Chapter 7: This Venerable One Loves Eating Dumplings

The scorching sun was overhead.

On the pinnacle of life and death, Baili Huaihong, the majestic halls and corridors stretched endlessly.

As a rising star among the various sects of cultivation, it was quite different from those prestigious sects in the Upper Cultivation Realm. Take the flourishing Linyi Confucianism Sect, for example. Their main hall was called the "Hall of Six Virtues," with the hope that disciples could embody the six virtues of wisdom, faith, holiness, righteousness, benevolence, and loyalty. The residential area for disciples was called the "Gate of Six Relationships," emphasizing filial piety, friendship, harmony, marriage, trust, and compassion among fellow disciples. The place for teaching was called the "Platform of Six Arts," signifying that disciples of the Confucianism Sect needed to excel in the six arts of ritual, music, archery, charioteering, calligraphy, and mathematics.

In short, it was elegant and boundless.

In contrast, the pinnacle of life and death, true to its humble origins, had names that were beyond description. The "Hall of Danxin" and the "Platform of Good and Evil" could be considered decent names. It seemed that Mo Ran's father and uncle, who were not well-read, struggled to come up with a few characters and started to play around, displaying a talent for naming similar to "Xue Ya" and the like.

Therefore, the pinnacle of life and death had many names imitating the underworld. For example, the secluded room where disciples reflected on themselves was called the "Yanluo Hall." The jade bridge connecting the resting area and the practice area was called the "Naihe Bridge." The dining hall was called the "Mengpo Hall," the martial arts field was called the "Knife Mountain and Fire Sea," and the forbidden area in the back mountain was called the "Ghostly Abyss," and so on.

These were considered relatively acceptable. In more obscure places, they were simply called "This Is Mountain," "This Is Water," "This Is Pit," and the famous "Ah Ah Ah" and "Wa Wa Wa" cliffs.

The sleeping halls of the elders naturally fell into clichés, each having their own nicknames.

Chu Wanning, of course, was no exception. He preferred tranquility and did not want to live with everyone else. His residence was built on the southern peak of the pinnacle of life and death, hidden in a sea of lush bamboo. In front of the courtyard, there was a pool, where red lotus flowers obscured the sun. Due to the abundant spiritual energy, the lotus blossomed all year round, radiating a brilliant red glow.

In secret, the disciples of the sect called this beautiful place the "Scarlet Lotus Hell."

Mo Ran thought of this and couldn't help but laugh.

Who asked Chu Wanning to always have a delicate and effeminate face? When the disciples in the sect saw him, they looked at him as if they were seeing a fierce demon. If a demon waited somewhere, what else would it be called if not hell?

Xue Meng interrupted his thoughts, "You still have the nerve to laugh! Eat your breakfast quickly. After eating, come with me to the Platform of Good and Evil. Master will punish you in public today!"

Mo Ran sighed and touched the whip marks on his face, "Ouch... it hurts."

"Serves you right!"

"Ah, I don't know if Tianwen has finished repairing it or not. If it's not fixed, I hope Master won't bring it out to interrogate me again. Who knows what nonsense I might blurt out?"

"Senior Yuheng, Junior Brother Mo once helped me dispel my inner demons when I went astray. I believe that Junior Brother Mo's mistake this time was just a momentary lapse of judgment. I kindly request Senior to lighten the punishment for Junior Brother," one disciple pleaded.

"Senior Yuheng, Junior Brother Mo once bestowed me with precious spiritual pills, saving my mother. He is truly a kind-hearted person. I implore Senior to show leniency," another disciple appealed.

The last person's argument was interrupted by the previous one, leaving him speechless. In a moment of desperation, he saw Chu Wanning's icy gaze sweeping over him. In a panic, he blurted out without thinking, "Senior Yuheng, Junior Brother Mo once assisted me in dual cultivation—"

"Pfft!" Someone couldn't hold back their laughter and burst out.

The disciple's face immediately turned red, feeling embarrassed, he quickly retreated.

"Yuheng, calm down, calm down..." The disciplinary elder saw the situation turning unfavorable and hurriedly tried to console him.

Chu Wanning sneered coldly, "I have never seen such shameless and audacious person. What's his name? Whose disciple is he?"

The disciplinary elder hesitated for a moment, then reluctantly said in a low voice, "He is my disciple, Xiaotu Yao Lian."

"Your disciple? Shameless, isn't he?" Chu Wanning raised an eyebrow.

The disciplinary elder couldn't help but feel embarrassed, his face reddening, and changed the topic, "Well, he's quite good at singing and recitation, and he's helpful during sacrificial rituals."

Chu Wanning snorted, turned his face away, and couldn't be bothered with the shameless disciplinary elder anymore.

On the Pinnacle of Life and Death, with thousands of people, having a dozen lackeys was normal.

Watching those disciples speak so convincingly, Mo Ran himself almost believed it. Impressive, it turned out that there were more than just him skilled in speaking nonsense with a straight face. Truly, our sect is filled with talented individuals.

After countless repetitions of "Senior Yuheng, please show mercy," Chu Wanning finally addressed the disciples.

"You plead for leniency on behalf of Mo Weiyu?" He paused and continued, "Alright, all of you come forward."

The disciples were confused but cautiously approached.

A golden light flashed in Chu Wanning's palm as Tianwen obediently appeared, swiftly binding the group of disciples together, tightly securing them in place.

Here we go again!!

Mo Ran was almost in despair. He felt weak in the knees at the sight of Tianwen. He couldn't fathom where Chu Wanning acquired such a twisted weapon. It's fortunate that he didn't marry in his previous life. If any girl agreed to marry him, she would either be whipped to death or questioned to death while still alive.

Chu Wanning's gaze held a hint of mockery. He questioned one of them, "Did Mo Ran ever help you eliminate demons and uphold righteousness?"

Unable to withstand Tianwen's torment, the disciple immediately wailed, "No! Never!"

He turned to another disciple and asked, "Did Mo Ran assist you in overcoming your inner demons?"

"Ah! He didn't! He didn't!" the disciple cried out.

"Did Mo Ran bestow you with precious spiritual pills?"

"Ah! Help! No, no, no! I made it up! I made it up!" 

Chu Wanning loosened the restraints but swiftly raised his hand and fiercely swung it, causing sparks to fly as Tianwen snapped out and lashed across the backs of the lying disciples. 

In an instant, screams filled the air and blood splattered everywhere. Chu Wanning furrowed his brows in anger and demanded, "Why are you screaming? Kneel down! Disciplinary Elder!" 

"I'm here," came the reply. 

"Punish them for me!" 


As a result, those people not only failed to gain any benefits but each of them received ten lashes for the offense of deception, along with the additional punishment of a severe whipping from Elder Yuheng. 

During the night, Mo Ran lay on the bed, even though he had taken the medicine, his back was covered in intersecting wounds. He couldn't even turn over and tears welled up in his eyes, sniffing miserably. 

He had a cute appearance, like a beaten-up fluffy kitten. Unfortunately, his thoughts were not what one would expect from a kitten. He gripped the bedding, biting the sheets, imagining that it was Chu Wanning's grandson, biting! Kicking! Striking! Tearing! 

The only consolation was when Shimei, whom he adored, came to visit him with a plate of his homemade dumplings. Being looked at by those gentle and pitying eyes, Mo Ran's tears flowed even more. 

He didn't care about the saying that men don't shed tears lightly; he loved to act coquettishly with whomever he liked. 

"It hurts so much? Can you get up?" Shimei sat by his bedside and sighed, "Shizun... he was too ruthless. Look at what he did to you... There are several wounds, and the bleeding hasn't stopped." 

Hearing Shimei's concern for him, a warm current rose in Mo Ran's chest. He lifted his moist eyes from the bedding and blinked. 

"Shimei, since you care about me so much, then... then I'm not in pain anymore." 

"Alas, seeing you like this, how can I not worry? You know Shizun's temper, will you dare to make such a big mistake again in the future?" 

In the candlelight, Shimei looked at him with a mix of helplessness and tenderness. His eyes were enchanting, shimmering like gentle spring water. 

Mo Ran's heart stirred slightly, and he obediently said, "I won't. I swear." 

"Can I trust your oath?" Shimei smiled finally, picked up a soft-boiled egg from the soup, and said, "Have this runny one as a reward, knowing that you like it." 

Mo Ran laughed mischievously, a strand of messy hair rising on his forehead like a blooming flower. "Shimei." 

"What is it?" 

"Just calling your name." 


The tuft of hair wobbled. 


Shimei suppressed his laughter and asked, "Just calling my name?"

"Mmm, just calling your name makes me feel so happy." Shimei paused for a moment and gently touched his forehead. "This silly child, could it be that you have a fever?"

Mo Ran burst into laughter and rolled half of his body, turning his face to look at him with bright eyes, as if they were filled with countless twinkling stars.

"If I could eat Shimei's handmade dumplings every day, that would be wonderful."

This was not a lie.

After Shimei's death, Mo Ran had always wanted to taste his Dragon Hand Dumplings again, but that flavor could never be replicated.

At that time, when Chu Wanning hadn't completely severed ties with him, perhaps out of guilt, Chu Wanning quietly went to the kitchen while Mo Ran knelt in front of Shimei's coffin, lost in thought. Chu Wanning began to knead the dough and prepare the filling, carefully wrapping a few dumplings. However, before he could finish, Mo Ran caught sight of it, unable to bear the pain of losing his beloved. He felt that Chu Wanning's actions were mocking him, imitating him poorly, intentionally hurting him.

Shimei died, and Chu Wanning could have saved him but refused to lend a hand. Yet, afterwards, he wanted to make dumplings for himself as if it would make him happy. Did he really think that would bring him joy?

Mo Ran rushed into the kitchen, knocking over all the utensils, and the plump dumplings made of snow-white jade rolled all over the floor.

He shouted at Chu Wanning, "Who do you think you are? Are you even worthy of using his belongings? Are you even capable of making the dishes he made? Shimei is dead, are you satisfied? Do you have to drive all your disciples to madness or death before you're content? Chu Wanning! No one in this world can recreate that bowl of dumplings, no matter how much you imitate, you can never be like him!"

Now, as he ate this bowl of dumplings, he felt both joy and sentimentality. Slowly, as he reached the end, he continued to smile, but his eyes became slightly moist. Fortunately, the candlelight was dim, and Shimei couldn't clearly see his subtle expression.

Mo Ran said, "Shimei."


"Thank you."

Shimei was taken aback for a moment but then smiled gently, "Isn't it just a bowl of dumplings? If you like them, I'll make them for you more often in the future."

Mo Ran wanted to say that he was grateful not just for a bowl of dumplings.

He also wanted to thank Shimei for seeing his worth, not minding his background, and enduring the fourteen years of his ruthless methods and struggles outside.

He also wanted to thank Shimei because if he hadn't suddenly thought of him, he feared that even after being reborn, he wouldn't have been able to resist killing Rong Jiu, making another grave mistake, and returning to the old path.

Luckily, in this lifetime, he was reborn before Shimei's death, and he was determined to protect him well. If you were ever in danger and that heartless demon Chu Wanning refused to save you, I would be there for you.

But how could these words be spoken out loud?

In the end, Mo Ran simply gulped down all the soup, not even leaving a trace of scallions. Then, he licked his lips, wanting more, and his dimples were deep, making him look adorable like a fluffy little kitten.

"Will there be more tomorrow?"

Shimei cried and laughed, "Don't you want something else? Aren't you tired of it?"

"I can eat it every day without getting tired. I'm just afraid you'll find me annoying."

Shimei shook his head and smiled, "I don't know if there's enough flour. If there isn't, I'm afraid I won't be able to make it. If that's the case, how about sweet egg soup? You love that too."

"Okay, okay. Anything you make is good."

Mo Ran's heart was filled with joy, wishing he could wrap himself in a blanket and roll around happily.

Look at how wise Shimei is. Chu Wanning, go ahead and punish me! I'm lying in bed being cared for by a beauty, hmph!

Thinking of his own Shizun, he couldn't help but mix a handful of anger into his recent tenderness.

Mo Ran resumed his resentful habit of poking the gap between the bed boards and thought, what kind of Evening Jade Emperor, what kind of Northern Dipper Immortal Venerable, they're all fucking nonsense!

Chu Wanning, let's see how things unfold in this lifetime!

The author has something to say:

Shimei makes dumplings.

Mo feeds fish: Eat, eat, eat!

Shizun makes dumplings.

Mo feeds fish: Throw, throw, throw!

The peak of life and death wasted food and labor. Is this the extinction of humanity or the decline of morality? Please watch today's "Legal Forum."

The real reason:

Shizun's cooking is too unpalatable, and as a disciple, Mo Ran has developed deep mistrust in the food safety of Shizun's various culinary creations.