Chapter 12: This Venerable One Kissed the Wrong Person… WTF…

After walking in the illusion world for a long time, he couldn't find his barrings at all.

However, the smell of butterfly fragrance powder in the air was getting stronger and stronger. After a long time, this smell will stimulate emotions, expand the senses, and make people do a lot of unthinkable things.

Mo Ran gradually began to feel restless. It felt like flames were dancing in his stomach, slowly boiling his blood.

The spring; he needed to find the spring water. Where was it?

He knew that there was a living spring in this illusion. In his previous life, he walked to the spring with a dry throat and bad dizziness. He had no choice but to drink several mouthfuls with his hands. He thought that death by poison was better than death by dehydration.

And just after drinking the spring water, his consciousness got more and more blurred, and, in the drowsiness, Shi Mei came to find him. Shi Mei was practicing medicinal cultivation and he immediately flushed the hallucinogens out of him. At that time, he was so dizzy that he was completely bewitched by the poison, so he kissed Shi Mei's lips with vigour.

The former emperor of the human realm was eager to relive the illusion's dream, and he wandered around the illusion for a while. He finally heard the sound of the tinkling of spring water. He was overjoyed, rushed over and immediately drank from it.

Sure enough, the restlessness caused by the fragrance became more intense under the influence of the spring water. He uncontrollably wanted to plunge into the depths of the spring water, unknowing that he had already submerged half of his body.

Just when Mo Ran's consciousness was about to fade away, just like in his previous life, a hand suddenly pulled him up. The water splashed in all directions, pouring up his nose. Mo Ran gasped and opened his watery eyelashes to see the figure in front of him.

The figure gradually became more focused, accompanied by an almost annoyed voice.

"You dare to drink the water here. Do you want to die?"

Mo Ran shook off water droplets like a dog. When he saw his visitor clearly, he breathed a sigh of relief: "Shi Mei…"

"Stop talking, take the cure for it!"

A dark purple pill was pressed against his lips. Mo Ran opened his mouth and obediently took the medicine. His eyes were still fixated on Shi Mei's stunning face.

Suddenly, just like in his previous life, the restless growing in his heart made him unable to resist. Besides, Mo Ran was not a modest man to begin with, so he grabbed Shi Mei's wrist, and before the other party had not reacted, he quickly kissed him.

In an instant, sparks flew and his mind went blank.

He was a flirt who caused lots of trouble, but his intensity in bed meant that he didn't have much lip contact with others. There was no need for extra warmth, so he had a lot of physical interactions with very little kissing experience.

Shi Mei didn't expect this kind of attack at all. He was frozen in place. It wasn't until his tongue poked in that he finally reacted and began to struggle against him.

"What are you doing… Hmph!" He only got half his sentence out before he was brutally cut off by the other's face covering his lips again. Mo Ran kissed more intensely than in his previous life. The two rolled down together by the spring water, Shi Mei pressed firmly underneath Mo Ran. Mo Ran kissed his wet and slightly cool lips, and the memory of the same amazing touch was the same, and his cheek, his ear…

"Don't move…" When he opened his mouth, the hoarseness in his voice took him by surprise.

It was done.

How did the effects of the spring feel more intense than in his previous life?

According to the development in his previous life, he didn't have any time to linger with Shi Mei. Without kissing him after that, the then-young Mo Ran was condemned by his conscience. When he loosened his hand, Shimei got up and effortlessly ran out of the water.

But because of his wickedness and shameless nature, instead of being condemned by his conscience, he was driven by his desire and immediately pressed the person onto the shore and kissed him closely.

Shi Mei angrily struggled underneath him, but he was wicked, unable to hear what they were yelling. All his eyes were focused on was that gorgeous face and those seductive, moist, moving lips.

A fire burned in his belly. Mo Ran listened to his heart, kissing more and more fiercely. He pried the other's teeth, his tongue diving straight in, holding onto the sweetness in his mouth.

His heart was beating like a drum.

In the confusion, he had already torn off Shi Mei's complicated outer robe. He pulled off the waistband, hands slipping underneath, touching the smooth and firm skin. The person under him tried to jerk upright, and Mo Ran slammed him back down.

He nibbled on the rim of Shimei's ear and whispered: "Be good, we can both enjoy it."

"Mo Weiyu—!!!"

"Hey, how come you're all angry and shouting at me like that? This is a good thing." Mo Ran smiled and licked his earlobe. His hands didn't wait around and went straight to his waist.

That little bastard Mo Ran; the sixteen-year-old hooligan back then was no better than the thirty-two-year-old hooligan now!

This person's cheekiness was growing day by day!

Shi Mei's body tensed, and Mo Ran could feel the slight trembling of his body. Really, he looked so slender, and his hand felt well-built, with sharp lines.

He couldn't help himself. He couldn't help but pull at the other party's clothes.

Shi Mei finally couldn't bear it and broke free.

"Mo Weiyu! You're asking to die!!"

With a bang, a burst of powerful spiritual energy slammed him away! That spiritual power was fierce and domineering. Mo Ran was caught off guard. He was flipped off and hit the rocks by the spring, almost spitting up a mouthful of blood.

Shi Mei grabbed the messy pile of his clothes and stood up furiously, with crazy golden spiritual currents flowing from his palms, sparks crackling. An angry red light reflected in his eyes.

Mo Ran's head was spinning. He vaguely felt that something was wrong.

"Tianwen, come forth!"

With a shout of rage, a golden willow vine swung out of Shi Mei's palm, Tianwen responding to his summon. The whole willow vine was dazzling, and, from time to time, a blazing fire ignited, bursting out in a golden light, willow leaves flying.

Mo Ran was dumbfounded.

Since when does Shi Mei summon Tianwen?

However, the thought had only appeared in his mind for a brief moment before Tianwen ripped open the sky and smacked down over his head! The willow vine was unrelenting, and the bastard immortal emperor was beaten bloody. He thought that people like Rong Jiu who suffered because of Mo Ran would applaud and shout "Well played! Great! One more blow! Avenge us! Do a good deed!"

Mo Ran finally came to his senses through the blistering storm of unrelenting, tyrannical frenzied hits.

Shi Mei was so gentle; how could he beat someone like this?

The technique of the willow vine slashes was so skillful that it couldn't be anyone else by Chu Wanning!!!!

Chu Wanning's movements lessened, then he stopped to take a breath. He rubbed his wrists and was about to slash the vine again. Abruptly, Mo Ran leaned against the rock, coughing up a large mouthful of blood.

"… Stop fighting. You'll die if you keep resisting…"

Mo Ran coughed up several mouthfuls of blood, and his heart was bleak. This was definitely one of the most colourful of his bad deeds.

Who would've known that the person who showed up was actually Chu Wanning?

And he didn't know why but Chu Wanning's face was just like Shi Mei's. Even his voice sounded exactly the same as Shi Mei's!

He wiped the mottled blood from the corner of his mouth, gasped, and looked up.

It may be because he had been beaten by a divine weapon, or it may have been because the medicine that Chu Wanning gave him just now kicked it. When he raised his head this time, the person in front of him was no longer Shi Mei.

Chu Wanning had a dreary face, standing fiercely under the tree. He was furious, his eyes were like lightning, and he was staring angrily at Mo Ran.

His fierce and stern appearance was truly appalling.

And yet…

Mo Ran stared at him for a few seconds.

He found himself… shamelessly hard.

Chu Wanning has always been meticulous, and the cumbersome ascetic white robe was unusually messy, only relying on his slender and white hands to hold it tightly so it wouldn't slip off his shoulders. His lips were red and slightly swollen by the kiss, and there were scattered hickeys on the side of his neck. Although it was a vicious look, it made him even more exciting.

In his past life, those memories of Chu Wanning; those memories of madness, blood, hatred, wantonness, conquest, and pleasure, all reappeared.

Those memories that Mo Ran too lazy to think about, and didn't want to think about it, all filled the air with blood and the butterfly fragrance powder, instantly shocking him, difficult to hide.

Like a tidal wave, it rushed into his heart.

He couldn't face Chu Wanning like this.

Even if he hated him, really hated him, and couldn't wait to chop him into stuffing and wrap him in wonton dough and cook him, Mo Ran still had to admit.

In his previous life, several of his own most exciting love affairs, the most blood-curdling, scalp-tingling orgasms/climaxes, were obtained because of Chu Wanning.

It's one thing to hate him.

But for a man, especially a particularly shameless and beastly man like Mo Ran, the body's instinctive reaction was a whole different matter.

Chu Wanning took a sigh of relief. It seemed that he had been really angry, and the hand holding Tianwen was trembling.

"Are you awake?"

Mo Ran swallowed a mouthful of blood froth that welled up: "… Yes, Shizun."

Chu Wanning didn't seem satisfied with his beating yet, but he knew that there was a ghost in this illusion, and Mo Ran couldn't be blamed for this. He hesitated for a while, and finally took Tianwen away.

"What happened today…"

Before he finished speaking, Mo Ran rushed to say: "What happened today, the heavens know, you know and I know. I'll never speak of it! If I were to say it, let me be struck by thunder and lightning!"

Chu Wanning was silent for a while and sneered: "I have heard your promise more than a hundred times, and not once has it meant anything."

"It's definitely true this time!" The body may react to something stimulating, but wanting to fuck Chu Wanning was like eating stinky tofu. In Mo Ran's eyes, it wasn't even an option on the table.

The stinky tofu could be eaten in a corner where no one else was so no one would notice the smell. Wanting to sleep with Chu Wanning was the same thing.

Mo Ran had always hated Chu Wanning. How could he tell others that he really hated someone while secretly wanting to fuck them? What was this if not some illness?

There were also those rotten things Chu Wanning did in his previous life. He really didn't want to mention it again; give him a break.

"This illusion has a strong disorienting effect, and the people you meet in it will turn into what you most want to see in your mind."

Chu Wanning said while walking side by side with Mo Ran.

"You have to stay calm so that you won't be deceived by the illusion."


Huh? Wait, wait!

A sudden thought jolted in Mo Ran's mind.

If this were the case, then in his last life in the illusionary realm, when he saw Shi Mei, it wasn't necessarily Shi Mei? It's possible to say that it was also -

He glanced at Chu Waning, who was walking next to him, and couldn't help the chill down his spine.


If it was Chu Wanning he had kissed in his past life, he never would've avoided being beaten! A slap at the very least!

It definitely wasn't Chu Wanning! It definitely wasn't him!

Internally screaming, Chu Wanning suddenly stopped and pulled Mo Ran behind him: "Quiet."

"What's wrong?"

"There's movement ahead."

With how different the development of things was compared to his previous life, Mo Ran had no idea what would happen next. As soon as he heard Chu Wanning say this, he immediately asked, "Could it be Shi Mei?"

Chu Wanning frowned: "In this illusion, you must never imagine who the person you see is before you can actually see them. If you can't help but think about it, what you see in a while will become that person's appearance. Get rid of distracting thoughts. "

"…" Mo Ran worked hard for a while and found that he couldn't do it.

Chu Wanning glanced at him. At some point a dagger formed by spiritual energy condensed in his hand and stabbed down towards Mo Ran's arm.


"Don't scream." Chu Wanning had expected this, and his other hand directly touched Mo Ran's lips. His fingertips were condensed with golden light, and Mo Ran suddenly couldn't make any noise. "Does it hurt?"

"…" Bullshit! Stab yourself to see if it hurts!

Mo Ran nodded pitifully with tears in his eyes.

"It's fine if it hurts. Don't think about anything but the pain. Stay behind me. Let's go over and see."

Mo Ran internally cursed Chu Wanning the entire way, following him quietly along the winding path. Unexpectedly, the closer they got to that place, the more they could hear the countless human whispers, and it seemed extraordinarily weird in such an empty place.

After rounding a long stretch of high wall, the two finally came to the place where the sound was made——

It was a red and green building, with brilliant lights and swaying red veils. More than a hundred tables of banquets were set up in the bustling courtyard. There were all kinds of fish, meat and vegetables on the tables.

In the hall with the door spread wide open, a big and bright red character "Double Happiness" stood out; it looked like a lively wedding banquet was being held here.

"Shizun…" Mo Ran whispered. "Look at those people drinking the wedding wine … they all have no faces!"