Stronger than you think

Mindy and Sophia strolled around the Eastwood High School compound during break time, the lively chatter of students surrounding them. The sun cast a warm glow, and a gentle breeze rustled the leaves of the trees, creating a serene atmosphere.

Sophia, ever the energetic companion, grinned at Mindy. "So, how's the grand tour of Eastwood treating you so far?"

Mindy smiled, appreciating the genuine interest in Sophia's question. "It's good, Sophia. I'm slowly getting the hang of things. Thanks for being my guide."

Sophia nudged her playfully. "Anytime! You're not just a new student; you're part of the Sophia guidance program. Now, spill. Anything else on your mind?"

Mindy hesitated for a moment before opening up. "Well, you know, my family and I have been going through some changes ever since we moved to the neighborhood. My mom is dealing with a lot right now."