Eastwood High

The overcast sky hung low as Mindy and her mother, Grace, approached Eastwood High School, a modest building with faded bricks that spoke of years past. The surroundings, although clean, bore the weight of budgetary constraints, evident in the simplicity of the architecture and the practicality of the landscaping.

As they entered the school's main office, the reception area greeted them with worn-out furniture and peeling paint on the walls. Mindy's eyes scanned the room, taking in the mismatched chairs and the outdated notice board announcing various school events. A sense of modesty and financial strain clung to the atmosphere, a stark contrast to the grandeur she had left behind.

Grace, with a warm smile, approached the receptionist to complete the necessary paperwork. Mindy, standing beside her, couldn't help but let her gaze wander to the faded posters on the walls, depicting a school striving to make the most of limited resources.