Chapter 9: This venerable one is not a drama queen

Chu Wanning's taste is truly abysmal.

Dull. Tedious. Despair-inducing.

Look at this bookshelf, what kind of trash books are these!

"The Ancient Enchantment Catalog," "Extraordinary Flowers and Strange Plants Illustrations," "Lin Yi Confucianism School's Qin Music Score," "Collection of Plants and Trees." The only ones that can be considered entertainment are probably a few books like "Travelogue of Shu" and "Food Guide of Bashu."

Mo Ran picked several relatively new books, obviously ones that Chu Wanning rarely reads, and smeared and painted erotic images all over the pages. He chuckled to himself as he painted, thinking, "Hmph, there are at least 8,000 if not 10,000 books in this collection. When Chu Wanning discovers that some of them have been altered into banned books, who knows when that will be? By that time, Chu Wanning won't know who did it and can only sulk in frustration. How marvelous, how marvelous."

As he thought about it, he couldn't help but laugh out loud while clutching the books.

Mo Ran painted more than ten books, letting his imagination run wild. He painted all kinds of explicit scenes with skillful and elegant brushwork. If someone were to borrow books from Elder Yu Heng and happened to borrow these few, it would probably lead to rumors like:

"Elder Yu Heng, with a human face but a beast's heart, actually included male-female intimate illustrations in 'Heart-Cleansing Formula'!"

"Elder Yu Heng presumptuously claims to be a teacher, but there are continuous drawings of same-sex love in the sword manual!"

"What kind of North Dipper Immortal, a wolf in sheep's clothing!"

The more Mo Ran thought about it, the funnier it became. In the end, he couldn't help but hold his stomach, rolling around on the ground with the brush in hand, laughing uncontrollably. He was so amused that his legs kicked in all directions, not even noticing when someone approached the entrance of the library.

So when Shimei came over, what he saw was Mo Ran, rolling around in a pile of books, laughing like a madman.

Shimei: "...Mo Ran, what are you doing?"

Mo Ran was taken aback, hurriedly sat up, and frantically covered all those explicit images, putting on a face like a model disciple. "Uh, cleaning, I'm cleaning the floor."

Shimei suppressed his laughter. "Using clothes to clean the floor?"

"Cough, well, I couldn't find a cloth, right? Let's not talk about that. Shimei, why are you here so late?"

"I went to your room to look for you, but couldn't find you. I asked someone and found out you were here with Master." Shimei entered the library and carefully put away the scattered books, smiling gently. "It's nothing, I just came to check on you."

Mo Ran was delighted but also a bit surprised. He pursed his lips and, usually quick-witted, found himself at a loss for words.

"Well... um... please have a seat!" Mo Ran turned around energetically for a while, nervously saying, "I-I'll go make tea for you."

"No need, I came here secretly. If Master finds out, it would be troublesome."

Mo Ran scratched his head. "You have a point..." That pervert Chu Wanning! Sooner or later, he will make him submit and no longer tolerate his tyranny!

"Have you eaten yet, Shimei?"

Shimei nodded. "I have. I brought some dishes for you."

Mo Ran's eyes lit up. "Dragon Wontons?"

"Heh, you never get tired of them. I didn't bring wontons; Red Lotus Waterside Pavilion is far away, and I was afraid they would get ruined. Here, it's some stir-fried dishes. Take a look and see if they suit your taste."

Shimei opened the nearby food container, revealing several brightly colored small dishes. There was a plate of shiitake mushrooms, a plate of fish-flavored shredded pork, a plate of Kung Pao chicken, a plate of smashed cucumber, and a bowl of rice.

"Ah, no chili peppers?"

"I was afraid you'd crave them too much, so I added a little. Your wound hasn't fully healed, so I didn't dare to add too much. Just enough to enhance the flavor, better than having no hint of red at all."

Mo Ran happily bit his chopsticks, his dimples as sweet as honey under the candlelight. "Wow! It's so touching, I feel like crying!"

Shimei suppressed a laugh. "Wait until you finish crying, or the food will get cold. Eat first, then cry."

Mo Ran cheered and started eating with lightning speed.

His eating habits were like a starving canine, and Chu Wanning always found it unbearable to watch him eat like a ghost. But Shimei didn't mind.

Shimei always acts gently, smiling as he urges Mo Ran to eat slower. He passes him a cup of tea. The plate quickly becomes empty, and Mo Ran pats his stomach contentedly, squinting his eyes and sighing, "Satisfied..."

Seemingly casual, Shimei asks, "Are the Dragon Wontons delicious, or are these dishes delicious?"

When it comes to food, Mo Ran's passion is like his obsession with first love. He tilts his head, looking at Shimei with his dark, shiny, and soft eyes. He grins and says, "Dragon Wontons."

"...," Shimei shakes his head with a smile. After a while, he says, "A-Ran, let me change your medicine for you."

The ointment was prepared by Lady Wang.

Lady Wang was once a disciple of the "Solitary Moon Night," a sect of medicinal alchemy. She was weak in martial arts and disliked violence, but she loved studying medicine. At Sisheng Peak, there was a medicinal garden where she personally cultivated many precious herbs, so the sect never lacked medicinal supplies.

Mo Ran took off his shirt, turning his back to Shimei. The scar behind him still throbbed slightly, but with Shimei's warm fingers dipped in ointment, gently massaging and applying it, the pain gradually faded, and he began to feel restless.

"Alright," Shimei wraps a new bandage around Mo Ran carefully and ties a neat knot. "Put your clothes on."

Mo Ran turns his head and looks at Shimei. In the dim candlelight, Shimei's fair skin is as white as snow, becoming even more enchanting. Mo Ran's mouth feels dry as he watches, and he really doesn't want to put on his clothes. But after hesitating for a moment, he lowers his head and quickly puts on his jacket.



In this secluded and secret study, the atmosphere between these two lonely men is quite pleasant. Mo Ran originally wanted to say something romantic and moving, but being illiterate enough to give himself a regnal title of "Jiba," he stammers for a long time. With a flushed face and a swollen mouth, he can only manage to blurt out three words, "You're really good."

"It's nothing, it's only natural," Shimei replies with tenderness.

"I'll treat you especially well too." Mo Ran's tone is calm, but his palms are sweaty, betraying his turbulent inner feelings. "Once I become powerful, no one will dare to bully you. Not even Master."

Shimei is surprised by his sudden words, hesitates for a moment, and gently says, "Alright then, from now on, I'll rely on A-Ran."

"Mhm..." Mo Ran awkwardly agrees, but Shimei's captivating gaze makes him even more restless. He doesn't dare to look anymore, so he lowers his head.

He has always been cautious around this person, even somewhat single-mindedly obsessed.

"Ah, did Master ask you to clean so many books? And even make new ones overnight?"

Mo Ran wants to save face in front of his beloved, "It's alright, I'll manage to catch up. There's still time."

Shimei says, "Let me help you."

"But that won't do. If Master finds out, we'll both be punished." Mo Ran is determined. "It's getting late; you should go back and rest. We have morning cultivation tomorrow."

Shimei holds his hand and laughs softly, saying, "It's okay, he won't find out. We'll be discreet..."

Before he can finish his sentence, a cold voice interrupts them.

"What do you mean by being discreet?"

Chu Wanning, with his cold expression and frosty gaze in his phoenix eyes, has appeared from the study room. Clad in white, he stands sternly at the entrance of the book vault, staring at them without any expression. His gaze lingers briefly on their intertwined hands before shifting away.

"Shi Mingjing, Mo Weiyu, you have quite the audacity."

Shimei's face turns pale as snow in an instant, and he quickly releases Mo Ran's hand, his voice barely audible, "Master..."

Mo Ran also senses the impending trouble and lowers his head, "Master."

Chu Wanning walks in, ignoring Mo Ran, and instead looks down at the kneeling Shimei. He speaks calmly, "The Red Lotus Water Pavilion is protected by a barrier. Did you think that you could enter without notification and I wouldn't know?"

Shimei bows in fear, "Disciple knows his mistake."

Mo Ran becomes anxious, "Master, Shimei only came to change my medicine and was about to leave. Please don't blame him."

Shimei is also anxious, "Master, this matter has nothing to do with Junior Brother Mo. It's my fault, and I'm willing to accept punishment."


Chu Wanning's face turns blue.

Without saying much, these two immediately rush to defend each other, treating him as if he were a great threat, united against him. After a moment of silence, Chu Wanning forcibly suppresses the twitching of his eyebrows and says in a faint tone, "Such deep camaraderie among sect members is truly moving. It seems that in this room, I am the only villain."

Mo Ran says, "Master..."

"...Don't call me that."

Chu Wanning flicks his wide sleeves and refuses to speak further. Mo Ran has no idea what has happened to make him so angry. He guesses that Chu Wanning hates people fussing around him, regardless of the context. Perhaps it's all irritating to him.

The three of them remain in silence for a long time.

Suddenly, Chu Wanning turns around and walks away.

Shimei lifts his face, his eyes slightly red, looking lost and bewildered, "Master?"

"You go copy the sect rules ten times. You may leave now."

Shimei lowers his gaze, and after a while, he whispers, "...Yes."

Mo Ran continues to kneel in his original spot.

Shimei stood up, glanced at Mo Ran, hesitated for a moment, but eventually knelt down again, pleading with Chu Wanning.

"Master, Junior Brother Mo's scar has just healed. I dare to ask you not to be too hard on him."

Chu Wanning remained silent, standing alone under the dim candlelight. After a while, he suddenly turned his face, his sword-like eyebrows sharp, and his gaze fierce with anger.

"Why so much nonsense? Aren't you leaving?!"

Chu Wanning was originally handsome but lacked tenderness. When he turned fierce, it was terrifying. Shimei trembled in fear, afraid of provoking Master and further implicating Mo Ran. He quickly bowed and retreated.

Only the two of them remained in the book vault. Mo Ran sighed to himself and said, "Master, I was wrong. I will continue with the book registration."

Chu Wanning, without even turning his head, said coldly, "If you're tired, you can go back."

Mo Ran suddenly raised his head.

Chu Wanning said in a frosty tone, "I won't keep you."

Why would he let himself off so easily? There must be a catch!

Mo Ran cleverly responded, "I won't leave."

Chu Wanning paused for a moment, then sneered, "...Fine, suit yourself."

With a swish of his wide sleeves, Chu Wanning turned and left.

Mo Ran was stunned—there was no catch? He thought Chu Wanning would definitely punish him with a lash of the willow.

He worked diligently until midnight, finally completing the tasks. Mo Ran yawned and left the book vault.

By now, it was late at night, and a dim light still emanated from Chu Wanning's bedroom.

Huh? That annoying demon lord hasn't slept yet?

Mo Ran walked over, intending to greet Chu Wanning before leaving. As he entered the room, he realized Chu Wanning had already settled down, but this forgetful person had forgotten to extinguish the candle before going to sleep.

Or perhaps, he was in the middle of working on something and fell asleep from exhaustion. Mo Ran glanced at the half-finished mechanism taking shape by the bedside, and in his mind, he considered this possibility. Finally, upon seeing that Chu Wanning hadn't taken off his metal gloves and still held a half-engaged mechanism, he confirmed the truth.

When Chu Wanning slept, he didn't exude the same cold and chilling aura. He curled up on a bed filled with mechanical parts, saws, and axes. There were too many things cluttered around, leaving barely any space to fit, so he curled up small, hunching his body. His long eyelashes drooped, giving him a somewhat lonely appearance.

Mo Ran stared at him, dazed for a moment.

What exactly was Chu Wanning angry about today?

Could it be that he was only angry about Shimei's unauthorized entry into the Red Lotus Water Pavilion and wanted to help him organize the books?

Mo Ran approached the bedside, rolled his eyes, and leaned close to Chu Wanning's ear, speaking in an extremely soft voice, attempting to call out, "Master?"

"Mmm..." Chu Wanning softly hummed, tightening his hold on the cold mechanical part in his arms. He slept deeply, breathing evenly. The sharp teeth of the metal glove he hadn't removed pressed against his face, resembling the claws of a cat or a leopard.

Seeing that Chu Wanning didn't seem likely to wake up anytime soon, Mo Ran's heart stirred, and he squinted his eyes, a mischievous smile forming at the corner of his mouth. He leaned closer to Chu Wanning's earlobe, lowered his voice, and tentatively said, "Master, wake up."




"Chu Wanning?"


"Heh, you're really fast asleep." Mo Ran chuckled and propped his arm on the edge of the pillow, grinning as he looked at Chu Wanning. "Well, that's great. I'll take this opportunity to settle some scores with you."

Unaware that someone wanted to settle scores with him, Chu Wanning continued to slumber peacefully, his handsome face serene.

Mo Ran tried to put on a stern demeanor, but growing up in the pleasure district and not having much education, he lacked the eloquence. The words and phrases he pieced together sounded particularly awkward and amusing.

"Bold and disobedient member of the Chu clan, you dare to deceive the ruler, disrespect the emperor, you… um, you…"

Scratching his head, feeling a bit at a loss for words, after all, in his past life, he would often curse people as "you lowly servant" or "you wretched dog." But none of these seemed appropriate for Chu Wanning.

After racking his brains for a while, he suddenly remembered a phrase commonly used by the sisters in the pleasure district. Although he wasn't quite sure of its meaning, it seemed fitting. So Mo Ran raised an eyebrow and sternly said:

"You heartless and despicable little jackass, do you know your crimes?"

Chu Wanning: "..."

"Since you're not speaking, I'll take it as your admission of guilt!"

Chu Wanning, feeling a bit disturbed by the noise, let out a dissatisfied grunt and continued to sleep, holding onto the mechanical part.

"You've committed such a grave offense, according to the law, I should sentence you… um, sentence you to a punishment of the mouth! Liu Gonggong!"

Only after calling out did he realize that Liu Gonggong was someone from his past life.

Mo Ran thought for a moment and decided to play the role of the palace eunuch himself. So he fawningly said, "Your Majesty, this servant is here."

Then he immediately cleared his throat and solemnly declared, "Execution shall commence immediately."

"I humbly obey Your Majesty's command."

Alright, the lines were recited.

Mo Ran rubbed his hands together and began to "punish" Chu Wanning.

The so-called mouth punishment didn't actually exist; Mo Ran made it up on the spot.

So, how should this impromptu mouth punishment be executed?

Mo Ran, the tyrant of his generation, cleared his throat with a serious expression, his gaze cold and menacing. He leaned in slowly towards Chu Wanning's cold and pristine lips, as if approaching a clear spring in a snowy valley.


Mo Ran abruptly stopped and stared at Chu Wanning, his voice fluctuating, as he cursed:

"Chu Wanning, f*ck your mother, you narrow-minded little..."

Smack. Smack.

Two resounding slaps on the mouth.

Hehe, the punishment was successful!

Feels great!

Mo Ran was enjoying himself when suddenly he felt a sharp pain in his neck, realizing something was amiss. He quickly lowered his head and met a pair of noble and cold phoenix eyes.

Mo Ran: "..."

Chu Wanning's voice was as icy as a shattered jade on an icy lake as he couldn't decide whether it was filled with ethereal charm or chilling coldness. "What are you doing?"

"I... cough. This servant... cough cough!" Fortunately, these two sentences were as soft as a mosquito's hum. Chu Wanning furrowed his brow at Mo Ran, indicating that he hadn't quite heard clearly. Mo Ran had a moment of inspiration and raised his hand to deliver two slaps near Chu Wanning's face.


Faced with the increasingly displeased expression of his master, the former Emperor of the Human Realm, Mo Ran, grinned in a flattering manner and said, "Master, I was just trying to swat a mosquito for you, disciple was just trying to swat a mosquito for you, ha-ha!"

Author's Note:

Welcome to this issue of the "Characters" column on RBTV. Our guest today is the first generation (scratch that) of the tyrant king, Mo Weiyu. Please welcome our special host, Xue Mengmeng, online (^▽^).

Xue Mengmeng: While ordinary cultivators aim for ascension, you strive to become an emperor in the cultivation world. Mo Ran, I've always wanted to ask you, even though the tags for this story don't mention emperors or kings, why did you insist on developing a feudal empire?

Mo Feiyu: Developments often have two directions, don't they?

Xue Mengmeng: It seems so.

Mo Feiyu: Let me ask you then, have you ever encountered a Huang Sang in cultivation?

Xue Mengmeng (stunned): (⊙o⊙)... Um... well... this...

Mo Feiyu: Let me remind you, do you know the honorary title of Emperor Jiajing?

Xue Mengmeng: ??? This person seems to be from a different dimension than us. My master never taught me about that.

Mo Feiyu: Let me teach you, my cousin. His title is "Supreme Great Luo Celestial Immortal, Purple Extreme Eternal Life, Holy Wisdom Illuminating Spirit, Ruler of Three Realms, Proven Jade Void, Grand Director of Five Thunders, Great True Immortal of Profound Realm, Eternal Emperor of Ten Thousand Longevity."

Xue Mengmeng: ...

Mo Feiyu: (smiling) I envy him. I also want to be called "Supreme Great Luo Celestial Immortal, Purple Extreme Eternal Life, Holy Wisdom Illuminating Spirit, Ruler of Three Realms, Proven Jade Void, Grand Director of Five Thunders, Great True Immortal of Profound Realm, Stepping Immortal Emperor Mo Feiyu."

Xue Mengmeng: ... You, go away. I don't know you.

Mo Feiyu (rolls eyes): Hehe, so you're saying that only emperors can cultivate, and Daoists cannot be called kings?

Character Profile:

Name: Mo Ran

Courtesy Name: Wei Yu

Posthumous Title: Supreme Great Carrot Celestial Immortal, Purple Longevity, Holy Wisdom Illuminating Spirit, Provocative Master, Certified King of Kingly Acts, Total Manager of Thunderous Blasts, Steamrolling Expert of Shamelessness, Stepping Immortal Emperor.

Occupation: Emperor (deceased)

Social Status: Illiterate

Current Favorite: Shi Mei

Favorite Food: (crossed out) Chu Wanning (crossed out) Dragon Wontons

Dislikes: Being despised

Height: 186 cm before death, as a reincarnated youthful youth, not yet fully grown. Why should I reveal it to the public? Huff.

It's been a while since the last update, so here are some bonus short scenes. Bang bang bang, running far away.