
As Mindy arrived back home, the familiar warmth of her house enveloped her. Grace, her mother, was in the living room, flipping through a magazine. Upon seeing Mindy, she smiled and set the magazine aside, "Hey there! How was your first day at Eastwood High?"

Mindy's eyes sparkled with a mix of exhaustion and excitement as she replied, "It was... actually not bad, Mom. Different, but not bad."

Grace chuckled, "Different in what way?"

Mindy took a moment to gather her thoughts before diving into the details of her day. "Well, the school is smaller than my previous one, and you can tell they operate on a tighter budget. But, you know what, Mom? It's not about the size or the fancy facilities. The people there are genuinely friendly. I even met Sophia."

Grace's eyes lit up, "That's wonderful, Mindy! Tell me more about Sophia. Is she in your classes?"