With the Rage still in Him, Spark gets into his car, Immediately texts his Detective Friend, Joe.

Spark can only reach Joe through text, He never calls Joe, when they were still working together, Joe had solve so many hideous cases, that there's a bounty on his head by their senior colleagues, because Joe hands weren't clean like he suppose.

But Spark knew everything was and is still Politics, Once this people in authority figures you're stopping them from their money, they will pin anything on you. The system is corrupt, It's all a game.

Spark hardly ever reach out to Joe, but this time he had to, Spark was certain Steph could leave the country anytime from now.

He sends Joe a picture of Steph, her name, her occupation and tells him to look for the details of the daughter of the Woman's picture he just sent.

As he presses Sent, he deletes the message to cover his track. Joe owes him alot of favors, He's certain Joe was definitely going to deliver.

He had text Dave earlier of his visit to Steph, and Dave had told him to drive over to his place when they've finished their discussion to know the next step to take.

Spark parks at Dave Garage, this is first time he's meeting up with Dave at home and meeting with Mary. He and Dave exchanged Pleasantries by Handshake, While He and Mary, by words and brief smiles.

He balances on the Couch as Dave opens the wine and pours it into his glass.

"So how did it play out." Dave asks as Spark gulps his drink.

Spark looks at Dave, then to Mary "She's insisting that the Child is her's and she can do whatever she wants."

"What does that mean, She has been running with my child to different Countries, If not we all could have found her by now." Mary already getting heated.

"Ma, with all due respect, This lady in question has a right to move countries with that girl, because she legally adopted the girl." Spark says, trying to remind them.

" I really do not care at this Point, She might even be planning her way out of the country by now." Dave also getting heated

"That's why, I am acting quick and fast on this case." Spark speaks as he looks at them.

"What do you mean by that?" Dave inquires.

Spark goes quiet, like he was hesitant to let out the words. "I am trying to get the identity of the girl, Then I am going to talk to her." He pauses as Dave's eyes goes wide "If she isn't ready to leave the country, I don't think the Adopter will leave yet, This might give us time on our side."

Dave looks over at Mary who didn't have a clue to what Spark was about to do,

"What you mean to say is, You want to lie to the Daughter,and cause some disagreement between them?"

Spark gives Dave the face of what else do you want me to do " Mr Dave we don't really have much time on this case, If the woman convinces the daughter and they leave the country this time, We will be starting all over again on this case."

"What if you go there and spew lies to the girl, This woman might never let us see this girl again." Dave expresses his concern

The room goes quiet for the first time since Spark came.

Spark gulps the wine down his throat "Dave I get your concern here, I am also involved in this case." He looks over at Mary, since Dave didn't sound too sure on this case.

"If this doesn't work out, Then we will go to court, we will fight this." He says trying to convince Mary.

Mary goes over to Dave "Honey, I also get your point here,

I think this is the right thing to do, Mr Spark here has been going by the book ever since he got this case,

And it has led us nowhere over the past decades, I believe this way he's suggesting is the way to go, If not, we are going lose the girl for good."

Dave head is hung down, he brings his head up as he speaks "She might be planning her next move now , Shouldn't we be tracking down the Airports by now?"

"We really don't know the Airport she flies in, but I am handling that." Spark says as his eyes meets with Dave.

Dave finally speaks up "If you go on with that plan, and it doesn't work out, then it high time you give me my daughter's location and the Adopters' too."

Spark looks like he didn't agree to that, then Mary speaks up "Mr Spark, I think that would be the right thing to do at this point."

Spark goes silent as he ponders on it "okay I will agree to that, If you let me do all I can on this case, but I promise you, this plan I am about to act on you will definitely speak with the Adopter."

They all agreed on it. "So anything about Rachel Nelson?" Mary asks.

"We're still on the case, I'll let you know when I get something." Spark says and smiles as he looks at his Phone.

Davs has been noticing him, since he arrived he's been looking at the Phone.

"Is everything alright, Mr Spark?" Dave asks, He felt this was about the Case.

Spark looks up him and shrug the smile off his smile "Oh sure, it's just a lead on one of my cases."

"Is it mine?" Dave asks quickly

A call came through Spark phone as he asked the question, Spark stands up , thanks them for the wine "When I carry on with this plan, I let you know the outcome." Spark says as he leaves.

Dave stands up and goes to the fridge, gets a bottle of beer for himself and Juice for Mary.

He brings Mary's hand closer to his as he speaks "I just feel like, if I can talk to this woman and explain things to her, maybe she might have empathy, I just don't feel right, with this plan, Mr Spark is about to carry out."

Mary tightens her finger around his "I just feel like we should let Mr Spark handle this, he's the one, who understands the game and the system."

Dave looks at her surprise " I really don't get why you are in his side all of a sudden, you are always wanting to tear him." He lets out chuckle.

Mary looks at him with a beam, she relaxes on his chest, "Let's just give him the benefit of doubt, He's been on this case for so long, Do you think he's gonna mess it up now that he's gotten some substantial lead?"

Dave nods just head at that, Mary looks up at him "He truly cares about this case, He wants to end it just as much as you."