Looming threats; Destroyer God Dead (Finale)

Gohan was seated in his office room as the ground shook. He glanced out the window as Goku and Vegeta went at it. "Are you still busy?" A voice suddenly asked him.

"Diana," Gohan responded as she entered his office. "Well, I am just going over the list of worlds in the west that are in the worst shape," Gohan explained.

"Worst? What do you mean?" She asked as Gohan leaned back and explained.

"Most worlds have a standard of morals, such as rights and laws to keep order, but sometimes the inhabitants are vile beings that are borderline barbaric. This is a list of worlds that the Supreme Kai has deemed a failure and would be a liability to the mortal level and just a danger to other worlds, not with conquest but just destruction. They will eventually do something that will inhibit the surrounding worlds," Gohan explained, but she looked confused.

"How would the Supreme Kai know this if it hasn't happened yet?" She asked.

"Supreme Kais have permission to use the time rings and travel back and forward in time. Usually, he goes forward a few thousand years, maybe a few million, to give the benefit of the doubt and keeps track of all the worlds and how they progress. If they do not progress properly, then they are scheduled for destruction," Gohan said. He could see she wasn't happy about that.

Sighing, Gohan leaned forward. "I know it seems cruel, and believe me, I thought that as well when I was training to be the next Destroyer God, but Vermont explained to me that I am not going to brutally murder them. That's why Destroyer Gods use destruction energy. We choose whether they are permanently erased from the cycle of life and how painful the process is. For a world that is more of a danger to everything around them but has not done anything worth being destroyed in the worst possible way, I remove them painlessly so they can get another chance on a better planet with a better life," Gohan explained.

"They will return to the world of the living as the God of the afterlife sees fit. Sometimes they are even reincarnated and live better lives, well, depending on their previous actions before I destroyed them."

Diana slowly nodded. "I feel as though I have a lot to learn," she said as Gohan smiled and made his way over to her and kissed her. "As long as you understand I am not actually killing because I like to, it's just how the universe works. I am the first Destroyer for quite a few years for this universe, so there is a lot that I have to fix, but I promise to make it the closest thing to a paradise," Gohan said as she smiled and kissed him again.

"I still have to show you my paradise," she responded seductively, making Gohan blush as he cleared his throat.

"Well, I'd like to meet your mother if you don't mind?" Gohan asked as Diana's smile slowly disappeared as she turned away.

"She will not approve, I told you my mother hates the world of man," she said as she shook her head.

"I understand that, but I am not a man, Diana," Gohan said as she still shook her head.

"She will not be swayed, no matter what. I know mother, and she has always been very clear on her stance," Diana explained as Gohan sighed.

"I understand, but we can't ignore it forever," Gohan finished as she nodded.

"Just give me some time on how to present us to her," Diana finished as she pushed Gohan onto his chair and sat on his lap. "But for now, let's not think about that," she finished as he started kissing her again, but it quickly escalated before leading to his bedroom.

Out in the universe, Steppenwolf smirked as they approached the Milky Way galaxy. "Who knew that the only weakness he has is his counterpart?" As Sinestro walked up next to him.

"It wasn't an easy weakness to come by," he quipped as Granny Goodness spoke.

"Well, either way, now that he will die soon, we don't have to worry about him anymore," as she looked back at Enchantress.

"You're sure this will work? That is still the god of creation, he will surely be formidable," She asked one more time. "We don't get second chances."

"Positive. While, yes, they are technically unstoppable gods, they aren't combat gods. There are few classes of combat gods, but the Destroyer God is among the apex combat Gods. They are supposed to enforce the laws of creation, which is why we will not engage with him directly at all costs. Even if he is a young destroyer, if he catches you, you're as good as dead," she smirked.

"When we summon the Supreme Kai, I will hold him in place and steal his magic, leaving him with nothing. After that, you two can decide who kills him." Enchantress finished.

'I will become a goddess! And I will gain the ability to traverse neighboring dimensions,' She mused to herself silently.

"We have one chance; two days from now he will be in the west quadrant due to a large meeting between the Royals," Sinestro explained. "Once he is there, we will attack, but until then, we can only move in and out of the galaxy. We can look like tourists this way. I am sure he has some way of keeping track of the planet, so we can only step foot in that solar system once we know he will be tied up."

Back on Gohan's world a day later, he opened his eyes and saw Diana in his arms, her breathing slow and comfortable as he kissed her forehead as she wrapped her arms around him.

After a few moments, she slowly opened her eyes to see Gohan staring at her face. She smiled as she tightened her hold on him. Gohan returned the favor and pulled her closer as well.

Suddenly, there was a knock on his closed door. "Yes, Vermont?" Gohan called out.

"There is a universe eater approaching. Would you—" But he stopped mid-sentence. "Never mind, milord. It seems I was mistaken."

Gohan looked at the door curiously and sensed Beerus as well. They weren't stupid; they knew Diana was in the room as well. That's probably the only reason why Vermont knocked in the first place.

Diana sat up in all her glory, not at all shy that her chest was exposed. "What do you suppose that was about?" She asked as Gohan shrugged and grabbed her wrist, pulling her back.

"Let's forget about that for now. Vermont says he made a mistake," Gohan answered as she nodded, still confused, but laid back down again. However, Gohan knew that Beerus probably said he'd take care of it. It was a gesture that Gohan didn't miss. Perhaps the Destroyer God really felt some form of guilt now.

Gohan looked back at Diana. "I will ask Augustus or Triton for a list of their paradise worlds, and we can go there after all of this is done," Gohan said as she nodded.

"We have a few hours before the meeting, but I want to talk to Augustus before the actual meeting," Gohan said as she nodded. "You want to tag along?" He asked, and she nodded.

"I do not mind," she said. "How is the Earth?"

Gohan stretched his senses out to Earth, and everything was fine. "Well, as far as I can tell, everyone is happy and healthy," he explained. "There is a healthy amount of space travel coming in and out of the galaxy as well," Gohan answered as she nodded.

After another thirty minutes of laying in bed, Gohan and Diana exited the room and went to the training field, only to see some light sparring going on. Beerus was back as well, watching.

"Well, look who finally decided to show up," Beerus said as everyone turned and looked at them.

"Are you coming along?" Gohan asked Beerus, who looked somewhat surprised but nodded.

"Where are you going?" Goku asked as the Saiyans looked on curiously, minus Gine, Kakarot, and Garlia, who were back on Vegeta because of their son.

"Remember the meeting I have today?" Gohan said as Goku rubbed his chin somewhat confused but nodded.

"Well, I'm not really a fan of serious meetings, so you have fun, Gohan!" Goku said as he turned back to Vegeta and got into a fighting stance.

Gohan chuckled and nodded. He figured his father wouldn't want to come along. Strix suddenly reappeared with Raditz in tow; he was panting heavily and bruised all over.

She bowed in front of Gohan and Beerus once she reached them. "My lords," she answered as Beerus walked up to her and rubbed his chin as he looked her up and down, just as Vermont healed Raditz.

"Have you started your destroyer training?" He asked curiously as she looked a little confused, but Gohan answered for her.

"No, not yet. At the moment, Vermont and I think it wouldn't do her any good, at least until she regains her emotions. She wouldn't be able to wield destruction without it," Gohan explained as Beerus nodded.

"That is correct. You said some idiot played god and damaged her. She will definitely need her emotions in order to wield our power, especially her ego; it needs to be restored somehow," Beerus concluded as Strix just stood there quietly.

"Vermont," Gohan called as his attendant looked over at him.

"Yes, my lord?"

"We need to get the cube; the Justice League requested to be present during the meeting," Gohan reminded as Vermont nodded.

"Of course, my lord," he said as he waved his staff, and a giant cube structure appeared, and they all got on.

"Before I forget, Vermont, assist me," Gohan closed his eyes. 'Badidi used this before. Actually, it's pretty impressive he could project to the entire world with his tiny Ki. So, what can I, a Destroyer God, accomplish?' The hard part was mastering this so fast. Backed by his immense Ki reserves, he used Kai Magic's greater manipulation sorcery spell, binding to Vermont's staff as a conduit.

His thoughts spread across the entire universe, invading pocket dimensions as the energy of destruction bridged the dimensional barriers, connecting to almost every creature in the universe.

"Greetings, citizens of the universe. You must be severely confused as to this intrusion of your mind. However, I have limited my own power so as not to invade your privacy. Your thoughts are still your own; this is a mere one-way connection. If I were to attempt to invade your mind, this is what it would feel like," Gohan gently probed, and many felt an invasive presence enter their minds.

"Do understand this is just a demonstration. I will now stop attempting to invade your mind," Gohan finished as he stopped, and the people felt the strange presence dissipate.

"Should you wish to view my daily activities, please close your eyes with the intention of doing so. My own power along with my assistants is being used to achieve this, so please rest assured that your thoughts and will remain your own."

There was an immediate response across the universe. Many were unsure but immediately closed their eyes and saw Gohan and Vermont in what looked like a cube box surrounded by others.

"What is this?" Diana asked as Bardock and Raditz looked on confused at the giant cube from within. Gohan's thoughts surprised them, but they quickly closed their eyes to see if it was true, and they were not disappointed.

"Am I seeing myself inside this box?" Raditz questioned.

"And is this being broadcasted to the entire universe?" Bardock questioned. There were now quintillions of eyes on them.

"This is the Cube of the gods. It's used to transport multiple beings at once," Gohan explained as she nodded, and they took off.

"This is crazy," Raditz muttered as he stared out into the white void but quickly noticed Strix standing alone. He exhaled and made his way over to her.

"Strix," Raditz said as he approached her. Her cold, emotionless eyes turned and stared at him. It honestly unnerved him sometimes, but when she answered back, that unnerving feeling melted away.

"Yes? Can I help you with anything, Raditz?" She asked. Her tone was flat, but thanks to Vermont, Raditz learned how to somewhat read her. He taught her how to communicate based solely on how she spoke.

If she wasn't interested in having a conversation, she would respond with one-liners. Her words, no matter how flat, were an indicator, along with her body language. She turned her whole body toward him.

The only person she has really been short with is Vegeta. If he asked her something, she wouldn't even turn to fully look at him. Maybe it was because of how Vegeta mocked her lord. Only three people received her utmost attention when spoken to: Lord Gohan, Lord Beerus, and Master Vermont.

"Will you be able to help me some more later?" Raditz asked as she nodded. "Of course, you're a hard worker and your company is passable. I do not mind assisting your growth in strength," she responded as Raditz sweat-dropped, not sure how to feel about the passable comment, but she spoke a lot, so that must be a good sign, right?

"Thank you!" He said as she nodded and turned forward again.

Gohan and Beerus watched from a distance. "One galaxy says she will stay oblivious to his advances until her emotions are restored," Beerus wagered as Gohan glanced at him with a raised eyebrow as Diana chuckled. Gohan looked on curiously.

"I don't know, actually. She may have lost her emotions, but I doubt she isn't somewhat aware," Gohan responded as Beerus turned to him.

"So are you saying she will figure it out before her emotions are restored?" He asked as Gohan rubbed his chin and nodded.

"Strix is smart; she will definitely figure it out," Gohan responded. "Any galaxy correct?" Gohan asked as Beerus grinned.

"Don't come crying to me when I take some paradise worlds from your universe," Beerus said as Gohan smirked.

"The same could be said to you."

Diana just listened, somewhat dumbstruck. They were literally wagering galaxies, and many species had already found a way to communicate worldwide based on the broadcast of the Destroyer God.

Earth, in particular, had many streams just so people could have conversations about the duty of the destroyer. Having heard about it, many ambitious individuals started reacting live immediately.

When they arrived outside the watchtower, the hangar opened up, and the cube slowly entered.

"Lord Gohan!" Barry said as they exited the cube. "What is this thing? If you don't mind me asking?" Barry asked politely, now aware that many eyes were watching.

"It's a transportation device used by the gods," Gohan explained as he nodded.

"That's great. But there's been a change of plans," Barry said as Gohan was somewhat confused by that.

"That's strange..." he finished as Superman, Batman, Supergirl, Green Lantern, and Martian Manhunter walked out into the hangar.

"Lord Gohan," Batman nodded as everyone greeted.

"Hi, I'm Hal Jordan, Green Lantern. This is the first time we officially meet," Hal said as Gohan nodded, and they shook hands. Martian Manhunter approached him.

"I am Martian Manhunter, but all my friends call me J'onn," he said as they shook hands as well.

Gohan turned and motioned for them all to look over at Beerus, who almost no one noticed.

"Everyone, as you are aware, this is Lord Beerus, another god of destruction. He is probably older than this universe, so please just be mindful of how you act toward him," Gohan said as they nodded. Beerus grinned and flashed a peace sign.

"Now what do you mean there's been been a change in plans? Are you not coming along anymore?" Gohan asked as Batman nodded.

"We have decided that will no longer be necessary to join you in person, you will already be broadcasting the entire event," he explained as Gohan nodded, that made sense, plus if everyone knew exactly where the members of the league were that could spell for a disaster.

"Alright that's fine, we will head off now because only I know the planet's location. Other than that, I was told to arrive whenever I feel fit on this day," Gohan finished as they nodded.

"It's incredible, actually. The Royals don't listen to anyone, so they must really respect you," Green Lantern mentioned. The Lanterns had endless problems with jurisdiction with those assholes.

Beerus spoke. "As mortals should. If Kings and Queens aren't kept in check, they will venture into businesses they have no right to meddle in. Some worlds use magic instead of Ki, and it may not be much, but time manipulation and reality warping is a big problem. There are few beings allowed to touch the laws of reality because it is just far beyond what any mortal being from the 3rd dimension can comprehend," Beerus explained.

"We should leave," Gohan started as they nodded and entered the cube, trying to digest the information.

On planet Cardina:

A massive palace was currently filled with men and women from different species. Some were animal-like, all mingling and chatting with one another. In a corner stood a group of individuals, further away from everyone else, but they clearly stood out, and others chose to steer clear from them. The planet was also surrounded by hundreds of flagships.

"I hear we are now under this god's authority," one man said as a woman near him nodded. She had green hair, purple eyes, and dark brown skin. She was dressed in a dark purple dress and had a crown on her head; she was clearly a queen.

"Indeed, Augustus told me beforehand that this is the most important party he has ever hosted. It truly is if the entire universe shall bare witness to its splendor once the destroyer arrives," she spoke as the others nodded slowly.

"Prince Derrick's fall was not expected, but at least with this, we won't have to worry about Augustus stepping down too soon," another man added. He had brown hair and red skin, and he was also quite short, but he had a crown on his head as well.

Suddenly, trumpets sounded out as Augustus walked in with Carnelia, and Derrick behind him. Everyone looked at him and gave a light bow.

With a regal air, Augustus cleared his throat, commanding the attention of the assembled kings and queens. "Welcome, esteemed rulers from realms far and wide! Today marks a momentous occasion as we usher in a new era for the Vanetian Empire. Henceforth, we shall pledge our unwavering allegiance to a deity of unparalleled might. I trust that our distinguished guests shall find their accommodations to their satisfaction," Augustus proclaimed, his voice resonating with pride and authority. Though murmurs of discontent rippled through the gathering, none dared to voice their objections in the presence of their emperor.

Suddenly, a pillar of white light landed on the ground, and from it, a cube appeared on the terrace as six beings stepped out, Gohan, Beerus, Vermont, Strix, Bardock, and Raditz.

Once outside, Augustus walked up to them; he noticed Beerus as well, but he shut his mouth and bowed down.

"It is an honor to welcome you to my planet, Lord Gohan," Augustus spoke. Carnelia, behind him, looked on with a look of admiration on her face, but she looked slightly hesitant.

"Thank you, Augustus," Gohan started as he motioned to Beerus. "This is Lord Beerus; he is also a God of Destruction. Treat him with the same respect as you would me," Gohan said as Beerus smirked at Augustus.

"It is an honor, Lord Beerus," Augustus said as Beerus just walked past him.

"Where is the food?" He asked as a butler who motioned for Beerus to follow him inside.

"These are my guests, it is the King and 1st prince of Planet Bardock, home of the saiyans." Gohan explained to Augustus as they exchanged pleasantries.

Once inside the palace, everything went silent; the various species looked on. No one was sure what to say or do, but Augustus did not fail to hide that he followed them like a subordinate.

Emperor Xavior and Empress Dolia stood in the back and watched on; the dictator of the south watched on with a foul look on his face. Gohan walked up to Beerus, who was picking from the table with Whis.

"How is it?" Gohan asked as Beerus just grunted and took a strange-looking fruit from the table and took a bite out of it.

"That is incredibly bitter," Beerus commented before thinking some more. "But not bad. Bitter food usually tastes horrible." Gohan nodded as he took a bite out of it too.

Four individuals walked up to them; Augustus stepped forward. "Emperor Xavior, Empress Dolia, Prince Hino, and Princess Lyra, you grace us with your presence," Augustus said.

Xavior nodded. "Indeed, we have you to thank for this glorious event," Xavior responded.

"Gohan, Beerus, Strix, and Vermont just stood watching them exchange greetings."

Gohan's eyes noticed a really fast and small drone zip past his face, with camouflage activated. No one else but Gohan's group noticed the small device.

His eyes widened as he extended his Ki sense to Makaiya and felt immense pain suddenly stab him in the chest. He dropped to his knee, and blood started pouring out of his mouth.

"Lord Gohan! Are you okay?" Diana noticed as she made her way over to him. Are they under attack? What could do that to Gohan?

Headliners across the universe already made articles questioning the downfall of the Destroyer. Truthfully, this was the first time anyone ever saw this happen. Most didn't even know Gohan could bleed.

"My lord!" Strix called out, her eyes glowed green, glaring at the crowd of aristocrats who took a step back in fear.

"Who dares!?" She asked, ready to destroy the planet instantly, but Beerus lifted his arm and blocked Strix's path.

"It seems there was a scheme against Gohan far out in the cosmos," Gohans anger rose as he got up and turned to Augustus.

"I'll be right back!" Gohan said Augustus was frozen in fear. 'Why are his eyes red?'

Surprisingly the Destroyer was more vulnerable then he thought. .

"Is there anything I can assist with?" Augustus asked as Gohan stopped and looked at him. "Stay loyal," he answered, Augustus just bowed.

"Of course!" Gohan turned to Vermont. "I know we usually take your way but-," he started but Vermont raised his hand.

"I understand, I shall bring Lady Diana, Bardock, and Raditz, your life is at risk." Gohan nodded, before powering up and disappearing with Beerus, and Strix following.

Back on Earth, on an island currently burning and bodies lying on the ground, a group of individuals laughed.

"This is the god of creation? What a weakling!? These Amazonians are as weak as I remember!" Steppenwolf mocked as Makaiya grunted in pain, his head was beneath this brutes foot.

"Say what you will but if your sorceress did not accompany you, you would all be dead." Makaiya defended, he already had a stab wound directly through his chest as Steppenwolf smirked.

"But she did, really the one at fault here is you." A flash of light caught everyone's attention as Gohan landed on the island and saw them, his sight narrowed, a sinister smirk appeared on Steppenwolfs face.

"MAKAIYA!" Gohan called out and charged forward, but the life in his eyes just vanished as he neared them and was punched by Steppenwolf, launching him towards a mountain but he was caught by Strix who arrived, followed by Beerus.

Beerus eyed Steppenwolf who had crushed Makaiya's head beneath his boot.

Gohan's sorcery manipulation spell weakened tremendously as Vermont picked up the spell entirely, the viewers saw the broadcast blur severely before stabilizing again.

Vermont felt Strix's Ki grow darker and darker before he spoke into the spell. "Apologies, viewer discretion would be advised, it seems this will turn dark,"

Death of Destroyer God, headlines struck the universe, on Earth this split the population, many were happy about this and many mourned his death, he had saved their world before.

"Lord Gohan! My lord!" She called out, her tone shifted slightly as she gently shook her god of destruction. She instantly sensed when his ki signature just vanished.

The Justice League arrived immediately after, the full deployment of the League, the likes of Superman, Batman, Green Lantern, Power Girl, Supergirl, Flash, Martian Manhunt, and Cyborg.

"YOU!?" She turned and looked at the group: Sinestro, Steppenwolf, Granny Goodness, Brainiac, and the Furies.

Diana was stun locked at what was happening. She just couldn't keep up. So much was happening, and she was so confused. Why were they back on Earth? What was wrong with Gohan? Why were they on Themyscira? Her sisters were injured?

"Can someone please explain what just happened?" Green Lantern suddenly asked as Beerus walked forward.

"Gohan is dead," Beerus answered, stunning everyone as he looked at the dead god in pity. "Your complacency was your downfall in the end," Beerus sighed, Bardock and Raditz were stunned, anyone that could kill him was far beyond them.

"Told you it would work," Enchantress smirked as Steppenwolf burst into laughter.

"Serves that worm right! Now no one can stop us!" He bellowed as he suddenly saw his body standing by itself, and he was being held by someone. Well, his head was being held by someone.

Sinestro was taken aback. He hadn't even noticed anything before Steppenwolf was suddenly headless. "Wha…" Steppenwolf croaked out as blood sprayed out of his body.

"Lord Beerus, please allow me to handle the situation," Strix said. In her hand was Steppenwolf's head. Beerus chuckled and nodded.

"Of course, you are the one in charge now," he answered and looked at her. "It seems you are no longer emotionless," he said as she turned, and tears were streaming down her face.

Sinestro quickly realized that they hadn't really thought out this plan as Enchantress smirked. "Good luck!" She answered as she vanished, leaving Sinestro and the Furies behind.

"That bitch betrayed us!" One of the Furies yelled out as they stared at Strix and got ready for battle.

"You will all die by my hand," Strix glared at them as she crushed Steppenwolfs head in her hand, bathing her in blood, as her green aura almost shimmering as the island started gently shaking.

The Justice League quickly moved. "Please, calm down!" Superman called out to her. "You don't have to kill them!" Superman called out to Strix, but before anyone knew it, she was in front of Superman.

"Stop me if you can," she answered coldly and turned to the Furies and Sinestro, Braniac prepared as well, he wasn't too concerned, he had a back up of himself stored for events like this.

Sinestro just took off as fast as he could, trying to get into deep space where she couldn't follow.

'I just need to escape now. The plan was technically a success. I don't need the dead weight anymore,' he thought to himself.

As the Furies and Granny Goodness just got ready to fight, they were very nervous. Steppenwolf was just killed so easily.

The Justice League surrounded Strix in an attempt to slow her but before anyone even knew what happened, Brainiac and Granny Goodness exploded like confetti as Strix reappeared behind them. "Too slow." As she glared at Flash as she raised her Ki to try and out speed the speedster but Flash had already moved all the Furies to their super maximum security prison, all that remained was Sinestro.

She glared at Flash before she looked up into space, 'I can always come back for those ones, if push comes to shove I'll burn this planet down for harboring murderers' She thought; she could sense Sinestro was already very far away, but she would be damned if she let him escape.

Her aura burst to life as she was about to chase after him when Superman and Supergirl grabbed her. Green Lantern created chains to stop her movement as well.

Across the universe this situation seemed to be spiraling out of control and not more than ten seconds had passed.

"Diana!" Superman called out, snapping her out of her trance. She saw her mother laying on the ground; she was still alive just unconscious. And now Gohan was… dead? Strix just murdered almost everyone responsible. Way too much was happening all at once.

Her anger exploded, but she couldn't break free without using excess force.

"Let go, before I blow you all to the afterlife!" Strix commanded, though she was technically still holding back.

"Is this what Gohan would want?" Batman suddenly cut in as she stared at him.

"Does it matter if I am now in charge?" She asked, her voice laced with killing intent.

Diana finally caught up with what was happening and made her way towards Gohan's corpse as Goku and Vegeta appeared via instant transmission.

Diana knelt beside his fallen body, tears escaping. "Gohan…" She cried silently as Hippolyta awoke to see her daughter crying and the Justice League trying to hold down someone.

"Where's Gohan?" Goku asked frantically, his eyes landing on Gohan's corpse as he quickly made his way over.

"What happened to him?" Goku asked as Beerus answered.

"Unfortunately, it seems like a witch knew about the one weakness a destroyer god possesses. They killed the Supreme Kai, thus killing Gohan in the process," Beerus explained as Goku gritted his teeth in anger.

"But he was so powerful?" Goku asked as Beerus sighed.

"This is how it's always been. We destroyers share a life with our opposites. Although the Supreme Kais are powerful beings, they pale in comparison to the strength of a destroyer god. Once they fall, so do we, and if we die, then they would too, I had to seal my Supreme Kai in an indestructible sword for millions of years," Beerus explained as Strix started glowing.

"Of course this is a weakness but I suppose Makaiya was weaker than the average Supreme Kai because he is still very young, a real Supreme Kai would not have died here," Beerus explained to the audience. 

"Last warning," she said as Goku looked at her, seeing she was covered in blood before coming to a conclusion. He walked to Gohan's body and knelt down beside his son.

Diana felt a hand rest on her shoulder; she looked up to see her mother looking at her. "We need to talk," she said as Diana looked back at Gohan's body.

Suddenly, there was an explosion as Strix blasted off the planet, leaving Superman and Supergirl winded from the explosion. The chains from Hal shattered as she took off into space.

"She is out for blood," Vermont said, a slight smile on his face.

"Why are you smiling!?" Flash suddenly yelled in anger as he walked up to Vermont, who glanced down at him.

"Watch yourself, mortal. You are speaking to a deity," Beerus cut in as he glanced at Vermont.

"But yes, I am curious as well. Why are you smiling? I recognize Strix has regained her emotions but at a pretty steep price," he said as Vermont chuckled.

"Because all hope may not be lost," Vermont suddenly said, catching everyone's attention.

"How would we bring him back?" Vegeta questioned. "There are no Dragon Balls her-" Vegeta stopped himself as Goku, Vegeta, and Beerus realized something.

Strix landed nearby. She created a dust cloud as a pair of glowing green eyes could be seen.

"I lost him because of those valuable seconds I had to waste on you FOOLS!" Strix yelled in anger, shaking the ground and clearing the dust cloud.

Her entire body was shaking in anger; the League prepared themselves as Superman quickly cut in. "There might be a way-" But Strix was in his face, multiple veins visible as she glared at him, resembling the Grim Reaper on a mission.

But the Man of Steel did not buckle under the immense pressure and killing intent. "Great, we can get to that in a second, but I want to know why you got in my way while I was carrying out my duty to my fallen master?" She questioned, making eye contact with Green Lantern, Supergirl, and Superman.

She raised her right hand and aimed it at the League members. "I should blow you all to the afterlife!" She said as Goku walked up to her and placed his hand on her shoulder.

"You know Gohan wouldn't want you to kill those he calls his friends," Goku said as she clenched her jaw before launching off the planet at high speed.

Beerus watched her fly off with an amused smile on his face. He could only hope his candidate would value him that much. He glanced at Vegeta before scoffing at the thought and walked up to Gohan's body, which Diana was still holding.

"Pitiful, honestly," Beerus sighed under his breath, although the Kryptonians definitely heard this.

"He just died! How could you say that?" Superman asked as Kara sighed angrily. She was never a fan of death, and now neither of gods.

"Because, mortal, he may have been a God of Destruction, but he isn't infallible. His arrogance led to his death. Gods of Destruction who don't annihilate every threat to the universe, and most importantly to themselves, are nothing but fools," Beerus said.

"Because of him trying to be lenient and not erasing anything that poses a threat to the universe, he paid the price for your stupid ideals, while you all get to go back and live your lives, pretending to carry the burden of his death until eventually forgetting about him," Beerus scoffed.

"Self-righteous fools who believe they know what is right and wrong," Beerus said.

"This will be another God of Destruction dying from the mortals of this universe," Beerus remarked. "A pretty impressive achievement."

"Perhaps Perpetua was right," Beerus sighed before smirking.

"Have you learned your lesson?" He asked everyone, who appeared sad, guilty, and frustrated.

"You..." Kara growled. Beerus was infuriating her with his smug expression.

"That expression suits you, mortal," Beerus mocked as he turned to look at Whis.

"Do it," Beerus said, turning his gaze to Strix. "As the one who is in charge of the universe, I suggest you command Vermont to assist Whis," Beerus said, garnering confused looks.

Whis smiled and glanced at Vermont with a smile. "Master Vermont, assist Master Whis with whatever Lord Beerus asked for," Strix said, and Vermont nodded.

"As you wish, my lady," Vermont said, his staff appearing in his hand and glowing. He and Whis gently tapped the ground, causing an intense shockwave to reverberate through the cosmos.

Those nearby watched in amazement as everything seemed to rewind. Those who were killed were revived, and Gohan's body moved backward until he stood frozen.

As life returned to the Supreme Kai, a sense of awareness seemed to dawn upon Enchantress. A vibrant aura of green energy surrounded her, illuminating her form as her eyes gleamed with an otherworldly light. She smirked.

Fixing her gaze upon Gohan, who stood nearby, she summoned forth her mystical powers with a few whispered incantations. With a swift motion, she conjured a spatial crack, its swirling vortex a gateway to another realm, and vanished from sight in a shimmering display of magical prowess.

The Amazons looked around in confusion at the situation. One of the warriors recognized the Queen and approached her. "My Queen! We should—" she began, but Hippolyta raised her hand, silencing the Amazon. The warrior was surprised by the Queen's actions.

As time started moving forward again slowly, Darkseid's forces were bewildered as they stared at the group. Granny Goodness and the Furies dropped to their knees, cold sweat covering them. Steppenwolf grabbed his neck, falling backward.

Sinestro looked around, confused, but he was certain that something had just happened. He was sure they had succeeded and that he had successfully escaped. Something went wrong.

Without wasting time, he flew off at full speed, quickly vanishing to the other end of the universe. He knew he would be in trouble if he took his time to understand the situation, Brainiac had already detected a disruption in the universe and retreated instantly.

Gohan broke out in a cold sweat as he dropped to his knees, gasping for air. Beerus walked up to him and kneeled beside him, placing his hand on Gohan's shoulder. "I hope you understand the situation well and comprehend what happened. I helped you this time, but I won't be able to do so a second time. Death as a deity is more terrifying than you could have imagined... isn't it?" Beerus asked, a glint in his eye that felt familiar to Gohan.

"This should make us even now."

Gohan nodded, staring at the ground before looking up at Beerus. "Thank you, Beerus,"

"Don't let it get to you," Beerus replied, stepping back.

At that moment, Gohan looked up, seeing the people responsible for his death. A cold chill descended upon Themyscira as he stood up, a dark glare on his face.

"Congratulations, you managed to kill a destroyer god and a creation god," Gohan commended the forces of Apocalypse. "Something not even your own master could accomplish despite being a god himself."

Steppenwolf clenched his teeth, quickly getting up and preparing for battle. "We did it once; we can do it again! And even if we die here and now! We killed you! And you will exist knowing that, just as we will know that once we die in a glorious battle!" He declared, as Gohan chuckled.

"Die? Glorious battle? It sounds like you don't understand yet," Gohan said, taking a step forward. He appeared in front of them. Steppenwolf swung his battle axe down, but Gohan raised his hand and caught the axe between his fingers. He squeezed, raising an eyebrow when the axe didn't shatter. Usually, anything between his fingers would bend, crack, or shatter.

"Well, this is quite an impressive axe," Gohan commented before transforming into a Super Saiyan. This time, the axe buckled before breaking between his fingers.

"But," Gohan said, aiming his hand at Steppenwolf. "Don't get ahead of yourself."

Clark was about to speak, but a hand rested on his shoulder. Looking back, he saw it was Gotham's Batman. His eyes conveyed everything Clark needed to know.

Clenching his teeth, Clark looked to the side before returning his gaze to Gohan. The atmosphere turned quiet, as if the world sensed impending doom. No one spoke; even the Amazons were struck by silence and awe.

"Hakai!" Gohan uttered. Everyone could hear the word, even though it wasn't spoken loudly.

Steppenwolf screamed in agony, falling back. Purple sparkles emerged from the bottom of his feet, and he started disappearing before everyone's eyes. "AHHHH!? What—what did—what did you do TO ME!?" He screamed in pain.

"Kill me! Kill me! Kill me!" Steppenwolf's cries instilled fear into the Furies and everyone nearby.

Gohan stared at Steppenwolf with an emotionless expression.

Once he vanished, silence fell on everyone. The horrifying scene had finally concluded. Turning his attention to the Furies, he made them stumble backward. Their legs trembled.

"Because I am merciful one of you will live as an example. Choose who gets to see the next day," Gohan ordered. Although he knew this was cruel, he had to set an example. The Furies and Granny Goodness couldn't believe their ears, but they soon understood the ultimatum.

Granny Goodness stepped forward. "I will be the one who lives!" She announced, leaving the Furies in disbelief. "Kill them, but spare me!"

Gohan nodded, turning to the Furies. "Will you all go together, or one by one?" Gohan asked.

"This!" Green Lantern questioned with a frown, Superman had the same expression. 'He is turning them against each other.'

"These are your only two choices." The Furies couldn't believe the situation and angrily looked at Granny Goodness, who wore a smug expression.

"Granny..." The Furies exchanged looks, too afraid to do anything.

The League could no longer stand idly by while witnessing the inhumane ultimatum. Before they could advance, Strix appeared before them, her aura blazing as she powered up to her full strength.

"Interfere, and I will personally remove you from the face of the planet," she warned, aiming her hand at them. A green ki ball materialized. She was already angry, but now her unbridled anger was overflowing.

"In fact, take a step forward, and I will obliterate this side of the planet."

The sheer power radiating from her was oppressive. Gohan glanced back, taken aback by her furious expression and the anger on her face.

Her Ki had surged tremendously; she was far more powerful than before. He silently wondered what had transpired during his death.

Approaching her, he placed his hand on her head from behind, capturing her attention. "Master..."

Turning to face Gohan, she felt a warm calm feeling wrap around her chest.

"I see you finally have what was stolen from you," Gohan said, a tear sliding down her cheek.

Looking at the League, Gohan's expression turned stern. "As much as I would like to be nice and lenient, that led to my death. I know we won't be friends after this, but if you interfere, I will have to enforce my words," Gohan explained.

"I would like to make it clear that the Earth is not in danger of being destroyed, if you have a problem with my methods, please step forward, we can sort it out," Gohan challenged.

Diana was conflicted; she wanted Gohan to show mercy, but the overwhelming feeling she experienced when he was dead in her arms was undeniable. She stared at the confrontation. She would have preferred mercy, but she understood that this was Gohan's prerogative.

Flash sighed, stepping back, while Manhunter clenched his teeth before letting out an exasperated sigh stepping back.

"If these are your methods then we will definitely have a problem," Superman said as he floated upwards.

Beerus watched with an amused expression. Clark stood defiantly, while Kara stood by his side. Karen clenched her fist and then relaxed, refraining from making any movement.

"As much as I want to help you guys, I can't," Karen spoke, stunning Clark.

"I can see both sides clearly, and Gohan has every right to be angry. I don't agree with murdering them, but I'd be hard-pressed to make a different choice if it were me," she said.

"Murder?" Vegeta asked with a smirk. "This is the natural course of life. You step on the tail of a tiger, and you will die by its claws. Besides, Gohan has been far too merciful already. The fact that you can even debate this is proof of his patience. Every time he throws down the gauntlet, he represents the entire Saiyan race. As the Prince of Saiyans, I can't let it slide either," Vegeta said, walking next to Gohan, surprising him. Vegeta was clearly itching for a battle as Goku stood next to Vegeta with a smirk.

Whis and Beerus, both watched the scene unfold with great interest.

Hippolyta could feel the tension rising. The situation seemed dire, and the pressure was becoming tangible.

Hal stood next to Batman as everyone looked at him expectantly, waiting for him to choose a side. "Don't look at me; the will of the ring is literally warning me of interfering with his actions. I could lose my power if I decide to fight against him; that only means he has the same status as the guardians, or probably higher."

"That's a first," Barry commented as Hal shrugged. "I don't make the rules."

The League appeared divided, and the Furies took this chance. They quickly charged at Granny Goodness and swiftly sliced her head off before she even had a chance to react.

Catching everyone's attention, Gohan aimed his hand at Granny Goodness. "Hakai," he said, a look of terror appearing on her face as she turned to purple sparkles as well.

"Stop doing that!" Clark yelled, baffled by why Gohan's despicable power sent shivers through him. As a Kryptonian, he could hear everything just evaporate and cease to exist. Try as he might, he couldn't even see atom particles of the people Gohan 'destroyed.'

Supergirl and Power Girl, also seemed to dislike the sound created by the energy of destruction as it erased someone.

"Superman! Calm down!" Batman suddenly interjected, capturing Clark's attention.

"You don't understand, Br—" Catching himself before revealing Batman's true name, Clark turned and met Batman with a desperate gaze.

"He isn't just killing them; he's— he's doing something far worse!" Superman asserted, leaving Bruce in silent contemplation, as he glanced at the other Kryptonians. If they were so agitated, Clark must truly be disturbed by Gohan's actions.

"Nothing, nothing is left behind. I have to stop him."

Gohan turned to face Superman with a blank expression and frowned slightly as Superman's fist connected with his cheek. A drop of blood hit the ground, and silence enveloped the scene, so profound it contrasted sharply with the prior chaos. Gohan simply wiped the blood from his chin.

Authors Note:

What if Gohan landed in DC 2 has been posted please check my profile if you are interested!

My Twitter/X handle is Jaded_Author. I will post progress updates there for those interested.