Chapter 53: This Venerable One's Cousin Is Certainly Not Very Smart

"Of course, all nicknames have to be given. Who will the heavens spare?"

Xue Meng seemed to be in high spirits as he enthusiastically introduced Chu Wanning, "You don't look very old, probably not more than five years old, right?

You've just arrived at the Peak of Life and Death, so you're not familiar with everyone. Once you're familiar with them, you'll know that most of the twenty elders here have nicknames among the disciples. "


"Oh." Chu Wanning looked at him meaningfully, "For example?"

"That's a lot to say.

But it's getting late, and I'm a bit hungry.

Thank you for your advice today, I'll bring you down the mountain for supper. We'll talk while we eat. "

Chu Wanning lowered his head and thought for a while, then smiled, "En, sure."

Xue Meng put away Dragon's Den and held Chu Wanning's hand. The ignorant disciple and the shrunken master walked along the long bamboo stone steps towards the mountain gate.

"Little brother, what's your name?" Xue Meng asked as they walked.

Chu Wanning calmly replied, "My surname is Xia."

"Xia what?"

"Xia Si Ni."

Xue Meng didn't seem to understand the meaning behind it, and even asked happily, "Not bad, it sounds pretty good.

Which two words are they? "

Chu Wanning glanced at him as if he was looking at an idiot, "… Si as in Situ, Ni as in rebellious disciple.

Xia Si Ni. "

"Oh, oh." Xue Meng smiled and asked again, "Then how old are you this year?


I guessed correctly before, right? You're not more than five years old, right? "


"…" Chu Wanning's face darkened. Luckily, Xue Meng was looking at the road and didn't look at his expression, otherwise he would have been frightened, "No, Young Master guessed wrong.

… I'm six years old this year. "

Xue Meng said, "Then you're really talented, although you're still a bit lacking compared to me when I was young.

However, with a little bit of training, he would definitely be an outstanding junior.

How about this? You don't have to study under Xuanji. Call me Senior Brother, and I'll ask my Master to accept you as his disciple. What do you think? "

Chu Wanning tried his best not to roll his eyes. "What do you want me to call you?"

"Senior Brother," Xue Meng bent down with a smile and flicked Chu Wanning's forehead. "Not everyone has this opportunity."


Chu Wanning had a complicated expression on his face. "…"

"What's wrong? Too happy to speak?"

Chu Wanning: "…"

The two of them were talking and laughing as they walked. At least, Xue Meng thought that they were "talking and laughing" as they walked.

Suddenly, a voice came from behind, ending this conversation that might have taken Xue Meng's life if it continued.


Mengmeng, why are you here? "

In the entire Pinnacle of Life and Death, who else would call Xue Meng Mengmeng Meng Meng Meng?

Xue Meng didn't even turn her head, but her mouth was already cursing.



"Mo Ran, you dog, if you call me that again, I'll pull out your tongue."

When he turned around, Mo Ran was indeed standing under the bright moon, his clothes fluttering in the wind. He grinned at the two of them.

He originally wanted to tease Xue Meng a bit more, but he suddenly noticed that there was a delicate and pretty child standing beside Xue Meng. He couldn't help but be stunned. "This is …"

Xue Meng pulled Chu Wanning behind him and glared at Mo Ran. "Why do you care?"

"Don't, don't, don't hide him."

Mo Ran grabbed Xue Meng's hand and pulled Chu Wanning out. He squatted down and carefully examined him. Suddenly, he muttered, "This child looks very familiar."

Chu Wanning became vigilant. "… …"

"I feel like I've seen him somewhere before."

Chu Wanning knew that this was bad. If his identity was exposed, how could he face others in the future?

Thinking of this, he subconsciously took a step back and turned around to escape.

"Don't go!"

Mo Ran pulled him back with an evil smile. He extended a finger and stroked Chu Wanning's nose. He slowly said, "Come, little brother, tell big brother what your name is."

Her nose, which had been touched by him, felt greasy. Chu Wanning was both embarrassed and guilty, so she stepped back.

Mo Ran thought that he was scared, so he laughed and said, "Why are you hiding? Be good, tell big brother, is your surname Xue?"

Xue Meng: "???"

Mo Ran pointed at Xue Meng and asked Chu Wanning with a smile, "This person, is he your father?

You have to tell me the truth. That way, big brother will dote on you and buy candy for you. "


"Are you crazy, Mo Weiyu!!"

Xue Meng instantly exploded. Her face flushed red, and she shouted with her hair standing on end, "You, you, you, what exactly are you thinking?

You, you're dirty!

You, you're dirty!

You, you, you're shameless! "

Chu Wanning was also speechless, but he felt a little relieved. "… … My surname is Xia. I'm Xuanji's disciple, Xia Si Ni."

"Scare you to death?"

Mo Ran's eyes curved into crescents. He was not stupid and immediately understood the meaning of the name. "Haha, interesting."


"You're crazy!"

Xue Meng pushed Mo Ran away fiercely and said angrily, "He's my new friend. He has nothing to do with you.

We're going to have supper. Get out of my way. "

"Oh." Mo Ran stepped aside.

But soon, he put his hands behind his head and followed them with a smile on his face.

Xue Meng growled at him, "What are you doing?"

"I'm going down the mountain for supper too," Mo Ran said innocently. "Am I not allowed to?"

Xue Meng: "…"


Wuchang Town.

Since the Peak of Life and Death was established, this town, which used to be haunted by ghosts, gradually returned to its former peace. Now, it was even a little lively.

At this time, the night market was open. Xue Meng and the others walked among the stalls and found a shop that sold antique soup. They sat in front of a short wooden table in the open air.


"Antique soup" used a copper cauldron as cooking utensils and was placed on a burning charcoal basin.

When eating, the fire was not extinguished and the soup in the cauldron was boiled. The soup was usually spicy and spicy. Fresh ingredients were placed all over the table. Whatever one wanted to eat, one could throw it in.

Because the food would make a "gulp" sound when it was dropped into the boiling water, it was called antique soup.

This was a famous dish in Sichuan, but Chu Wanning only ate clear soup without spicy food. He didn't eat spicy food because he choked when he ate it.

Xue Meng was born in Sichuan, and Mo Ran grew up in the Xiangtan area. Both of them were accustomed to spicy food. Naturally, they thought that "Xia Si Ni" could eat spicy food.

When they sat down to order, Xue Meng ordered a few dishes with familiarity and said, "Put more pepper in the soup, and don't use enough chili oil."

Chu Wanning suddenly pulled his sleeve and said faintly, "I want the Mandarin Duck Pot."

"What?" Xue Meng thought he heard wrong.

Chu Wanning said with a black face, "I want the Mandarin Duck Pot, half spicy and half not spicy."

Xue Meng: "… You're not from Sichuan?"



Xue Meng nodded and showed a look of understanding, but he was also a little surprised. He looked at Chu Wanning and said, "You're so young, but you're so far away from your hometown. It's really … Alas, forget it." He sighed and turned to the waiter, "Well, the Mandarin Duck Pot it is."

Chu Wanning didn't know why he heard a trace of unwillingness in Xue Meng's tone.



Then he found that this was not his illusion. Xue Meng was really a little unwilling. When he was waiting for the dishes, he said, "Shidi, since you're in Sichuan, you have to learn to eat spicy food.

If you don't eat spicy food, you can't be close to others, do you know?

You can not speak Sichuan dialect, but you can't not eat spicy food.

By the way, where are you from? "

Chu Wanning said, "Lin 'an."


Xue Meng thought for a while and felt that he was not familiar with the Jiangnan water town, so he bit his chopsticks and asked, "Then in your hometown, do you eat rabbit heads?"

Before Chu Wanning could answer, Mo Ran said with a smile, "Of course not."

Xue Meng stared at him, and Chu Wanning also looked at him.

Mo Ran put one foot on the bench, put his elbow on his knee, and fluently turned the chopsticks in his hand. Seeing this, he tilted his head and smiled, "What's wrong?

Looking at me like that, you don't want to eat. "

Xue Meng turned his head and asked Chu Wanning, "Are you sure you don't want to eat?"


Xue Meng stared at Mo Ran again. "How do you know?

Have you been to Lin 'an? "

"No, I haven't."

Mo Ran made a face. "But Brother Xia and our Shizun are from the same hometown. Don't you know that Shizun doesn't eat rabbit heads?


When he takes cold dishes in the Meng Po Lobby, he either uses shallots mixed with tofu or osmanthus and sugar-lotus root. If you don't believe me, you can pay attention next time. "

Chu Wanning, "… …"

"Ah, I haven't paid attention. Ever since I saw Shizun's breakfast last time, I don't dare to look at his plate. It's really scary."

Xue Meng rubbed his chin and slowly revealed a disgusted expression. "Shizun's taste is really hard to describe.

Did you know?

He actually eats salted tofu pudding. "

Chu Wanning, "… …"

As he spoke, Xue Meng turned his head and looked at him. He said earnestly, "Little Shidi, you must not learn from Elder Yu Heng. In the future, no one will be willing to eat with you.

Remember, you must eat both rabbit heads and chili. When you eat tofu pudding in the morning, you must not pour sauce into it. "

"And seaweed and dried shrimps," Mo Ran added.

"Yes, seaweed and dried shrimps too." Xue Meng and Mo Ran shared a common enemy. It was rare that Xue Meng and Mo Ran shared a common enemy. "I can't stand it."

Chu Wanning looked at the two idiots and said expressionlessly, "Oh."


The dishes were quickly served. The frozen bamboo shoots were fresh and crispy, the green vegetables were green, the tofu was sparkling, the fish was tender, and the lamb slices were rolled up into thin rolls. They were neatly arranged on white porcelain plates. The crispy meat was golden brown and crispy, sprinkled with cumin and pepper. A pot of freshly ground soy milk was placed next to the table, causing the small table to creak under the pressure.

Friendship was a matter of eating one meal at a time, not to mention the hot antique soup. After two or three rounds of lamb slices and one or two cups of soy milk, even the cold feelings between Xue Meng and Mo Ran couldn't help but temporarily warm up in the dense steam.

Xue Meng's chopsticks rummaged in the spicy oil soup. "Hey, hey, where's the brain I threw in?"

"Isn't your brain resting on your neck?" Mo Ran laughed.

"I'm talking about pig's brain!"


Mo Ran bit his chopsticks and laughed evilly. "Yes, I'm talking about pig's brain too."

"Son of a dog, how dare you scold me — —"


Your brain floated up!

Eat, eat! "

Xue Meng was excited and fell into his trap. He shouted, "Take your dog's paw away!

Don't fight with me, this is my brain! "

Chu Wanning sat on a small stool, holding a porcelain pot of sweet soy milk. He drank happily while leisurely looking at the two childish people beside him.

He was not in a hurry. In any case, half of the clear soup pot was his.

After drinking the soy milk, the child licked his lips as if he had not had enough. Mo Ran saw this and asked him with a smile, "Little Shidi likes this?"

Chu Wanning digested the title of "Little Shidi" and silently calculated the possibility of getting rid of this title. He found that it was almost impossible, so he could only say dryly.

"En, it's not bad."

Mo Ran then turned his head and said, "Waiter, this soy milk, give my shidi another pot."

Chu Wanning then drank the second pot with satisfaction.


He was born with a sweet tooth, but because he ate too many pastries before, he developed tooth decay. Elder Tanlang had to spend a lot of effort to fix it for him.

After that, Chu Wanning did not eat much because of his face.

Now that he had turned into a child, it was convenient for him to eat desserts.


Mo Ran watched him eat and said, "Your taste is very similar to Shizun's."

Chu Wanning choked, but his face was still very calm. He said without batting an eyelid, "… Shidi is talking about Elder Yu Heng?"


Mo Ran nodded with a smile and pushed a steamer to Chu Wanning. "Come and try this.

I think you will like it too. "

Chu Wanning picked up the leaf in the steamer and took a small bite. The soft white skin revealed a hole, and the steaming hot bean paste filling was soft and sweet.

"Is it good?"

Chu Wanning took another bite and nodded. "En."

Mo Ran smiled and said, "Then eat more."

The three of them chatted while eating. Chu Wanning suddenly remembered the previous topic. He pretended not to care. After eating the fourth leaf, he asked Xue Meng, "Young Master, you told me before on the mountain that every elder has a nickname. Since my shizun, Elder Xuanji, is called the King of Junk, then what is Elder Yu Heng's nickname?"