Chapter 45: This Venerable One Knew You Would Come

Xue Meng shouted angrily at the sky, "Bullsh * t Deity!

Are your dog eyes blind?

Are we trespassers?

We were captured, take a good look! "

Shi Mei said, "It's useless. This is his voice. He's not here.

I think the fake Gouchen confused the Heart-Picking Willow and made him think that we're trespassers with bad intentions. "

That voice continued,

"In this world, those who are worthy of a divine weapon should understand what benevolence is, what tenacity is, what not to fall into illusions, and what not to lose one's mind.

Since you're here, I'll test you.

If you pass the test, you'll be fine, and the divine weapon will be presented to you. However, if you're selfish and don't have a strong mind, you're not fit to be the master of the divine weapon! "

Chu Wanning's bloody lips opened and closed as he said coldly, "What benevolence … Using people as blood drops, is this your so-called benevolence?"


He knew that the Gouchen Shang Gong couldn't hear him, but he was still angry. Even if he breathed heavily with every word, causing his wound to hurt even more, he couldn't control his harsh mouth.

That voice continued to reverberate in the divine weapon warehouse, "To test your mind.

You'll fall into the dreamland of the Heart-Picking Willow.

If you don't wake up in time, your companions will bleed out and die here. "

The three of them heard that, and the color on their faces faded away.

Shi Mei muttered, "What …"

That meant that the three of them were about to fall into an illusion.


If they didn't wake up in time, the three of them would be immersed in the dream forever. Would they let Mo Ran bleed to death in the real world?


Xue Meng was speechless for a moment before he shouted angrily, "What kind of deity are you!?!

If immortal cultivation was like you, I wouldn't touch a sword in my life! "

Chu Wanning also said angrily, "That's ridiculous!"

"Master!" Shi Mei hurriedly comforted him, "Don't be angry. Be careful of your wounds."

Gouchen Shanggong, on the other hand, actually started reciting a poem at this moment. He slowly recited, "When the earth is flattened, it flows in all directions.

Life is also fated. How can one sigh and sit back to worry and drink wine to ease one's self-loathing? It is difficult to raise a cup to break the song.

If one's heart is not made of wood or stone, how can he not feel it? He swallowed his words and hesitated, not daring to speak. "

Xue Meng was about to faint from anger. "What are you blabbering on about?!"


Shi Mei said, "Bao Zhao's' Quasi Xing Lu Is Difficult 'means that everyone has their own destiny, how can one complain and feel remorse? Because of the wine, one's singing was interrupted.

The human heart is not a stubborn stone, how can it be completely devoid of emotions? Wanting to say something, yet stopping, wanting to say something. "

Gouchen Shanggong let out a long sigh and said, "In this vast world, how many people are willing to give up their lifelong dreams just to help others?

The world was filled with endless killing and wars.

If Shenwu falls into the wrong hands, it will be my fault. How can I forgive myself for the sin of creating this weapon … "

All of a sudden, the Divine Armory dimmed.

The fragments that were flying in the air also stopped moving.

A layer of faint light slowly lit up on the dome. It was as if the brilliance of the stars was gradually falling down and shining on the ground.


A voice murmured in the air, "Sleep …"

This soft and sparkling radiance seemed to have some kind of hypnotizing effect. Shi Mei and Xue Meng's cultivation base were not high, so they soon fell into unconsciousness.

"Sleep …"

Chu Wanning gritted his teeth and tried to resist. However, the power of an Incipient God was extremely vast. In the end, he couldn't get rid of the drowsiness and fell into a dream.

Divine Armory.

As the Blood Hourglass, Mo Ran was the only one who was awake. He coughed out blood foam. Through the weakened waterfall, he could vaguely see the three people who had fallen into a dream behind him.

Chu Wanning, Shi Mei, and Xue Meng were all asleep.


When Mo Ran heard the North Star's words, he knew that only one of them could wake up in time to break the spell and save him.

However, as time passed, he became more and more dizzy and his body gradually turned cold.

However, no one woke up from the dream.

It could be said that this was karma. In his previous life, he treated Chu Wanning like this. In this life, he also felt the feeling of his blood slowly draining away.

How laughable.

Among them, who would give up the best dream of their life, the thing they wanted the most to come and save him?

Xue Meng was definitely out of the question.

Chu Wanning … Forget it, let's not think about him.

If there was, that person should be Shi Mei.

He thought about it vaguely.


However, he had already lost too much blood. His consciousness was about to collapse.

Mo Ran lowered his head and looked at his feet. The blood that had leaked to the bottom of the Copper Hourglass was diluted by the water in the Hourglass Urn.


He suddenly wanted to know what kind of scene he would see if he were to fall into the North Star's illusory realm.

Would he dream of the crystal clear handkerchief, Shi Mei's gentle smile, Chu Wanning's praise, and the begonia in the wind when he first arrived at the peak of life and death?

"Mo Ran …"

Suddenly, he heard someone calling him.

Mo Ran still had his head lowered. He felt that he was about to lose his consciousness and was hallucinating.

"Mo Ran."

"Mo Ran!"

It was not a hallucination!

He suddenly raised his head.

However, the scene in front of him caused his pupils to shrink abruptly.

He almost screamed, "Shi Mei!!!"

It was Shi Mei!

The person who woke up, the person who gave up on happiness, the person who still remembered him in the midst of all the good things.

It was Shi Mei …

Mo Ran looked at the delicate young man who walked through the waterfall towards him. Suddenly, he choked up.


"Shi Mei … you …"

He did not know what to say.

Mo Ran closed his eyes and said in a hoarse voice.

"Thank you … for remembering me even in your sweet dreams …"

Shi Mei waded through the water. His clothes were soaked, and his eyes were dark. He looked as gentle as Mo Ran when they first met. He looked as gentle as he had seen him in his dreams in his previous life. He looked as gentle as he recalled when he was cold all over.


Shi Mei said, "Don't be silly. There's no need to thank me."

As he walked closer, Mo Ran realized that his feet were bleeding.

The ground had become hot. The Gouchen Upper Palace seemed to have decided to test how much a person could do for his companions. Therefore, after the temptation of the sweet dream, it was followed by intense torture.

Shi Mei's boots had been burned through. If he did not walk, the ground would remain the same. However, if he insisted on walking, every step he took would ignite a flame under his feet. The temperature was not high, so it would not burn him to the point where he could not move. However, it would make him feel extreme pain.

But this gentle person was clearly in so much pain, but after looking at him, her gaze became firmer and firmer, and she walked towards him step by step.

"Mo Ran, bear with it."

He said.

"I'll save you right away."

When Mo Ran met his eyes, he knew that he did not need to say 'don't come over'.

This person's eyes were too determined and too determined.

He had never seen such an expression on Shi Mei's face before.

If Mo Ran calmed down, he would definitely feel that something was amiss.


Shi Mei always called himself 'Mo Ran'. When did he ever call him 'Mo Ran'?

He only knew that Shi Mei was good to him. However, he did not realize that the person standing in front of him was not Shi Mei. Instead, it was — —

It was Chu Wanning.

The last skill of the ancient willow was called 'Heart Plucking'.

The so-called 'Heart Plucking' was the exchange of a person's soul.


When Chu Wanning broke free from the dream and woke up, he realized that he had exchanged hearts with Shi Mei.

Under the magic of the Heart Plucking Willow, his consciousness was transferred to Shi Mei's body. It was the same for Shi Mei.

However, Shi Mei did not wake up. Therefore, he did not know that he had changed bodies.

Chu Wanning did not have time to explain, and Mo Ran, who did not know the truth, really thought that the person in front of him was Shi Mei.

He felt that Shi Mei would definitely endure the pain and come over. It was just like how he could not forget Shi Mei's kindness even after experiencing death.

People were very stubborn.

But it was too cruel.

When Chu Wanning finally arrived in front of the copper hourglass and wanted to climb up the towering vine willow to save Mo Ran, the vine willow suddenly gave birth to many burning thorns.

Chu Wanning did not expect that. His hand was suddenly burned by the thorns. He tried to grab it, but Shi Mei's body was not strong enough. He suddenly slid down, and the flesh on his hand was instantly melted by the thorns.

"… …!"

Chu Wanning cursed inwardly and frowned in pain.

Shi Ming Jing, this broken shell!


Mo Ran shouted, "Shi Mei!"

Chu Wanning fell to his knees on the ground. His skin that came into contact with the ground was instantly burned by the high temperature. However, he knitted his eyebrows and bit his lips as usual. He did not shout.

This kind of expression would appear very stubborn and ruthless on his own face, but on Shi Mei's gentle face, it appeared somewhat delicate and pitiful.

People really could not be compared to others.

"Shi Mei … …"

Mo Ran opened his mouth, but tears flowed down.

His heart felt like it was being cut by a knife.

In his blurred vision, he saw that person's thin and frail body. Such a weak person, but little by little, he grabbed onto the vine willow and slowly climbed up.

The thorns pierced his hand, and the fire burned his bones and blood.


A bright red color dyed the ground. Everywhere he passed, there were mottled bloodstains.

Mo Ran closed his eyes. His voice was bloodshot. He said with a trembling voice, "Shi Mei … ….

Shi Mei … … "

That person was very close. Mo Ran saw a flash of pain in his eyes. He seemed to be in extreme pain. Even Mo Ran's voice was a kind of torture to him.

Therefore, although the person in front of him had a stubborn expression, his gaze could almost be called pleading.

"Don't call me again."

"… …"

"Mo Ran, wait a little longer. I'll … … save … … you … … now … …"


Almost at the instant his voice fell, a tenacious light appeared in his eyes. It was like an unsheathed sharp blade. On that gentle face, it was indescribably beautiful.

Chu Wanning's robes billowed as he leaped onto the copper hourglass.

His face was already like a sheet of gold. He was tottering and on the verge of collapse. Besides still breathing, he was no different from a dead person.

At that moment, Mo Ran felt that it would be better for him to bleed out and die than to let him suffer like this.

His throat was full of broken words, "I'm sorry."

Chu Wanning knew that this apology was not meant for him.

He wanted to explain, but he glanced at the silver-blue Gouchen Shanggong sword. It was pierced between Mo Ran's ribs. The spiritual energy of the vine vein might have come from this sword.

He was worried that Mo Ran would be shocked and hurt even more. Therefore, in front of "Shi Mei", he asked,

"Mo Ran, do you trust me?"

"I trust you." Without hesitation.

Chu Wanning raised his eyelids and looked at him. He held the sword hilt. This sword was close to the heart. If something went wrong, Mo Ran would lose his life.

"… …" Chu Wanning's hand was trembling. He held the sword but did not move.

Mo Ran's eyes were still red, but he suddenly smiled, "Shi Mei."

"… … Yes."

Mo Ran said, "… … Am I going to die?"

"… … No."

"If I'm going to die, can … can you let me hug you?"


When he said this, he was very careful. His eyes were shining with moist light.

Chu Wanning's heart softened.

However, when he thought about how Mo Ran was looking at another person, this softness immediately froze.

He suddenly felt like he was an insignificant clown on the stage. He was hidden behind the beautiful young man in green. No one noticed him.

In this touching song, he was superfluous.

Or perhaps its only use was to wear that ugly face and grin drawn with ink to set off other people's happiness, anger, sorrow, love, hate, and sorrow.

How ridiculous.

Mo Ran did not know this. He saw the flicker in Chu Wanning's eyes and thought that Shi Mei was unwilling. He immediately said, "Just a hug.

Just a hug. "

An almost undetectable sigh.

"Actually, I … …"

Mo Ran, "What?"

"… … Forget it." Chu Wanning said, "It's nothing."

He leaned over. He was not very close, afraid that he would touch the sword. Then he reached out and gently held Mo Ran's shoulder.

He heard Mo Ran say in his ear, "Shi Mei, thank you for waking up. Thank you for remembering me in your good dreams."

Chu Wanning lowered his eyes. His eyelashes fluttered like butterflies. Then he smiled faintly, "You're welcome."

After a pause, he said, "Mo Ran."



Chu Wanning still felt like he was in a dream. He hugged him, stroked his hair, and sighed softly, "Do you know that if a dream is too good, it is often not real?"

After he finished speaking, his hug was like a dragonfly skimming the surface of the water. He left in an instant.

Mo Ran looked up. He did not understand Shi Mei's meaning. He only knew that this small hug was the candy that Shi Mei gave him out of kindness.

It was sweet and sour. When it rubbed against his tongue, there was a hint of bitterness.

The moment the sword was pulled out, blood splattered like begonias that were blown away by a strong wind.

Mo Ran felt a sharp pain in his heart. For a moment, he thought that he was going to die. His heart was filled with unwillingness. He suddenly blurted out, "Shi Mei, I've always liked you very much.

What about you … … "

As the sword fell to the ground, the vines and willows scattered in an instant. The torrential waterfall from the sky stopped abruptly. The Divine Armory suddenly returned to silence.

I've always liked you very much.

What about you … …

His body had reached its limit. Mo Ran felt his vision suddenly turn black.

The moment he fell, he was caught by a pair of hands stained with blood. He fell into Shi Mei's arms.

Mo Ran did not know if it was an illusion, but he saw Shi Mei frown. He slowly closed his eyes. There seemed to be tears falling from his eyes.

He seemed to hear Shi Mei say softly, "Me too."

Mo Ran, "!"

It must be an illusion. Otherwise, why would Shi Mei still promise him when he looked so sad?


"I also … … like you."

His consciousness finally dissipated. Mo Ran fell into a coma.