New Earth

Opening his eyes, he stared at the ceiling of his room. Sitting up, he looked at a TV displaying a woman in purple formal attire reporting what seemed to be a bank robbery in progress.

"The crime rate in this world is ridiculous."

'Back home, crimes were a rarity. If they did happen, Videl would clean them up fairly quickly. If something big happened, Saiyaman would stop it. But... eh, most issues came from accidents,' Gohan thought as his mind drifted back to his Earth. He could only assume it was gone, along with any method of going back.

The thought of not returning home was painful indeed. He would never hear his mother scold him, see his father's carefree smile and naivety, but worst of all, he wouldn't see Goten. He loved his little brother, and now all of it was gone. Despite all his power and strength, he wouldn't be able to return home.

'I was planning on asking Videl out on a real date after Bulma's birthday, but I guess that's not happening anymore...'

*Knock, knock.*

Gohan looked at his door. Flash was standing there. Getting up slowly, he opened the door, and was met with the speedster's smile. "Hey, Batman wants to talk to you," Flash informed. Gohan just nodded and followed Flash.

'I stopped fighting years ago. I only trained a little for the tournament. I didn't want to disappoint Dad... but now...maybe I won't need to fight again,' Gohan thought as he glanced at Flash. 'I just wanted to live a normal life...and become a scholar, but Beerus showed up. I was going to settle down eventually... hopefully with Videl when I worked up the courage to ask her out, who knows, maybe she liked me as well.' He thought and chuckled a little.

'Ah man, I was so happy... if I had to choose between fighting for my life or just growing old without worrying about that... it would be a one-sided decision,' thought Gohan as his family flashed through his mind. 'Mom... Dad and everyone else wouldn't want me to crush myself with guilt and struggle to get over what happened... if Dad's death at the Cell Games was any indication, they would want me to move on, and I guess this time it wasn't my fault so I can't even blame myself.'

'I won't forget you guys... I promise,' he smiled fondly to himself.

Flash turned around to show Gohan another room with Batman and Wonder Woman standing there, in the corner was a large treadmill, noticing Gohan's curious expression, Batman explained.

"This treadmill is Flash's. He trains on this thing; it's specially designed for individuals with super speed," said Batman as Flash nodded. "But that's not why I called you here."

"Yep, it's still too slow for me, but it is good practice for Superman and the rest," bragged Flash as Gohan chuckled.

"Yeah, I'll bet. You moved so fast against that metal guy I didn't even see you," said Gohan with a grin, an obvious lie. Flash, on the other hand, just smirked, knowing another being of godly strength couldn't keep up with him. Wonder Woman just smiled at Gohan.

"Keep talking like that, and Flash won't be able to run with the size of his head," said Wonder Woman as Flash chuckled.

"Well, he isn't lying," responded Flash as Wonder Woman just chuckled.

"Of course, Flash, we all know you are the fastest man alive," said Diana before she suddenly moved behind Flash, who got a fright when she spoke into his ear.

"But I am pretty fast myself," said Diana as she started laughing, and Flash looked at her.

"Just so we are clear, I saw you. I was just surprised! That's all!" Flash said with his finger up.

Gohan was chuckling at the banter. He could tell they were friends, but he was taken aback. His power level was still pretty high right now, but he hadn't seen Wonder Woman move. She just popped up behind Flash, and it honestly gave him more of a fright than Flash, who was the one she intended to frighten. This world was not short of super-powered beings, and for a brief second, he wondered what she was truly capable of.

He saw her fight, and he knew she was skilled, but to what extent? That metal guy was a walk in the park for her, shaking his head to clear his thoughts, his Saiyan blood still did thirst for a good fight.

"What are your plans?" Batman asked. "You are a super-powered being that can destroy the Earth at any moment. Do you plan on joining the Justice League or leaving? If you do choose to join, you will be on a probationary period."

Gohan chuckled. "As fun as that sounds, I think I will say no," he answered.


"Don't get me wrong; it sounds like a lot of fun, but I just don't want to fight anymore. Before my most recent fight, I was going to settle down. Plus being a hero is more than just saving people." He answered, a looming veil of sadness fell over the four as he smiled sadly.

Perhaps Gohan was more qualified to be a hero than he thought; the heroes gave each other silent affirmation. Just maybe he would become an ally when they truly needed him.

Flash just looked at Batman with a look that said more than he ever could; he hadn't spent a full day with the Saiyan, but he seemed alright.

"And I can't settle down and live normally if I have duties like yours," said Gohan. "I lost my will to fight a while ago. I just had no choice when the destroyer god came." There was silence for a few good seconds.

"So you want to live a normal life?" Batman confirmed.


"On Earth, or will you be leaving to travel the cosmos?" He asked.

"Well, I would prefer it if I could remain on Earth, but if you guys don't want me here, I can understand that," he answered.

"It's not that we don't want you here. Like I said, you can destroy the Earth at any given moment, but having you roam the stars could lead to an even more catastrophic situation," Batman said, the league wasn't against the idea of having Gohan turn earth into his new home.

Gohan nodded. He needed to find a meaningful reason to sway their minds. "That is true, but don't you think I would have done that by now? If that was my intention, there is absolutely nothing that can stop a blast of mine if I charged up one that can destroy earth." Batman said nothing. He couldn't argue with that logic.

"Besides, compared to my Earth, yours is kind of...primitive, and you were the only people to take me in and not conduct experiments on me while I was defenseless. I don't bite the hand that feeds me," he said.

Batman and Gohan had a staredown until the bat finally nodded. "Alright, under a condition," he said. Gohan nodded.

"Which is?"

"You have to at all times have a tracker on your person," he said. Gohan nodded.

"Deal," he responded. Silence ensued as Diana sighed.

"Well, I hope the life you sought after makes you happy, Gohan. It is rather unfortunate we won't have our spar," said Wonder Woman.

"We can eventually; it's not like we are going to fight to the death." She nodded.

"You speak the truth."

"Now that you have chosen, you cannot stay here, as I am sure you have assumed," said Batman as Gohan nodded. "I will help get you an ID so you can join society, but you need qualifications to get a job," said Batman as Gohan nodded.

"Are you perhaps well-versed in some field?" Batman asked.

"Well-versed is an understatement. I nearly had a Ph.D. in my world and was a postgraduate in two other fields. Like I said, my world was far more advanced. I am sure I can make it; the history I will have to catch up on, though," said Gohan as Batman nodded.

"I will have the tests set up after your ID is ready," said Batman. "You cannot jump straight to the top for obvious reasons; you need to start at the bottom, but because you already know all of this, you can do the tests back to back."

"It will all be ready in about a week; you will take a test every month," said Batman as Gohan nodded.

"Well, Gohan, I will keep in touch. Not every day you meet a god from another dimension," said Flash as Gohan chuckled.

"Sure, Flash."

"Call me Barry; all my friends do," said Barry as Gohan nodded.

"Would you be willing to let me show you the nightlife in Central City?" asked Flash as he and Gohan walked away, their conversation growing increasingly softer.

"It is a shame; he could have been a valuable teammate, and it would be reassuring to have someone as strong as Superman," said Wonder Woman as Batman nodded.

"Time will only tell if he decides to change his mind," said Batman as he walked out, leaving Wonder Woman to her thoughts.

Gohan was on the Earth for the first time in what felt like forever, sporting black jeans and a red shirt that hugged him quite tightly and had a leather jacket on. He gave a deep inhale before he felt a hand grab his shoulder. He looked to his right to see Barry. "So what do you think?" Barry asked as Gohan smiled.

"It's different from my world. My world had a more futuristic look with flying cars, and the air was cleaner," said Gohan as Barry's face lit up as they got in his car and drove off.

"You had flying cars? Man, that's amazing. I bet Cisco would get a kick from that," said Barry as Gohan chuckled.

"We had flying cars and capsules; you could store houses in them. Trust me, if you wanted to move somewhere, you could literally take your home with you," said Gohan as Barry just listened in amazement. "All of it was created by my dad's friend's father, the CEO of Capsule Corporation; they monopolized the market, they had their hand in everything," said Gohan as he thought about it.

"How so?" asked Barry as he turned.

"Think about it, construction companies had to pay Capsule Corporation for the tech to turn their buildings into capsules because people only bought capsule homes or buildings. No one wanted a house you couldn't carry in your pocket. Car companies had to pay Capsule Corporation as well, furniture companies, everything that was big and expensive to move, Capsule Corporation had the tech and were willing to do business. I am sure I heard Bulma say something about the company's annual income being around 60 billion and steadily increasing," said Gohan as Barry whistled.

"And the business was around for about sixty years. I'm sure Bulma was close to becoming a Trillionaire." Gohan said, he couldn't help but just run down memory lane, Barry didn't mind either, the young Saiyan looked incredibly enthusiastic about it as well.

"I mean Capsule Corporation was leading the space program as well; they could build ships that could travel into deep space… if I had to tell you all her accomplishments you would think I'm lying," said Gohan as Barry nodded in understanding before looking ahead at the club approaching in the distance.

"Try me," he challenged.

"She perfected Time Travel, learned an alien language, and then reprogrammed a spaceship, somehow made a universal translator, reversed engineered android technology, became the lead scientist on Dynocap Micro-Technology, figured out how to artificially increase gravity, my dad told me of the time when she made herself smaller with a watch, and that's just what I remember," said Gohan as Barry just stared at Gohan in slight disbelief.

"I don't know what I was expecting, but it definitely was not that. You must have felt really dumb around her. Not calling you an idiot, but come on, you have to agree, she sounded way too smart. I bet a lot of people around her felt stupid," said Barry as Gohan laughed.

"You know how many times Krillin said, 'English, please?'" said Gohan as Barry smiled.

"I can only imagine," said Barry as the car stopped at the club, and they got out. Barry locked his car before heading to the front doors, skipping the line and greeting the bouncer. "Sup, Jason!"

Jason, a tall, buff-looking guy with black hair, looked at Barry. "Hey Barry, how's Iris?" asked Jason as Barry just smiled.

"She's good! Nice seeing you, man. Gohan here is new in town, going to show him Central City's nightlife, so I figured why not Purple Moon," said Barry as Jason eyed Gohan. He looked a little young in the face, but he was pretty tall and quite built too. Jason nodded. If Barry vouched for him, then why not.

"Nice to meet you," said Gohan as he held his hand out. Jason, after eyeing Gohan, gave him a handshake, a firm one, and grinned at Gohan.

"Enjoy yourself in there!" said Jason as Gohan nodded and walked in behind Barry.

The club's lights were mostly purple when they entered, and the music was becoming louder as they walked. They passed a variety of people, everyone either talking or smoking. But once they entered the club completely, the music was pumping, and Gohan could feel his clothes vibrating from the bass. He lowered his power level even more and started to feel his chest pounding from the intense sound. He shrugged and left his power level low; he rather enjoyed this feeling.

The dance floor was full, and people were either dancing or making out, but mostly dancing. There were so many beautiful girls there it was kind of overwhelming, but after being exposed to the likes of Wonder Woman, Supergirl, Power Girl, Zatanna, and a variety of other female league members, he kind of expected to see a bunch of attractive women.

He followed Barry through the crowd of people before sitting at the bar and looking over the dance floor. Barry looked to the bartender before hollering to him.

"Yo, Kevin! Get me and my buddy here two glasses of Vodka mixed with some cranberry soda," said Barry as Gohan looked at him. "Trust me, it tastes like heaven," Barry yelled over the music, and Gohan just copied him and yelled as well.

"You know everyone, don't you?" Gohan asked as Barry chuckled.

"What can I say, I'm a people pleaser," said Barry as Gohan realized something.

"Hold on, alcohol isn't that effective on me, you know…super-fast metabolism, I'd destroy your wallet if I wanted to actually get drunk," he explained, but Barry waved him off.

"Don't worry, I came prepared for me and for you, how do you think I get drunk?" Barry asked as Gohan shrugged. "At first, I had this really potent alcohol that could make me drunk but would kill a normal person, but it tasted like crap. So Bats went ahead and did me a favor and created a pill that would slow down my metabolism for two days. He could make it shorter so I don't have to deal with, you know, the hangover, but he told me if I want to get drunk, I should be prepared to deal with the consequences," yelled Barry as the music volume somehow got louder.

Gohan laughed. "Sounds like him, but my problem is different from yours," Gohan reminded, but Barry just swallowed his pill and waved Gohan off with a grin. The glasses arrived, and Barry beckoned Gohan to just drink and not worry. After he downed the drink, the flavor just exploded in his mouth and burned his throat. He coughed before Barry laughed.

"You ever drink alcohol?" asked Barry as Gohan nodded.

"Yeah, I did, but we never had this 'Vodka'…or either our alcohol was much weaker?" Gohan wondered aloud as Flash nodded and grinned.

"Listen, tonight's on our sponsor, like I said, I'm a people pleaser, and I know the right people, so drink until you can't stand. It's not like you have anything valuable on you, but don't go showing your abilities when you get too drunk," said Barry with a grin before pulling out a black bank card.

Gohan focused on the card as Barry gave it to the bartender so he could open a tab; he saw a name but wasn't sure whether it was the first or last name. 'Wayne,' that's all he saw.

"I'm not that stupid; I know how important that part is," said Gohan as he took a deep gulp of the Vodka in front of him, feeling the liquid scratch his throat as it went down. He just shook his head before finishing it before calling to the bartender.

"Another one!" said Gohan; he could get used to this; it made him feel alive. And perhaps for tonight, he could drown his sorrows like a human.

Barry quickly finished his as well before doing the same, the two silently in a competition.

About forty minutes passed with the two of them talking about the city, and Gohan just enjoying himself. Was this a normal life? And if it was, did he miss out on it because he had to protect his home? But he felt happy knowing he could keep the world safe so that people could enjoy themselves like this.

A few women even made some heavy eye contact with the young Saiyan hybrid, although he couldn't help but think of Videl, which saddened him, but he quickly snapped from it.

Maybe the alcohol was working a little too well, but for the first time in his life, Gohan felt so much pride. If his sacrifices brought smiles and happy times to everyone like this, then he felt it was all worth it. Right now, Barry was making him feel really welcomed in this dimension.

Things could have gone so differently if everyone was hostile, but now he felt like he was getting a pat on the back for doing everything he could to keep peace. Holding down his emotions, he turned to the scarlet speedster.

"Barry!" Gohan called. "Thanks, I mean it, for taking me out here. I haven't done this before, you know, between…school and protecting the world, I never had much time for anything else," said Gohan as Barry smiled.

"No problem, man. Glad to be the one to show you a good time!" said Barry as he got a refill. Gohan felt someone bump into him. He turned and saw a girl had come to sit down; she had bumped into him as she sat down, being somewhat drunk and all. She had black hair and was wearing white skinny jeans and a green tank top with sneakers.

She had a blue band around her left ankle, but he couldn't see her face; her back was still turned to him. She was talking to her blonde friend who was wearing black jeans with a blue top and was wearing boots. She turned her face, and Gohan felt his heart skip a beat as her friend called her name.

"Bell, what are you going to drink?" asked the friend with the blonde hair as she also took her seat. Gohan looked forward again before ordering another drink before looking at Barry again.

'She looks a little like...Videl,' he thought to himself before shaking his head. No, he must be losing his mind. Maybe another drink would help him?

"Well, what else is there?" asked Gohan as Barry grinned.

"Well, we can always have some shots!" said Barry as Gohan just grinned back.

"Bring 'em on, yo, Kevin!" said Gohan, the alcohol making the young Saiyan lose his timid nature. The bartender who had just served the two girls next to Gohan walked over to him and Barry.

"What kind of shots?" asked Barry as Gohan shrugged.

"Whatever makes this night better, I'm game," said Gohan as Barry chuckled.

"What do you suggest, Kevin?" asked Barry.

"I'd buy some Tequila shots; that's one way to get the night moving," said Kevin with a smile as Gohan grinned.

"Then Tequila shots it is," said Gohan as Barry nodded. Gohan looked back at the girls and saw the one with black hair, who he heard was called Bell, kiss another guy who sat down next to them. He felt a tinge of disappointment at the sight, and it was also uncomfortably close to him, so he looked away.

"Jeez, Gohan, I have work tomorrow, you know?" Barry said jokingly as the Saiyan just grinned.

"Should have thought twice about this then," replied Gohan as the Tequila shots were poured.

The guy who sat down next to the blonde noticed Gohan and walked over to him. "Yo, I don't recognize you," said the guy. Gohan just looked at him before responding.

"I'm new in town," said Gohan. The guy nodded before taking Gohan's glass and downing it.

"That's compensation," he said, and his buddy, the one who kissed Bell, looked at Gohan before laughing.

"You going to buy me one too?" the guy asked.

"Knock it off, Matt," Bell reprimanded as Matt just smiled at her.

"Come on, babe, it's always fun to mess with the new guy," said Matt. "Plus, he bought Liam a drink, why not me?" he asked as Barry spoke up.

"Well, I'm not a new guy, lay off," said Barry as Matt scoffed.

"Whatever," Matt replied, and Liam laughed at him.

"Lol, you're such a lil' bitch," laughed Liam. "Just do what I did and take the next drink, he won't do shit," he said, and Matt laughed and nodded.

"I was going to," Matt taunted as Bell hit his arm.

"Quit being an asshole, Matt," said Bell as the blonde girl just shrugged.

"They are boys; it will never stop," the blonde spoke as she kissed Liam on the cheek.

Frustration building up within, she continued sipping her drink. Gohan couldn't help but feel slightly attracted to her, despite her being with such an unpleasant guy she didn't seem like a bad person.

Gohan shook his head. He didn't want to fight humans; it would be too pathetic.

A song started, and Bell suddenly got excited. "I love this song! Matt, let's go dance!" she yelled over the music. Matt grumbled but followed her, and Liam and Mia joined them as the beat dropped, causing everyone on the dance floor to lose their minds.

Gohan's glass vibrated as he started bobbing his head to the song. Barry noticed and started laughing. "Who would have known a Mobius-level deity likes Future House!" he said as Gohan just scratched the back of his head, downing his shot in one go. He felt the strong, warm liquid assault his throat but forced it down before looking at Barry's grinning face.

"I don't know whose song this is, but it's definitely a vibe," Gohan bobbed his head. Barry put his glass down as the beat dropped again and made the rock-on-hand sign.

"That's Percival Black for you," he answered as Gohan coughed.

"It's strong, ain't it?" laughed Barry as Gohan nodded. The next shot came. "Come on, the night is young!" said Barry as Gohan just nodded and downed that glass as well. "Didn't you say you have work tomorrow?" He questioned before they burst into laughter.

"By the way, what is Mobius-level?" Gohan asked. Flash shrugged.

"Just a term for gods we have. The higher it is, the more dangerous they are. But we've never actually come across one before. We know that you guys exist, but your pantheon tends not to come down to our plane because it would be pointless. Mobius is very high up there but not the highest. The list is a little long, but you rank somewhere in the top three."

"Weaker gods do wreck havoc because they can gain power by siphoning it from the universe or ancient artifacts," Flash explained.

"Maybe, but how much power can they even draw from a universe? Sure, it's renewable, but it would be in drips and drabs," Gohan answered. "You'd have to go from star to star, planet to planet."

"Well, that's because while it may be drips and drabs to you, it's enough to rule certain sides of the galaxy or... dominate the will of all sentient and sapient races," Barry replied.

Gohan nodded. That sounded horrifying.

When the song ended, Bell, Matt, Mia, and Liam returned. Matt walked up to Gohan. "Did you fucking drink my shot!?" he asked angrily.

"It was never your drink to begin with!" Gohan replied, this guy was certainly entertaining.

"Well, I was pretty clear earlier; you were getting me a drink," said Matt. Gohan smiled and let out a small chuckle.

"Why? Am I on a date with you?" Gohan asked as Barry burst out laughing, and Liam accidentally snickered. Bell looked at Matt and then suddenly found something interesting in another direction, holding back her laughter.

Mia, on the other hand, just let it rip, turning blue with laughter. Gohan picked up the next shot as it was placed in front of him; he didn't want Matt taking it.

Matt furiously tried to smack the drink out of Gohan's hand but failed miserably, instead, he hit the edge of the table, smashing a glass.

The alcohol made him a bit drowsy, but his motor functions still worked, albeit barely at this point. Regardless, Gohan would never have to worry about a normal human being faster than him, no matter what state he was in.

Barry grew a little anxious as he watched the interaction; he had no idea how Gohan would handle the situation. "I think you should calm down," said Barry as Matt yelled.

"I wasn't talking to you!" His eyes were almost bulging from his head. "You and me outside! I will teach you a lesson you won't forget!" he said as Gohan looked at Barry, who slowly shook his head.

"A fight is really not worth it," Barry said.

'Fight?' Gohan wondered as he tried to imagine fighting this guy with even a tiny fraction of his strength; the end results looked like scorch marks or splats.

'With the kind of strength I have now, do I even need to move from my seat to level this solar system…' He stared at his hand and turned to Matt. He needed to deescalate the situation. 'This guy was only human; he needed to be the bigger person.'

"Just relax, buddy. Come on, I'll even get you a drink. I can tell you with certainty that a fight is not in your best interest," Gohan offered as he downed a glass of tequila and offered another one to Matt.

"Matt…" Bell started. She didn't know why, but she had a really bad feeling.

"Shut up!" He said as he smacked the drink out of the way and threw a punch.

It happened so fast that the group didn't even see it happening. Matt's punch was parried, and Gohan was on his feet, leaving Matt borderline unconscious on the floor.

"Matt!" The group called out as Liam looked at him angrily and froze in place. They looked at Gohan, who was staring at them with red glowing eyes.

"Take your friend… he's just unconscious. I made sure not to hurt him," Gohan said as he took his seat again and drank another glass. The music didn't stop, and no one in the club seemed to notice either.

They just stared at him as his eyes returned to normal. Barry breathed a sigh of relief but was now trying to figure out how he was going to explain this to them.

"You're a metahuman?" Liam asked as Barry decided to step forward and take this opportunity. "He is a victim of the particle accelerator accident…" Barry answered. "Please just leave; no one was hurt." He looked at Matt. 'Kind of, but he had it coming.'

"Sorry… about this," Liam said. His expression seemed to hide a deeper layer of pain after having heard of the particle accelerator incident.

"Are you alright? Please be alright!" Asked Bell as Matt groaned before slurring his words.

"I… am… afreght…" Said Matt as she sighed. "Thank god…" Before glancing back up at Gohan, who seemed to be in deep thought.

'Who is he…?' She thought, as the glowing red eyes that seemed to stare right into her soul echoed in her mind, her left hand trembling slightly.

When the group of people left, Barry sat next to Gohan. "You good?" He asked, those eyes of his were still on replay, even in his head.

"If you're worried that I might nuke everything in sight because of some normal people, then you have the wrong idea about me," Gohan smiled at him. "It was funny to watch though." He chuckled.

"I can imagine it feels like an ant yelling at you," Barry joked.

"Not an ant; I do value human lives, so I don't see humans or living creatures as insignificant," Gohan answered. "I am part human, after all." Gohan revealed, this caught Barry by surprise, but he opted to just let the moment be instead of interrogating the young Saiyan hybrid.

Barry nodded. "You know what, Gohan… you're alright."

Gohan chuckled. "I better be." He laughed. "Besides, if I had to put my power to scale, then an ant is way too big for a comparison, more like a quark, you know what that is, right?"

Barry nodded. "Well, I'm a scientist; I would be embarrassed if I didn't." The two grew much closer after that little showdown. Barry seemed to gain an even deeper understanding of the Saiyan, and Gohan liked Barry even more.

Once the night was over, Gohan was back in the watchtower, trying to walk straight. He smelled like alcohol and looked like he had gone through a shredder. Superman, Green Lantern, and Green Arrow walked past Gohan and Barry as they flip-flopped to their rooms.

"That's the guy?" Asked Green Arrow as Superman nodded. "Hard to believe," said Green Arrow as Superman shrugged.

"Well, he is, but Bruce told me he isn't going to try and join the league; he wants to become a civilian," said Superman as Green Lantern raised an eyebrow.

"That's new… usually, they would be sent packing or they try and join the league," said Green Lantern as Superman nodded.

"He can't be left out in the universe; we could die and not even realize that it was his blast," said Superman as Green Arrow just couldn't wrap his head around the idea that a single individual could end their lives so easily. They just continued their walk and conversation. "So he has that much raw energy?"

"Crazy, I know." Green Lantern answered.

Gohan dropped on his bed before falling asleep. One thing was certain; he sure did have fun. 'Maybe…' He thought. 'I can start again here.'

  1. Shameless plug :)