Chapter 86: This Venerable One's Ex-Wife Isn't Low-Maintenance

"…" Ye Wangxi was obviously at a loss for words, but he didn't get angry. After a while, he said, "You're mistaken.

I don't want to follow you, but I was ordered by the Lord to come to Xuan Yuan Pavilion to buy something back. "


When Mo Ran and Chu Wanning heard this, they looked at each other.

— — Shen Wu.

Nangong Si shook the red clay wine pot in his hand, his expression gloomy. "Father wants to buy something, why bother you?

Do you think I don't know how to do it for him? "

"… Ah Si, that's not what I meant."

"Who told you to call me that?"

Nangong Si lowered his eyebrows, his eyes like lightning. "Young Master Ye, don't think that you can be so unbridled in front of me just because Father was blind to get close to you … Don't you feel disgusted?"

"I called you that because the Lord wanted me to.

If you feel disgusted, you can tell him yourself. "Ye Wangxi was silent for a while, then said," What's the use of getting angry at me? "

"Don't use Father to pressure me!"

Nangong Si took a deep breath, slightly restraining his anger. His black eyes were extremely cold, just like the silver moon hanging high in the sky, filled with smoke.

"Young Master Ye."

He seemed to deliberately drag out these three words. "Father told you to call me Ah Si, but I'm afraid he misunderstood your position in the sect, but you should know your place.

Don't open a dye shop just because I gave you three colors. You have to know, even if you dye yourself red and purple, born here, you can't stand shoulder to shoulder with me. "


Ye Wangxi's gentlemanly face seemed to flash with a trace of dullness. His thick eyelashes drooped down, and he quietly said, "Young Master is right, but this Ye … has never thought of standing shoulder to shoulder with Young Master."

The change in title made Nangong Si feel slightly more comfortable. He raised his hand and gulped down a few mouthfuls of spicy soju, but he didn't get drunk. He then stared at Ye Wangxi for a while, snorted through his nose, and waved his hand, "Even if I did, you wouldn't dare. Look at you right now, how can you be …"



He suddenly realized that there were too many people here, and he almost said something he shouldn't have said. He suddenly pursed his lips, no longer speaking.


On the other hand, Ye Wangxi, even if he suffered such humiliation, he still lowered his eyes, so no one could see whether it was anger or humiliation. He only gave everyone a calm and gentle face, thirty percent heroic spirit, seventy percent reserved...

The atmosphere was awkward to the extreme.

Nangong Si awkwardly looked left and right for a while before his gaze landed on the woman behind Ye Wangxi. As if to cover up the mistake he almost made, he coughed and raised his chin at the woman, asking Ye Wangxi, "You saved her?"


"Where is she from?

Don't randomly save someone whose origin is unknown. "

"It's okay, Xuan Yuan Pavilion bought it."

Nangong Si didn't care about the Xuan Yuan Pavilion's bidding, so he didn't bother to inquire. But when he heard that Song Qiutong was bought, he couldn't help but be surprised.

His originally lazy and perfunctory eyes suddenly sharpened, and he stared at Song Qiutong's face. After a while, he said, "Is this an enslavement bone, or a butterfly bone beauty seat?"


In the Xiuzhen Continent, there were only two kinds of people who could be sold openly. In addition to the butterfly bone beauty seat, the other was the enslavement bone.

The enslavement bone was the child of a human and a demon. Because people were afraid of the demon nature of this race, once it was detected, their Zhenqi would be destroyed, and their shoulder blades would be marked with a slave curse, making them servants.

However, the price of enslavement bone wasn't high, and there was nothing rare about it. Generally, it was used to serve tea to the big sects, or bought by rich merchants to play with.

Since it was sold by the Xuan Yuan Pavilion, it shouldn't be this kind of thing.

Sure enough, Ye Wangxi said, "It's a butterfly bone beauty seat."

Nangong Si became interested. He bypassed Ye Wangxi, walked in front of Song Qiutong, and looked at her in a circle. Then, he frowned and said, "Why is this thing lame?


Is it defective? "

"… She was injured when she was caught. She applied medicine, but it hasn't fully healed yet." Ye Wangxi paused. "So we can't go far. We want to stay here for the night."

Nangong Si didn't comment. He narrowed his eyes and suddenly moved close to Song Qiutong's neck and sniffed. His action was very similar to that of an untamed wolf.


Song Qiutong was frightened by his lecherous action, and her face turned pale. She clutched her lapel and swayed.

"It doesn't smell any different from an ordinary person." He rubbed his nose and sneezed. "There's also the fragrance of rouge …"

Nangong Si waved his hand and casually asked, "How much?"

"Fifty million."



Nangong Si suddenly opened his eyes wide. "Ye Wangxi, are you crazy?

Do you know how many top-grade whetstones you can refine with fifty million gold?

You fucking bought a woman for me?

Do you think my Confucian Wind Sect's money isn't money? "

"I didn't spend the sect's money." Ye Wangxi paused for a moment and then said, "I didn't buy it for you."

"You —!" Nangong Si's anger that had just subsided rose again. His expression changed. "You're very good!"

He turned his head and glared at Song Qiutong. The more he stared, the more he found her to be pleasing to the eye. Especially the veil that covered her face. No matter how he looked at it, he was annoyed. He immediately ordered, "You, take off that rag on your face!"

Song Qiutong was frightened. She tightly grabbed Ye Wangxi's sleeve and shrunk behind him. Her voice was extremely pitiful. "Young Master Ye, I … I don't want to …"



Ye Wangxi's slender figure was not as sturdy and tall as Nangong Si, but when he slightly raised his head and looked at Nangong Si, he was fearless. "Since she doesn't want to, Young Master shouldn't force her."

"Stop nagging. She was saved by you, so she owes my Confucian Wind Sect a life. She must listen to me.

Take it off! "

"She was saved by me. From the moment I saved her, I returned her freedom." Ye Wangxi said, "Young Master, please don't force her."

"Ye Wangxi!

You're such a good person! "Nangong Si was so angry that he banged on the door frame." What do you take me for?

Today, I'm going to fight with you. If I say that I want her to take it off, then I want her to take it off. If she takes off her veil, then I'll let you stay here. If she doesn't take it off, then fuck off! "

Ye Wangxi almost imperceptibly sighed. He turned to Qiutong and said, "Let's go."

This time, Nangong Si wasn't the only one who was choked. Ye Wangxi had Shen Wu on him. No matter what, they couldn't just let him leave like this. Chu Wanning immediately said, "Go stop him."

"Okay, okay, okay."

Mo Ran also had the same intention, but after a long time, he suddenly froze. "Shizun, if we stop him, where will he stay? He wants to stay in the inn to rest."

"Give him half of our room."

"… Uh." Mo Ran didn't know why, but his expression suddenly became somewhat awkward. "I'm afraid that's a bit inappropriate."

Chu Wanning slightly raised his eyelids. "What's wrong?"

"Shizun may not know, but it's best that the two of us don't stay in the same room as him. Moreover, he won't agree to it. Because this Ye Wangxi, he's actually a …"

Just as they reached the critical point, they suddenly heard Nangong Si kick over a table. Cups, bowls, and plates fell to the ground. Then, he suddenly pulled over a stool and placed his leg on it. He angrily said, "Who allowed you to leave as you please?!

I think you've gone against the heavens!


Get your ass back here! "

"…" This time, even Nangong Si's personal attendants had somewhat awkward expressions on their faces.

Wasn't this … Young Master, you wanted him to hurry and get lost?


Ye Wangxi seemed to have long been used to Nangong Si's unreasonable tantrums. He planned to pretend that he didn't hear his roar. He patted Qiutong's shoulder, indicating that she shouldn't pay attention to the crazy person behind them.

"Ye Wangxi!"


"Ye Wangxi!!"


"Ye — — Wang — — Xi!!!"

The veins on Ye Wangxi's forehead couldn't help but throb twice. He finally couldn't help but turn around. Unexpectedly, he was met with a wine flask. His pupils suddenly shrank. Ye Wangxi was just about to dodge when suddenly, a white figure flashed in front of him.

"Ah — —!"

A delicate cry of pain shocked everyone present. Ye Wangxi and Nangong Si's expressions changed even more.

It turned out that in a flash, it was Song Qiutong who blocked in front of Ye Wangxi. That heavy red clay wine flask had ruthlessly smashed into her forehead. In an instant, blood flowed out. Her pair of lustrous white jade hands trembled as she touched the blood. Immediately, tears fell from her eyes from the pain.

"Don't touch, let me see your injury."

"I'm fine. It's fine as long as I didn't hurt Young Master …"

"If you want to speak, then speak. Why did you throw a bottle?"

Ye Wangxi's tone was scorching. He looked at Nangong Si reproachfully, then said to his attendant, "Bring me the Jinchuang Ointment."


"Young Master, the Jinchuang Ointment that we brought is all used up." That attendant said softly, "How about I run out and buy some more?"


Nangong Si also didn't expect this to happen. Although he forced himself to remain calm, his eyes still revealed a trace of regret.

With a straight face, he stammered, "I, I have some here.

… … Ah Lan, bring me my medicine pouch. "

Ye Wangxi was a little angry. He pursed his lips and ignored him.

Holding the small medicine bottle, Nangong Si froze in place for a long time. Seeing that Ye Wangxi didn't turn around to look at him, Nangong Si couldn't bear to lose face. He simply shoved the medicine bottle to Song Qiutong, "It's for you. Use it or leave it."

Song Qiutong was like a little deer that had lost its head out of fear. She first looked towards Ye Wangxi with trembling eyes. Seeing that he didn't stop her and only remained silent, she finally put away the Jinchuang Ointment like she was trying to keep the peace. She even lowered her head towards the person who had injured her and said softly, "Thank you, Nangong gongzi."

Nangong Si was stunned. He didn't expect that the girl he almost played with would actually thank him. Then, he waved his hand and awkwardly coughed, "It's fine."

That night, Ye Wangxi and his group finally decided to stay the night.

In an inn, several candles flickered, and the stars were in chaos.

Mo Ran sat by the window with his chin resting on his hands. He seemed a little absent-minded.

It had been nearly two years since his rebirth. The progress of many things was very different from the progress of his previous life. Seeing the same people doing different things was always a little subtle.

Song Qiutong, Ye Wangxi, No Return …

These people and things that he couldn't have been more familiar with in his previous life all appeared once again in his life as time passed.

However, in this life, he would never take Song Qiutong as his wife again. As for Ye Wangxi, this person would soon become famous all over the world. He would become the second most powerful expert in the Cultivation World after Chu Wanning.

There was also No Return.

Thinking of this Mo Saber that had accompanied him in his previous life, his heart was restless.



"What's the matter?"

"You've already been drawing this talisman for an hour. Why haven't you finished yet?"

"It's done."

As Chu Wanning spoke, he carefully dipped the tip of his brush in cinnabar and made the last few strokes with the help of a lantern. An extremely complicated dragon appeared on the paper.

Mo Ran leaned over to take a look.

"What is this?"

"Rising Dragon Barrier," Chu Wanning said.

"What does it do?"

"It can see all the traces of spells in the surroundings, big or small.

If that mysterious person wants to test the essence of the Spirit Root with the Divine Martial Skill, he must leave a mark on the weapon.

Whether the appearance of this weapon is a coincidence or his careful design, we'll know immediately. "

"Wow, why didn't Shizun use such a good thing in the Xuanyuan Pavilion?"

"… I'll awaken the Rising Dragon Barrier. You'll understand when you see it."

Chu Wanning pierced his fingertip and wiped one of the dragon scales. The little yellow dragon on the paper instantly overflowed with golden light, and its eyes and tail began to move flexibly.

Chu Wanning said, "Are you a True Dragon?"

A shrill voice rang out from the paper, "That's right, that's right. I'm the True Dragon."


"Why do you say that?"

"Stupid mortal!

Why don't you believe me! "

"If you can jump out of the paper, I'll recognize you as a True Dragon."

"What's so difficult about that!

Just you wait for this Seat!

Heh! "

A golden light flashed, and a mighty little dragon the size of a palm suddenly jumped out of the paper. It shook its head and wagged its tail, bared its fangs and brandished its claws, and proudly flew around Chu Wanning. It made a ruckus and said, "Hahaha, hahaha, I'm a big True Dragon, a big True Dragon, I have many little secrets, little secrets.

I have many secrets, but I won't tell you, won't tell, won't tell, won't tell, won't tell, tell, you! "

Chu Wanning used his clear eyes to coldly glance at the little loach. He covered it with his hand and expressionlessly said to Mo Ran, "Do you understand?"

"I understand … …"

"Let go of me!

You stupid mortal!

You're messing with my whiskers! "

Chu Wanning raised his hand and rudely tapped its reverse scale, the one that was stained with blood. "Shut up and get to work."