Chapter 36: This Venerable One is About to Go Crazy

(T/N: Just a fun thing I saw, I put a few things through translators to help me figure out some words and one translator called Chu Wanning "the night of Chu Chu" and I thought that was adorable)

Chu Wanning, without thinking, reached out to hold him. In the warm spring water, with the two peoples' skin pressed up against each other, Mo Ran felt a jolt run down his spine, goosebumps covering his body.

Even though he also held the almost naked Chu Wanning in Red Lotus Pavillion, that time the situation was critical. He didn't have any time to think it over, so it didn't really leave a lasting impression.

However, now, he had one hand on Chu Wanning's chest, and the other was subconsciously supporting his shizun's waist. Their legs rubbed together underwater, the other's skin seeming more smooth and warm in the spring. Mo Ran snapped out of his trance.

He was on top of Chu Wanning.

They were just touching each other's waists. He didn't do anything, and yet…

His reaction was violent, the water surging around them.

"S-Shizun, I–"

He struggled to stand up straight, but his increasingly hot lower body hit the other in his hasty struggle.

Chu Waning's eyes immediately widened. Shock flashed across his handsome face. He haphazardly stepped back. At the same time, the water droplets hanging above his eyelashes dripped into his eyes. That stimulated Chu Wanning to quickly close his eyes. He wanted to rub it off, but he hadn't brought a dry towel.

Mo Ran was absolutely mortified. His face and ears were flushed red but he still tried to pretend like nothing was wrong, holding out his own towel to wipe the droplets off of Chu Wanning's face.

"Shizun, u-use mine."

When Chu Wanning opened his phoenix eyes, his eyes were puzzled and dismayed, and there was a vague hint of panic. But of that was fleeting, and he quickly tried to calm himself down, pretending like he didn't feel anything. He hoarsely said: "Pass me some incense."

"Oh… oh okay."

Mo Ran walked across the pool like a cooked crab and picked up the incense container resting on the bank.

"Shizun, what scent do you want?"


Mo Ran's head spun. He looked at the box blankly for a long time, and turned his head sincerely: "There is no random scent."

Chu Wanning: "…"

After a pause, he sighed: "Plum blossom and begonia."


Dizzy and lightheaded, an scatterbrained Mo Ran took out two incense tablets and handed them to Chu Wanning.

When their fingertips touched, there was another flurry of embarrassment.

Even if he wanted to, he still couldn't shake off those memories of the past.

If this had happened before, he would have been passionately entangled with him in the pool. He even had a vision of Chu Wanning kneeling in front of him, lying on the ground, bearing his own hot, fierce lustful love and desire. Shizun's starry eyes were half-closed and he couldn't help but tremble, being fucked to the edge of orgasm…

Mo Ran couldn't stand it any longer. That carnal male desire made his eyes glow red. He didn't dare look at Chu Wanning again. He felt that it would be safer to look at Shi Mei rather than look at Chu Wanning.

How… could this happen?

How could this be?

After quickly washing, while the other three were still soaking, Mo Ran casually said he was sleepy and he left first.

He went back to the room and locked the door behind him.

Mo Ran couldn't bear it any longer and relieved his desires. He didn't want to imagine Chu Wanning right now. He would rather fantasize about Shi Mei's beauty. This would make his troubled heart feel better.

But he had no control over his body nor his thoughts. All that flashed in front of his eyes was the intimacy between him and Chu Wanning. As if the floodgates had broken open tonight, those bone-chilling passions rushed back into his mind in a frenzy, accompanied by a shuddering feeling of overwhelming destruction.

He treated himself roughly, like he were tangled up with that man. When he was on the verge of collapse, he raised his head, gasping faintly and unwillingly.

A name subconsciously rolls off his tongue.


Saying that name, he stifled a grunt. He trembled slightly, and released it without reservation, his palm growing wet…

After releasing, Mo Ran rested his forehead against the cold wall. Confused in his eyes.

Shame, guilt, disgust, irritation.

He never expected that after he was reborn, he would have such a strong reaction to Chu Wanning.

He was disgusted with himself.

Although, in his previous life, he never got Shi Mei, and he took out his vigorous energy through hundreds of flowers. But that seemingly amorous promiscuity actually meant nothing to him.

When all was said and done, he was just a replacement, the same as everyone else.

Even Rong Jiu, and the slight feelings he brought, held some resemblance to Shi Mei with the shape of his eyebrows.

But his feelings for Chu Wanning were a completely different story. He can clearly realize that this was all in his head, not at all real. He was just able to feel that intense pleasure that he couldn't find in those lowly servants. It was purely physical, and…

He didn't want to think about it anymore.

He loved Shi Mei. That's how it was, that's how it will be and it will never change.

After repeating this to himself several times, Mo Ran slowly calmed down. He frowned and closed his eyes.

He felt anxious, annoyed, and, more than anything else, wronged.

He didn't want this.

When lust overcame him, he couldn't help but think about Chu Wanning. When he calmed down, he no longer wanted to think about anything related to Chu Wanning, not even a strand of hair or a single look.

He was almost paranoid about what he likes, what he deeply loves.

It was Shi Mei…

But, also in this confusion, was Master Chu.

After all, he intuitively and deeply felt Mo Ran's desire. The boy's body had developed very well, and he was shocked. When he was excited, it was hot and hard, like iron waiting to be fired.

Despite Chu Wanning's face quickly regaining composure, and how he never brought it up afterwards, the feeling made his skin feel numb and he couldn't believe it.

What made it even more difficult for him to speak was that he actually had a reaction this time.

Fortunately, he had delicate skin, and, even when he was in a hot spring, he was used to wearing a bathrobe. His whole body was well covered so that no one could see him, otherwise his pride may have never recovered.

But why exactly was Mo Ran…

At night, he was lying in bed, thinking silently, and he didn't dare to imagine - maybe Mo Ran also likes him.

The thought was just too crazy and too shameful.

He just casually thought, "Maybe Mo Ran also likes–"

The word "me" didn't have time to appear in his mind. Chu Wanning viciously cut that thought off. His phoenix eyes were bright and clear, but they also flickered and concealed.

He didn't even dare finish that sentence.

After all, he was harsh and loved to beat people, his words werepoisonous and his temper was terrible. He does not look like Shi Mei, who looks stunning, and he isn't that young. Even if Mo Ran liked men, he's not blind enough to realise he could like someone like himself.

He was just too proud.

But in his heart, because of the endless neglect and fear towards him, walking along such a barren and lonely path, he had become inferior to even a speck of dust.

Waking up the next day.

Mo Ran and Chu Wanning met in the inn's hallway. Both had thoughts flying through their heads and they glanced at each other, neither speaking first.

In the end, it was Mo Ran who spoke first. He pretended nothing was wrong and smiled at Chu Wanning: "Shizun."

Chu Wanning breathed a sigh of relief. He had been at a loss as to how he should respond. Seeing that Mo Ran chose to keep silent about what happened yesterday, he was more than happy to comply. He nodded his head lightly as usual.

"Since you're up, go get Shi Mei up too, and we'll get ready to go to Dawning Peak."

The top of Dawning Peak was covered with snow all year round. It was so cold that even the strongest cultivator could barely withstand it. Chu Wanning went to a tailor to buy cloaks and gloves for his disciples for them to wear once the cold set in.

The boss lady, who was smoking a hookah, grinned from ear to ear with her bright red lips, and solicited to Mo Ran: "This cultivator looks heroic and valiant. Look at this piece with the golden dragon and the black backdrop. The embroidery is the best. The eyes of the dragon alone took me more than three months to finish."

Mo Ran smiled sarcastically: "Sister's words are so sweet, but unfortunately I'm going up the mountain to ask for a sword, so I don't need something that serious."

The proprietress saw that this tactic didn't work and she shifted to Shi Mei: "Oh, this cultivator looks so beautiful. You look even more beautiful than the prettiest girl in Daicheng. Sir, if I may say so, this butterfly and peony red cloak suits you best. Would you like to try it?"

Shi Mei forced a smile: "Ma'am, that's what a daughter would wear, isn't it?"

Xue Meng didn't like going clothes shopping so he refused to come over, instead just standing in the same spot and waiting. Chu Wanning chose a black cloak with a purple trim for him, the wide sleeves surrounded by a trim of white rabbit fur around the edges.

The proprietress said: "Sir, this garment is a little small for you to wear. It would only fit a teenager."

Chu Wanning said casually: "I'm buying it for my disciple."

"Oh, oh oh." The proprietress realized. She immediately smiled, "What a good master."

That might have been the first time in his life he was called a "good master". Chu Wanning tensed up. While his face remained straight, his movements were stiff as he walked away.

In the end, Mo Ran picked a blue-gray cloak. Shi Mei's was moon white. Chu Wanning grabbed a plain white one with a black base and a purple trim. He checked out and went to meet with Xue Meng.

When Xue Meng saw his cloak, his eyes widened.

Chu Wanning didn't know why: "What's wrong?"

"I-It's nothing."

However, when Chu Wanning turned his head and walked away and Xue Meng thought he couldn't hear him, he looked at the trim of the cloak with disgust and whispered: "Purple? I don't like purple."

Unexpectedly, Chu Wanning's voice rang out coldly: "So talkative. If you don't wear it, you're going up naked."

Xue Meng: "…"

Taking their time walking the rest of the way, the four of them finally arrived at the foot of Dawning Peak before the sky grew dark.

Dawning Peak was full of spiritual energy. There were many spiritual beasts and exotic birds. Even a Daoist priest, no matter how strong, wouldn't dare go up the mountain rashly.

However, there was no need to worry with Chu Wanning. Chu Wanning summoned three begonia flowers out of the evening air which were able to exorcise spirits and demonic energy. They are worn between the waist seals of the three disciples and said: "Let's go."

Mo Ran looked up at the majestic peaks hidden in the night sky. The lofty peaks that lay dead silent like ancient giants held thousands of emotions that immediately rushed through his heart.

That year, on Dawning Peak, he told the heavens and the earth, the sun and the moon, the demons, ghosts and gods, that he, Mo Ran, was no longer satisfied with the current Ta Xianjun of the cultivation world, and he wanted to claim the title of emperor of the cultivation world for himself.

Also that year, on Dawning Peak, he took both a wife and a concubine.

He still remembered the face of that wife, Song Qiutong, a peerless beauty in the cultivation world. From a certain angle, her facial features look like Shi Mei's.

He was not a person who cared about etiquette and integrity so he didn't bother with the proper wedding traditions. At that time, he held Song Qiutong's delicate hand, her face covered with a red veil, and walked up the thousands of steps. They walked for over an hour.

Later, Song Qiutong had pain in her legs and feet and couldn't walk anymore.

Mo Ran has a bad temper and he lifted her veil to berate her.

But under the hazy moonlight, Song Qiutong's delicate eyes filled with grievance and patience looked like the dead man who had been reduced to bones in the underworld.

Loathsome words curdled on the edge of his mouth. He trembling a little and what finally spilled out was:

"Shi Mei, let me carry you."

Song Qiutong based this on seniority. If she and he were from the same sect, she would indeed be his junior sister, so she was only slightly taken aback by this title. Mo Ran also annihilated Rufeng Sect, so naturally what was left of Rufeng Sect would be absorbed into Life-Death Peak. It wasn't impossible for him to call her junior sister, so she smiled and said, "Okay."

In the last few thousand steps, Ta Xianjun, the lord of the cultivation realm and the ruler of darkness, just like that, step by step, steadily carried the beautiful bride in the red dress to the top of the mountain.

He lowered his head and looked at the mottled figures on the ground, oddly positioned and overlapping.

He smiled, his voice muted: "Shi Mei, From now on I am the ruler of the cultivation world. From now on, no one can hurt you again."

The woman behind him didn't know what to say. She hesitated and let out a soft "mmm".

Her voice was very soft. Perhaps, because it was so soft, it wasn't obvious the voice was coming from a woman and instead sounded somewhat indistinct.

Mo Ran's eyes reddened when no one could see. He said in a low voice: "I'm sorry, I've kept you waiting too long for this day."

Song Qiutong also thought Mo Ran liked for a long time, so she tenderly said: "Husband…"

This woman's voice was clear and crisp, like a drop of dew rolling down the petal of a delicate orchid. It was very pleasant to hear.

But Mo Ran jerked to a halt.

"What's wrong?"

"… Nothing."

They continued walking forward but Mo Ran's voice was no longer hoarse and the faint tremors in it had also vanished.

After a pause, he said, "Just call me A-Ran from now on."

Song Qiutong was quite surprised. She also wouldn't dare address Ta Xianjun like that and she hesitated: "Husband, I'm afraid… this…"

Mo Ran spoke suddenly and viciously: "If you don't listen, I'll throw you off the top of the mountain!"

"A-A Ran!" Song Qiutong quickly changed her words. "A-Ran, I was wrong."

Mo Ran stopped speaking.

He kept his head down, silent, and continued on his way.

Shadows on the ground are still shadows.

When you look at it later, you will find that it really is just a shadow.

An illusion; It's all fake.

What he has, in the end, is only an illusion.

It is ultimately all fake.

"Shi Mei."

"Mmm?" The person walking beside Mo Ran turned his head. A deep feeling stirred. The plants rustled, and the moonlight illuminated his stunning face: "A-Ran, what's wrong?"

"Are you… tired of walking?" Mo Ran glanced at Chu Wanning and Xue Meng who were walking in front and whispered, "If you're tired, I'll carry you."

Before Shi Mei responded, Chu Wanning turned back.

He glanced at Mo Ran coldly: "Is Shi Mingjing's leg broken? Do you need you to show off?"

Shi Mei hurriedly said: "Shizun, A-Ran was just joking. Don't be angry."

Chu Wanning furrowed his eyebrows. His eyebrows were sharp, and fire was faintly flowing in his gaze: "Ridiculous, what do I have to be angry about."

After he finished speaking, he flicked his sleeve and walked away.

Mo Ran: "…"

Shi Mei: "…"

"Master isn't happy…"

"It's not like you don't know the guy." Mo Ran whispered in Shi Mei's ear. "His heart is smaller than the tip of the needle and he is cold-blooded and ruthless, and he doesn't allow others to be friendly and brotherly."

After wrinkling his nose, he lowered his voice and concluded: "It's very annoying."

In front of them, Chu Wanning suddenly sternly said: "Mo Weiyu, if you say one more word, believe it or not, I'll throw you off the mountain!"

Mo Ran appeared to have the sense to shut up, but he secretly glanced Shi Mei with smiling eyes, silently mouthing out:

You see, I'm right, aren't I?