Stella luminosa



(Cling )


"Again" the professor said, throwing an arm in the air to signal.

"Ughhh can I catch a breathe first." I said in a sarcastic tone, as the student I was facing began his take again.

Bright streaks of electricity flew towards my way as I dodge them. A loud boom and echo as the impact the ground beside me.

"Stella luminosa!" I shouted as I let out a ball of energy towards the attacker connecting with his chest.

He flew backwards into the wall creating a small crater that quickly regenerated.

As he struggled to get up I quickly shouted another spell.

"Trappola per accampamento!" as a cube of energy formed around him. Pinning him to the ground.

"Good job mihara!" The teacher congratulated, clapping his hands together. Yamero was a short and stocky boy who appeared 18. His hair was long and in a ponytail, and cowboy boots to match his button up. His beard was that of an old western cowboy. Long and pointy with the tips curled upwards. His accent being that of a southern drawl.

"Ah hiro nice for you to join us today." Yamero said with a gentle smile.

After arriving at shadespire academy. I learned that the guy I been traveling with, Hiro, was the headmaster. After he had sensing my power when I first arrived in Erebus, he personally made it his mission to retrieve me himself. At the academy I enrolled in several spell casting and power manipulation classes. Learning to hone my skills.

I trained endlessly in the ancient and mystical arts of magic. The academy was a sprawling complex filled with towering spires and shadowy corridors, an otherworldly place where the boundaries between life and death seemed to blur.

Under Hiro's guidance, I delved into the secrets of spellcasting, studying the intricate gestures and incantations required to channel and shape magical energies. In the classrooms, I honed my abilities, practicing the precise movements and intonations until they became second nature.

But it wasn't just theoretical knowledge that Hiro imparted upon me. He taught me about the delicate balance between power and responsibility, emphasizing the importance of using magic for the greater good and never succumbing to the temptations of darkness.

"You know , I once was in a gang. I think the year was 2045 or so… I just remember going after this Corp boss. He had planned to take over the city." Hiro said, his eyes staring off into the distance.

We stood in the tower of the school. Even tho the tower was huge, it could not scale the massive size of the school.

"I remember we confronted him and tried to expose his plan. But before I knew it. It went dark.." he continued, he's eyes a blank stare he gripped the side rails while looking over the school.

" I became headmaster by chance, by will maybe I don't know. All I know is I've been here a very long time." He said , he turned to me and gave a gentle smile.

"Trust in your journey, let your heart lead the way for you." He continued, and allowed me to sit and ponder the thought over the view of the school.

Shorty after starting my training, I seemed to catch on quicker and quicker. Among the many spells I learned I also learned memory restoration.

During my training, I encountered fellow students who possessed extraordinary talents of their own. Together, we formed a tight-knit group, supporting and challenging each other to reach greater heights.

Hiroshi Tanaka is a calm and collected individual, often seen with a serene smile on his face. He possesses a deep wisdom beyond his years and serves as the voice of reason within the group. He was 5'11 with medium jet. Black hair. He had a scar on the right side of his face. He possessed possibly the best skills among the group. Being 19 at the time of his death, Hiroshi is highly disciplined and dedicated to his studies, always striving for excellence in everything he does. He is fiercely loyal and protective of his friends, willing to go to great lengths to ensure their safety. He's been in Erebus 870 years.

Lukas Müller is an energetic and adventurous young man, always seeking new experiences and thrills. He was tall with blonde hair and green eyes. He wore a tee shirt of an early 90s rock band. His mischievous sense of humor and a contagious zest for power made a fan favorite of sorts. Even though he was only 18 at the time of his death, he still kind of had a kiddish side to him. Lukas is known for his resourcefulness and problem-solving skills, often finding unconventional solutions to challenges. His spell casting was something serious when he was really in the zone. He's been in Erebus 95 years.

Amelia Johnson, or Amy as her friends call her, is a vibrant and outgoing girl with an infectious enthusiasm. She was short with pink hair, she had hazel eyes that glowed like honey in the light of Erebus's sun. She is the social glue of the group, effortlessly bringing people together with her friendly nature. Amy is fiercely independent and possesses the ability to warp time, she also has learned some powerful incantations and spells that most of us couldn't utter. She is quick-witted and adaptable, often using her intelligence to find creative solutions to problems. Being the age of 18 when she died she was one of the youngest of the group along with me. Being only 17 at the time of her death, She's only been in Erebus 171 years.

And then there was Freya Andersson she eas a thoughtful and introspective young woman coming from Stockholm she was often lost in her own world of imagination. Short with blonde hair, she hand freckled specked across her face. Hair hair was adorned with ties in different fashions. Being only 16 at the time of her death, She has a gentle and compassionate nature, always caring for others and offering a listening ear. Freya is deeply connected to nature, finding solace in its tranquility and drawing inspiration from its beauty. She has a creative soul, expressing herself through various artistic endeavors such as painting and writing. She's able to manipulate the living and dead animals that inhabit both worlds. Even tho she was forever 16 , she had been in Erebus 390 years.

We spent countless hours sparring and practicing, pushing our limits and unlocking new depths of our abilities.

Outside of the training grounds, Shadespire Academy held many secrets and mysteries. Ancient tomes lined the library shelves, whispering forgotten knowledge and untold truths. I found myself drawn to these hidden treasures, poring over their pages and uncovering ancient spells and rituals that had long been lost to the world.

As time passed, my powers grew stronger, and I became more attuned to the ethereal energies that permeated the academy.

Hiro encouraged me to explore this connection, teaching me to communicate with the spirits and draw upon their wisdom.

But amidst the exhilaration of my training, a shadow loomed on the horizon. Rumors spread throughout the academy of a powerful necromancer who sought to harness forbidden magic for his own nefarious purposes.

It became clear that the fate of Shadespire Academy and its inhabitants rested upon our shoulders.

With Hiro's guidance, my newfound friends and I embarked on a dangerous quest to confront the necromancer and protect the delicate balance of life and death. We faced countless trials and battles, testing the limits of our abilities and the strength of our bonds.

This would be our first mission as a group. And none the less a formidable foe, necromancy is no joke, even in the world of the dead. Where you can literally control the dead..

Even tho we trained endlessly

In the end, it was not just about honing my skills as a spellcaster. It was about embracing my role as a guardian of the world of the living and dead, using my powers to safeguard the world from those who sought to exploit its secrets.

As I stood at the precipice of my journey, looking out over the vast expanse of Shadespire Academy, I knew that the path ahead would be fraught with challenges and sacrifices. But armed with the knowledge and training I had received, I was ready to face my first real challenge , and fulfill my destiny as a protector of the living and the dead.