Chapter 88: This Venerable One Meets Another One Reborn

He suddenly raised his head and looked toward the source of the sound.

A man in a black, gold-patterned cloak appeared at the end of the corridor.

He was tall and straight, and his whole body was covered with cloth. Even his face was covered with a black veil, only revealing a pair of eyes that couldn't be seen clearly in the dark.

In that person's hand, there was a knife.

The slender blade was completely black and unstoppable.

No return.


"Who I am is not important."

That person said coldly. His voice was very strange, as if deliberately distorted. "You only need me to know who you are."

Mo Ran was shocked, but he still calmed down and hibernated.


"I'm just a disciple of the Peak of Life and Death. Is it interesting for you to know what I do?"

"A disciple of the Peak of Life and Death?

Oh, yes, but have you forgotten that you are also an Emperor Ta, an Emperor of the Human Realm, a ghost who killed his master to prove his Dao, a ghost who escaped from the Yellow Spring. "

With every word he said, Mo Ran's blood became colder.

He felt like he had fallen into an ice cave.

Emperor Ta.

Slaughtered the 72 cities of Confucianism.

Emperor of the Human Realm.


Married the most beautiful woman in the world, killed his master and family, and climbed to the top of the Human Realm.

That person said coldly, "You are Mo Weiyu."

Mo Weiyu.

Heinous beyond redemption, unable to be reincarnated even after ten thousand deaths.

Mo Weiyu should be torn into pieces at the Peak of Life and Death. His heart and eyes should be dug out, and he should die without a complete corpse!

"Who are you!!"

Mo Ran's eyes were red, and the childish look on his face was gone. What was left was only the fierceness of a demon. He confronted the person at the end of the corridor, and in the next moment, he would lock the other person's throat and tear all the names he didn't want to hear anymore into his throat!

That person raised his hand wrapped in black veil. The long corridor condensed layers of ice in an instant, completely separating the space between the two of them.

"Now, you can't summon this knife."

That person walked slowly and stopped about ten steps in front of him. "Emperor of the Human Realm … Maybe it's better to call you Mo Ran now?

What a joke. Have you ever taken a good look at yourself? "


"My heart is no longer as cold and hard as steel. Following by Chu Wanning's side, I'm actually treating him better."

"Rebirth, rebirth, where is the person I said I would protect in my previous life?"

Mo Ran's expression changed. "Shi Mei?!

What did you do to Shi Mei?! "

That person did not answer. He only sneered, "Do you know why you can't summon Bu Gui back?"

His fingertips slowly stroked the thick blade. "It's because your soul is about to change, and your hatred is about to dissipate … Before you die, you regret that life of yours, for not being able to protect your Senior Brother Ming Jing. You once vowed that if there was an afterlife … you would definitely not let him down."



That pair of sharp and horrified eyes suddenly looked up.

"Mo Ran, did you do it?!"

"I …"

"The enchantment of the Ghost Realm is about to be broken. What happened in the past will repeat itself. Do you still want to watch him die and beg Chu Wanning to be merciful?

— You're letting down the chance of rebirth in this life. You don't deserve to touch Bu Gui again. "

"I don't need you to tell me that!" Mo Ran said angrily, "The matter between me and Shi Mei is not for others to interfere!

Since you know that I'm a reborn person, who are you?

A fake Gouchen?

Or an old ghost who came back from the dead like me?! "

"Heh …" That person chuckled. "An old ghost who came back from the dead … Yes, I'm an old ghost who came back from the dead. Otherwise, do you think that you're the only one who's been blessed by the heavens to be reborn in this world?"

Who is it?!

Blurred faces flashed through his mind like crazy.

The people who died in his previous life.

Xue Zhengyong, Madam Wang, Chu Wanning, Song Qiutong, Ye Wangxi …

Or the people who forced him to the Shaman Mountain Palace in his previous life to bury him.


Xue Meng, Mei Hanxue, and the heads of the ten great sects …

Who is it … Who is it?!!!


Who knew his secret? Who grasped his weak spot? Who was it that stepped through the Yellow Springs to chase after him? Who was it that wanted to force him into a dead end?!

Who is it?!

In just a moment, the figure in front of him moved. That man's clothes fluttered as he moved in front of him.

After this person's rebirth, his strength was still so strong. Mo Ran was shocked.

Bu Gui's blade was already pressed against his chest. With just a little bit of force, it could pierce through his flesh and destroy his heart.

"Mo Weiyu, I thought you were an infatuated person. But maybe it's because your Senior Brother Ming Jing is unlucky. Even after you've been reborn, you still don't put him in your eyes."

Mo Ran gritted his teeth. "Nonsense."

"I'm spouting nonsense?"

That person laughed coldly. He put a hand on Mo Ran's throat and slowly slid it down to his chest. "How much space do you leave for him in your heart?

That little bit of nostalgia you have, I'm afraid it's already been worn away. Is there anything left? "


Mo Ran angrily said, "Who is in my heart? Do you think I don't know better than you?

You're so long-winded. Why don't you take off your veil and let me see! "

"You want to see me? There's no rush."

That person's voice was like smoke. His gaze was also very distant, as if he didn't put him in his eyes. "When you're about to die in this life, I'll show you."

"You're the one who's about to die. You — —"

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly felt a bone-piercing cold under his feet.

Mo Ran looked down. That person's ice spikes had climbed up his body at some point.


Ice Curse, Ice Spikes … … Water Attribute … …

Who was it? In his previous life, who could cast this kind of spell … …

He had met too many enemies. When he was anxious to remember, his mind was a mess.

Xue Meng, Fire Attribute.

Chu Wanning, Metal Attribute. Wood Attribute.

Ye Wangxi, Earth Attribute.

Xue Zhengyong, Earth Attribute.

Who was it? No matter how he thought about it, he couldn't remember who had such a strong power to control ice.

"You're right. I'm also going to die.

However, Mo Weiyu, that will definitely be a matter of a very, very long time in the future. "

Xuan Ice quickly froze his entire body.

This person's strength was too terrifying. Mo Ran released a bit of spirit energy to resist the ice. He felt a tyrannical and huge force fiercely rushing towards him.

The person in front of him was not below Chu Wanning in terms of strength!!

Water Attribute.


In a flash, a blurry face seemed to flash past. But before he could think clearly, his throat was grabbed by that person.

The fingertips covered by black gauze rubbed his throat. That person's eyes were gloomy, without any light.



"There's no need for Your Majesty to worry about my lifespan."

He said slowly, "Let me first help you regain some of the friendship you were born with. Otherwise, you won't do proper business and ruin my grand plan."

"Ugh — —!"


No Return wailed as it cut through its former master's flesh.

"The wound isn't deep. I'll just take your blood and make a seal."

That person really did just smear some blood on his wound. Then, he touched the space between his eyebrows and muttered.

Mo Ran only felt a sharp pain in his head. He cursed, "Fuck, you, mother!

Did I chop you up in your previous life? Or did I f * cking kill eighteen generations of your ancestors?

Motherf * cker, what are you trying to do! "

"Shh, don't move.

It's just a good heart curse. "

"I don't f * cking care if it's a good heart curse or a disgusting curse. Can you not disgust me?

Scram!! "

"Mo Ran."

That person slowly drew a talisman between his eyebrows and sighed softly, "How can you bear to ask me to scram." He paused and muttered again, "The heart is not like water, the will cannot be stopped, the door of the heart … is wide open."

His chest suddenly twisted in pain!


"You …"

The ice curse was suddenly removed. Mo Ran staggered and slowly knelt on the ground with a pale face.

"You still haven't thanked me."

That black-clothed person lowered his eyes with an indifferent expression. He looked at him for a while and said lightly, "I've expanded all the emotions in your heart.

What you love and hate will be clearer. In this way, you'll be able to see your own heart clearly, right?


If you still don't do your best to protect Shi Mei and do your best, then you … are really useless. You're just an abandoned pawn! "

So this good heart curse made the love and hate in the heart stronger and clearer?

Why did this person spend so much effort to protect Shi Mei's life …

Water attribute …

These were the last chaotic thoughts that flashed through his mind before he lost consciousness.

With a "thump" sound, Mo Ran fell to the ground. Two thick eyelashes fell down.

That black-clothed person coldly looked at him for a while, then slowly leaned over. He first checked his pulse. After a moment of silence, he raised his hand and condensed a ball of blue light in his palm.

"Forget all."

The black-clothed person softly spat out these two words.

The blue light became brighter. Mo Ran's tightly knitted eyebrows slowly relaxed.

When he woke up, he would only remember that he went out and summoned Shen Wu, but Shen Wu did not come.

He would not remember anything else. He would not know that there was another person in this world who was reborn.


Although the good heart curse's effect could only last for a few days, it could very well point out the way to the heart of a confused person.

"Expanding your emotions, I'm afraid that when you wake up, you'll find that you like Shi Mingjing more and more. You like him so much that you want to dig out your heart and give it to him." The black-clothed person coldly said.

"See you later, Emperor Ta."

After a night of disturbance, everything was settled. The next morning, Mo Ran opened his eyes and found that he was still lying next to Chu Wanning's bed.

He turned his head. The window of the guest room seemed to have been blown open by the wind in the middle of the night. It was half open and half closed. With the morning breeze, it gently opened and closed, making a creaking sound as it hit the wood.


The room was very quiet. Mo Ran did not look at the bed, but he knew that Chu Wanning should not have woken up yet.

Outside the window of Banmiao Pavilion, there was a crab blue sky. The rising sun had not yet broken through the clouds. Early mornings were often pale and lacking in color. The sunlight did not give it much warmth. There were not many people who woke up early. She was too lazy to dress up and warm up her haggard and tired face.

In the wind that blew in, there was a bit of the smell of grass and dew.

Mo Ran laid like this for a while, letting his consciousness return. When he sat up, he felt a pain in his shoulder.

Strange, when did his clothes tear? There was some dried blood under it.

He was stunned for a while.

Didn't he go out to investigate last night?

He only remembered that there was no reaction from Bu Gui, so it should be a fake.

After that, it seemed like …

Hiss, he could not remember clearly.

He looked around and saw a thick nail protruding from the dark brown floor. Perhaps it was the nail that scratched him. Did he sleep so deeply?

He did not feel anything at all.


He put on his clothes and got up, looking at the bed.

Chu Wanning was still lying on the bed. Although he was used to him being high up and enjoying the good position, he could only pick up the leftovers, such as the floor at the end of the bed, and make do with it for the night.

But today, he was inexplicably angry. He glared at that person's side profile and gritted his teeth.

"Why is it always me sleeping on the floor and you sleeping on the bed? It's not wrong to respect your teacher, but isn't there also the saying of loving the child?"

Mo Ran was very unhappy.

When he thought of the nail protruding from the floor that scratched him for no reason, he became even more angry.

It was still early, and he did not want to suffer by lying on the floor. He simply lay down on the bed and closed his eyes to sleep.

The two of them, one to the left and one to the right, would not touch each other on the wide bed.

They had once hugged each other in dreams, but now they were sleeping in different places.

In his previous life, they were skin to skin, limbs overlapping. In the craziest days, he was even unwilling to withdraw after making love with him every night.

But the two of them, who had been so intimate, were now lying on the two ends of the big bed, sleeping like this.