Chapter 79

Luke returned to the tent and got started on the modification of a refrigerator and he didn't come out from his lab throughout. Why? Because he's still angry at Tim.

He stayed there for the few days he was there. The first thing he saw was a very pale Tim. He crossed his arms. "What do you want?" he asked.

"To apologize again for what I said that night," Tim said in a low voice.

Luke observed him closely and saw he was truly sorry. "Alright then," he said pulling Tim inside the lab and opening his shirt. He forgot that Tim needed to feed off of him regularly or he would look close to death.

Tim wasted no time biting him and taking small sips of his blood. He was holding him tight and not letting him go.

Luke pats his head. "Sorry for locking myself away and making it impossible for you to feed."

"You drank a few days ago," Tim muttered as he continued.