Chapter 68: This Venerable One Can't Bear It

The young Chu Lan has died.

But the Virtual Realm is not over yet.

Dawn is still far away, and the nightmarish night is still not over.

The citizens who were lucky enough to survive return to their residences, preparing to depart for Mount Putuo after daybreak.


It's hard to believe that someone can still persevere and carry on with the previous matter after such pain.

In fact, Chu Xun seems to be walking with only his body left, and his soul is no longer there.

Mo Ran walks around the city and hears many people worried. After all, Chu Xun suffered such torture. Not to mention whether he will resent, even if he is still willing to lead everyone out of the encirclement, with this kind of mind, he is afraid that it will be disastrous.

However, not everyone only has themselves in their eyes. Although there are not many who sincerely feel sorry for Chu Xun, at least there are some.

Everyone is waiting for daybreak in this kind of anxiety.

However, what comes earlier than the sun is that familiar cold voice. It explodes in the heavy night, reverberating above the barrier.


This time, the Ghost King is not talking to Chu Xun, but to the people in the city.

"The sky will be bright soon. I know that you want to take advantage of the day to leave the city.

However, have you really thought it through?

Mount Putuo is very far away from here, it is impossible to reach within a day.

When it is dark, you will have to rely on Chu Xun's power to protect you.

But can Chu Xun really protect you? "

"Mother –"

A child hears this terrible voice and cries in fright, curling up in his mother's arms.


Everyone looks up at the sky.

Chu Xun stands in front of the residence, but as if he didn't hear, he leans against the begonia tree with his eyes closed.

"His wife and child died because of you, do you think he will sincerely protect you?


I am afraid he has other plans, to make you live a life worse than death, so that he can avenge his wife and child.

This is human nature … I have also lived, I was also once a human.

Although there are benevolent people in the world, it is only for the sake of a good reputation. Human nature is evil, the so-called good people all have their own motives.

If they are forced to a dead end, why should they care about the life and death of others? "

The Ghost King's eerie voice continues to echo.

"I have said before, I originally did not want to take the lives of your entire city.

One must know that even if you are alive, you can still serve the Ghost Clan.

If you don't believe me, take a look at him. "

As his voice fell, a black cloud rolled and surged outside the Bounded Domain. It was Young Man standing on the top.

Beside him stood a man in his forties or fifties. He looked kind and honest.

Someone exclaimed, "It's Young Man's father!"

"It's Young Man's father!

Isn't his father dead? "

"The corpse was dismembered. Everyone saw it. How could this be?!"


The Ghost King said, "I am one of the Nine Kings of the Ghost Race. Although I can't control life and death like the Yama Emperor, I can still restore the appearance of the dead.


Serve me, and you will be able to accompany your loved ones who have passed away.

As for those who disobey me, they will end up like your Young Master Chu. Seeing his wife kill his child with his own eyes, he will be heartbroken, but he will be powerless to reverse the situation. "

There was dead silence inside the barrier.

"Do you really want to believe him?

Do you believe that he won't harm you and avenge your wives and children? "

"Do you really believe that he can help you escape to Putuo?"

Someone looked at Chu Xun. His eyes began to flicker with a gloomy light.

Chu Xun finally raised his head. He stood alone under the tree and looked at them quietly.

He really didn't know what to say. After a long time, he said, "Things have already come to this. What's the use of me harming you?"

"Hahahahaha — —" The Ghost King's hair-raising roar echoed in the air above the barrier, "Great, great. He won't harm you.

If you believe him, then let him do as he pleases.

But if you believe me — — "

His voice became louder and louder. It almost tore people's eardrums and pierced their hearts.

"If you believe me, you will immediately be rewarded.

I can let your dead loved ones return to your side. As long as you hand over Chu Xun, as long as you hand him over — — hand him over to me!

I have a deep grudge with him. It has nothing to do with you. Hand over Chu Xun, and you don't have to leave your home. Hand over Chu Xun, and you can reunite with your family. Call him out, and everything will be over. "


The Ghost King said faintly.

"Before dawn, I will wait at the City God Pavilion."

His voice disappeared.

The dead silence in the crowd slowly turned into a strange noise. Everyone looked in Chu Xun's direction.

Chu Xun also looked at them. His expression was calm. It could even be said that he was at peace.


Someone began to helplessly murmur, "What to do … …"

"What to do, husband, I'm so scared … …"

"Mother, I'm scared. I don't want to be eaten!"

There were even people who lowered their voice and said, "The Ghost King is right … … The so-called good people all have their own motives. We have seen many disgusting officials like this before. Although Young Master Chu hasn't done anything right now, but look at his appearance. His spirit has left his body. Who knows what kind of crazy things he will do in the future!"

Someone heard his words and didn't refute. Instead, they whispered in agreement, "You're right. When the time comes, he will take revenge and harm all of us!

Betraying at the last minute, this kind of thing has happened before in the past … … "

Suddenly, a man rushed out and shouted, "Catch him!

Catch him and we can live! "

No one made a sound. After a long time, a young woman stood out and blocked him. Her voice was soft but firm, "How can a man repay kindness with enmity?"

"Get lost!"

That man kicked the girl to the ground and spat on her face, "You're a smelly whore who sleeps with men. You don't have anything to worry about. What right do you have to speak?

I have old and young at home. I can't let my family be wronged!


Young Master Chu, I'm sorry! "

After saying that, she went to catch Chu Xun.

Unexpectedly, before she could take a step, her leg was firmly held by someone.

That man lowered his head and flew into a rage, "Smelly whore, you dare to stop me?

Do you want everyone to die with you? "

The girl angrily said, "Although I'm a brothel girl, I can distinguish right from wrong.

Even cats and dogs know how to repay kindness, let alone people? "

"Go to your mother!"

The man kicked her face a few more times, until her face was bruised.

At this time, other people also surrounded Chu Xun. Although there were a few people in the crowd who wanted to stop like this brothel girl, they were powerless in the end.


Like a floating leaf in a torrent, they were quickly washed away.

"Young Master — — Young Master, quickly leave!"

There was also an old woman trembling as she shouted to Chu Xun, "Young Master Chu, go!


Don't stay for this group of animals anymore!

Go! "

There was also a young child's voice, "Don't beat him, Mother, Father, don't hurt Young Master, don't hurt Young Master — —"


The crowd was bustling with noise and excitement.

Chu Xun stood alone in the rain. It was as if he saw a lot of ghosts crawling out from the depths of hell. For a moment, he wanted to leave.

But his gaze fell on the living people who were crying and shouting. He looked at the children who were wailing and persuading their parents. He looked at the girl who stood out first and was already bruised and swollen. He looked at the old woman whose white hair was trembling in the wind and rain. There were also a dozen or so people who had their backs to him, trying to stop him.

He wanted to leave, but his footsteps stopped.

They were not wrong. If the barrier was removed, these people would also die.

It turned out that the most disgusting thing in the world was not the devil, but those cowardly animals. They did not have the ability, but in order to live, they put on human skin and mixed in with the crowd. As long as they could live, they would do anything, say anything.

In the end, they would say, "I also just want to live. I am also very pitiful, very helpless. What did I do wrong?"

He used to think that the people he protected were all weak and kind people. But he was wrong.

Only today did those beasts take off their human skins, revealing scarlet, ugly, and hideous faces that were grinning ferociously, one after another … …

They hid so well … … they hid so well.

He didn't want to shed blood and tears for those animals dressed in human clothing, but they were so cunning, hiding among the good people. Each of their faces laughed freely and happily, laughing at Chu Xun's helplessness.

— — You have to save us. If you remove the barrier, we will pull the people you want to save, pull the people who are grateful to you, to go to hell together.


You can't do anything even if you are disgusted to death.

It was you who wanted to be a gentleman, it was you who wanted to be a good person.

Since you have made such a choice, then sacrificing your life to save everyone is what you should do. If you don't do it, you are a hypocrite, a liar, you are pretending to be noble, you are worse than pigs and dogs.

He seemed to hear the shrieks of the men, the shrieks of their laughter:

You have no choice.


You have no choice!

Chu Xun slowly raised his head in the tide-like chaotic quarrel. He looked at the sky in the wind and rain.

The sky was finally going to be bright.

A night of heavy rain had washed away the blood on the stone steps of the City God Pavilion.

Chu Xun and the people who were protecting him were all tied up and brought to the temple.

This scene was really sad and ridiculous. Those people tied Chu Xun so tightly, and they were complacent that they had captured such a powerful person.

But they did not know that Chu Xun only needed to cast a spell to destroy these ropes.

But he did not do that. In the end, he did not remove the Shang Qing barrier.

Enough blood had been shed in Lin 'an. He did not want to cause innocent people to lose their lives in order to take revenge.

So that layer of thin film protected those who repaid kindness with enmity and those who treated him sincerely.

He came to the front of the temple. The Ghost King did not appear. There was only a candle emitting rolling black smoke, twisting into an empty human figure.

"Why — not remove the barrier!" The moment he saw Chu Xun, the voice was furious. "Remove the barrier!!"

Chu Xun calmly said, "Unless I die."

The black smoke let out a shrill scream and said hoarsely, "Chu Xun, you are crazy!

You … kill him — kill him for me — otherwise, when night falls, I will take all of your lives! "

Dawn came.

Layer after layer of light of day weakly lit up the endless night.


The Ghost King could not support himself in the light. He fled into the darkness. The burning candle suddenly trembled and went out.


Chu Xun came back to his senses. The City God Pavilion was built quite high. Looking from afar, the mountains and rivers were shrouded in the misty rain. He could not see the scars clearly.

"Master Chu, I am sorry."

"It's not that we are ruthless. It's because you destroyed one of the Ghost King's eyes. He has a deep grudge with you … we had no choice …"

"Why are you still talking so much!

My whole family is waiting to live. Is his life more important, or is everyone's life more important?

The one with the Dao is the leader of all living things. He said it himself! "

Chu Wanning stood in the distance and looked at the man who he did not know what relationship he had with him. He felt complicated.

Suddenly, a pair of hands covered his eyes.

Chu Wanning asked in a low voice, "What are you doing?"

"Don't let you see."

"… Why?"

"You will feel uncomfortable."

Chu Wanning was silent for a while. His eyelashes trembled in Mo Ran's hands, "No, I said it was 200 years ago."

Mo Ran's voice came from behind. He sighed softly, "… Little fool, then why is my palm wet?"

After an unknown amount of time, an incense's time, two hours, or a blink of an eye.

Time was blurred in this madness and chaos.


When Chu Wanning opened his eyes, the enchantment of Shang Qing had disappeared. Chu Xun fell in a pool of blood. Around him were people and ghosts. There were demons and monsters in human skin, sniffing the fresh blood.

Joy, guilt, surviving a disaster, pain, evil, people's hearts are like beasts.

The air was filled with the smell of death.

The human world, or hell.

It was not so clear anymore.

The crowd slowly dispersed. There were no ghosts during the day. They were in a hurry to fill their stomachs and rest. They were in a hurry to wait for the Ghost King to descend again at night. He would examine the dead men in the temple and then reward them for the return of their loved ones.

Gradually, only a dozen or so people were left in the temple, sobbing and crying.

There was the woman from the brothel, the old woman with a head full of white hair, the couple who were persuaded by their child, a beggar, a scholar, a storyteller, a former rich young master, a widow with a young child in her arms, a teacher, and a farmer.

There was nothing else.

However, just as they were hugging the corpse and crying, the eyelashes of the dead man in the pool of blood trembled slightly, and he slowly opened his eyes.

"Young master!"

"Young master Chu!"

Mo Ran's heart trembled. He could not help but say, "It's useless … this is …"

This incantation had been lost in the present world. He did not expect to see it again in this virtual realm.

"This is the Voice Incantation.

He is already dead. Before he died, he cast this incantation on himself, "Chu Wanning paused and said," He had things to do. He still has things to worry about in this world. "

Chu Xun's eyes were empty and unfocused. He said lightly, "The ghost race is sinister. Their words cannot be trusted. After the enchantment of Shang Qing is lost at night, demons will come out and kill everywhere.


I hope everyone can escape from here and go to Putuo. "

"Young master …"

"I am already dead. I have no fate to accompany you. However, I have gathered all my spiritual power and cast the incantation in my spirit core.

Everyone, take my spirit core. The demons will not be able to get close. "

The crying became louder. It was almost crying blood.

Mo Ran and Chu Wanning were even more frightened.

Spirit core …

That was a crystal that was born with the heart …

The dead Chu Xun slowly raised his hand that had not yet stiffened. According to the incantation he set before his death, he grasped the blade buried in his chest and pulled it out.

Then –

"Young master!!!"

The surrounding people cried out. Their voices were distorted and hoarse. They were soaked in blood and tears. "Young master, what are you doing –!!"

The dead man's fingers tore open the wound in his chest and pierced into his flesh. He grabbed the heart that was no longer beating and slowly, inch by inch, pulled it out.

That heart was bleeding and beating with golden red flames.

That was the power of Chu Xun's spirit core. It was the last light of a candle.

"Take … it …"

He raised the burning heart and held it straight in front of him. He kept repeating, "Take … take … it …"


Drops of blood rolled down, but they all turned into red begonia flowers. Those flowers were burning and dazzling.

"The road is long and dangerous. Chu Xun's life is short. I can no longer contribute my meager strength. I hope everyone … I hope everyone can … take care … of … it …"

Mo Ran looked at everything in front of him in horror. He suddenly felt a prickling sensation on his back and cold sweat dripped down.

Scar … this scar!!

He suddenly remembered that Chu Wanning's chest was close to his heart.

There was also a scar!

That was Chu Wanning's most sensitive part. How could he forget?

Every time they were on the bed, when he licked that faint scar, Chu Wanning's usually cold and indifferent face would reveal a hidden desire. Mo Ran felt that this expression looked very exciting, so he was always willing to humiliate the person under him.

But at that time, he never cared about Chu Wanning's past. As for where this scar came from, he never asked until his death.

And in this life, even if he wanted to ask, he did not have the qualifications.