Looming threats (Part 2)

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A day later…

In a large throne room sat a man. "So, you say there is a new God of Destruction?" The man asked his informant, who was down on one knee along with many others dressed in extravagant clothes.

"What does it matter? I heard they can be taken down fairly easily. I have heard the stories of Perpetua, Destroyer Goddess who died before she could even put up a fight," Lightray said with a smile.

The man seated on the throne turned and looked at the New God. "Foolish beliefs; there was a reason Perpetua was taken down without a direct confrontation." As one of the Forever People, Serafin spoke, "My recent journey to Earth has led me to believe that this Destroyer God is powerful but nothing we should truly concern ourselves over at the moment."

"I agree; I felt his power against Darkseid. While it was certainly impressive, Forever Man is most definitely above him," Big Bear explained.

"I am certain we do not have to be concerned about this god; he doesn't seem evil." Orion interjected. "Should he step out of line and side with the forces of darkness, I am sure we will prevail."

"I fear you all are too optimistic in this endeavor," The Highfather sighed on his throne. "You forget that this god does not exist alone; they have Angelic attendants who come from the 6th dimension. From my long existence from the beginning of time, I have never heard or seen of such a being dying or tasting defeat, even against insurmountable odds, in fact they are the insurmountable odds."

"I believe you worry too much, Father; this is most likely just a ploy of the east. Their heads may have swollen tremendously since they defeated Darkseid and Velius. Besides, as mentioned before, Perpetua fell, and her attendant just disappeared. No retaliation. That leaves a few options; either they do not care or cannot be directly involved," Vykin the Black answered as Beautiful Dreamer rebutted.

"No, that is incorrect. The east had no hand in Darkseid's downfall; it happened somewhere in the south quadrant of the east hemisphere on Earth. We know they have their own territory that is not controlled by anyone, as they have quite the formidable defense line," she said. "And we all understand that they do have the support of the Green Lantern Elites."

"His name is Lord Gohan; he has so far displayed powers that are strange and almost not native to our realm. According to the information network, he has brought a man back from the dead with no karmic consequences by ordering his attendant to simply touch the corpse," the informant said as Highfather nodded, taking in the information.

"So what? That was his attendant, and it was confirmed that his attendant won't get directly involved," Metron added.

"We do not know that for certain. I agree with Highfather. The more I learn, the more I believe caution should be exercised. He could be capable of doing those miracles as well but just chooses not to," Orion cut in.

"Yes, he has stated and shown that he can erase anyone from existence. There have also been cosmic tremors as of recently; we are unsure as to where they are coming from, but they appeared around the same time he did. Darkseid was also defeated by him fairly easily according to reports. Multiple worlds across the north, south, east, and west seem to have vanished as well, but they were all withered worlds. Dozens of small ancient galaxies seem to have vanished within the span of a few seconds."

"The Guardians do not seem to be reacting to him at all. There has been no arrest warrant for his trail of destruction, so they must clearly know something the rest of the universe does not. Rann, Thanagar, Colu (Brainiac species), Ryut (Indigo Lanterns), Ysmault (Red Lanterns), Zamaron (Violet Lanterns), Daxam (Daxamites), and Korugar (Sinestro species), all of the most notable powers in the universe have been silent, observing the Destroyer God. None have made a move against this god yet; it seems they are waiting to see if anyone will make a move against this god first," the informant explained.

The news seemed to shed some light for the New Gods; caution is definitely advised.

"Yellow lantern sightings have started to make their rounds; they have been gathering strength in secret. As for their goal, we have yet to get any concrete information; however, they were spotted above Apokolips not too long ago."

"However, this god has stated his goal is to balance the universe. What he means by that is unknown up to this point, but one thing is certain: only things at the end of their lifespan seem to disappear without a trace."

Highfather nodded. "There are a few possibilities, but it isn't something we can just ignore anymore. He did easily defeat and contain Darkseid; even if it was just his vessel, that is still a great achievement."

"Something is changing, and it would be a grave miscalculation if we are not up to date," Serafin said as Orion answered.

"No, my dear child, the change has already finished. If our informant is correct, that means that worlds are being reduced to nothing right under our noses, and we didn't even notice." He said as Serafin entered a thoughtful position.

"About a year ago, there was a great release of energy in the east as well, the largest release ever recorded. When our scout fleet returned, they reported that the entire system was unstable, and a star was dispersed by pure energy. But what perturbed me the most was that the report indicated the laws of reality were bent. The greatest minds came to the conclusion that an unnatural event occurred at that location, almost as if two entirely separate realms were connected for a brief period."

"That instance may be something that is connected to the current state of the universe, whether it is politics or worlds disappearing," Vykin mused; those nearby listened carefully as he spoke.

"But one thing is for certain: the universe will be in a great state of turmoil with this new god around…" Vykin finished, leaving it silent for a few seconds. Highfather and Orion clearly agreed with that assessment.

Suddenly a guard entered the throne room and bowed before them all; he took a spot next to the messenger and pulled out a scrolled trimmed in precious metals.

"A message from Emperor Augustus Vanetia the seventh! A grand party will be hosted by the Vanetian Empire in honor of his excellency Lord Gohan - ruler of the universe. It will be held on Planet Cardina near the borders of Vanetia six days from now!" He announced. The New Gods, while initially stunned, got over it fairly quickly.

"Now the west is under this god's control…" Beautiful Dreamer said more seriously than before.

"This is clearly Augustus telling everyone that they have sided with this new god," Big Bear said as Highfather nodded.

"Augustus is no fool; he is most likely aware that the North and South are strengthening ties to invade them. The east is no threat and in no way an ally to depend on," Orion explained.

"Perhaps this is our chance to get closer and gather more information," Highfather explained.

"If he deems this Lord Gohan worthy to ally with, then we should re-evaluate how we approach this god. We have a week to gather our thoughts, send an envoy out to the west, and ask for a meeting. Knowing Augustus, he most likely came to a firm understanding; he is a wise mortal emperor," Highfather finished.

"Sire!" The messenger bowed and left as the informant looked at the Highfather, awaiting his next orders.

"Find out every possible piece of information you can about this god. Whether it is true or not will be for us to decide," he said; the informant nodded as he held his earpiece.

"I was just made aware that Prince Derrick is no longer the crown prince of Vanetia," the informant said as Beautiful Dreamer's eyes narrowed at that comment.

"Then is Princess Carnelia the crown princess already?" She asked as the informant nodded, and her jaw clenched.

"Things have gotten even more complicated now that she will be empress so soon," Beautiful Dreamer said as she rubbed her temple.

Big Bear looked at her suspiciously. "Why does it matter that she is now next to be ruler and not that fool Derrick?" He asked; he heard her choice of words as well.

"Because… that Carnelia is a monster in pretty clothes," she said as she looked at the informant. "Watch Vanetia more closely now; I want to know exactly what they do from now on."

"You may leave us," Highfather ordered.

"As you command, sire!" The informant said as he got up and left.

"Seems strange for you to be so worried over a woman known as the most precious flower of Vanetia," Serafin said as Beautiful Dream shook her head.

"Do you remember when Thanagar and Rann invaded the west and failed spectacularly?" She asked as Serafin nodded.

"We were about to deploy troops to assist them."

"Emperor Vreev couldn't believe their horrendous luck to have lost half his troops before they even reached a Vanetian world due to a random supermassive star being in front of their FTL trajectory," Dreamer said as Serafin's eyes widened.

"You mean that flower had a hand in that?" He asked as Beautiful Dreamer sighed before nodding.

"I will be taking my leave; I will return at a later stage," Beautiful Dreamer said as she bowed to Highfather and turned and walked past all the kneeling servants.

'Carnelia Vanetia, had I not seen your face that day, I wouldn't have known either, but your eyes gave you away; those do not belong to a flower.' Dreamer thought to herself as she remembered the princess's face that day. Hro Talak retreated before he even arrived; everything was just too convenient, it was like she was mocking them while they were none the wiser.

Back on Earth.

Gohan and Diana walked through a park in Metropolis and made their way towards another restaurant. Clearly, the dinner date was successful the day before, but they were immediately swarmed by the journalists and news crews who were nearby.

'We dodged them yesterday, but they are persistent; I'll give them that.' Gohan thought to himself.

"Lord Gohan! A moment of your time!"

"Any words for the world?"

"Please, anything?"

"Everyone would like to hear what you have to say," they asked.

Gohan smiled and shook his head. "There will be a general assembly soon; be sure to be there," he said as they all went crazy and turned to their cameras while others wrote down furiously.

"The rumors of the general assembly gathering—" The reporters spoke into their microphones while staring into their cameras.

Gohan and Diana made their way through the crowd of reporters and continued their walk. "This Earth is really aware of its surroundings. My Earth was much more lax, and I am sure the people there were also... less intelligent in certain aspects, but to be fair they had nearly zero crime and super villains. They believed anything they were told without much research or resistance on their part," he said as she nodded, now intrigued by his Earth.

"Sounds like a true paradise." She answered. 

"It was..."

"I am certain you will see them again one day," she said with a smile as she gently held his hand and pulled him away from the crowd. Fortunately or unfortunately, this was broadcasted as another reporter approached them.

"Hello!" He started, making them both stop and look at him. "Hello," Gohan greeted as the guy spoke again.

"Would you mind if I asked a few questions?" He asked as Gohan shrugged.

"No, but I will be answering questions at the assembly tomorrow, and I am currently busy," he said as the guy noticed Diana holding Gohans' hand. Both Gohan and Diana now seemed to notice this and quickly let go. As they got over their flustered states, Gohan noticed the reporter was slightly dejected, his thoughts basically on display.

'I could wait, but I will never be able to get a question through with those vultures,' the reporter thought as Gohan eyed him slightly, sensing his ki before compromising; this guy had a decently pure heart.

"Alright, how about this, what's your name?" Gohan asked as the guy looked startled.

"Jimmy! Jimmy Olsen, sir!" He finished as Gohan nodded.

"Alright, Jimmy, when the time comes, I'll look for you and specifically answer your questions, make sure they count," Gohan said as Jimmy nodded eagerly.

"Really?" He asked as he fist-pumped the air before he realized he was in front of a god and Wonder Woman. He cleared his throat before nodding. "Thank you, your, uhm, lordship." He said as Gohan and Diana chuckled but stopped as they sensed a human ki suddenly lower at a drastic rate.

"Someone is disappearing nearby?" Diana asked confused as Jimmy looked at her surprised; of course, she had never sensed this before.

"They aren't disappearing; they're dying," Gohan answered as he took off at super speed, with Diana following. The people around them were startled by the sudden blur of speed.

Gohan arrived as a medic was desperately trying to save a young man's life; he had a hole in his chest as he lay on the ground unconscious with a young female crying on the sideline and other medics stopping her from approaching.

This young man was as good as dead, no amount of CPR would fix his lack of chest.

"No! Adam!" She cried as construction workers stood nearby, looking heavily stressed out and worried.

The people suddenly noticed Gohan standing there, just as Diana also arrived and looked at the sight sadly.

After a few seconds, the crying girl saw him and ran up to him and grabbed onto him, almost instantly recognizing him. "Please! Please save Adam! You're a god, right!? I'll do anything, please..." She pleaded as her friends ran towards her, trying to pry the crying girl from the god.

"S-stop, Mila; you can't..." One of her friends tried reasoning with her; she was clinging to a god; if she wasn't careful, she could join Adam on the ground.

The eyes of everyone landed on him as Gohan smiled and placed a hand on her shoulder. "You have a kind and pure soul; I can help you," he said as she slowly let go and watched him walk up to the dying young man. The medic backed up, and Gohan knelt down by the bleeding man.

His hair turned red as a fiery aura came to life; it was warm as it bathed the entire scene with heat. A warm breeze picked up that made everyone feel at peace. 'Super Saiyan God makes this easier.' He thought as he placed his hand over the young man's injury, and the fire suddenly enveloped him.

"He is almost gone, but there is still a spark of life in him," Gohan said as the flames died down, and the young man shot up gasping for air, holding his chest, and the color returned to his face before he looked around frantically.

"Mila! Watch out!" He called out as his eyes landed on the girl just as she ran to him and hugged him tightly. Gohan backed up and smiled as people started cheering; one construction worker, in particular, was in tears as he knelt down in joy and took off his hard hat and wiped his tears away as his buddies patted his back and sighed in relief.

Diana walked up to Gohan and smiled. "I didn't know you could heal," she remarked as Gohan shrugged and smiled at her.

"Well, I wasn't always a God of Destruction," he said as she nodded.

"Let's head back," Gohan said as she nodded; they turned and were about to walk away but stopped when the girl who asked for his help called out.

"I don't care what anyone says…you're not evil; you're my hero," she said, stunning him slightly. He nodded and smiled at her before walking away with Diana.

They disappeared into the crowd of people before they vanished in a burst of speed before reappearing atop a building.

"You know, I'd like to properly see the universe and help those I meet along the way. I am not a hero, and I am not evil, but I would like to make it a happier place," Gohan expressed, his words carrying a profound weight, surprising Diana.

"I don't want to balance with fear, but I also want to be taken seriously," he asserted with a seriousness that etched lines of contemplation on his face.

"You aspire to be a true ruler, one who is respected. You want people to want to follow you, not out of obligation or fear of losing their lives," Diana summarized astutely as Gohan nodded, his gaze fixed on the vast expanse of the sky, conveying a sense of the immense responsibility he felt.

"Sounds nice, but that also means I have to do nice things. However, people tend to think niceness equates to weakness, so I will have to be a monster at times to balance out my image. But that leads back to 'if you do not follow my will, you will be destroyed.' I want to set up a clear doctrine of how people should conduct themselves, but because resources are so scarce, it'll be hard for mostly everyone to be upstanding people. And then there is the natural greed that comes with being alive," Gohan shared, the gravity of his internal struggle evident in his words. Diana could tell it was a topic that consumed much of his time and thoughts.

"There are a few ways I can counter this, one being that I should have Makaiya be more active with world creation. However, he has his own troubles because creating isn't easy either. If he makes a mistake, he can put the universe in jeopardy, or too many worlds could cause collisions or—" Gohan paused, realizing he had been pouring out his intricate reflections to Diana, who was smiling fondly at him, acknowledging the immense weight of his aspirations and the challenges he grappled with.

"Sorry, I just don't really talk about it, and I guess my frustrations came out," he said as she held his hand gently, drawing his attention, making him blush lightly.

"But before all of that," Gohan started, fully turning to her.

'Here goes nothing,' he thought nervously before steeling his nerves.

"Diana…" She stopped, realizing his words were now about to be about her.

"I like you." Her eyes widened in surprise.



"I just wanted to tell you that…you do not have to reciprocate, but your warrior strength and strong will drew me towards you," he said as he stared into her blue eyes.

"You are extremely easy to get along with as well."

"And I think you are the most beautiful woman I have ever see-" He didn't finish as she leaned forward and kissed him, pushing him against a wall as their tongues danced in a tender exchange. He wrapped his arm around Diana, pulling her close.

"I thought it'd be blasphemy to reveal how I felt, but if you feel the same way…" Diana started as Gohan kissed her back, his blush intensifying. Her hands wandered over his back, feeling each muscle tense and relax as his grip grew tighter around her waist.

'If anyone had to see a destroyer god in this state, I would be mortified,' Gohan thought to himself. 'But…for her, I don't mind.' 

"But now that it has come to this, you are mine now, Son Gohan…" She said, and his cheeks tinted red. What was this power dynamic? She was literally in control, and he liked it a lot, but that didn't mean he would submit. He turned and put her against the wall, lifting her off the floor by her thighs as she wrapped her legs around his waist, a small challenge sparking.

"The same goes for you; you now belong to me, Diana." Gohan said as she smirked at him, her cheeks red as she pulled him in for another passionate kiss.

"I am happy that you are the god of destruction of my home." She said as Gohan just smiled. "Feel free to share your burdens with me; after all, we are one now." She said as he kissed her.

"Thank you; you know that this means you will be with the pseudo ruler of the universe." He said as she smirked.

"I am a princess, but I guess I will be an empress soon." She finished as they locked lips again, all their pent-up attraction grabbing ahold of them in a sweet embrace.

Emperor Augustus sat on his throne as Prince Derrick knelt before him. "You'd better redeem yourself; otherwise…" He said as Derrick nodded.

"Of course, father…is there no way of-"

"No." Augustus said as he glared at his son.

"Carnelia will be empress, end of discussion." He stated as Derrick nodded.

"You'd better play your part correctly or else…" Augustus said as Derrick nodded; he had to ensure the podium for the god of destruction to speak from was ready and give a memorable speech. "This will be a chance to at least regain some of your honor."

"Don't look so glum, brother; I'm sure you will rise again." Carnelia said as she entered the throne room.

Augustus stood up and walked away but stopped before he exited. "Where is Eris?" He asked as Carnelia shook her head.

"In her palace as usual." She said as Augustus nodded.

"Be sure she doesn't leave the planet; we cannot have any issues at the event; the eyes of the universe will be watching." He spoke. "I ordered a gag on the missing resource worlds, but make sure it remains that way; no one can know we aren't completely allied with the god of destruction; you may be the flower of Vanetia, but you will have to learn how to rule, lest I have to reappoint Derrick, but after he displayed how ignorant he is, I am not inclined to do so. Do. Not. Fail. Me." Augustus finished and left as she bowed.

"Of course, father." She turned and walked towards her throne and took a seat and made eye contact with her older brother.

"Do you need anything? I am sure father has been harsh." She spoke, her tone was soft.

"Please convince father to give me another chance; I made a mistake! One that I can easily fix." He said as she nodded, Derrick sighed and relaxed.

"Of course, brother; you must be emperor!" She spoke. "I am not fit for it, and Eris is certainly not either. That is why I have been hiding behind your capable back for so long!"

"Thank you; once I am emperor, we will live lavishly; I will make sure you are treated with the most delicate care." He promised as she stepped down and hugged him.

"Oh brother do not worry, I will surely convince father to make you crown prince again! You must not make a mistake when the time comes because you will not be able to recover from that!" She said as he nodded.

"I am truly afraid of being empress; I will have to deal with all the other royals and their all so scary." She said as she sniffled and cried; Derrick patted her back.

"I just do not hold the same courageous conviction you and father hold." She finished.

"I will fix this! You can trust me." He vowed as she nodded.

Derrick smiled and got up and walked out of the throne room as Carnelia walked back to her throne and sat down and relaxed and looked at the ceiling of the throne room and stared at the intricate design, her tear-stricken face no longer available.

"The podium, make sure this is a failure, nothing too grand, but I do like living so frame Derrick only, make him look like the bumbling fool he is," she spoke. 

"It shall be done."

'Your time of reckoning is near, dear brother.'

Soon another day passed, and the general assembly was ongoing, waiting for Lord Gohan to arrive and as if on cue. "Announcing Lord Gohan! God of Destruction." A voice echoed as the doors opened, and Gohan entered with Strix by his side.

She wore similar clothes, but it was noticeably different from his. She had similar pants on, but her top was dark blue with a triangle on the top left with "candidate" written on the back.

The Justice League was seated nearby; this was a precaution. They, at least, wanted to feel like they had some form of protection.

The head of the assembly stood up along with everyone else as he entered. "Greetings, on behalf of everyone, I would like to say that we hope you have enjoyed your short stay on earth."

Gohan nodded as he stepped up to a podium. "Thank you for having me; the earth is a beautiful place. I am here to clear any misunderstandings you all may have of me," Gohan said.

"I will start at the beginning; I do not have any reason to become an overlord, nor do I have any will to control your world. At most, I will visit and eat your food, and should a universal threat arrive on earth, I will handle it," Gohan said as the head nodded.

"Feel free to ask any questions that you may have as I speak; just for this assembly, I shall grant you the right to interrupt and ask any questions, those within reason, but I will answer all questions to the best of my abilities," he said as many heads nodded; that seemed reasonable.

"As stated before, I can use force to take what I want, but that is not my goal," Gohan explained. "I value life, and I want all living creatures to grow and be prosperous."

A man asked, clearly highly ranked, "Why? What do you gain from just letting us go about our business? You should understand that it seems suspicious that you would just let us do whatever we want when you can just force us to do whatever you want. You do say you are the ruler of the universe."

"Why? Well, ask that question again. What would I gain from a planet as small as Earth? Your technology? I know mathematical equations hundreds if not thousands of years ahead of your own. Your resources? I am a god; I can create entire planets ten times larger than Earth," Gohan stated.

"Also, I am not the ruler of the universe, no. I just keep balance, but, in some ways, yes, that does make me the ruler. Humanity, at this moment, is not truly a space-faring species. I am already in the process of subjugating the Royals of the universe, as they hold far greater power and resources than earth does. At their whims, they can destroy entire galaxies and kill quadrillions with the snap of their fingers or a stroke of their pens," Gohan explained, stunning everyone, including the Justice League.

"Truthfully, the only reason Earth still stands is because of your brave heroes who serve as a defense against formidable empires. Darkseid's invasion was just a single army, but there are dozens of warlike species ready to strike if your world's defense force should fall in battle. They would descend upon Earth with millions of warships. It's crucial to note that these potential threats are only within the Milky Way galaxy. As you are aware, there are billions of galaxies in the universe," Gohan explained, leaving many people intrigued and, truthfully, terrified by this news, especially the citizens of Earth.

A new sense of admiration for the Justice League settled in the hearts of humanity; even the people who just love to hate felt guilt for their harassment of their heroes.

"I have a goal, and I cannot say too much about it because it delves deep into the laws of creation, but just know that I need the universe to be prosperous with stronger beings to avoid absolute annihilation from the king of gods," he said, surprising everyone.

"So, this is self-preservation?" Another asked as Gohan nodded.

"Yes, it is part of it, but when I say absolute annihilation, I mean all of us, the universe will be erased, not just myself, but every single thing down to the last atom," Gohan revealed.

"That information is sensitive, and mortals should never know about it, but I feel hiding that will do more harm than good. It helps you understand my duty better."

"Just like you all, I have a being I serve," Gohan said, surprising them all again.

"Is there anyone above the person you serve?" A woman asked, Gohan recognized her as the woman who wanted to turn him into a guinea pig.

"No, the king of gods is the creator and ruler of existence," Gohan explained as she nodded.

"Do you have more than one superior?" she continued. "Last time you were here, a Grand Minister was mentioned."

Gohan nodded. "The Grand Minister is more of a mediator of the king of gods' will, so no, the only one above me would be the king himself," Gohan explained. "All other facets of reality have no authority over me."

"Do you have any enemies that might follow you here?" another member asked.

"Perhaps, however, should that happen I will take responsibility and stop them before they cause any damage or harm. Should they take the lives of your people, I shall use my authority over life and death and restore their lives. If the damage is too great and too much pain has been suffered, I shall turn back the hands of time to reverse those actions, thus removing their anguish from the roots," Gohan explained; this was an incredible piece of information to reveal so casually.

"Should I fall, then all hope would truly be lost because any being that can defeat me would be capable of destroying the universe as easily as you breathe."

"Surely you aren't being serious; no one has that kind of power, it would be too much for a single person," Amanda stated as she narrowed her eyes.

"With all due respect, madam, I am a god of destruction. If I cannot destroy a tiny universe, then I am not worthy of the title, the very fact that you are speaking to me is a great honor in itself."

Amanda's mouth turned to a slight frown.

"If we were to somehow provoke you or earn your disfavor, what recourse would we have? How do we avoid unintentionally causing offense?" asked an older woman in the assembly, she knew she had to cut in before Amanda said something stupid.

Gohan mused silently. "Truthfully, that depends on the offense. As a destroyer god, I have a bottom line that cannot ever be crossed. However, humanity is nowhere near the range to reach my bottom line. Should you do something that undermines my authority, this planet would then be forfeit. However, as you do not have a foothold in universal politics, that will never be a problem until humanity multiplies dozens of times and becomes a space-faring species that can influence the entire universe," he started; he could tell the people were anxious.

"What you do on your world has nothing to do with me unless, of course, you create a universal problem that I need to solve. Should I be at fault, then obviously I would not blame you. I have better things to do with my time. Alas, humanity is just not capable of that at the moment, so you have nothing to fear from me. I will not lose my mind and destroy the planet simply because someone insulted me, I would not destroy everyone for a single person's wrongdoing, I am not petty."

"Do you have any special requests or requirements when visiting our world?" the lady asked.

"None," Gohan answered. "I do not need followers; I do not need anything besides that budget law, I suppose since I do not earn your currency." The lady nodded, pleased with the answer.

"What makes you think your presence on Earth won't disrupt our lives?" another man suddenly asked, the tone seemed arrogant but Gohan just answered.

"I have been on your planet for two days now, and since arriving, I have only eaten and saved the life of a young man who nearly died. I did not interfere with the lives of anyone as much as any of your superheroes have, and even then it was a few moments of interaction. I could have left the young man, but then he would have died. Would you have preferred I left him to die while his significant other cried their hearts out and cursed me for the rest of their lives?" Gohan asked; this shut the man up.

"Why should we trust someone with such extraordinary powers? What's stopping you from imposing your will on us?" asked another member.

"The same reason you trust the Justice League; they could become overlords and dictators should they turn their might on you, but they do not because they love your world. I may be a destroyer god, but I am capable of feeling emotions such as love," Gohan finished.

"But that just means you are capable of hate; that doesn't make us feel any better," the man doubled down.

"If you earned my hatred, mortal, then you should question what have you done to turn my love into hate? Because that would be quite a task to perform," Gohan said. "And as mentioned before, I will not condemn the many for the mistakes of a few."

"What if we prefer dealing with universal threats on our own? Why should we rely on you?" another member asked, but this time the head interjected.

"Honorable member, the nature of your question borders on being perceived as an insult and may come across as filled with hubris. I kindly request that you consider retracting your question."

"No, it's fine," Gohan started and raised his hand. "If you truly do wish to handle that level of danger, I will not stop you, but should you fail I will not restore your world and your people once I have dealt with the threat; you shall handle the loss of life and damages on your own." Gohan finished as the people in the assembly and at home nodded in understanding but.

"What the hell is wrong with those people?"

"Yeah, some of these questions are just borderline rude."

"I have some actual useful questions. When will the reporters get to ask the questions because these guys clearly have their own agenda?"

"Right??? Trying to frame Lord Gohan with his words?"

"Why are the common folk always represented by selfish assholes! We love you, Lord Gohan!"

"Speak for yourselves, cattle. I, for one, can see this so-called god is up to shit!"

"Bullshit! You're just blowing hot air! You wouldn't say that shit to his face! In fact, he probably can read every message and hear what everyone is saying!"

"Really??? O.O"

"Fuck knows XD, but yo ass is getting destroyed first is all I know!"

"Who put them in charge? If Lord Gohan says he will deal with the problem, why are we willingly putting ourselves in harm's way?"

"As usual, those in power are delulu."

"And Lord Gohan is being so nice and understanding too! We don't deserve him; I think I will stan him from now on! >.<"

"Me too!"

"Crazy bastards."

"Fuck that guy; he can deal with those threats himself!"

"But can we actually trust a god who can just lie to us, can we?"

"True, but at the moment, who looks like the asshole? It's not like Lord Gohan is forcing him to ask those questions???"

"Man fuck that god; what does he want on earth anyways? All he'll do is eat our tax money! LITERALLY!"

"I work too many hours for that to happen!!"

"We're doomed. Humanity is fucked."

"Do I still have to pay rent???"

"Man fuck Floyd Mayweather!"

"??? XD, Floyd catching strays! You Mike Tyson or something?"

"*Conner McGregor! XD"

"Watch it bud! I'll fuck you in the ass! You wouldn't last two minutes in my world!"

"You all are missing the point; what would a god like that gain when he can have anything he wants? Yet he just wants to visit earth occasionally? You all need to get your priorities straight!"

"He literally saved the Justice League and by extension us too!"

"Yeah! Fuck that douchebag politician! And these haters!"

"Fucking virgin loser! He better lose his seat after this!"

"You'll need to see psychologists because you're all fucking insane; we aren't the center of the universe. He literally said he was subjugating royals, whatever that means? But clearly, they're important if they can influence the entire universe."

"I thought we learned from this!?"

"Man fuck Floyd Mayweather!"

"Dude! XD."

"I heard he's fucking Wonder Woman! I wish it was ME! Why not me!"

"You don't have a ten pack and rule the universe, easy."

"REALLY!? Where'd you hear that?"

"There is a video of them holding hands, could be fake, made with A.I"

"No chance! They should make a video!"

"Yep, we're so dead."

The people at home and online did not let this slide; quickly, the assembly moved on, and soon normal reporters were allowed to enter the conversation as Gohan looked down at the audience seats.

"You?" Gohan pointed to a woman with black hair. "Your name?" He asked.

"Hi, nice to meet you Lord Gohan! I am Iris West-Allen, an independent reporter. My first question is, what's to stop you from using your great powers to influence political or economic outcomes in your favor?" She asked.

"Good question, because I have no reason to. What could I possibly gain on earth that I cannot gain anywhere else in the universe? Resources? Artifacts? Power? Controlling your governments? Enslaving your people? Truthfully, I have enough magical power to put this entire planet under mind control and then some, but again, what would I gain from that when I can just take anything I want by force? I have no reason to want to be in humanity's good books either," he answered.

"I do it because it will let your children sleep peacefully at night, not with the threat of a destroyer looming over their world, in fact, I know a few civilizations that would trade places with earth right now."

"The fact that we are having this conversation is proof enough of my kindness. There are destroyer gods who destroy planets simply because the food is a little greasy."

"Wouldn't that be considered a grievous misuse of their power?" She asked as Gohan nodded.

"Indeed, but who will stop them? They can just reset the planet, and no one will remember a single thing," Gohan answered.

"Does that mean you have done this before? Whether here on earth or out in the cosmos?" She asked.

"No, destroyers destroy based on a planet's lifespan and the sins of the planet's inhabitants. Multiple chances are usually given; however, once your life lasts for millions of years, I imagine you will begin seeing patterns. So, in order to avoid wasting time, we opt to just remove the civilization entirely and start a new species with fewer flaws who may do better than their predecessors, it is after all a divine duty entrusted to Destroyer Gods." Iris nodded and sat down as Gohan scanned the crowd, with many calling out his name to grab his attention.

"You," Gohan pointed to a small guy with ginger hair.

"H-hi! My name is Jimmy Olsen, sir! I work for the Daily Planet!" Jimmy started as he flipped through his notebook. 'He really did choose me!' Jimmy thought excitedly.

"If a threat did arise on Earth, what methods would you use to 'handle' it? Could there be unintended consequences or collateral damage?" Jimmy asked as he looked up to Gohan after reading his question.

"I would do the same thing my father taught me when he had to stop a villain from unintended consequences. I would redirect the battle away from Earth, just as I did with Darkseid. If I happen to damage your moon or any nearby celestial bodies, I would have it restored before it affects your planet. But should I not be able to redirect the battle and a staggering loss of life occurs, I will have the life lost restored and have their troubles reversed by the hands of time, as explained earlier."

"Although should I fall, it would most likely spell the end of everything."

"Isn't it a bit arrogant to assume you're the last line of defense for all life?" Jimmy asked as Gohan thoughtfully rubbed his chin.

"Perhaps, but at this moment, there are very few things that can defeat me, and they are all beings with no good intentions," Gohan answered.

"And the Justice League?" Jimmy asked as Gohan turned and looked at the League who were listening.

"I have great respect for your Justice League; however, I have ascended far beyond anything they have faced before. Right now, my subordinate, Strix Winterfell, is more powerful than Darkseid. If she had to invade Earth, it would take her a few moments to subdue the League and destroy the planet," Gohan answered.

"However, I have taken Wonder Woman and had her trained by my attendant; she is far stronger than she used to be. So, I believe Earth is in capable hands. In the future, I would like to extend that courtesy to any other members of the league and the Earth, anyone who would like to become stronger to protect their home from destruction. I can feel when a person's intentions are pure, anyone with impure intentions is not allowed to step foot in the divine realm of a destroyer god."

"And that would be seen as trying to deceive me, so they would not be let off lightly." Gohan explained seriously as Jimmy gulped and nodded before sitting down.

Gohan scanned the crowd and picked another reporter. "Hi, Vicki Vale, an independent reporter from Gotham. Seeing as most of the more important questions have been asked, I am sure many would like to know what planet you are from? Or were you born a god?" She asked.

"I am from another planet Earth. Which is one of the reasons why I would like to be on good terms with this Earth," Gohan answered, making her raise an eyebrow.

"Another Earth? As in one with humans? If so, where are they located? It would be quite the occasion to find another Earth with humans," she finished.

"Hmm, it would be hard to answer that because we gods aren't really allowed to reveal too much, but just know that there is far more than one universe, and I just so happen to come from one where there is another Earth present," Gohan answered.

"Alright, so does that mean you are human?" She asked.

"Yes and no. My father was an alien called a Saiyan, a warrior species that conquered in the thousands. He was sent from his home planet as a baby to conquer my Earth, but he hit his head when he fell down a ravine and became a pure-hearted baby. My father's innocence was unmatched; he thought marriage was food until my mom clarified what it meant," Gohan explained with a smile as he thought back to the story his mother told him.

"But since then, the Saiyan meant to bring destruction and death brought peace and prosperity and created a defense force for the evil roaming our universe, to the point where the ancient demon Majin Buu was purified and became a defender of the universe as well. Strange, I know, but my father changed the hearts of the most evil villains to ever live, my mother was fully human."

The assembly sat in silence for a few seconds. "What happened, if you don't mind me asking? What brought you here?" She asked.

"The same thing you all fear from me: an irresponsible god with too much power laid waste to my home, my family, and friends murdered before my very eyes. A destroyer god that was beyond everything we had took my future, so now I protect those too weak to defend themselves from greater power and authority," Gohan finished. Unlike before, no one had any questions as they digested the new information.

Suddenly, Gohan's head snapped towards the ceiling of the room as a short being appeared from nowhere and bowed. "Makaiya, what was that?" Gohan asked; everyone was startled by the sudden intrusion.

"Apologies, Lord Gohan, but it seems we have a guest; the great barrier was bypassed," he explained. Gohan's jaw clenched before he inhaled and relaxed and looked at the assembly.

"We will be having a guest; please do not speak at all. There will be another destroyer god joining shortly," Gohan announced, surprising everyone. "And he does not take kindly to rudeness. In fact, he is the power-hungry murderer who took my family from me," as a voice echoed in the hall.

"Hoho, it seems you have become a destroyer god!" The voice said, surprising everyone as the League tensed up and looked around trying to pinpoint the voice.

"You have no right to be here, Beerus!" Gohan reminded as a purple cat dressed in destroyer garb appeared in front of him with a grin.

The League stood up instantly at the name as Beerus leaned forward. "I don't need your permission; I can travel to where I please, a privilege of the strong."

"When the Grand Minister announced a new destroyer was appointed, I didn't care, but imagine my surprise when I heard it was you."

The people were extremely confused, but they kept their mouths shut, Gohan's warning still fresh in their minds. But their thoughts were loud, and Beerus glanced around.

"At least they are smart enough to not say what's on their minds," Beerus said, making them even more nervous. Was he reading their minds?

"For those wondering, I am Lord Beerus; God of Destruction of the 7th and one of the most powerful destroyer gods in existence," he grinned. "Only two have the right to say they are stronger."

Beerus looked around, and it dawned on him. "Wait! You have another Earth!? This is hilarious. Should I erase this planet just like before?" He asked as Gohan growled and spark of crimson electricity danced around him, and everyone started becoming uncomfortable as Whis and Vermont appeared.

"Don't you dare; this is my jurisdiction!" Gohan said as he raised his ki, shaking the assembly. "Why even show up now while I am busy with my mortals!?"

"Team, surround them but do not engage; let Gohan handle this," Batman spoke as he held his earpiece.

"Looking for another battle? Should I humble you like I did before? Have you made friends? Maybe a new family? Should I take them from you as well?" Beerus asked as he floated closer and created a Hakai orb and aimed it at the people who seemed to be frozen in fear as the League surrounded the gods, creating a pseudo barrier between them and the people.

Diana's aura burst to life surprising the league as she created a cube shaped barrier.

Gohan reappeared and grabbed Beerus's hand, making the Hakai orb disperse. They glared at each other; the hall started shaking, as if an earthquake had hit, while Beerus pulled his hand free. He turned around and floated away just as the shaking stopped. He then punched towards Gohan, who caught the fist, creating a violent earthquake and a spark of destruction that just bypassed Diana's barrier and landed on a table, turning it to dust. The people quickly created as much distance from the table as possible.

"If you touch a single thing in my universe, you will pay! I am not playing, Beerus! I will destroy you," Gohan exclaimed as he transformed into Super Saiyan God.

"Explain this, Whis," Vermont questioned; he wasn't happy with this. "Why is Lord Beerus here?"

Whis shrugged. "Lord Beerus rushed over the moment he found out about Lord Gohan's ascension." Vermont nodded and sighed, motioning for Strix to remain still, he could tell she wanted to intervene.

Beerus's aura burst to life along with Gohan's as the stare became even more intense than before. However, Vermont and Whis quickly appeared next to them and put their staffs between them.

"Battle between destroyers is forbidden," Whis and Vermont recited, almost as if scripture.

Gohan turned and looked around at the people staring in fear. "This assembly is over!" Gohan said as he placed his hand on Vermont's back.

"We are leaving," Gohan said as Beerus smirked at him.

"Oooo, scary," Beerus said as he placed his hand on Whis's back. "Take us to the realm of void; at least over there, we can have a proper conversation." Beerus grinned as two flashes of light erupted before disappearing.

There was silence as Makaiya sighed. "Apologies, mortals. You shouldn't have witnessed the squabble of two gods. I am Makaiya, the Supreme Kai, or as you know, the god of creation. Lord Gohan will ensure your safety, so do not fear. I bid you farewell, mortals." He said as he vanished with a kai-kai.

There was silence as everyone contemplated what happened. The lingering fear of dying was still fresh on their minds. The purple orb that the cat god aimed at them really put the fear of God in them because they could feel the intent behind the purple sphere, and it was beyond terrifying. It felt like they were about to vanish.

Online, people were either excited or scared.

"A purple cat god!? Awesome, he looks like an Egyptian god!"

"Sounds like he is Lord Gohan's superior?"

"No way they are equal! They are wearing the same clothes with different colors," another one said.

"Yeah, they were about to fight! When he punched, I felt the ground shake! And I'm in Australia!"

"Me too! I'm in India!"

"I'm from Brazil and I felt it too!"

"South African here and I felt it too!"

"As soon as this god showed up, another one showed up. Maybe we shouldn't interact with gods."

"I wish they would all go away!"

"You all are crazy; this is awesome! This is probably the first and last time something like that will ever happen, and we watched it live! We made history! I am faplover69, and I was here!" Another online comment said.

"You're the crazy one, bud."

"I wonder where they went?"

"Clearly, Lord Gohan stopped him!"



"We're all going to DIE!"

"Kick his ass!"

"Clearly, none of you guys were watching; he almost killed everyone in that building. I am so glad I am nowhere near America!"

"Yeah, that gave me chills…"

"Funny how you guys think that just because it happened in America you're safe."

"I feel sorry for the place that god rules."

"I am more interested in those two blue guys; they actually came between the two of them."

"Well, last time he appeared and took Lord Gohan from earth."

The comments kept going on and on, and the topic was the hottest discussion on earth. But one thing was for certain: the people in the hall were shaken the most. After all, they experienced a destroyer god's intent of destruction on them.

'This is exactly why we cannot trust them!' Amanda sat as she held her trembling hand; even her nerves had been shaken. 'Even the bio-androids we made would be killed instantly.' She mused silently, her fear taking ahold of her.

{Forget the safety limits; make them as strong as possible, but create a kill switch. We can always force them into servitude.} She typed into her military tablet.