himself on him. The taste of iron mixed with his saliva, but Tyrion's mind was all foggy; he couldn't even notice it at first.

Eston had no energy left to struggle anymore; even breathing was a difficult task for him right now, so he let Tyrion do whatever he wanted.

After a while, Tyrion's consciousness came back to him slowly. He opened his eyes to Eston's tear-stained face, red eyes, and blood all over his lips.

Eston breathed in the air as soon his mouth went vacant, and he sobbed uncontrollably.

Any remaining arousal left Tyrion's body at the sound of Eston's sobs; he hugged him gently while putting his remaining mana into healing him.

"I'm sorry. Please stop crying. I'm not going to do anything now. I'm sorry," Tyrion soothed him like anyone would a child because Eston was crying like a baby; even his sobs sounded cute.

"I told you to let me down, but you wouldn't, and after..." Eston couldn't talk ahead and broke down again.

Tyrion quickly got up and lifted Eston onto the sofa next to them and poured a glass of water for him.

"Drink some water first," he held it up to Eston's lips.

Eston took some sips and calmed down a bit; his tears stopped, but the embarrassment was coming over him now. He sniffed a few times awkwardly.

Tyrion didn't know what to do; he kneeled down on the floor in front of him, politely placed his fists on his knees with his head down.

"What are you doing now?" Eston spoke with a hoarse voice.

"I'm repenting for my unforgivable actions," Tyrion said, not daring to look up at his face.

Eston felt like a delicate maiden crying over something this trivial; he hadn't even cried when he got heavily injured in the competitions before, much less actually wailing. It was his first time breaking down this badly since he was 10 years old.

Eston got up and lifted Tyrion's head, looking down on him. He saw Tyrion's pink hair falling back, leaving his forehead exposed, which made him look even more handsome, even a bit out-worldly, with his rare purple eyes shining in the pink glow of the orb.

Eston didn't know what to say, so he got down, pecked his lips and eyes, leaving Tyrion bewitched.

He stared at Eston with wide eyes, which made Eston blush again as he awkwardly walked over to his bed and sat down.

"Why are you still sitting there like a fool?" Eston said, rubbing his nape.

"Am I forgiven just like this?" Tyrion said in shock, but his body moved faster than his words, as he was already standing behind Eston.

"Just forget all about that; never happened," Eston said, not facing him.

Tyrion didn't agree nor disagree; he just sat down in front of him on the bed and started playing with his hair, tucking it behind his ear, which couldn't be tucked in due to its short length.

Eston looked at him with his red doe eyes, puzzled.

"Aren't you tired? Go to sleep; I'll keep you company till sunrise," Tyrion said with a little smile.

Eston's eyebrows furrowed, and he sulkily slapped his hand away and started taking off his shoes.

Tyrion watched him carefully as Eston struggled with his shoes and got down to help him.

"I can do it myself just fine!" Eston said, but Tyrion had already taken his shoes off.

Eston wanted to be angry with him, but Tyrion was on his best behavior, which made it quite difficult. Eston was annoyed now, and he wanted to cry in frustration.

Eston grabbed Tyrion by the collar and threw him on the bed. "Why are you trying to make me fall asleep and flee! You just got here, and you're already talking about leaving! And and—" Eston paused.

Tyrion started laughing unexpectedly and drew Eston close to him by extending his mana; he took hold of his waist, resting his head on Eston's legs.

Eston was flushed from his emotions and Tyrion's actions.

"I don't want to leave you either, but father will not be happy if he finds out that Aluxio and I left without a word. We have to return before we get in trouble," Tyrion explained, his eyes not leaving Eston's even for a second.

"Aluxio is here too? Also, shouldn't you sleep too then? Can you sleep when you go back?" Eston questioned.

"Aluxio might have left already after seeing Estoria, and I have a very busy day ahead, so I can't sleep. I have to attend to my duties before that," Tyrion said, pressing on Eston's abdomen, making him flinch in surprise.

"What is this now?" Eston questioned the fingers on him. "How did you even get here? Teleporting such a long distance isn't something you can do whenever you want."

"Don't worry about that. We had this place marked with a mana device that could easily teleport us here, but it was only a one-use item. I won't be able to see you after this for some time," Tyrion's hands moved up to Eston's chest as he explained.

Eston was becoming bothered by his hands roaming free on his body, but he didn't push him away after hearing that he won't be able to meet Tyrion again for who knows how long.

He didn't want to argue with Tyrion in the time he had left with him.

Tyrion watched Eston's reaction attentively and noticed that he was being unusually submissive now. His eyes started to burn again with passion, hearing Eston's labored breathing, and he pounced on him, not missing his chance.

Eston squirmed underneath him as Tyrion started kissing and sucking on his neck and collarbones.

Tyrion's hands had already removed Eston's shirt, which was barely hanging on from Eston's wrists.

Eston wrapped his arms over Tyrion's head as he moved down on his chest to his nipples. Just then, Eston noticed hands coming down his back too.

"Wait.. Tyrion, wait a minute.." Eston said as he became a little scared of the hands removing his belt and pants.

Tyrion, with a lot of restraint, stopped himself and looked up at Eston's face, his tongue still licking unconsciously.

Eston was past his embarrassment now and spoke honestly, "I'm scared... it's my first time ever doing anything like this."

Tyrion paused, then got up, sitting on Eston's lower abdomen, and started removing his clothes one by one.

"I'll be gentle," said Tyrion.