False lights

As I continued my journey through the desolate landscapes, each town I stumbled upon appeared empty and lifeless. It felt as though time had lost its meaning, as the sun never seemed to set. I couldn't help but wonder if I had somehow been trapped in a nightmarish realm, destined to wander endlessly.

The sense of never getting tired, I just walked on and on and on. I could feel my heartbreak but I couldn't understand why I never grew tired or hungry or thirsty.

After my encounter with the monstrous creature that had chased me relentlessly, fear had become my constant companion.

Its haunting visage was etched in my memory, and the mere thought of it sent shivers down my spine. I longed for a moment of respite, a glimmer of hope to keep me going.

One day, as I trudged wearily through yet another abandoned town, this town was like the rest. Atleast I thought but this town felt different. As I walked cautiously thru the empty street. The heavy pressure that's normally present seemed to lessen.

a faint sound caught my attention. It was the distant echo of music, a melody that seemed to defy the silence that had engulfed this forsaken world. Intrigued and filled with a newfound sense of hope, I followed the melodic trail, my footsteps echoing against the eerily empty streets.

As I approached the source of the music, the town gradually came into view. To my surprise, there was a group of people gathered in the center, dancing and swaying to the rhythm. They appeared so ordinary, so human, that I couldn't help but feel a surge of relief wash over me. Perhaps, at last, I had found a sanctuary amidst the chaos.

Cautiously, I kept my distance, observing their movements with a mix of curiosity and awe.

" come closer."

" don't be afraid."

" don't be afraid "

It seemed as though voices called out to me. Pulling me by an invisible string, I was hooked.

As I looked along.

They seemed oblivious to the desolation that surrounded them, their laughter and joy filling the air.

" don't be afraid. "

Their faces were adorned with smiles, a stark contrast to the haunted expressions I had grown accustomed to. It was a sight that both warmed my heart and filled me with a sense of longing.

This world I found myself in was strange, with its shifting landscapes and unending twilight. But here, in this tiny oasis of life, the ground felt solid beneath my feet, unlike the ever-changing terrain beyond.

" Kom kom nu onder mijn betovering, dit is waar je voor altijd zult blijven. Hel of hemel."

It was as if this place had managed to retain some semblance of stability amidst the chaos that had consumed everything else I slowly felt it's pull grow irresistible.

For hours, I watched the dancers, their movements graceful and fluid. They formed intricate patterns, their bodies intertwining in perfect harmony with the music. It was a mesmerizing display, and I couldn't help but be enthralled by their unity and collective spirit.

In that moment, I yearned to be a part of their world, to let go of my fears and join them in their celebration of life.

Summoning my courage, I took a hesitant step forward, my heart pounding in my chest. As I approached the group, I caught glimpses of smiling faces and outstretched hands, welcoming me into their midst. Their eyes sparkled with warmth and acceptance, as if they had been waiting for me all along.

With each step, the weight of my solitary journey began to lift. The music enveloped me, its infectious rhythm pulsating through my veins. I let go of my inhibitions and allowed myself to be swept away by the joyous atmosphere. For the first time in what felt like an eternity, I felt a sense of belonging.

As the day wore on, the dancing continued, the music becoming a symphony of hope and resilience. I laughed and twirled, my worries and fears dissipating with each passing moment. In this place, where time seemed to stand still, I found solace and connection.

As the sun gradually shifted to a soft glow, the dancing began to slow. The exhaustion of my journey caught up with me, and my body pleaded for rest.

But as I prepared to bid farewell to my newfound companions, they surrounded me, their smiles filled with gratitude. As if drunk their faces began to morph. Twisted and turning and growing grotesque just as the monster I had encountered.

" AhH.." before I could even fully scream it was as if my mouth had been sealed. My throat grew tight and even though I didn't have to breathe really in this nightmarish world the pain was still unbearable.

"We are the keepers of the light," one of them whispered, her voice carrying a wisdom beyond her years.

"You have brought a spark of life to our world. Your heart beat unlike the rest we've captured.. ohhhh so delicious." She continued licking her lips, here pointed teeth in rows like a shark.

Mihara's heart pounded in her chest as she struggled against the invisible bonds that held her captive.

" yessssss. Beat little one". A voice said,

I could feel the tight grip of the spell wrapped around my neck. Rendering me helpless and immobile. The room I was in was dimly lit, with flickering torches casting eerie shadows on the stone walls.

" how the hell did I get into a room?" I thought to myself as I looked around.

A chill ran down my spine as a low, menacing voice echoed through the chamber.

"We are the Keepers of the Light," the creature hissed, its voice filled with a hunger that sent shivers down my spine.

"And you, dear Mihara, possess a light that we crave."

My eyes widened with fear and confusion. What could these creatures possibly want with me? I was just an ordinary girl, leading a simple life before this nightmarish ordeal. But now, I find myself at the mercy of these otherworldly beings, their intentions shrouded in darkness.

One of the creatures stepped forward, its eyes glowing with an otherworldly radiance. It resembled a twisted mix of beast and man, with long, gnarled fingers and sharp, jagged teeth. Its voice filled the chamber once again, explaining their insatiable desire for lights.

"We feed on the essence of light," the creature continued.

"It sustains us, empowers us. And you, Mihara, possess a unique light. A light that could make us stronger than ever."

My mind raced as she tried to make sense of the creature's words. What light could they possibly be talking about? I had no special powers or abilities. But as I struggled against my bonds, a faint glimmer of hope ignited within my. I refused to submit to these creatures and their twisted desires.

As the creature droned on, my attention shifted to a man standing at the edge of the room. He was out of sight but I couldn't understand how they didn't sense him.

He had been watching the events unfold, hidden in the shadows. I would later come to find out He knew he had to find a way to free me from the clutches of these creatures.

But he also knew that their powers were far beyond his comprehension.

He could only hope that I would find a way to tap into my own hidden strength.

I struggled intensely as I fought against the spell that bounded me. Suddenly, I felt a surge of power building within me, as if a dormant energy was awakening. With a burst of determination, I focused my mind on breaking free.

The air crackled with electricity as I summoned all my willpower. And then, with a burst of energy, I managed to open one of my hands free, breaking the invisible shackles that held me captive. The creatures hissed in surprise, their glowing eyes widening with fear.

Without hesitation, I released a ball of pure energy from my open palm. It soared through the air, guided by my newfound strength, and struck one of the monsters directly in its chest.

The creature howled in pain as the energy coursed through its body, disintegrating it into nothingness.

The other creatures recoiled in fear, their hunger turning into desperation. They lunged towards me, their claws outstretched, but I was already moving, my body fueled by an unyielding determination to survive.

I ducked and weaved, evading their attacks with newfound agility. I tapped into my inner reservoir of power, unleashing wave after wave of energy, striking down one creature after another. My movements were swift and precise, as if guided by an invisible force.

Hiro watched in awe as I fought with a strength and grace he had never seen before. He knew then that I was no ordinary girl. I possessed a light within me, a power that had lain dormant until this moment.

As the last creature fell to the ground, defeated, I stood amidst the wreckage, mychest heaving with exertion. I looked towards Hiro, a mixture of relief.

"Who are you?," I said, her my filled with resolve. "You could of helped me you know."

Hiro nodded, his gaze unwavering. He had long red hair, his eyes were bright green so much so they stood out in the bleckness of the background of the world.

" I know, but I… I'm not as strong as you." He said, his gaze looking around towards the spots where the corpses use to be.

" it's okay." I said slowly walking towards him. The ground still solid beneath my feet.

" your the first normal person I've seen since I've been here, but what is this place?" I said looking around the room and outside the window.

The sun was back to its normal color as if nothing happened at all.

" you really don't know?" He said a look of confusion on his face.

"we'll… we place is call this place Erebus the land of the dead."