This is the first time, Magedelene's coming over to Philip's Place.

Philip eyes meets with Hers when he came out to meet her by the gate,

She notices that he couldn't take his eyes off her. Magedelene smiles to herself,

She had gone to install her wig, So she styles it her own way, She applied the right amount of makeup on her face and lipgloss which never make her looks go wrong, She did her nails, she made them a little short.

"I mean you always look good, but today you're looking so breathtaking." Philip compliments her, He couldn't contain himself.

"You don't look bad yourself." She looks at him in a flirty way as she

Philip was dressed in short and a hoodie, One could tell he just got a fresh hairdo on his hair, and He smells like his usual self 'Cinnamon'.

She could hear the chuckle, Philip made.

"Well, what do you have there." He asks as he sees Magedelene clutching onto a little bag besides her.

Magedelene quickly hides the bag behind her "It a surprise." She says in an excited voice

"Oh okay, So the Guys are around tho, Where is Amanda?" He asks as he remembers the condition she gives.

"She couldn't make it, but She promises to make it one of these days." Magedelene tells him as Philip leads her inside.

They got inside his room, Philip room is actually one of the spacious room she's seen.

You could find wallpapers of rappers like 2pac on the wall. His room felt Masculine and cavey.

"You have such a great taste." She tells him as She looks around, and she hands him the gift bag.

Philip brings it out, It's a wine "You didn't have to." He says as he comes towards her to give a kiss.

All of a sudden, She sees Maya appearing in a direction, Magedelene stops Philip who was already pouting his lips.

" Here She is." Maya says as she brings her, into a warm embrace.

Surprised Magedelene returns the hug,

"That guy over there." She points towards Philip who has gone to meet the boys

"He can't stop blabbing about you." Maya tells her as she leads her to where the boy are.

Madegelene blushes at that statement "You look good Maya." Magedelene moving the topic away from she and Philip's

"Thanks and You look great yourself." Maya smiles as she goes over to Jay.

Philip stands up " Everyone meet Magedelene, Magedelene here's everyone."

He looks at her proudly, as he brings out his hands towards her for her to come sit close to him.

Magedelene goes to him,She heard them say "You're highly welcome, Magedelene."

She smiles as she sits with Philip, Philip comes to sit closer to her, She could smell his cologne

"Feel free, alright." He whispers in her ears.

"So where were we?" Magedelene turns towards Sunny who just spoke, He was clutching next to a Pretty Girl.

Everyone is with their Person, Amanda would have felt so lonely. Magedelene thinks to her self.

Jay raises his hands alittle, his arms around Maya, who's leaning on his chest.

"Before I start, I just want to say Magedelene, You're welcome and we now see you as Part of us." Jay tells Magedelene who nods her head shyly in appreciation.

Philip puts his arms around her and bring closer to his chest. His cologne filling her nostril.

"So, am just grateful, We're able to create time and do this again, I have missed us so much." Jay says once again

" I am not gonna lie, College, compared to my Music thing, it's been straining me so bad,

You Guys don't know this, but I have broken down on several occassion, it's just Maya who's been noticing and ofcourse she has to." Jay manages to smile as kisses Maya on her forehead.

"So, How can we be of help, Jay?" Sunny asks

" Can we keep on meeting eachother like this, It helped me mentally in High school, I know it will be mean so much here in college." Jay looks at Sunny and Philip as he speaks.

Philip nods his head as they speak "We can do that for you, and we're totally sorry we couldn't be there for you." He looks straight at Jay, who nods his head in appreciation.

There was silence in the room for a while,

"So does anyone has anything to say?" Sunny asks.

Everybody nods their head, then his Eyes wanders to Magedelene

"Magedelene, do you have something to say."

Magedelene was about to say 'No' She raises her body from Philips' chest where she rested, She turns to look at him. His eyes tells her She could say anything.

Magedelene turns towards everyone, "You know am just proud of what y'all are doing here, Y'all made we wish I was part of these from day one." She pauses as he takes a deep breath

" What matters is, am here now. Magedelene says as leans into the couch.

Philip stands up to put on some music, it's a familiar music by Rema boy 'Calm Down'.

"Y'all, Magedelene came here with a wine." Philip says as he pops the wine and pours it into everyone's glasses.

They all clap for her, Jay went outside to get the snacks he had ordered.

Magedelene looks at them all in admiration, She's truly happy to be amongst them, to be among this community of people.

She can't lie, She's loving it here

"What's going through your mind, Damsel?" Philip asks as he comes closer to her again.

Magedelene takes in his scent, She faces him, They both sit directly facing eachother "I really wish I had this kind of community growing up." She tells him.

"Let me quote what an angel said, She say and I quote 'What matters is, am here now."

He tells her as he looks at her straight in the eyes.

"So you're quoting me right now." She laughs. Their eyes both transfixed in each other's soul.

Then She hears him say " Magedelene, I really love You."

The smile in her face slowly vanquishes, their head moving to each other direction.

His lips touches hers, it feels like heaven, Magedelene thoughts are clouded at first but when the lips came into hers, She feels free.

Magedelene takes in his lips as she sucks it hard, Philp puts his hands around her waist as he takes her closer to him and sucks her greedily.

Jay voice breaks the moment, him telling them to get a room. They all laugh.

They look at eachother as they both smile, Philip makes her stand up to dance, She knew right there She felt the same or more for him.