Chapter 58: This Venerable One Feels A Little Hazy

Mo Ran's alcohol tolerance was actually not bad.

However, on this New Year's Eve, he was clearly anxious, but in order to pretend that nothing was wrong, he drank five jars of Pear Blossom White with a smile.

In the end, he finally became a little dizzy.

Shi Mei hurriedly carried him back. When he fell on the bed, Mo Ran's throat moved, wanting to call Shi Mei's name.

However, habits were very scary.

In the past so many years, the people by his side were not the white moonlight in his heart, but the mosquito blood that he was tired of seeing.

As soon as he said it, he still called the person he thought he hated.

"Chu Wanning …"

It was muffled.

"Wanning … I …"

Shi Mei was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Chu Wanning, who was standing by the door.

Chu Wanning had just carried Xue Meng back to the bedroom. At this time, he came in with a bowl of hangover soup, and just happened to hear Mo Ran's murmur.


After he was stunned, he immediately believed that he had misheard.

After all, Mo Ran called him Shizun. It was fine to call him Chu Wanning, but as for Wanning …

He couldn't help but think of that time at the Red Lotus Pavilion, when the two of them slept in each other's arms, Mo Ran clearly called out Wanning's name in his sleep, and then covered his lips with a light kiss like a dragonfly skimming the water.

Could it be that Mo Ran still had a little left in his heart …

This thought was extinguished by him before he could think deeper.

Chu Wanning had always been decisive and straightforward, but when it came to feelings, he thought, he was a wishy-washy coward.



Shi Mei's pair of beautiful and gentle eyes were somewhat suspicious, looking at him hesitantly. "You …"


"… Actually, it's nothing.

Since Shizun is here to take care of Mo Ran, then I, I will leave first. "

Chu Wanning said, "Wait a moment."

"Shizun has other instructions?"

Chu Wanning said, "You are going to the Peach Blossom Spring tomorrow?"

"… Yeah."

Chu Wanning was expressionless. After a while, he said, "Go and rest.

We need to take care of each other, and — "

He paused for a moment before saying, "Remember to come back early."

Shi Mei left.

Chu Wanning walked to the bedside and helped Mo Ran up expressionlessly. He fed him spoonful after spoonful of hangover soup.

Mo Ran didn't like the sour taste of the wine, so it didn't take long for him to spit it all out.


After spitting it out, he sobered up a little. He opened his eyes and looked at Chu Wanning in a half-sober, half-drunk state. He mumbled, "Shizun?"



I'm here. "

"Pfft." For some reason, he laughed again. His dimples deepened, and then he said, "Brother Immortal."

Chu Wanning: "…"

After that, he fell asleep again.

Chu Wanning was worried that he would catch a cold, so he stayed by his side and tucked him in from time to time.

Outside the bedroom, many disciples were still awake. In the world of mortal cultivators, people had the habit of staying up late. Most of them were still in their rooms, telling jokes, playing Pai Gow, or casting spells.


When the water in front of Dan Xin Palace ran out, it meant that the turn of the year had come. The disciples went out of their rooms and started to set off fireworks. The night sky was suddenly filled with silver flowers and firecrackers.

Mo Ran was still in a daze when he was woken up by the deafening noise outside.

He opened his eyes and held his throbbing forehead. He saw Chu Wanning sitting by his bed. There was not much expression on his calm and handsome face. Seeing that he was awake, he just said lightly, "Did I wake you up?"

"Shizun …"

After he woke up, he couldn't help but tremble.

Why was Chu Wanning by his side?

Where was Shi Mei?

Did he say something wrong in his sleep?

Mo Ran was uneasy. He stole a glance at Chu Wanning's expression. Fortunately, Chu Wanning looked as if nothing had happened, which made him feel a little relieved.

Firecrackers sounded outside. The two looked at each other awkwardly for a while.


Chu Wanning asked, "Are you going to watch the fireworks?"


Mo Ran asked, "Where is Shi Mei?"

The two sentences were said almost at the same time.

It was too late to regret it.

Mo Ran was a little surprised. He opened his eyes slightly and stared at his face for a long time as if he had never seen him before.

After a moment of silence, Chu Wanning got up as if he didn't care. When he pushed the door open, he turned half of his face and said, "We have to stay up late. He should still be awake. You can go and find him."

Sure enough, with his bad temper, even if he put all his courage on the line and stayed with him to watch the fireworks, he would only get rejected.

If he had known, he wouldn't have asked. How embarrassing.

Returning to the Red Lotus Waterside Pavilion, Chu Wanning sat alone under the perennially blooming begonia tree. Alone, he wore a cold cloak and looked at the bright fireworks in the sky.


In the distance, the warm lights of his disciple's residence could be seen. Cheerful laughter could be heard, but it didn't have much to do with him.

He should be used to it.

But for some reason, his heart felt stifled.

Perhaps it was because after seeing the excitement of others, it was especially uncomfortable to return to its own cold.

He looked at the fireworks in silence, one after another. People were greeting each other with happy New Year's Eve, three or five times.

Chu Wanning leaned against the tree and closed his eyes tiredly.

After an unknown period of time, he suddenly sensed that someone had broken into the barrier.

His heart trembled slightly, but he didn't dare to open his eyes until he heard the sound of slightly panting breaths. He also heard the familiar sound of footsteps, which stopped not far away.

There was a trace of hesitation in the young man's voice.



Chu Wanning: "…"

"I'm leaving tomorrow."


"It will be a long time before he comes back."


"I don't think there's anything to do tonight, and I have to wake up early tomorrow. Shi Mei should already be asleep, so he won't stay up until the new year."

The sound of footsteps rang out again. This time, it was even closer. It stopped a few feet away from him.


Mo Ran said: "So if you're still willing, I …" He opened his mouth, but the rest of his sentence was covered by a huge cluster of lively fireworks.

Chu Wanning opened his eyes and looked up, just in time to see the brilliant stars in the night sky, the silver frost flowers scattered little by little, the young and good-looking boy standing in front of him, seven parts pity and three parts shame.


Chu Wanning had always been arrogant, and he had always disdained the companionship of others because of sympathy.

But at this time, when he looked at him, he suddenly felt that he couldn't say anything to refuse.

It was probably because he was also bewitched by the wine.

At this time, Chu Wanning felt his chest ache, but also warm.

"Since you're here, sit down." In the end, he said lightly: "I'll watch with you."

He looked up at the sky, his expression seemed indifferent, but the fingers in his sleeves were secretly curled up because of nervousness.


He didn't dare to look at the person next to him, and only looked at the fireworks in the sky. The night was long, and the petals fell in profusion.

Chu Wanning asked softly: "These days, how have you been?"


Mo Ran said: "I got to know a very cute little junior brother, and I told Master about it in the letter before.

How's Master's injury? "

"It's fine.

Don't blame yourself. "

A firework burst with a bang, scattering into colorful splendor.

That night, fireworks and silver flowers were everywhere, and the sound of firecrackers could be heard, and the snow was filled with a thin layer of smoke.


They sat under the flower tree to wait for the new year. Chu Wanning didn't like to talk, so Mo Ran found a topic to chat with him. Towards the end, he was a little tired, and unknowingly fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Mo Ran woke up and found that he was still under the flower tree, his head resting on Chu Wanning's knee, and his body was covered with a soft and thick fire fox fur cloak. The cloak's fur was smooth, and the craftsmanship was exquisite. It was Chu Wanning's clothes to keep out the cold.

Mo Ran was slightly startled, and looked up to see Chu Wanning sleeping soundly against the tree trunk. His eyelashes were drooping, and his long and soft eyelashes trembled slightly with his breathing, like a butterfly in the wind.

They actually sat under the tree and slept like this yesterday?

It shouldn't be.

According to Chu Wanning's obsessive-compulsive temperament, no matter how tired he was, he would still go back to the house to sleep.

Why would he be willing to sleep under the tree, and the fox fur cloak on him …

Was he the one who put it on him?


Mo Ran sat up. His black hair was a little messy, and his eyes were open. With Chu Wanning's cloak draped over him, he was somewhat at a loss for what to do.

Yesterday, he wasn't too drunk. Although there were some things that he couldn't remember clearly, he could still roughly recall.

As for why he took the initiative to run to the Red Lotus Pavilion to accompany Chu Wanning to wait for the new year, it was a decision he made when he was sober.

He clearly used to hate this person, but when he heard him ask, "Are you going to see the fireworks?", when he saw him turn around and leave alone with his head down.

He actually felt sad …

He thought that since they wouldn't see each other for a long time, and the enmity in this life wasn't that deep. Chu Wanning was so lonely, it didn't matter if he occasionally stayed with him until dawn.

So he openly came looking for him.

Now that he looked back, he felt that he really was …

Before he could finish his thoughts, Chu Wanning also woke up.

Mo Ran mumbled, "Shizun."

"… Yeah."

The man who had just woken up frowned slightly and rubbed his forehead. "You … haven't left yet?"

"I, I just woke up."

Mo Ran realized that his eloquent tongue would often stutter and get tongue-tied whenever he saw Chu Wanning's indifferent face.

After a moment of silence, Mo Ran suddenly remembered that Chu Wanning's cloak was still on him. He hurriedly took it off and hurriedly wrapped it around Chu Wanning's shoulders.


When he was putting the cloak on him, Mo Ran noticed that although Chu Wanning was wearing three layers of clothes, without a coat to protect himself from the cold, he looked a little thin in the snow.

This thought made him even more anxious. While he was fiddling with the tassels, he clumsily tied his fingers together.


Mo Ran: "…"

Chu Wanning glanced at him and reached out to undo it. He said indifferently, "I'll do it myself."

"… Okay."

Then he hesitantly added another sentence.


"It's nothing."

Mo Ran stood up and hesitated for a moment. "Shizun, I'm going to pack my things and eat breakfast. After that, I'll leave."


"… Are you going to eat together?"

After saying that, he wanted to bite his tongue and commit suicide.

What the hell!

Why did he invite Chu Wanning to go with him?

Maybe it was because he saw the regret on Mo Ran's face after he asked that question. Chu Wanning paused for a moment and said, "No need.

You can go by yourself. "

Mo Ran was afraid that if he stayed a little longer, he would say something even more shocking. So he said, "Then I'll go first …"

Chu Wanning: "Okay."

After Mo Ran left, Chu Wanning expressionlessly sat under the tree for a while. Then he held onto the tree trunk and slowly stood up, but he didn't move.


His leg had been used as a pillow by Mo Ran for an entire night. He couldn't feel anything and couldn't walk at all.

After standing under the tree for a long time and waiting for his blood circulation to recover, Chu Wanning dragged his leg and limped back into the house.

Sure enough, after sitting in the cold for an entire night, even if there was no snow on the ground under the cover of the crabapple tree, he still caught a cold.


He sneezed and the corners of his eyes immediately turned red.

When he took a handkerchief to cover his nose, Chu Wanning thought to himself, I'm going to die … I think … I caught a cold …

Elder Yu Heng.

Sitting on three divine weapons, the number one grandmaster in the cultivation world that all sects fought over.

When Heaven's Inquisition appeared, the four seas were shocked and the white robe appeared.

Such a powerful figure, it could be said that he was the strongest martial artist of this generation.

Unfortunately, no matter how powerful a person was, he had a weakness. Chu Wanning's weakness was that he was afraid of the cold.

Once he was cold, he would easily have a headache and a fever. So, on the day that Mo Ran and Shi Mei left the Peak of Life and Death, not only did Grandmaster Chu's medicine disappear and become weak again, he also began to sneeze and have a runny nose.

So on this afternoon, when the feathermen came to pick people up, they received the healthy Xue Meng, Mo Ran, Shi Mei and a pitiful little martial brother "Xia Si Ni" who didn't live in Achoo.